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Possible Venues For Tv Piss-ups!


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all of you with a camel hair allergy are reminded to stay away from April 20th recon....

Any reason why in particular 'camel hair allergy'? :D Is it because it might get up someones 'hump'? :D:D

Kerry might bring his fiancee from the 'stan.... :o

I doubt that he'd disappoint his regulars at Jenny's. :D

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I doubt that he'd disappoint his regulars at Jenny's. :o

Ahhhh, taking a break from your shift at Jenny's I see ? I've heard that you've been dancing yer @ss off there, trying to regain your #1 spot ! :D

Alas, with you and Shirley not there, Jenny's holds little interest for me. I am forced to spend my time in establishments of a slightly higher class (ones that an afford to hire real girls) !

Unfortunately, none of those places are really suitable for TV meetings. :D

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KerryD I'm quite sure you can arrange one of the alternative pissup venues - start a thread, dare say it might attract interest of some sorts. Party at Polo(s) and special member can volunteer to be on stage as part of the Polo show. :D

Hahaha, I did that to one of our guys after we finished the job in Kabul. Bunch of us were in Pattaya, and I took a few of them to Polo. Slipped a couple of my female friends a tip, and suddenly they were dragging this one unsuspecting guy up on stage and chaining him up.

Being a Canadian, when it got to the end and they yanked his pants down, he just stood there letting the crowd get an eyeful. Not like the Asian guys they sometimes get up there that almost go beserk trying to get their pants pulled up before anyone sees them.

But yeah, not exactly the kind of place to hold a PissUp (at least not for the stalwart, upstanding members of this board !). Hmm, I may have to arrange two birthday parties this year............. :o

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Maybe u scared them rocco

not long to the next recon now

Too long for me ! I'm about 2 weeks and 6 or so hours away from being able to attend a recce or any other event for that matter ! :D

In the meantime, the rest of you fine folks can go on down to Jenny's and cheer on brit as he dances up a storm ! :o

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Maybe u scared them rocco

not long to the next recon now

Too long for me ! I'm about 2 weeks and 6 or so hours away from being able to attend a recce or any other event for that matter ! :D

In the meantime, the rest of you fine folks can go on down to Jenny's and cheer on brit as he dances up a storm ! :D

Sadly Kerryd - you'll have to take up the reigns with Daleyboy for dancing at Jenny's!!! :o

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Sadly Kerryd - you'll have to take up the reigns with Daleyboy for dancing at Jenny's!!! :o

What, you've retired (again) ?!?!? Or is some nice farang man going to send you money every month so you no longer "have" to work there ? :D

You heading home soon or something like that ?

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If you missed the recon last night at Gullivers then you missed a good time. Glad to see the Usual Supects plus some new faces. Bert came out and looked like he was having a good time as for once he was not the host and could concentrate on having a good time (i.e. drinking). Mr Buffalo was our newest piss up attendee hope to see him again. All in all I think there was 10 of us.

Well as for my critique of Gulliver's on a scale of 1 to 10. Accessibilty 4 (once the construction next door is completed then there will only be Beach Road parking), Members 0 (not affilated with T.V.),

Facilities 8 (very big inside, pool tables, and clean bathrooms), Atmosphere 7 (nice decor but the music left a lot to be desired), Food & Beverage 7 (Pasta dinner was a 6, good assortment of drinks, medium priced) My overall rating would be a 6 for an official piss up.

Hope to see you at next weeks venue....Lake Mabprachan Resort or as some of us like to call it , Monty's Place.

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I'm with Rdrokit what the good times is concerend, but my overall ranking of the place is lower.

Accessibility is poor, no parking whatsoever - ok three spots in front of the place.

The interrior is this run off the mill Pub design that crates this artificial cozyness of a train station waiting hall. Music was awful and too loud for communication. Mrs. Bazmlb (sorry again for confusing you with Buriramgirl... :D ) had Spaghetties and was not much impressed.

The inofficial part afterwards was much better.... :o

Nice meeting you also, Mr. Buffalo, welcome to the club!

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Yes Rdrokit it was nice to get away from the bar for a while and have a good time. I feel it unfair I should comment on other venues, so what about next week!!!. Ive never been out to the lake ( Montys ) but feel we should support TV sponsors. So for those who would like to go and dont want to drive out I will lay on transport frome here ( share costs ) you can if you wish meet here and leave your cars here. Please just post it if you need transport.

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I'm with Rdrokit what the good times is concerend, but my overall ranking of the place is lower.

Accessibility is poor, no parking whatsoever - ok three spots in front of the place.

