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Trump's funding request for U.S. borderwall hits snag among some Republicans


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6 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Yeah, that's what Trump wants. For the sake of spiting a member or members of Congress he'll veto a bill. That will certainly add to his record on non-accomplishment.

Try reading what I said, instead of inventing stuff. IF they put pork on a bill, he will likely refuse to sign the bill till the pork is removed, but he will sign the bill if there is no other reason to not.

That way, the congressman loses out on the pork, but the law gets passed.

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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

And then the 2.6 Billion USD worth of corn that Mexico buy annually from the US which they will then buy from Brazil and Argentina will balance that one out. But the US agricultural system will be on its knees by then anyway as you will have nobody to work the fields. When you do get someone from the US out of bed to pick oranges then when you are paying triple the cost lets see how much you like the wall then. And remember your Father or grandfathers father etc were immigrants - with no or little immigration procedure. Just pitch up on a boat.


What the US and Mexico needs is something similar to the schengen visa.

Not going to happen. They'll just give out work permits to however many are   needed to come and work the farms. Difference is that they'll be legal.

I do hope that they stop benefits for fit Americans that refuse to work  because it's hard. Too many scamming the system already.


And remember your Father or grandfathers father etc were immigrants - with no or little immigration procedure.

Right, and what was the population of the US back then? It's full up now and there isn't enough real work for the ones already there.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I do hope that they stop benefits for fit Americans that refuse to work  because it's hard. Too many scamming the system already.

They are the people that have caused the requirement for illegal workers. It will not change.


3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Right, and what was the population of the US back then? It's full up now and there isn't enough real work for the ones already there.

Well back then you had no problem getting rid of the millions of North American Indians to 'make a bit more room' (why is that not commemorated as the American Genocide?). A country the size of the USA and you say its full up LMAO! India has 4 times your population and a quarter of your land mass, that may be getting 'full up' but if you go there there still seems to be a hell of a lot of space around. As for:



there isn't enough real work for the ones already there.

Why not write a letter to your congressman or senator and ask him why the President says he is bringing jobs back to America but his own personal businesses are still running in India, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia etc etc.

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5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

They are the people that have caused the requirement for illegal workers. It will not change.


Well back then you had no problem getting rid of the millions of North American Indians to 'make a bit more room' (why is that not commemorated as the American Genocide?). A country the size of the USA and you say its full up LMAO! India has 4 times your population and a quarter of your land mass, that may be getting 'full up' but if you go there there still seems to be a hell of a lot of space around. As for:


Why not write a letter to your congressman or senator and ask him why the President says he is bringing jobs back to America but his own personal businesses are still running in India, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia etc etc.

You want to live in India? I certainly wouldn't and it seems that no Indians want to live there either- I wonder why, NOT.


Why not write a letter to your congressman or senator and ask him why the President says he is bringing jobs back to America but his own personal businesses are still running in India, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia etc etc.:violin:

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You want to live in India? I certainly wouldn't and it seems that no Indians want to live there either- I wonder why, NOT.


The why not is simple - economic chaos and no pension or social security system. All coming to the USA soon,  It has already started in some of your inner cities. Funny though how the top scientists are coming to the US, making their money and then returning to India, leaving no Americans with the educational standard to do the job.


As for the violin, you are the one complaining there are not enough jobs not me.

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On 3/29/2017 at 9:28 PM, Thaidream said:

Bernie Sanders is more than qualified to become President and he has great ideas on how to solve America's problems such as

1.  Instead of wasting billions on a useless border wall Bernie would endorse a real Immigration bill that would provide steps for legalization of the 11 million illegals in the US and also provide a workers Visa to allow foreign labor into the US. Do this and there is a low incidence of illegals crossing any longer

2.  Bernie would propose a single payer solution to healthcare- everyone is covered by Medicare. It eliminates greedy insurance  companies and forces Big Pharma to lower their prices or the US buys from abroad.

3.  Bernie would negotiate new foreign trade deals that are more fair to America and place tariffs or excise taxes on goods that do not fall under agreements. actually, he and Trump have similar plans.

4.  Bernie would cut the over bloated US defense budget and use the savings to fund a large infrastructure project to rebuild America creating hundreds of thousands of jobs.

5.  Bernie would completely change the way election campaigns are funded getting money out of the campaign process so other candidates may have a chance to run for office other than the rich.

6.  Bernie would provide college students with free tuition rather than make them repay the US treasury for expensive loans provided through the corrupt and greedy American Banking industry.

7.  Bernie would put through real tax reform going after the wealthy so they pay their fair share and reform the outdated tax system which is so complex the average person has no understanding of it.

