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Video: Toyota Yaris driver in coma after miraculous escape


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1 hour ago, elgordo38 said:

Who peed in your cereal today??

no one but to be fare, we all take our lives in our own hand here at the mercy of the Thai people with there careless attitude and extremely poor driving ability.:shock1: either of us good be killed in a heartbeat either waiting at a red traffic light or waiting in the middle of the road waiting to turn right only to be wiped out from be hide by some speeding nutcase playing with his phone. then its RIP

Edited by catman20
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15 minutes ago, bannork said:

Undertaking sounds too close to undertaker for my liking but I've often done it myself because a truck or slow car is hogging the middle and/or the right hand lane. 

was she not undertaking on the hard should where a truck was broken down ?????????

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Just now, catman20 said:

was she not undertaking on the hard should where a truck was broken down ?????????

Yes, obviously one should never undertake on the hard shoulder unless the road ahead is clear, but one still runs the risk of suddenly coming up against a motorbike/bicycle car/pulling out from a side road with nowhere to go to avoid colliding  with it.

In this particular case there was no need for the driver to undertake, simply bad driving.

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9 minutes ago, Happy Grumpy said:

Rice fields to roads, way too quickly. 

The extraordinary development of Thailand in 40 years is amazing. When my wife was a child, she would have to cycle to the local town 10 km away on a dirt road. Dusty and rutted in the dry season, a muddy quagmire in the rainy season, to go there and back in a day meant a long, bumpy and strenuous journey.

Now in our pick-up, she can get to town in less than 15 minutes, comfortable with air-con and some morlam on the radio.

Obviously laws and driver education haven't kept abreast with the changes in technology. It will take time but hopefully the public airing on social media of careless and downright dangerous driving practices will lead to greater awareness and stricter laws regarding driving.

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2 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

Undertaking isn't illegal in Thailand, on this type of road at least, but I think it bloody well should be !!


The people treat it like they can drive at any speed in any lane !! Hence all the zigzagging, we all see it every day.


Undertaking isn't illegal in the US and yet people have the common sense to make it work.


Yet, here ...... well as we all see....disrespect for other road users ending in carnage !!


I hope the young lady recovers and takes some driving lessons before getting behind the wheel again .

I keep repeating myself but undertaking is not legal on the hard shoulder in Thailand only when traffic is stationery.  It also states that in the latest theory test

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8 hours ago, docshock13 said:

Though nothing to do with the accident, those bikes are a nuisance and real hazard to themselves and other motorists. 

Maybe they did contribute, the accident wasn't caught on camera.

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5 hours ago, whatawonderfulday said:

Undertaking is illegal in Thailand so was she aware ?  Was she wearing a seatbelt and had she passed her driving test legally.  These questions never appear to be answered in most traffic accidents highlighted. So if the answer is no to any one of those questions then all I would say is "what goes round comes round"

Sorry but undertaking is quite legal in Thailand provided the lanes that allow travel in the same direction are marked traffic lanes, such as they are where this driver was overtaking (undertaking).  Nothing illegal except the manner in which she was driving and the excessive speed she appeared to be  travelling at.:wai:

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When you drive in this idiot country, many times you have to pass on the left because those boneheads are driving in the passing lane.  I drive many times from Pattaya to Nakhon Phanom and back and I can tell you that on the divided highways I have overtaken on the left close to 50% because those retards are clueless, most of them wouldn't have any problems driving in my country because they like to drive on the right.  I get pissed off every time and sometimes I wish that I would be driving a big Sherman tank and drive over those brain dead children.

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7 hours ago, Cuchulainn said:

No tears shed in this household for a lane-weaving, speeding moron like that.

She went into the inside lane once, she wasn't "lane-weaving".  What speed was she doing?

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3 hours ago, spiritr7 said:

Correct they should be in the inside or at most middle lane tossers they ALL like to sit outside lane 

Correct?  Were the other lanes unoccupied?  Are no vehicles allowed in the right-hand lanes?

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3 hours ago, catman20 said:

feel sorry for her????????? you would not be saying if she had hit you cos of her poor driving skills, we can all be thank full no one else was involved.

Two other vehicles were involved!

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1 hour ago, whatawonderfulday said:

the Thai traffic law and latest theory test states you should not !!


Here's the official rules.


Section 45 (400-1000B)
[No driver shall overtake another vehicle from the left-side unless:
a. the vehicle to be overtaken is making a right turn or has given a signal that he is going to make a right turn
b. the roadway is arranged with two or more traffic lanes in the same direction.]:wai:

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26 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


Here's the official rules.


Section 45 (400-1000B)
[No driver shall overtake another vehicle from the left-side unless:
a. the vehicle to be overtaken is making a right turn or has given a signal that he is going to make a right turn
b. the roadway is arranged with two or more traffic lanes in the same direction.]:wai:

Sorry but you are looking at outdated rules.

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2 hours ago, catman20 said:

no one but to be fare, we all take our lives in our own hand here at the mercy of the Thai people with there careless attitude and extremely poor driving ability.:shock1: either of us good be killed in a heartbeat either waiting at a red traffic light or waiting in the middle of the road waiting to turn right only to be wiped out from be hide by some speeding nutcase playing with his phone. then its RIP

You make a good point but in a much better manner than the guy whose cereal does not seem up to par. Its all in the presentation. You can come on like gangbusters guns blazing or you can use a reasonable make sense approach. I always respond better to the latter. 

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1 hour ago, gdgbb said:

Correct?  Were the other lanes unoccupied?  Are no vehicles allowed in the right-hand lanes?

My understanding is that it is illegal to drive in the right-hand lane 'longer than necessary' - i.e. when not overtaking.

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9 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

She seemed to be going the same speed as the cyclists but trying to do it in the slow lane...


another driver in her own world w/o considerations to road conditions or rules of the road...


she played the risk so let her suffer the consequences...her luck ran out...so be it


another video for training purposes...



The slow lane is the right - hand lane where cars queue up 5m bumper to bumper at over 100kmh. Next is middle lane where the 'middle of the road' club cruise 60 to 120kmh. Left lanes are good - but one should look through the windows occasionally. 

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5 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


Here's the official rules.


Section 45 (400-1000B)
[No driver shall overtake another vehicle from the left-side unless:
a. the vehicle to be overtaken is making a right turn or has given a signal that he is going to make a right turn
b. the roadway is arranged with two or more traffic lanes in the same direction.]:wai:


5 hours ago, whatawonderfulday said:

Sorry but you are looking at outdated rules.


The most recent legislation I can find is The Land Traffic act 2522 (1979), which is quoted by Si Thea01 in post #46. 

(i.e. - "overtaking on the left is permitted on a roadway that is arranged with two or more traffic lanes in the same direction").

I am not doubting your assertion but it would be helpful if you could provide a link to the more recent legislation.



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4 hours ago, ben2talk said:

The slow lane is the right - hand lane where cars queue up 5m bumper to bumper at over 100kmh. Next is middle lane where the 'middle of the road' club cruise 60 to 120kmh. Left lanes are good - but one should look through the windows occasionally. 

Yep, good observation.

Maybe they should put that into law too? I mean looking out of the windows!

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