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Thousands demonstrate in London against leaving the EU


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6 minutes ago, sotsira said:

Tommy Robinson attends the anti Brexit march to ask those present a few simple questions.



Well that just shows me that nutters are alive and well in the UK....They ain't got a clue what they are protesting about......Probably worried their iPhone won't work after brexit....

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5 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


A suggestion cannot be a lie.  Also, we are still paying into the EU so that suggestion cannot have happened yet according to the Gospel on the side of the bus.


Who wouldn't want to fund the NHS?  Oh that's right, Remoaners because you used your vote to make sure that the NHS got zero extra funding.  You voted for no change.  Only now are you all so concerned about the NHS.  Total hypocrites who don't care about the NHS, you just don't like to not get your own way so you bring up "the bus" on every Brexit discussion.

It was not exclusively on the bus, it appeared on vote leave website

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2 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


A suggestion cannot be a lie.  Also, we are still paying into the EU so that suggestion cannot have happened yet according to the Gospel on the side of the bus.


Who wouldn't want to fund the NHS?  Oh that's right, Remoaners because you used your vote to make sure that the NHS got zero extra funding.  You voted for no change.  Only now are you all so concerned about the NHS.  Total hypocrites who don't care about the NHS, you just don't like to not get your own way so you bring up "the bus" on every Brexit discussion.

It was probably the single most prominent feature of the OUT campaign and you would have difficulty naming someone at the top of the Brexit campaign that didn't have his photograph standing in front of the big red bus,

However just like all the promises at the time no sooner that the campaign was over then it became only a suggestion. Just like immigration numbers. no we never said we would reduce immigration numbers only control, at that stage the interviewer shook his head in disbelief and burst out laughing

Just like remaining members of the single market hardly weeks had passed before that too was jettisoned.

As for your so called concern for the NHS I will take that the same way all the major promises of the OUT campaign have been jettisoned. 

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38 minutes ago, sotsira said:

Tommy Robinson attends the anti Brexit march to ask those present a few simple questions.




How lucky is it that these idiots didn't win??  I'm shocked that every single one of them didn't mention "the bus".


This just shows that the 48% were not informed about what they were voting on, they based all of their views on feelings.


How many of the 48% who had these views last June have since become more aware of what they were voting on and would now vote to Leave?


How many of the 48% who were scared and blackmailed into voting Remain now see that it was all a pack of lies and would now vote Leave?


I haven't heard on social media from one person who voted Leave who would now change their vote.  I've seen many people who voted Remain say that they would now vote Leave.


In a few years when we have left the EU and all is well with the UK and the remaining EU members are going through hell, what will these people say?  Nothing, they will claim credit for everything that happened in a sick twisted way.


But their children will thank us for getting out of the EU mafia despite their idiot parent's naive views and ideas of the world.

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9 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


How lucky is it that these idiots didn't win??  I'm shocked that every single one of them didn't mention "the bus".


This just shows that the 48% were not informed about what they were voting on, they based all of their views on feelings.


How many of the 48% who had these views last June have since become more aware of what they were voting on and would now vote to Leave?


How many of the 48% who were scared and blackmailed into voting Remain now see that it was all a pack of lies and would now vote Leave?


I haven't heard on social media from one person who voted Leave who would now change their vote.  I've seen many people who voted Remain say that they would now vote Leave.


In a few years when we have left the EU and all is well with the UK and the remaining EU members are going through hell, what will these people say?  Nothing, they will claim credit for everything that happened in a sick twisted way.


But their children will thank us for getting out of the EU mafia despite their idiot parent's naive views and ideas of the world.

All these people on this thread who throw their weight behind convicted fraudster and unashamed racist Stephen Yaxley-Lennon is disturbing. Regardless of where you stand on Brexit, surely all decent people, both for and against the EU, should be horrified at the thought of being aligned with this piece of human trash?

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1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:

All these people on this thread who throw their weight behind convicted fraudster and unashamed racist Stephen Yaxley-Lennon is disturbing. Regardless of where you stand on Brexit, surely all decent people, both for and against the EU, should be horrified at the thought of being aligned with this piece of human trash?