These are the things that will make America great again not the smoke and mirrors crap that Trump and his incompetent administration are trying to sell. Unfortunately, Bernie Sanders is not President so none of the things he espouses are going to happen.


Except he could not win the election

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12 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

The wall will be built and Mexico will pay


perhaps portions will be fence with electronic monitoring 


maybe Mexician imports will have "security duty"


but in 2020 there will be a 99% reduction of illegal immigration over boarder. 




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10 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You are right, that fence wouldn't stop much unless there are enough border guards to enforce it. The question is whether enough guards will be employed.


It's worth noting that some GOP members are probably reluctant to build a real wall as rich people benefit from having an illegal workforce to exploit.

And every GOP member who represents a district on the border is against it because it's a loser with his or her voters.

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21 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You are right, that fence wouldn't stop much unless there are enough border guards to enforce it. The question is whether enough guards will be employed.


It's worth noting that some GOP members are probably reluctant to build a real wall as rich people benefit from having an illegal workforce to exploit.

I still say the military can be used for both building the wall and reinforcing the border. Since you've obviously never served in the US military let me paraphrase part of the oath: "And to protect the country from threats both foreign and domestic...".

If they were to lay a rail line the length of the wall it could be used for both bringing workers and materials for building the wall as well as being used for rapid response to all areas of the wall from the existing border patrol stations.

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3 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:

I still say the military can be used for both building the wall and reinforcing the border. Since you've obviously never served in the US military let me paraphrase part of the oath: "And to protect the country from threats both foreign and domestic...".

I suggest then that the Military do in deed keep their oath and defend the USA from the Domestic threat that is intent on destroying the USA - Donald Trump. Build a very high wall around the White House, or Mara Lago since he is most likely to be there.


3 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:

If they were to lay a rail line the length of the wall it could be used for both bringing workers and materials for building the wall as well as being used for rapid response to all areas of the wall from the existing border patrol stations.

That won't increase the price much then will it? Another trans-pacific railway line. And how many billions will that cost?

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20 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

The why not is simple - economic chaos and no pension or social security system. All coming to the USA soon,  It has already started in some of your inner cities. Funny though how the top scientists are coming to the US, making their money and then returning to India, leaving no Americans with the educational standard to do the job.


As for the violin, you are the one complaining there are not enough jobs not me.

I'm not complaining about no jobs- I recognise that there ARE no jobs, or soon to be so, once robotics and AI become commonplace, so why would I complain about jobs. My complaint is that no government is addressing the fact that  most jobs are going to vanish, and what to do about it.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I'm not complaining about no jobs- I recognise that there ARE no jobs, or soon to be so, once robotics and AI become commonplace, so why would I complain about jobs. My complaint is that no government is addressing the fact that  most jobs are going to vanish, and what to do about it.

One thing not to do about it is to slash taxes on the wealthiest Americans.

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9 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

One thing not to do about it is to slash taxes on the wealthiest Americans.

If the wealthiest Americans do comprise about 1% of the population, does anyone think taxing them will pay for the millions about to become unemployed?

Given that I am a socialist, I'd apply tax at a rate of 95% on anything over $1,000,000, but I wouldn't be fooling myself that it would be making any difference at all.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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                       Maybe he can build a wall in the WH Press Briefing room.  It will have to be sound-proof, so Spicer (or whomever is spokesperson next week .....Conway?) ....can't hear annoying questions. 


                     Trump would much rather rule by decree.  Just jot things down while he's playing the links at one of his golf resorts - maybe the back of the chit of paper golfers use for keeping score.   

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14 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If the wealthiest Americans do comprise about 1% of the population, does anyone think taxing them will pay for the millions about to become unemployed?

Given that I am a socialist, I'd apply tax at a rate of 95% on anything over $1,000,000, but I wouldn't be fooling myself that it would be making any difference at all.

The richest 20% of Americans pay 80% of the taxes. Most progressive tax rate in world. 

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12 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If the wealthiest Americans do comprise about 1% of the population, does anyone think taxing them will pay for the millions about to become unemployed?

Given that I am a socialist, I'd apply tax at a rate of 95% on anything over $1,000,000, but I wouldn't be fooling myself that it would be making any difference at all.

How about 55% if income between 120k and 200k

65% between 200 and 350

75% over $350k to 1 million

80% over 1 million.


Either way, probably the only people benefiting are the holders of numbered accounts in offshore banks.  If anyone wants to start a bank for super rich people to hide their money, please PM me, and see whether we can hatch a plan.

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Just now, funandsuninbangkok said:

The richest 20% of Americans pay 80% of the taxes. Most progressive tax rate in world. 

Time for an arithmetic lesson. Without knowing what percentage of total income the 20 percent earn, it's impossible to evaluate your claim. That said, the USA definitely does not have the most progressive income tax system in the world.

