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Political Correctness


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This thread is a spin-off from ‘Is the term ‘yellow’ a racist one?’

The problem with the PC Brigade is that they have decided that certain groups are offended by certain terms without consulting them and as a result everyone is getting very thin-skinned and scared to open their mouths.

For the PC Brigade, I am height enhanced, hearing impaired, visually challenged, have an enlarged physical condition caused by a completely natural genetically-induced hormone imbalance and am visually challenging. I live with an unpaid sex worker who is a domestic engineer.. I am not pathologically high-spirited and enjoy ethnic cuisine Ehh?

OK, so I am tall, slightly deaf, wear glasses, am fat and ugly. I have a wife who is a housewife and I am not a psycho and enjoy foreign food.

I think I am more offended by the PC me.

All words can be used for good or bad. Call me a Farang – OK. Spit the word out at me with venom then I will not be happy but it is not unhappiness caused by the word but the delivery.

Before continuing, I wish to say that I do not wish to offend anyone by the use of certain non PC terms and I hope none is taken.

I term that I do not like is ‘African-American’, why? Your ancestors came from Africa maybe 200+ years ago, you do not have a connection with Africa, why can’t you just say American? I don’t see any of the descendents of the early settlers from England referring to themselves as ‘Anglo-American’.

What is wrong with using the term ‘black’? Look at your ‘white’ friends. Describe their skin tones – anything from white as with albinos, pale pink, olive, ruddy, grey, bronze. Describe – all shades from white to black, browns, coppers, silver and reds. Eye colours – different shades. Should we get offended by the term –white? But, the PC Brigade say not all black people are black. Not all white people are white.

What’s your opinion on all aspects of political correctness? I would also like to Mods to keep a close eye on this thread and if it degenerates into rants of race hate to shut it down immediately.

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This thread is a spin-off from ‘Is the term ‘yellow’ a racist one?’

The problem with the PC Brigade is that they have decided that certain groups are offended by certain terms without consulting them and as a result everyone is getting very thin-skinned and scared to open their mouths.

For the PC Brigade, I am height enhanced, hearing impaired, visually challenged, have an enlarged physical condition caused by a completely natural genetically-induced hormone imbalance and am visually challenging. I live with an unpaid sex worker who is a domestic engineer.. I am not pathologically high-spirited and enjoy ethnic cuisine Ehh?

OK, so I am tall, slightly deaf, wear glasses, am fat and ugly. I have a wife who is a housewife and I am not a psycho and enjoy foreign food.

I think I am more offended by the PC me.

All words can be used for good or bad. Call me a Farang – OK. Spit the word out at me with venom then I will not be happy but it is not unhappiness caused by the word but the delivery.

Before continuing, I wish to say that I do not wish to offend anyone by the use of certain non PC terms and I hope none is taken.

I term that I do not like is ‘African-American’, why? Your ancestors came from Africa maybe 200+ years ago, you do not have a connection with Africa, why can’t you just say American? I don’t see any of the descendents of the early settlers from England referring to themselves as ‘Anglo-American’.

What is wrong with using the term ‘black’? Look at your ‘white’ friends. Describe their skin tones – anything from white as with albinos, pale pink, olive, ruddy, grey, bronze. Describe – all shades from white to black, browns, coppers, silver and reds. Eye colours – different shades. Should we get offended by the term –white? But, the PC Brigade say not all black people are black. Not all white people are white.

What’s your opinion on all aspects of political correctness? I would also like to Mods to keep a close eye on this thread and if it degenerates into rants of race hate to shut it down immediately.

It,s a convenience for people who are looking for a platform to voice their opposition to everything that society has been happy and content to live with since nineteen 0 dot, or whatever.

It ridicules the ridiculous and has gone beyond reasonable debate in my opinion.

It,s a load of b#####s , has no creditabilty, causes nothing but aggravation and is a curse on society. :o

marshbags ( i don,t give a monkeys what you think about my view and that,s a fact !!!! )

P.S. Your welcome to yours but don,t expect any further comment from me.