The usual name calling to avoid the points.  It is quite amazing to me that after the last year of events to show you how shutting down every discussion with name calling and shaming has led us to this current situation, and yet you haven't learnt a thing.  Please continue to call everyone who doesn't agree with you racists, bigots and Nazis instead of actually discussing the issues at hand.


Why not discuss the actual point of the video, the fact that all of these people have zero clue what they are protesting about and based their views on feelings and instead of discusssing their "cause" they use threatening language and behaviour?

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1 hour ago, pitrevie said:

Why was that the only thing that I said but of course you chose to ignore the rest. However I like Professor Michael Dougan's description the best when he said that there were those in on the remain said did lie and exaggerate but nothing compared to the industrial scale that came out of the Brexit side. 

The bus etc had no bearing on my decision as my mind was made up from the onset. It serves as yet another pop at the intellect of the majority.

Edited by evadgib
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4 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


The usual name calling to avoid the points.  It is quite amazing to me that after the last year of events to show you how shutting down every discussion with name calling and shaming has led us to this current situation, and yet you haven't learnt a thing.  Please continue to call everyone who doesn't agree with you racists, bigots and Nazis instead of actually discussing the issues at hand.


Why not discuss the actual point of the video, the fact that all of these people have zero clue what they are protesting about and based their views on feelings and instead of discusssing their "cause" they use threatening language and behaviour?

I never called you anything, but if you think that you and he are on the same wavelength then I will give you the benefit of the doubt and let you research him. If, however, you are fully aware of what he is like, and if you still see yourself as aligned to him then I think that you and I are so massively far apart on basic things like decency, that we would not benefit from further debate.


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2 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

I never called you anything, but if you think that you and he are on the same wavelength then I will give you the benefit of the doubt and let you research him. If, however, you are fully aware of what he is like, and if you still see yourself as aligned to him then I think that you and I are so massively far apart on basic things like decency, that we would not benefit from further debate.


I don't care about him or anything he has to say or do, you are the one who seems obsessed about the reporter instead of the report.


What is important is the views of the people at this protest.  These people are idiots and have no idea what they are doing, and if this is what the 48% think then we were so lucky that they didn't win, right?

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1 hour ago, transam said:

Well that just shows me that nutters are alive and well in the UK....They ain't got a clue what they are protesting about......Probably worried their iPhone won't work after brexit....


My daughter (who is at uni) voted remain. I asked her why. She said her foreign travel would be restricted if we leave the EU. I told her it wouldn't, she told me all her uni friends said it would :blink:

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1 minute ago, Khun Han said:


My daughter (who is at uni) voted remain. I asked her why. She said her foreign travel would be restricted if we leave the EU. I told her it wouldn't, she told me all her uni friends said it would :blink:


I've yet to see any videos of Remainers who have done any real research on what they say they believe in.  Their views are based on emotions and peer pressure.

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4 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

I don't care about him or anything he has to say or do, you are the one who seems obsessed about the reporter instead of the report.


What is important is the views of the people at this protest.

I admit to being obsessed that he is being held up as a spokesman for any right thinking person - it defies belief, a bit like if the vegetatrian society was to ask Hitler to speak on their behalf.

Give me time to watch the video properly and I will revert. I cannot promise to do so in a timeframe that satisfies you because I noticed that you are quite impatient, but trust me, I will reply.


7 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

 These people are idiots and have no idea what they are doing, and if this is what the 48% think then we were so lucky that they didn't win, right?

What was it you were saying about name calling?

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1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:

I admit to being obsessed that he is being held up as a spokesman for any right thinking person - it defies belief, a bit like if the vegetatrian society was to ask Hitler to speak on their behalf.

Give me time to watch the video properly and I will revert. I cannot promise to do so in a timeframe that satisfies you because I noticed that you are quite impatient, but trust me, I will reply.


What was it you were saying about name calling?


Watch the video and you will be unable to disagree that these people are idiots in the literal definition of the word.

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5 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


Watch the video and you will be unable to disagree that these people are idiots in the literal definition of the word.

Funny thing is, these views haven't improved since the day of the vote.