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3 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

That won't increase the price much then will it? Another trans-pacific railway line. And how many billions will that cost?

as opposed to building and maintaining a roadway and hauling everything by trucks. A single train can carry more manpower and material than 50 trucks and buses. Or did you not think transportation cost would be part of the overall cost?


Trans-pacific? You DO know it's not a border wall that surrounds or crosses the entire US, right?

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I'm not complaining about no jobs- I recognise that there ARE no jobs, or soon to be so, once robotics and AI become commonplace, so why would I complain about jobs. My complaint is that no government is addressing the fact that  most jobs are going to vanish, and what to do about it.


And what is Trump and his administration doing to stop the inevitable mechanisation of jobs/factories etc. He is doing absolutely nothing. Instead of training a surfeit of workers on new energy technologies, building wind farms, solar farms etc etc he is, simply due to unrealistic wishes of some of his base, opening up coal mining again. It is going to be a LONG-TERM disaster, but keeps idiots turning up at his rallies.


Thank God for the advent of AI, it will fill the black hole caused by the US education system.



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21 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

as opposed to building and maintaining a roadway and hauling everything by trucks. A single train can carry more manpower and material than 50 trucks and buses. Or did you not think transportation cost would be part of the overall cost?


Trans-pacific? You DO know it's not a border wall that surrounds or crosses the entire US, right?

The wall is going to stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific. It goes from East to West, it is therefore trans-continental, so your railway going from one ocean to another would be ANOTHER Trans-Pacific railway. Join the black dots (existing bits of fence). Is your railway line not going to go the whole way? I am fully aware of the costs of roadworks involved in the walls construction thank you, and consider your railway whilst a nice idea would cost a lot lot more.



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6 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

The wall is going to stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific. It goes from East to West, it is therefore trans-continental, so your railway going from one ocean to another would be ANOTHER Trans-Pacific railway. Join the black dots (existing bits of fence). Is your railway line not going to go the whole way? I am fully aware of the costs of roadworks involved in the walls construction thank you, and consider your railway whilst a nice idea would cost a lot lot more.



you do know that the large body of water on the east side is the Gulf of Mexico and it covers the southern border of nearly 2/3 of the eastern US so no, not the Atlantic Ocean by a good 2000 miles.

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23 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


And what is Trump and his administration doing to stop the inevitable mechanisation of jobs/factories etc. He is doing absolutely nothing. Instead of training a surfeit of workers on new energy technologies, building wind farms, solar farms etc etc he is, simply due to unrealistic wishes of some of his base, opening up coal mining again. It is going to be a LONG-TERM disaster, but keeps idiots turning up at his rallies.


Thank God for the advent of AI, it will fill the black hole caused by the US education system.



Good grief. It's not Trump's job to train anyone. It's not the federal governments job to do everything. At some stage, people have to take the initiative and not depend on the government for everything. People are so pathetic now. If the pioneers were so useless, they'd still be sitting on the east coast.

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6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Good grief. It's not Trump's job to train anyone. It's not the federal governments job to do everything. At some stage, people have to take the initiative and not depend on the government for everything. People are so pathetic now. If the pioneers were so useless, they'd still be sitting on the east coast.

But you just said earlier that Governments are doing nothing. Make your mind up. Glad to see you and Mr Webb have the mutual appreciation society with your 'likes'.

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12 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

you do know that the large body of water on the east side is the Gulf of Mexico and it covers the southern border of nearly 2/3 of the eastern US so no, not the Atlantic Ocean by a good 2000 miles.

Ok Mr Pedant, you can win. I think you get my point, ocean to ocean.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Good grief. It's not Trump's job to train anyone. It's not the federal governments job to do everything. At some stage, people have to take the initiative and not depend on the government for everything. People are so pathetic now. If the pioneers were so useless, they'd still be sitting on the east coast.

                            The Feds can encourage people, particularly youngsters, to train/get skilled for the future.  Hospital/health care will be a big one, because the population is aging.   


                  When Trump puts such a push on coal and fossil fuels, he's also turning his back on emerging alt-energy technologies.  Europe, India, China and other countries (not so much Thailand) are realizing the exciting potential of solar and alternative energies for the future.   Unfortunately, the US is saddled with the oldest prez it's ever had and he thinks like JP Morgan:  Everything to make a buck for himself the old-fashioned way, and very little vision or encouragement for a bright future.


                 He put Kushner in charge of something to do with Innovation.  Kushner is already in charge of 20 agencies, and has as much innovative energy/ideas as a parked steam locomotive going rusty.  Has anyone heard Kushner say anything in the past months?  No, you haven't, because he doesn't talk.  His lips are too busy being pressed against his father-in-law's ample butt.

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