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Five dead, at least 40 injured in UK parliament 'terrorist' attack


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6 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

I would argue that religion has little to do with why so many people give Islam a pass.

The reason why the left and Islam are in bed together is because 1.) Islam plays the victim card very well(and therefore fit into their little oppression pyramid perfectly) and 2.) they are as anti-West / anti-Christian as the leftists. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" and all that.

The funny thing is that once Islam dominates these weakened, leftist cesspools they will be cast aside and legitimately oppressed as we're starting to see.  

Christianity is a religion and you see how they're treated by the left so I really don't think religion has anything to do with it.


I recently saw this cartoon which so perfectly illustrates this exact issue.  Genius.




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22 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:


There are some posting here who are using figures to compare how many people muslims terrorists have killed, in western countries, compared with others killed/murdered by other than muslims.  


Similarly, they quote figures post 9/11, when quoting post 8/11 would give an entirely different result.


There will always be murders/manslaughter in our countries, committed by everyday people, for whatever reasons, so what we should be looking at is how many have been killed by muslim terrorist acts versus how many have been killed by other religious zealots.....IN THE NAME OF THEIR RELIGION!!!   That will give a far more accurate picture.


Others NIL.....muslims dozens, hundreds, perhaps thousands, and in the case of 9/11, almost three thousand.

You can search the number of deaths attributed to terrorists in Europe. By way of comparison during the IRA factions reign of terror after WW11 the number totalled more than 3,700 in the UK; during The Troubles 1800 murders.


By way of example, if you look at the graphs at the URL below, you will see the number of deaths attributed to terrorism in Europe by non Islamic groups from 1970 - 2016 far exceeds those by Islamist extremism, though that picture could easily change over the coming years.




These figures don't take into account the  8,000 plus killings in the Eastern Ukraine, nor the tens of thousands murdered during the breakup of the former Yugoslavia which IMO could be defined as an outcome of terrorism. 

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Just now, simple1 said:

You can search the number of deaths attributed to terrorists in Europe. By way of comparison during the IRA factions reign of terror after WW11 the number totalled more than 3,700 in the UK; during The Troubles 1800 murders.


By way of example, if you look at the graphs at the URL below, you will see the number of deaths attributed to terrorism in Europe by non Islamic groups from 1970 - 2016 far exceeds those by Islamist extremism, though that picture could easily change over the coming years.




These figures don't take into account the  8,000 plus killings in the Eastern Ukraine, nor the tens of thousands murdered during the breakup of the former Yugoslavia which IMO could be defined as an outcome of terrorism. 

I'm often amused by the stats some posters choose to post.


Using from 1970 in Europe but only post 9/11 in the US does no good for anybody's argument, and it's easy to see through..

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10 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

I'm often amused by the stats some posters choose to post.


Using from 1970 in Europe but only post 9/11 in the US does no good for anybody's argument, and it's easy to see through..

The topic & figures provided are in relation to Europe, not the US.

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9 minutes ago, simple1 said:

The topic & figures provided are in relation to Europe, not the US.

The figure of deaths caused by Islam since it's unfortunate founding is usually 250 million slaughtered in the name of Allah and the religion of peace.

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2 hours ago, vogie said:

You mention "haters on here" and ask if I am one of them, I am not an hater, but lets put the ball back in your court, what do you think I am? You appear to be a 'defender of Islam' and it is you sir that is in denial.


Churchill hit the nail on the head when he said "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.

Excellent answer to post l'll give you 7x7 = 49 likes. :clap2:

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For me, the most worrying thing is that this hatred and violence is home-grown.  It doesn't need to come from the Middle East any more.  It is coming from within the UK.


The fox is not outside the hen-house and trying to get in.  The fox is well and truly inside the hen-house, and there are a million other sleeping foxes inside that hen-house just waiting to attack.


Do you let a sleeping fox stay inside your hen-house with your defenceless chickens?

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3 minutes ago, simon43 said:

Do you let a sleeping fox stay inside your hen-house with your defenseless chickens?

