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Renting Condo Illegal Update please

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I have been living in a condo since it was built approximately 2yrs ago and I was the first owner (leesehold) to move in. At first it was noisy as would be expected given all the new activity but then after a few months it became very quiet. I have now had 2 full high seasons and this recent one was unbearable. Every night without fail for over 2mths I had to close up all doors and windows to keep the noise out. There were several occasions where a number of occupants were ejected from their rooms and their stay cut short. Breaches included blocking fire doors, damaging CCTV cameras and loud parties. Now I understand the mentality of persons on holidays wanting to have a good time but June/July last year the Hotel owners in Phuket lobbied the governor to act on the illegal practices of condo owners renting to short time tenants (under 30 day rentings). I have discussed options of moving within the condo building to another room but that will involve additional taxes, red tape and paperwork and even then there is no garentee it will remain quiet. I bought this condo for its location, facilities and because it was new (Patong area) and I understand that many foreigners come here and buy condos because they are talked into the investment but when clearly the law is broken and it impacts on the welfare of honest persons just wanting what they paid for, should they not get it.

I just want to know if there has been any changes in the regulations or the Hotels act to allow the continuation of this illegal practice? If there has been change and the laws have been soften to allow renting condos for short term rentals then maybe its time I think about moving. Any comments either way would be appreciated . Any experiences similar to mine and you want to share would also be appreciated.

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Nothing you do will change the law or stop the practice.  You bought a condo in a high tourist area and really never expected issues ...  Welcome to Thailand ...

Like alot of things here ... it's either put up with it or move .... so unfortunately ....  in reality you may be best to sell and move  :shock1:

Even if someone can confirm that it's not allowed ... what are you willing / or can do ...  remember, this is thailand.


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OP write about Patong so presumably in Phuket. The local authorities here are having a crackdown on non-registed hotels and are actually going around and registering and maybe enforcing. You might try contacting whoever is running this hotel registration action and having a talk re your instance. If they smell money to be made could be some help.



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Co-owners can put pressure on the committee and management to ensure that laws are respected, however this does require that a majority of the co-owners want this to happen. If many units are being rented out then this may not be the case. As you are a leaseholder I'm not sure to what extent the committee or management actually has to listen to you at all though. Do you have a vote at AGMs? I expect not.


Your other options are to complain long and loud to anyone and everyone. Try 1331. Get other co-owners to do so also, if you can.


On a general basis I dont see the attraction of buying a condo leasehold in Thailand as you seem to get all the disadvantages of ownership without the advantages. I've never really understood why leasehold is so popular in some areas here: it's almost unheard of in Pattaya. I certainly would never have even considered buying my Jomtien condo leasehold.

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  • 2 weeks later...

 Section 36 of the Condo Act has the heading :

The manager shall have the following powers and duties:

Paragraph  3 states:

Providing security operations or taking actions in maintaining peace and order within the condominium.


The law is with you

The committee needs to advise your JPM

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In Thailand renting is the most sensible thing to do because the rent is so cheap. And you can just relocate if you're not happy. I owned a condo before but sold it because of all the noise in the area.

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