This video was straight after the referendum;



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3 hours ago, KunMatt said:

Boris Johnson wasn't the PM during the referendum campaigns.  The guy was who the PM stated several times that voting to leave the EU meant voting to leave the single market.


All of this "soft Brexit" nonsense only started after the vote by Remoaners desperate to keep us in the EU as much as possible.


2 hours ago, transam said:

Well that just shows me that nutters are alive and well in the UK....They ain't got a clue what they are protesting about......Probably worried their iPhone won't work after brexit....

And the out camp are numpties? Oh Lordy! :cheesy:

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1 hour ago, nauseus said:
4 hours ago, KunMatt said:

Boris Johnson wasn't the PM during the referendum campaigns.  The guy was who the PM stated several times that voting to leave the EU meant voting to leave the single market.


All of this "soft Brexit" nonsense only started after the vote by Remoaners desperate to keep us in the EU as much as possible.


3 hours ago, transam said:

Well that just shows me that nutters are alive and well in the UK....They ain't got a clue what they are protesting about......Probably worried their iPhone won't work after brexit....

And the out camp are numpties? Oh Lordy! :cheesy:


Yes, but surveys prove that most of these people went to university and have degrees. Don't you understand that they are well educated numpties, they are middle class numpties. How dare you compare them to those nasty lower class numpties who made up 99.9999999% of the leave vote. :laugh:

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4 hours ago, sotsira said:

Tommy Robinson attends the anti Brexit march to ask those present a few simple questions.



Please don't bring in the truly appalling TR. This is a nice forum. We don't want that ******* **** here thank you

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4 hours ago, KunMatt said:


A suggestion cannot be a lie.  Also, we are still paying into the EU so that suggestion cannot have happened yet according to the Gospel on the side of the bus.


Who wouldn't want to fund the NHS?  Oh that's right, Remoaners because you used your vote to make sure that the NHS got zero extra funding.  You voted for no change.  Only now are you all so concerned about the NHS.  Total hypocrites who don't care about the NHS, you just don't like to not get your own way so you bring up "the bus" on every Brexit discussion.

Hillarious! Did you see the Con Party's recent budget attempt? Make the self employed pay more to cover the NHS deficit and at the same time cut taxes for the wealthy! Eat that numpties!

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3 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

All these people on this thread who throw their weight behind convicted fraudster and unashamed racist Stephen Yaxley-Lennon is disturbing. Regardless of where you stand on Brexit, surely all decent people, both for and against the EU, should be horrified at the thought of being aligned with this piece of human trash?

English Defence League Nazi

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2 hours ago, KunMatt said:


I've yet to see any videos of Remainers who have done any real research on what they say they believe in.  Their views are based on emotions and peer pressure.

I don't think we do polemic videos


You can read a few reasons why I chose remain on the other thread.


Sit down and have a cup of tea and a biscuit first ?

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On 3/26/2017 at 11:36 PM, KunMatt said:

The UK has bar fines??  I believe you are grasping at straws there. 


You were the one who said you only cared about yourself and your pension which is why you wanted the UK to remain in the EU.  I'm glad your selfish nature and views were not held by the majority of voters in the UK.


Most people in the UK voted for the best interests of the UK.  I doubt you'd understand given your previous statement.


And if you are living hand to mouth at your age so that a 10% decrease in a pension because of the exchange rate wrecks your whole life in Thailand, then who's fault is that??  Clearly you cannot afford or have the means to live abroad so we will welcome you back to the new UK soon.  :)

I am a European first and a Brit second. I value my European identity, so there is nothing selfish about my post. I left the UK 50 years ago. I don't have a pension and for your information. I was mainly referring to the many Brits here who are suffering from a devalued pound. We live in Thailand. Thailand is our home and not the UK. so why would why should we care about what happens there. All this talk about Patriotism is a bit out  dated. We live in a global world.. My objection was to the rather childish posts about bar fines and the crude and childish insults  against those 48% who chose to remain. I was not one of them . I welcome the UK departure from the EU. I think it will be much better without them. My only regret  is that I was stupid enough to hold some of my  investments in the UK. I never expected that Brits would be stupid enough to leave the EU.  As for the 10% decrease in my savings you mentioned. I can assure you that I have more than enough to live the lavish  lifestyle I am used to.

