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Midweek rant: Prime Minister points his fingers at Thai's Songkran driving behavior saying "if you want to die break the law"


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It is to the point but i do find it rather pathetic!!  Get a grip on how you fine people for drink driving, killing people on the roads etc... 500 baht just doesn't cut it!!  It will only change once you have gotten serious with dealing with these culprits.... 500 baht!!!! how about 5000 baht and if you can't pay you go to the monkey house!!  Only something like this will make people sit up and think!!  No more soft talk and soft fines!  Get real!!

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General Prayuth spent his entire career in the army. First receiving and implementing orders, no questions asked,-just do it- and then as he rose up the ranks, issuing orders that were in turn never questioned-just do it!!

Thus he sees problems as obstacles, which once worked out by the top brass, can easily be solved by ordering the necessary action.

But running a country is a far more complicated task than running an army, and in spite of section 44 he sees a myriad of problems remain.

And  so he gets frustrated and angry and lashes out.

But as many know, problems of bad driving, for example, will take years to improve- education regarding driving on a public road and fear of the consequences of bad driving are essential. These will take time, a decade or more if sincerely pursued. 

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I'm afraid the PM, and his ilk of generations now and before, are the reason things are the way they are.


The rich elite don't want the populace educated properly, but want them to be suitably educated when they need them to be. You can't have your cake and eat it. 


Reminds me of my high so boss. Treats her staff like <deleted> most of the time and loves barking orders thinking she's queen of the castle. When we all travelled to Japan together for work, she was out of her comfort zone, and she was like a meek kitten. The hallmarks of a bully.

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I really cant believe that a man in his position would make these kind of statements, well i can now.Both the statements are the sort of thing someone would say, when he realises he is losing the battle.I surprised he didnt throw his hands up i the air and start the statement with "oh well, f you want to die"etc, a completely frustrated and helpless man.

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Why would anyone waste money on shaving cream,foam. Just lather with
a bar of soap.....

Coconut oil, a few drops rubbed into your face, and a disposable razor.

I bottle (ThB 150) lasts over a year.
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Its not just the daft drivers thought its the innocent victims of their stupid behaviour. Thai drivers dont consider anyone else on the road and that is one of the root causes of the problems on the roads here. The Police need to know and enforce the law and the motorists need to get the message.

I am not hopeful of much change and Songkran festival figures will no doubt confirm this.

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18 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

How about pointing your fingers at the police?  They do absolutely nothing here in Pattaya during Songkran.  The drive home from Central Pattaya last year was an absolute free for all.  Drunk scooter riders, weaving in and out (few with helmets), trucks with water cannons going down Sukhumvit blasting everything and everybody.  Absolute mayhem.


A few years ago we went to Issan.  No booze sold at 7/11.  But right behind the station was a cooler full of beer that you could buy. 


Place the blame properly.  On the police.

He did place the blame on the correct people.. THE PEOPLE

they are the ones who oragnise the events

they are the ones who get drunk
they are the ones who start the fights
they are the ones who cause carnage on the roads

they are the ones who've turned Songkran into a free for all

He saying he wants the people to take responsibility for their own actions... not disobey the law.

he doesn't want to invoke article 44 & turn Thailand into a police state just to stop idiotic people from killing themselves

they should have the mentality to stay within the law which is in place now!!!

YES the police should enforce the law as it stands now..
It's not just the police at fault here !!!!


Place the blame properly... On BOTH sides

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2 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

He did place the blame on the correct people.. THE PEOPLE

they are the ones who oragnise the events

they are the ones who get drunk
they are the ones who start the fights
they are the ones who cause carnage on the roads

they are the ones who've turned Songkran into a free for all

He saying he wants the people to take responsibility for their own actions... not disobey the law.

he doesn't want to invoke article 44 & turn Thailand into a police state just to stop idiotic people from killing themselves

they should have the mentality to stay within the law which is in place now!!!

YES the police should enforce the law as it stands now..
It's not just the police at fault here !!!!


Place the blame properly... On BOTH sides

Unless laws are properly enforced, you won't change people's behaviors. What reduced drunk driving fatalities in the US (and most other countries) were draconian consequences for this.  Not a speech made by the leader of the country.  Try driving under the influence in Europe.  Best of luck with that one.

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17 hours ago, baboon said:

"Don't annoy other people when celebrating - we don't have as much water as we used to have".

"Soldiers don't want to shoot anybody," he railed.


A shortage of water AND bullets?

Dont drink water but you can eat lead

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BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha has made an exasperated rant against the Thai people for disobeying traffic rules.


But he said in reference to road rules: "If you want to die, just ignore the state".

They disobey the laws because they are not enforced.


A local expat was breathalysed positive last week (10 beers).

Taken to the Police station, paid a 5,000 bail bond, then returned to his vehicle to continue his journey.

Following day a judge fined him 4,000 baht for the offence.

He then returned to the Police station for a refund of his 5,000 bail bond.


You don't have to break the law to die either.

Some pissed up idiot can do the job for you..........for the cost of a few beers.

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The PM comments were the Thai equivalent of Thai Visa advice to those who are unhappy about some aspect of life here in Thailand:  don't like it, move 


If the government of serious about cutting down deaths during holidays a start would be to get the cops out of their comfy checkpoint tents and out on the road observing drunk drivers 

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while the Chief Minister was ranting about obeying traffic laws and upholding justice, did anyone ask him about how justice is working with the Red Bull Invisible Man or the other offending hi-sos (and their privileged children) who've been lucky enough to avoid the justice the Chief Minister apparently finds so important for some years now.

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Prime Minister? What PM? What mandate? NONE. Just an unelected military junta WITHOUT MANDATE. Everyone knows that you're just another incompetent Thai male with a minuscule intellect and an even smaller penis. 

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On 3/30/2017 at 9:56 AM, craigt3365 said:

Unless laws are properly enforced, you won't change people's behaviors. What reduced drunk driving fatalities in the US (and most other countries) were draconian consequences for this.  Not a speech made by the leader of the country.  Try driving under the influence in Europe.  Best of luck with that one.

Your right. Problem is that Thai governments are not clever people, are unable or do not want to learn from others! :post-4641-1156693976:


Perhaps they fear loss of face?  :whistling:   Clever people use smart ideas!

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On 2017/3/28 at 11:32 PM, Foghorn Leghorn said:

And to wind up his rant he proclaims............. “Soldiers don’t want to shoot anybody,” 

What is he meaning? Is he meaning what he says?

Is there some likelihood the cops will fire on some serious traffic offenders similar to the shooting of drug offenders in the Philippines?

That seems to be taking martial law to the extreme which could be a look into the future.

i am not protecting PM chan o cha, what he meant was if people misbehave and challenge the soldiers with violence the soldiers would have not choice but to shoot. He means if things get out of hand because the young idiots are drunk and shouting abuse pushing the soldiers around. How much can you take when being push around?

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