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Midweek rant: Prime Minister points his fingers at Thai's Songkran driving behavior saying "if you want to die break the law"


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Sadly the truth is that ppl who does not break the law who dies n those that break it are still alive, like in the case of redbull heir, the rich young girl who drove her car into a van killing all but herself(forgot her name), jehpop who drove his benz into 2 university students killing both n he is still alive n well. 


So there, how about u finally put your section 44 to real good use.

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He does have a point and no way in hell the bib can stop millions of people breaking the law at the same time

Loads of idiot farang throwing buckets of water at anything moving, including bikes and cars, baht buses and a lot of these guys are over 40
.. Grow up!

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1 hour ago, MichaelJohn said:

The government and authorities have done NOTHING to stop the carnage on the roads.

Talk, talk, talk, year after year of talk talk talk; no laws are enforced ...... no even if you run over and kill a policeman.

Nothing will ever change; except perhaps one  day Thailand will become top of the Road Killer tables rather than second.

I have to disagree with you on this, Earlier this month, as we were returning home nightly from Nakhom Pathom (between 10 & midnight) we were stopped 4 out of 7 times with police check stops. Flashing their flash lights checking my eyes, open windows for the smell of alcohol, plus once into a breathalyzer. I for one have no problem with this , more drunks off the road the better. The best part is they locate the stops where everyone must proceed through. I do wish the police would also concentrate on careless driving and the vans that think everyone must get out of their way cause they flashed their lights at oncoming traffic.


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                                      TheAnswer for the general/Prime Minister:

A) Is SHOOT THE COPS THAT DO NOT DO THEIR JOB in enforcing existing traffic laws Or

B) give them the choice to resign for total inactivity when it comes to basic police duties.

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well they want the revenue from songkran then they will have to live with the costs as the police force is unable or unwilling to provide a safe environment. no free lunch here.

that driving ed video was sleep inducing, especially in thai. they would have been better off making it shorter in the hope more of the information was retained. hands on training would be even better. showing 30 people a video in a spare classroom is more cost effective i suppose.

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3 hours ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

And to wind up his rant he proclaims............. “Soldiers don’t want to shoot anybody,” 

What is he meaning? Is he meaning what he says?

Is there some likelihood the cops will fire on some serious traffic offenders similar to the shooting of drug offenders in the Philippines?

That seems to be taking martial law to the extreme which could be a look into the future.


No. He means 'except Lisu activists or anyone attempting to stymie his/their agenda'. wtfu :saai: 

Edited by dageurreotype
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12 minutes ago, natway09 said:

He just does not get it , does he?????

You can not help people who do not care if they die.

Get the police out in mufti on the roads & start giving really  hurtful sentences.

I did like his idea of a morgue visit


Neither do you. Watch my lips THEY DON'T CARE. 'They' live in a completely different world to the likes of you or anyone else and are immune to anything which doesn't pop their bubble. Clear enough for you?

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This geezer makes Donald Trump look and sound like a genius.


Thailand is in one hell of a mess.


The elite puppet masters of this fool must be collectively wetting themselves with laughter.


If the poor Somchai's of the world don't rise up and smash these fools now, they NEVER will.

Edited by MorristheRunt
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5 hours ago, Briggsy said:



Put policies into place that result in enforcement. There are examples from all over the world.

He is obviously not a TV member! if he was, like many of us on here he would no that no matter what "policies" he puts in place will never be carried out without a Funtioning Police force - you don't have one! Do something!

O but he did say long ago he would not try to tackle corruption in the Police department - too big a job!

1 hour ago, PremiumLane said:

anyone would switch off after having to watch video for up to 2 hours.

We watch different video's! :shock1:

56 minutes ago, IamNoone88 said:

Wake up. You can't fix stupid.

& why would they want to? they have a huge uneducated lower class working for minimum wage! keep the education system low, little brain washing, lots of people to work in the fields who are incapable of doing anything else & have a limited mental capacity to think for themselves. (PC for stupid!) & they certainly shouldn't be allowed to drive! They can vote, but if they vote for someone that is Not ok with the elites they may well get removed! democracy in motion!

Edited by CGW
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'In an apparent reference to the videos shown at driving centers to promote good habits on the roads he intimated that the Thais attention span was too short.


"You need everything to be fun - after less than two hours of watching a movie you switch off".'


While I agree with the attention span comment, I think anyone would switch off 'after less than two hours' of a safety video.

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1 hour ago, natway09 said:

He just does not get it , does he?????

You can not help people who do not care if they die.

Get the police out in mufti on the roads & start giving really  hurtful sentences.

I did like his idea of a morgue visit

The morgue visit was my quote not his. Its a copyright phrase. Ha ha just kidding if it saves one life go for it. 

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A) Stop making negative comments about the PM, he is trying his best and its not easy when you are dealing with the thai masses (most are uneducated and uncivilised (note degrees from most  local Universities do not qualify as being educated.) Also stop condeming the police, you try enforcing laws when you are in a street full of drunk thai youths misbehaving!

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