Stay coooooooooooool

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While there have to be limits and boundaries on what can only be called socially acceptable behaviour, the PC brigade have kept pushing the line to the ridiculous . . . but norms still have to be there otherwise we'd still be calling people really derogatory names.

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"I term that I do not like is ‘African-American’, why? Your ancestors came from Africa maybe 200+ years ago, you do not have a connection with Africa, why can’t you just say American? I don’t see any of the descendents of the early settlers from England referring to themselves as ‘Anglo-American’."

Americans don't use the term anglo-american because it was the English they fought against to gain their independance.Ofcourse more than 90% of the settlers who fought against the crown were from where? England.But thats irrelevent.They fought against England,thats what matters.

Many Americans refer to their German,Irish,Italian,scotch-irish(which doesnt actually exist) heritage etc all the time.Theres nothing wrong with the term african-american unless ofcourse they want to be more specific.But i doubt they could..

Apart from that,i totally agree with your post.

Political correctness is a disease and it is ruining our societies.

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Yes, the PC crazy people are a problem.

Here in the UK there are views that some ethnic minorities don't make an effort to integrate into society. Ok, some don't, but what really doesn't help these people is the PC crazy people who are apparently sitting on the towns/city councils. For example, here in Birmingham someone had the bright idea to call the city's Christams festival 'Winterval' to avoid offending anyone not Christian. That is absoloutly rediculous and I don't know so I am assuming, that the bright sparks on the city's council who thought this idea up would be mostly white English people of Christian beliefs.

"I know lets ease tensions for these ethnic monorites by causing more tension...." yeah great idea.

I agree some degree of political correctness should be enforced, after all we are all human who deserve equal opportunities, but to these super PC do gooder groups that cause more harm that good: do us all a favour and F##K OFF!

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I disagree that 90% of the settlers were English. The word dollar is from the German word thaler only the English could not pronounce it properly. For the word to be accepted there must have been quite of few people who spoke German at the time otherwise with all the “English settlers” the English currency would have been used. That aside, French and Spaniards were also involved but not surprisingly enough, were given no credit.

But to the topic on hand, yes “African American” as a term is quite annoying, why not just American and be over and done with it. Quite possibly because not enough years have passed since the civil rights movement when the powers that be insisted on labeling everyone who was not white as being just that.. not white. A couple of generations need to die off before that can be fixed.

Then again when why is it that when people say “American” a lot of people (Europeans included) automatically assumes the person must be white.

But yes I agree with the OP. PC correct terms are out of hand and extremely annoying. One must walk on egg shells so as not to offend. I referred to someone as short once and they glared at me, so I asked if I should have said “pint sized” or perhaps “vertically challenged”. They responded short was good enough.

Oh and I think the correct term for ugly is “physically challenged” and if a person is an idiot they are “special”.

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Let's not argue about the 'right' PC phrase. The PC Brigade also use different phrases to mean the same thing - physically challenged/visually challenging however you put it still means 'ugly'. I agree that nost people's conception of an American is a white, Norman Rockwell-esque person and the same can be said about the Brits.

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Many Americans refer to their German,Irish,Italian,scotch-irish(which doesnt actually exist)

yes, thats because the correct terminology is scots-irish, or ulster scots, as they are also known.

i am more than willing to let you borrow a book, titled gods frontiersmen, by rory fitzpatrick, which offers a greater understanding, of an often misreprensented people.

if you are interested in early american history, another excellent read would be, revolutionary brotherhood, by steven c. bullock, which deals with the transformation of the american social order 1730-1840.

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During the war of independance 90% plus of the settlers in north america were either English or welsh.German and Irish migration didn't really pick up till the late 1820s and 1840s respectively.My source is a book so i can't link it.But really,just take a look at the surnames of the most important Americans of the time.Heroes,leaders etc It kinda makes it obvoius.

Entirely off topic ofcourse,sorry mods.