Well the UK let the breeder of foxes in a long time ago,  and then the terrorism history began, they should of been left alone to kill each other off IMO. 

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7 minutes ago, simon43 said:

For me, the most worrying thing is that this hatred and violence is home-grown.  It doesn't need to come from the Middle East any more.  It is coming from within the UK.


The fox is not outside the hen-house and trying to get in.  The fox is well and truly inside the hen-house, and there are a million other sleeping foxes inside that hen-house just waiting to attack.


Do you let a sleeping fox stay inside your hen-house with your defenceless chickens?

Good analogy .  The reasoning that annoys me is that if you speak out against these Islams you are often called a racist and that as we all know is a difficult road . However these immigrants come to the UK ( and other countries ) without any intentions of integration , maintain their style of dress and religious beliefs and even try to convert others to their Islamic beliefs which entail acts that both discredit women and are against the British law . The Islams believe in their own law of Sharia  which they live by but is denied by the UK government .  Multiculturalism is unnatural and was never meant to be . Sooner or later there will be big problems as the Islamic population  continues to increase at a high rate with the intention , by their own admission , to rule the UK .   

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35 minutes ago, simon43 said:

For me, the most worrying thing is that this hatred and violence is home-grown.  It doesn't need to come from the Middle East any more.  It is coming from within the UK.


The fox is not outside the hen-house and trying to get in.  The fox is well and truly inside the hen-house, and there are a million other sleeping foxes inside that hen-house just waiting to attack.


Do you let a sleeping fox stay inside your hen-house with your defenceless chickens?

Not quite the case here.


Khalid Masood spent several years in Saudi Arabia.

Most imams in the UK have had foreign training.

The internet means anybody can watch a Salafist hate sermon preached in Saudi or Syria from the comfort of their council house in Rotherham or Luton.


Though I take your overall point. It is much easier for people raised in the UK to be programmed as suicide attackers as their presence and movements raise no suspicions.


Short of draconian security laws and internment, we have unfortunately created a problem for generations to come. Terrorism is just the public face. We have a society within a society which threatens many of our instutions and values. Child exploitation, benefit and tax fraud on an industrial scale and the corruption of trial by jury spring to mind.

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15 hours ago, 7by7 said:



Intolerance of others with different beliefs; teaching children to hate others because they have a different faith, ethnicity or sexuality is evil and must be stopped; wherever it occurs.


Could not agree with you more. Unfortunately if you think that one video is an exception,you are very wrong. As there are many instances,such as the state free school that went under the name of Al-Madinah in Derby, also I believe a number of state schools in Birmingham and elsewhere in the country. Many of them influenced and taken over by Muslim extremist in order to continue the brainwashing.



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15 hours ago, 7by7 said:

 As shown above; hate teaching is very common in Jewish schools as well, and even occurs in Christian schools.


I guess it's an Abrahamic religion thing; as all three religions are such and so have the same root teachings.

Hate teaching in Christian Schools? No, I don't think so. Withdraw or provide evidence of that.


However I want all faith schools closed. Religion is incompatible with education except in terms of anthropology and history.

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1 hour ago, nontabury said:


Thanks for demonstrating an example of your source of info. Interesting you quote the Patriots Defence League, an extreme right wing group whose membership has morphed from their original roots as an anti Semitic group into anti Muslim, as so many 'patriotic' groups do so.  The same group and their equivalent who bravely harass & assault Muslim women in the streets - despicable cowards.

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Bashing the messengers is a well used tactic of the left. They seem to think it somehow dllutes or discredits / disproves the message. It doesn't. They not only do this with extremist groups such as the BNP, EDL etc, but with legitimate arguably centrist parties such as UKIP and even the Tory's, and even attack media sources that disagree or contradict them such as the constant bashing of The Daily Mail or Fox News, Bretibart etc. It is not relevent who is quoted or who reports it, it only matters if it is factual or not. Disagreeing or being "offended" by something does not make it untrue. Another thing that needs to be taken into consideration is that quite often the "less desirables" amongst us (ie Tommy Robinson, Milo Yiannopoulis etc) are more vocal about the message as they are not filtered by PC and the liberal thought police. Quite often what these people say is not only the truth but what a large portion of the population also thinks and agrees with but would not dare say in public themselves out of fear of being branded any number of slurs by the loony left.