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46 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I don't think we do polemic videos


You can read a few reasons why I chose remain on the other thread.


Sit down and have a cup of tea and a biscuit first ?


You've been wrong about absolutely everything (Brexit, Trump, the EU), so who cares what you think about anything any more?

Although having said that you are good for predicting what won't happen so please tell me you are against Le Pen winning.  I'd love to know she has your reverse backing.

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28 minutes ago, gamini said:

I am a European first and a Brit second. I value my European identity, so there is nothing selfish about my post. I left the UK 50 years ago. I don't have a pension and for your information. I was mainly referring to the many Brits here who are suffering from a devalued pound. We live in Thailand. Thailand is our home and not the UK. so why would why should we care about what happens there. All this talk about Patriotism is a bit out  dated. We live in a global world.. My objection was to the rather childish posts about bar fines and the crude and childish insults  against those 48% who chose to remain. I was not one of them . I welcome the UK departure from the EU. I think it will be much better without them. My only regret  is that I was stupid enough to hold some of my  investments in the UK. I never expected that Brits would be stupid enough to leave the EU.  As for the 10% decrease in my savings you mentioned. I can assure you that I have more than enough to live the lavish  lifestyle I am used to.


Stopped reading at "European".  Don't tell me you are another one of these Remainers who doesn't understand the difference between the EU and Europe?


Britain is not leaving Europe.   We will still be European.  We are leaving an overbearing dictatorship that wants to establish a European federation, something which we have just hopefully stopped by being smart enough to vote to leave.


You understand all of this, right?  You can still be European first and British second, whatever you think that really entails.

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31 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


You've been wrong about absolutely everything (Brexit, Trump, the EU), so who cares what you think about anything any more?

Although having said that you are good for predicting what won't happen so please tell me you are against Le Pen winning.  I'd love to know she has your reverse backing.

You are really unpleasant 


I won't ignore you, just keep you on my Orc wall ?


Hope you feel feel better soon. Have you tried Prozac or The Famous Grouse?


( Mods, I don't intend to be offensive, but I felt obliged to respond to the flame)

Edited by Grouse
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1 minute ago, Grouse said:

You are really unpleasant 


I won't ignore you, just keep you on my Orc wall ?


Hope you feel feel better soon. Have you tried Prozac or The Famous Grouse?


Oh, look who can dish it out but runs away when it comes back to him!  Hahahaha


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31 minutes ago, Grouse said:

You are really unpleasant 


I won't ignore you, just keep you on my Orc wall ?


Hope you feel feel better soon. Have you tried Prozac or The Famous Grouse?


( Mods, I don't intend to be offensive, but I felt obliged to respond to the flame)


In every thread you are arrogant, condescending and insulting to anyone who dares to have an opposing view to you, but as soon as you find yourself stumped you play the mod card and pretend to be the victim.


I've no doubt that the mods are well aware of your behaviour so running to them on this occasion will do nothing for you.

More and more of your character is being exposed.  This was just pathetic.

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10 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


In every thread you are arrogant, condescending and insulting to anyone who dares to have an opposing view to you, but as soon as you find yourself stumped you play the mod card and pretend to be the victim.


I've no doubt that the mods are well aware of your behaviour so running to them on this occasion will do nothing for you.

More and more of your character is being exposed.  This was just pathetic.

Good night!

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Funny thing is, these views haven't improved since the day of the vote.
This video was straight after the referendum;

OK, so I watched the video and found the guy to be as every bit as reprehensible as I would expect a fascist, racist, convicted fraudster, wife beater and serial fantasist to be.

As for the people he interviewed, hardly the best of Britain, I must agree. As I don't feel that any of those people come close to representing me or any other pro-European person I know, I can only assume that Yaxley-Lennon or whatever he calls himself these days, is guilty of selective targeting or selective editing.

I still stand by my point though. You could have the most cast iron, watertight argument in the world. If you have to resort to that piece of filth to back it up, you are either struggling or lacking imagination. Can we just leave the EDL and its scum members out of this thread?
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