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Trump pressures China on North Korea before Xi talks


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3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

It's a truly sad state of affairs when the US has a president who lies.  Speaks bad things about others.  Tweets fake news.  Etc.  Don't blame the media for this.  It's all about Donald.  Sadly, many believe his BS.  People really do need to wake up.

3 hours ago, losworld said:

Provide some legitimate backup for these claims.  Anyone can hurl insults and innuendo.  The guy has been in office for two months and you have already convicted and tried him.  Guys like you must never become judges.

you want some legitimate backup? Here you go: http://www.politifact.com/personalities/donald-trump/


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The Trump supporters are  basing their support on a dream they have that Trump will indeed make America great again; bring back the high paid manufacturing jobs; make the streets safe; provide assistance so people can retire on time ; keep out unwanted Immigrants who take American jobs.

The problem is Trump supporters- you have been bamboozled and scammed. Donald Trump is the flim flam man- selling you a bunch of crap that is not true.

His supporters are not deplorables but desperate Americans looking for a better life- one that aas taken away- not from illegal immigrants- but people like Donald Trump- the wealthy and greedy who want to keep the 99% of Americans working 2-3 jobs to survive while the other 1% continue to get wealthier and wealthier.

Donald Trump is not your answer or savior- he cannot make the things happen that need to be done because he has the wrong solution. If you want a real solution- read up on what Bernie Sanders would do for America and it has nothing to do with building walls; deporting people; or putting in travel bans. 

Donald Trump maybe President now but in the next 2 years- when he hasn't delivered- the electorate will go right back to the Democrats and in 2020 Trump will be back in New York tweeting how he was robbed in his re-election bid. That's Ok Donald- you can blame the 11 Million illegals that you couldn't deport for voting for your Democratic opponent.

Edited by Thaidream
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4 hours ago, losworld said:

It truly is a sad state of affairs when people are ignorant enough to take scathing one sided editorials like this at face value.  The media has been deceiving you for decades yet you eat up what they say.  You don't think the media has a vested interest?  Why are they so strongly against Trump?  Oh let me guess.... they are only doing it because they believe so strongly in a society with freedoms and morals and values and equality for all. Advertising from the corporate sector or those in power have nothing to do with it.  You people really need to wake up.

The media has been doing more sleuthing than the FBI or either of the Congressional committees combined.  Without the media, we wouldn't know diddly squat about Trump's Russian connections.  That's why Trump is at war with the media: they're exposing his and his buddies' treasonous activities.  Trump hates the media the way a naughty little boy hates his big sister for telling mom he pissed all over the living room rug when he thought no one was watching.


4 hours ago, losworld said:

Provide some legitimate backup for these claims.  Anyone can hurl insults and innuendo.  The guy has been in office for two months and you have already convicted and tried him.  Guys like you must never become judges.

Trump has convicted himself.  Do you remember the cartoons from waaaay back, where a popeye-like character would self-pummel himself.  He would usually do it with a levered wooden contraption where he would pull a string, and a boot would kick him in his own butt, over and over.  That's what I picture for Trump.


1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

He's not draining the swamp, he is the swamp.  

French King Louis XIV famously said, 'L'etat c'est moi' ('I am the state') 

Trump can effectively say, "ego palude"  (Latin for "I am the swamp")



Julius Caesar famously said, "Veni vini vici" ('I came, I saw, I conquered')

Trump could say, "Veni vini deturum" ('I came, I saw, I screwed up')

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24 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

The media has been doing more sleuthing than the FBI or either of the Congressional committees combined.  Without the media, we wouldn't know diddly squat about Trump's Russian connections.  That's why Trump is at war with the media: they're exposing his and his buddies' treasonous activities.  Trump hates the media the way a naughty little boy hates his big sister for telling mom he pissed all over the living room rug when he thought no one was watching.


Trump has convicted himself.  Do you remember the cartoons from waaaay back, where a popeye-like character would self-pummel himself.  He would usually do it with a levered wooden contraption where he would pull a string, and a boot would kick him in his own butt, over and over.  That's what I picture for Trump.


French King Louis XIV famously said, 'L'etat c'est moi' ('I am the state') 

Trump can effectively say, "ego palude"  (Latin for "I am the swamp")



Julius Caesar famously said, "Veni vini vici" ('I came, I saw, I conquered')

Trump could say, "Veni vini deturum" ('I came, I saw, I screwed up')

Keep drinking the koolaid

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1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

The Trump supporters are  basing their support on a dream they have that Trump will indeed make America great again; bring back the high paid manufacturing jobs; make the streets safe; provide assistance so people can retire on time ; keep out unwanted Immigrants who take American jobs.

The problem is Trump supporters- you have been bamboozled and scammed. Donald Trump is the flim flam man- selling you a bunch of crap that is not true.

His supporters are not deplorables but desperate Americans looking for a better life- one that aas taken away- not from illegal immigrants- but people like Donald Trump- the wealthy and greedy who want to keep the 99% of Americans working 2-3 jobs to survive while the other 1% continue to get wealthier and wealthier.

Donald Trump is not your answer or savior- he cannot make the things happen that need to be done because he has the wrong solution. If you want a real solution- read up on what Bernie Sanders would do for America and it has nothing to do with building walls; deporting people; or putting in travel bans. 

Donald Trump maybe President now but in the next 2 years- when he hasn't delivered- the electorate will go right back to the Democrats and in 2020 Trump will be back in New York tweeting how he was robbed in his re-election bid. That's Ok Donald- you can blame the 11 Million illegals that you couldn't deport for voting for your Democratic opponent.