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Since this thread is about an attack in the UK, not Europe or the US, can somebody do some research on how many people have been killed by islamic terrorists versus how many people have been killed by terrorist attacks by ALL other religions, in the name of their religion, in the UK only.

If this is not just an islam problem, there should be about 19 times more killings by other religions, assuming 5% of the population is muslim.

I don't have sufficient time to do the research for a few days.

Perhaps it's somewhere in the previous 22 pages?

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39 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Thanks for demonstrating an example of your source of info. Interesting you quote the Patriots Defence League, an extreme right wing group whose membership has morphed from their original roots as an anti Semitic group into anti Muslim, as so many 'patriotic' groups do so.  The same group and their equivalent who bravely harass & assault Muslim women in the streets - despicable cowards.


40 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Thanks for demonstrating an example of your source of info. Interesting you quote the Patriots Defence League, an extreme right wing group whose membership has morphed from their original roots as an anti Semitic group into anti Muslim, as so many 'patriotic' groups do so.  The same group and their equivalent who bravely harass & assault Muslim women in the streets - despicable cowards.

I don't know what your on about,unfortunately TV is not allowing me to go back to my post,that you are replying to.

 If it's in regard to my question regarding the FACT that there are more Buddhist in Australia than Muslims,yet while there have been many instances of Muslim terrorist atrocities in Australia,so far as I am aware,there have been no Buddhist terrorist acts in Australia. Perhaps you know otherwise,if so please educated us to those instances.

  For your benefit  I obtained that information from 



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49 minutes ago, nontabury said:


I don't know what your on about,unfortunately TV is not allowing me to go back to my post,that you are replying to.

 If it's in regard to my question regarding the FACT that there are more Buddhist in Australia than Muslims,yet while there have been many instances of Muslim terrorist atrocities in Australia,so far as I am aware,there have been no Buddhist terrorist acts in Australia. Perhaps you know otherwise,if so please educated us to those instances.

  For your benefit  I obtained that information from 



As a reminder you linked to a foul mouthed hate speech  'poster' published by one of the extreme far right 'patriotic' groups in Oz. Oz is off topic, but if the Mods permit I will say there have been terror attacks in Oz by white extremists and a Hindu group resulting in death. As with elsewhere in the Western world, there is current warning for both far right and Islamic terror (arrests of both in recent times in Oz). Islamic being the majority. Don't know why you linked to David Bolt (to the right of centre political commentator) who has a hate speech conviction, but was permitted to appear of the dreaded 'lefties' ABC.


Again off topic, you would be aware of Buddhist State sponsored terror attacks in Myanmar (against Christians and Muslims) and by incitement in Sri Lanka, though not Oz. However, one of the most notorious Islamic terrorists in Oz (Cambodian origin) converted from Buddhism and joined ISIS, later arrested trying to cross the border back into Turkey and now facing trial In Turkey.


In response to the poster above defending cowardly behaviour of the far right, so far as I'm aware hate speech and incitement / support for violence is illegal in Western countries, such sentiments have been regularly expressed on TV.

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4 hours ago, transam said:

That is daft.........


I don't even know what my wife is thinking, yet you know what folk from a different ideology you meet does...:laugh:

I can't comment on the lack of understanding you have with your wife....  Maybe you don't have Muslims as colleagues or friends?  Having worked and lived in London for many years, I'm fortunate enough to have friends and colleagues who are Muslim, as well as Jews, Hindus and even a few born-again Christians.  

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7 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

I can't comment on the lack of understanding you have with your wife....  Maybe you don't have Muslims as colleagues or friends?  Having worked and lived in London for many years, I'm fortunate enough to have friends and colleagues who are Muslim, as well as Jews, Hindus and even a few born-again Christians.  

Me too, but I don't know what they are really thinking, nor do you...