The interrior is this run off the mill Pub design that crates this artificial cozyness of a train station waiting hall. Music was awful and too loud for communication. Mrs. Bazmlb (sorry again for confusing you with Buriramgirl... :D ) had Spaghetties and was not much impressed.

The inofficial part afterwards was much better.... :o

Nice meeting you also, Mr. Buffalo, welcome to the club!

for once mr.raro, i am in total agreement with you.


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I had been to this venue previously. But like other times it fails to impress, bit like a movie set...false and cold (and I don't mean the air con)! :o

I had pasta but its was nothing to write home about. Beer and the company was great so all you guys/gals who didn't make it missed a good time. :D

The venue as it stands would be unable to meet the need for parking.


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In all fairness, the food I had was delicious and the prices were competitive with all the other venues we have checked out to date.

But, as begs said, the parking in the construction lot next door is available today, but who knows when it's going away. It is not owned by Gullivers.

The manager never heard of Thai Visa.

If you like loud hip hop music, the same type you hear at 10,000 bars out in town, then Gullivers is the place for you.

And finally, I agree with Raro in his assessment "artificial cozyness of a train station".

In my opinion, this one gets an 8 on the "Stinkometer"


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Well the place was nice food was good and large servings, a lot better than Jamesons IMHO, especially on prices and ventilation.

Parking would be an issue even if the building site was open could you imagine trying to park there if it rained?

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Well the place was nice food was good and large servings, a lot better than Jamesons IMHO, especially on prices and ventilation.

Parking would be an issue even if the building site was open could you imagine trying to park there if it rained?

I am not sure what the plan is for the area immediately next to Gullivers in terms of parking but it sure is a mess at the moment......maybe nearer the time of the Official Pissup things will be a little clearer. :o

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Well the place was nice food was good and large servings, a lot better than Jamesons IMHO, especially on prices and ventilation.

Parking would be an issue even if the building site was open could you imagine trying to park there if it rained?

I am not sure what the plan is for the area immediately next to Gullivers in terms of parking but it sure is a mess at the moment......maybe nearer the time of the Official Pissup things will be a little clearer. :o

and a lot more blurred right after it

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Well the place was nice food was good and large servings, a lot better than Jamesons IMHO, especially on prices and ventilation.

Parking would be an issue even if the building site was open could you imagine trying to park there if it rained?

I am not sure what the plan is for the area immediately next to Gullivers in terms of parking but it sure is a mess at the moment......maybe nearer the time of the Official Pissup things will be a little clearer. :D

and a lot more blurred right after it

I think I see what you mean :o

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Yes Rdrokit it was nice to get away from the bar for a while and have a good time. I feel it unfair I should comment on other venues, so what about next week!!!. Ive never been out to the lake ( Montys ) but feel we should support TV sponsors. So for those who would like to go and dont want to drive out I will lay on transport frome here ( share costs ) you can if you wish meet here and leave your cars here. Please just post it if you need transport.


Sounds like a good idea. would be nice to have a designated driver. Count me and the GF.


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Secrets isn't a bad venue - granted parking is non-existent. I was up there with the gf and we had a good time. Food isn't bad and the prices of drinks are reasonable. There are ladies there, but they never were any bother like other venues.

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Secrets isn't a bad venue - granted parking is non-existent. I was up there with the gf and we had a good time. Food isn't bad and the prices of drinks are reasonable. There are ladies there, but they never were any bother like other venues.

OOOOhhhhhh Brit ! You traitor !

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Secrets isn't a bad venue - granted parking is non-existent. I was up there with the gf and we had a good time. Food isn't bad and the prices of drinks are reasonable. There are ladies there, but they never were any bother like other venues.

OOOOhhhhhh Brit ! You traitor !

Nah just a suggestion, take it for what its worth. :o

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Map to this Friday's venue, Lake Mabprachan Resort:


doubt i'll be able to make it as had a bad car crash driving back from Cambodia yesterday, and my truck is in a garage the other side of Rayong somewhere for the forseeable future.


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doubt i'll be able to make it as had a bad car crash driving back from Cambodia yesterday, and my truck is in a garage the other side of Rayong somewhere for the forseeable future.


ouch! Hope you and all the other passengers are fine!

You're not living far from us, so If you need a ride, give me a call!

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only myself and the wife in the car luckily, no real damage to us, but the truck is a different story, wife has just got off the phone with the insurance firm, and truck won't be fixed till after songkran.

Lucky you got out uninjured...

Bad time for any work to be done, pretty much everybody disappears for at least 10 days in the Songkran period. April is the month of the delays :o

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