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Huge Police Presence in Old City


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Just a heads up, although a bit late.... We were in the old city about 3-4 hours ago and there must have been 250 police all over the place, beginning at Pratu Thapae and fanning out all up and down the sois. Many were in combat type uniforms while some were in a special police force type of uniform. We saw the Commanders receiving orders from top brass while in formation in front of Pratu Thapae. The wife asked one policeman what was going on and he responded something to the effect of "drug users, drunk drivers, and prostitutes will not be tolerated and many will go to jail tonight."


Be careful out there; especially if drinking. Take a taxi or Uber...

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I was there.  Around 4 pm many police, my guess is at least 200, converged on Thapae, stood in two military formations for about ten or fifteen minutes while others directed traffic, then disbanded.  The may have been a ceremony or announcement, I'm not sure.  It struck me as a pointless nuisance.  However tonight might be a worse than average night to drive drunk.  A little late to mention this, I suppose.

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200 of them?


Probably takes that many to do the job of 20 well trained police. Of course if you count temple raids, it takes a lot more than 200 to accomplish absolutely nothing.


Wonder how many people they rounded up at 4pm? By nightfall Loy Kroh looked like business as usual when I drove through.






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The biggest mystery to me ,is where they all go when not doing

stuff like this,and when a VIP is in town and theres a Policeman

on every every small soi,junction,and road,that enters the main

road where the motorcade will travel ,after it has passed, they melt 

away,then the only time you see them again is at a road block

they have set up.

regards worgeordie

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11 hours ago, heybruce said:

I was there.  Around 4 pm many police, my guess is at least 200, converged on Thapae, stood in two military formations for about ten or fifteen minutes while others directed traffic, then disbanded.  The may have been a ceremony or announcement, I'm not sure.  It struck me as a pointless nuisance.  However tonight might be a worse than average night to drive drunk.  A little late to mention this, I suppose.

Drove through the Thapae gate on the way back to Chang Klan from Santhitam just after 8pm, wasn't a policeman to be seen. 

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