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12 minutes ago, simple1 said:

As a reminder you linked to a foul mouthed hate speech  'poster' published by one of the extreme far right 'patriotic' groups in Oz


so far as I'm aware hate speech and incitement / support for violence is illegal in Western countries, such sentiments have been regularly expressed on TV.


An example of attacking the messenger in order to discredit the message... It is the second time you have done this now, if the "hate speech" is not factual, then attack that, it is irrelevent who said it. And as for "hate speech", here's the problem. There is no legal definition of hate speech. Nowdays the left label anything that contradicts or challenges their views as "hate speech". All you have to do is look at the insanity currently prevailing on USA university campuses to know this. You can't start legally defining what is "offensive" (or not) because "offence taking" is a purely subjective thing (what offends me may not offend you etc) and nobody has the right to not be offended in a free society. Once you start policing that, it very quickly becomes a very slippery slope.

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13 minutes ago, 348GTS said:


An example of attacking the messenger in order to discredit the message... It is the second time you have done this now, if the "hate speech" is not factual, then attack that, it is irrelevent who said it. And as for "hate speech", here's the problem. There is no legal definition of hate speech. Nowdays the left label anything that contradicts or challenges their views as "hate speech". All you have to do is look at the insanity currently prevailing on USA university campuses to know this. You can't start legally defining what is "offensive" (or not) because "offence taking" is a purely subjective thing (what offends me may not offend you etc) and nobody has the right to not be offended in a free society. Once you start policing that, it very quickly becomes a very slippery slope.

Do you know the group that was quoted and the content posted? If you do and find such messaging and activity perfectly acceptable we have very different standards. And 'Yes', so long as permitted by the Mods,  I will counter the messengers of bigotry towards all Muslims who permeate this forum.

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2 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Do you know the group that was quoted and the content posted? If you do and find such messaging and activity perfectly acceptable we have very different standards. And 'Yes', so long as permitted by the Mods,  I will counter the messengers of bigotry towards all Muslims who permeate this forum.

I have NO bigotry towards ALL Muslims...Never have regarding ANYONE following a religion....BUT, there is NOW one religion that wants to kill anything that moves via an offshoot of it.........FACT.......If this "offshoot" were not doing their murderous stuff we could all relax, military stay home.......

If YOU and the other bloke want to protect these folk, that is up to you....

Usually the other bloke calls me a racist because I don't like the "offshoot" of the religion that is killing, raping innocent folk for absolutely nothing...Just an interpretation of a book...


Thank goodness Jehovah Witness folk didn't find a killing thing in their book...

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17 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Do you know the group that was quoted and the content posted? If you do and find such messaging and activity perfectly acceptable we have very different standards. And 'Yes', so long as permitted by the Mods,  I will counter the messengers of bigotry towards all Muslims who permeate this forum.


The issue is not with the group or the content, the point was about attacking the messenger in order to invalidate the message. You're now trying to justify it by assuming what I find "perfectly acceptable" and making judgements as to what my "standards" are in a manner to make yourself appear to be morally superior. Again, completely irrelevent to the point at hand.  A point which you apparently missed because you're now attacking people on the forum who have a different view to you as "bigots".Which is ironic, seeing as the definition of bigot according to the Oxford dictionary is "a person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions".... ie you.  What we have here is a textbook liberal.



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28 minutes ago, 348GTS said:


The issue is not with the group or the content, the point was about attacking the messenger in order to invalidate the message. You're now trying to justify it by assuming what I find "perfectly acceptable" and making judgements as to what my "standards" are in a manner to make yourself appear to be morally superior. Again, completely irrelevent to the point at hand.  A point which you apparently missed because you're now attacking people on the forum who have a different view to you as "bigots".Which is ironic, seeing as the definition of bigot according to the Oxford dictionary is "a person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions".... ie you.  What we have here is a textbook liberal.



You're playing word games to justify your bigotry and from memory your extreme vilification posts towards all Muslims. Moving along no point going further as refute your assumptions and disagree with your POV.

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