No I think many are just happy to see someone not handpicked by the establishment process win because of their support.  They are hoping for any change whether incremental or fundamental.  They understand it can only come from an outsider.  Stop being so naive.

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1 hour ago, losworld said:

No I think many are just happy to see someone not handpicked by the establishment process win because of their support.  They are hoping for any change whether incremental or fundamental.  They understand it can only come from an outsider.  Stop being so naive.

Naïve is a word bandied about a lot these days, especially when the comments are about Trump.  Given the daily screw-ups and failures coming from team Trump and the way the world is laughing it's socks off over the blustering and manic statements I know where I would pin the naïve badge.  That is firmly on the chests of those unfortunate few who still believe he is a good POTUS!

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16 hours ago, malibukid said:

good for him for standing up to China.  new sheriff in town. they will not f#^& with Trump.


Yes they will. Chinese civilisation is just a little bit older and wiser than Mr. Trump.

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15 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

He's hosting Xi at his golf course in Florida.  Horrible idea.  Xi has banned all members of the party from playing golf.  There's even a book out about how evil golf is in China.


Best of luck, as China does need to reign in NK. 

Nice bit of research on hosting their guest done by the Trump Administration then.


8 hours ago, losworld said:

Provide some legitimate backup for these claims.  Anyone can hurl insults and innuendo.  The guy has been in office for two months and you have already convicted and tried him.  Guys like you must never become judges.

Any adult reading your posts can only summize with a reply like above that you are nothing but a troll. You ask for evidence of Trump lying yet seem to ignore every headline, every day, this entire forum filled with such headlines and discussions, plus all the various forms of media. In between making posts on here you are either in solitary confinement, or like your hero are completely disingenuous and lying. Guy's like you must never be given an ounce of responsibility.

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9 hours ago, losworld said:

hahahahaha politicfact.com  


youv'e made my day...


it is called politifact.com so it could only be accurate...



Trump supporters hate websites like politicfact.  They expose all of Trump's lies.  Why not try keeping an open mind?


You don't think Trump was picked by the establishment?  He was supporter by the 1%.  They are now his cabinet.  Can't get much worse than that.


He convinced voters he was anti-establishment, but now, is part of it.  Populism at it's worst.  Knowing this must really hurt Trump supporters.



Is Trump now part of the establishment?



Donald Trump campaigned for president as the ultimate outsider, promising to unseat a corrupt and atrophied Washington establishment. Now, after two months in office, has he become the establishment? Are Trump and his team the insiders now?


Now, however, Mr Trump and his team of formerly angry outsiders meet in the Oval Office. They fly on Air Force One. They host events in the White House rose garden. They issue tweets warning apostates of harsh political consequences.


They walk the halls of power and call the shots.


It doesn't get any more "insider" than that.



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9 hours ago, losworld said:

No I think many are just happy to see someone not handpicked by the establishment process win because of their support.  They are hoping for any change whether incremental or fundamental.  They understand it can only come from an outsider.  Stop being so naive.

            Trump is as much the establishment as anyone, anywhere. Look at who he picked for top positions.  Cumulative wealth of $14 billion.  Not one decent or honest person in the whole bunch.   Perhaps Ivanka is a little bit decent, but she's an enabler, not unlike Goebels to Hitler, always smiling and nodding her head in total agreement with everything The Dufus Divider says.

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1 minute ago, boomerangutang said:

            Trump is as much the establishment as anyone, anywhere. Look at who he picked for top positions.  Cumulative wealth of $14 billion.  Not one decent or honest person in the whole bunch.   Perhaps Ivanka is a little bit decent, but she's an enabler, not unlike Goebels to Hitler, always smiling and nodding her head in total agreement with everything The Dufus Divider says.

That's the whole problem with populist leaders like Trump.  Promises what the average person wants, and then makes themselves rich.  Or in Trump's case, richer....along with his family.  And sadly, the supporters don't know they've been fooled.  They drank the koolaid.  Luckily, Trump's approval ratings are showing more and more are waking up to the reality.

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Just now, losworld said:

They are hoping for any change whether incremental or fundamental.  They understand it can only come from an outsider.  Stop being so naive.


"Outsider" :blink: 

The Silver Spooned Huckster?


Who's being naive?


"They" would be the massively  uninformed suckers.



Trump: When audiences get bored I use ‘the wall’


“You know, if it gets a little boring, if I see people starting to sort of, maybe thinking about leaving, I can sort of tell the audience, I just say, ‘We will build the wall!' and they go nuts.”



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15 minutes ago, iReason said:


"Outsider" :blink: 

The Silver Spooned Huckster?


Who's being naive?


"They" would be the massively  uninformed suckers.



Trump: When audiences get bored I use ‘the wall’


“You know, if it gets a little boring, if I see people starting to sort of, maybe thinking about leaving, I can sort of tell the audience, I just say, ‘We will build the wall!' and they go nuts.”



That's what Trump does.  When he's giving a speech, he'll see what gets the most enthusiastic response.  It's like Oprah yelling to her audience; "EVERYONE GETS A FREE CAR!"  


It's what Trump did to promote his fake U:    "EVERYONE WHO JOINS WILL GET VERY VERY RICH!"


              I wouldn't expect brain addled 7 year olds to fall for that sort of ruse, but millions of Trump voters fell for it.  To call them dummies would be too nice.   They also want a pussy-grabber to be Commander in Chief.

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