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If a group identifies a certain way and generally prefers a certain word to describe that identity, what is the big problem with just being polite and going along with it? Not politically correct. Polite.

I do agree it has gotten way out of hand though. If a person is cannot see, he is blind, not visually challenged.

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Saying that calling a black board a black board or a white board a white board is racist is nonsense of course. I doubt anyone would take offence to it, and for those that argue people do are generally very condersending.

However in other ways PC is not anywhere near enough......

Actually the term black board MAY of had some racist undertones in that when it was invented would a white board of been called a white board or just a board. A number of terms give reference to white being pure/normal e.g. half-cast and coloured - and thus racist.

Although the term now gives reference to it NOT being black. Just my very late night, very tired ramblings! Probably true though.

Edited by Jookster
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White = good, black = evil, this allegorical reference has been around since time immemorial and has nothing to do with race, it alludes to day and night. In the daytime, you could see predators and your enemies which is good but you could not at night which is bad. This has been echoed in the literature of all countries. Anyone remember the Lone Ranger? He as a 'goodie' dressed all in white and what colour did the 'baddie' wear?

Let's not just confine ourselves to one aspect of the topic

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After a night out at walking street drinking someone could say that I was a visually impared, alcoholically affected flying mammal.

In Australia they would say "he was as blind as a bat". :o

Thanks for your input but this is not the tutorial on 'How to turn normal phrases into PCSpeak'

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The term "African American" just make no sense, it just high lights the general lack of geographical knowledge in the American population.

A great portion of the African population is "white". Most people living north of Sahara like, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeirs, Marocco, Libya is "white". Then there is also Zimbabwe, South Africa and other countries with a large "white" population.

If a "white" person from South Africa emmigrates to America is he an "African American" ??

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Political correctness stifles free speech, creativity, imagination and entrepreneurialism, IMHO.

I am a six generation Australian, my family heritage is Cornish, and I am white. I describe myself as an Australian. I don't refer to myself as a white Australian, and Anglo Australian, or a English extract Australian. I have friends in Australia who are of Italian, Greek, German, Chinese, and a myriad other countries of origin. They are Australian and for most of them they refer to themself as such. The main group who don't are government departments and officials who seem determined to segment society according to some nomenclature such as ethnic, social, or religious basis.

Political correctness has attempted to correct racist terminology but I think it has preserved it in a set of different words. By preserving it they also preserve the same bigotry albeit in a more palatable manner.

I now live in Thailand were everyone refers to me as "the farung" I choose not to be offended by this word but can be offended by the manner it is used. That is the difference - intent. You can call me a "big, ugly, Aussie bastard" but you had better be a friend.

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I personally think political correctness is for retards. If you learn manners and know how to be polite to people then political correctness is unnessessary.

That's right but the problem is some people don't have manners and some people are just outright racist. Political correctness has gone mad in a lot of situations for example there have been incidences in Australian schools where the headmaster decided that Christmas Carols would not be sung because it could disturb people that are not Christians.

However for the purposes of this thread (mods this is not directed at anyone, but I must use these words to get my thoughts across) the use of words such as "Nigger", "Slope Head" or "Towel Head" is racist. If political correctness stops people from using such derogatory racist words then I am all for it. It's just plain wrong and offensive.

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I personally think political correctness is for retards. If you learn manners and know how to be polite to people then political correctness is unnessessary.

Valid points but it is not optional! Nursery school children are now being taught 'Baa, baa, purple sheep, characters in children's literature are having name changes and offices in the UK are afraid to put up Christmas decorations.

Scenario. You work in a UK office where there is a ban on Christmas decorations, normal conditions allow you to have on your desk personal photos and sundry personal items. Your supervisor sees that you have a few Christmas cards and a miniature Christmas tree and you are told to remove them as 'they may offend others'.

If you obey, you are giving in to the PC Brigade but if you do not then you will be dismissed. Your move.

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The term "African American" is a lame get-out clause already. Black or white, you're an American. Thats all.

I find it strange that having defeated the twin political evils of fascism and communism, that we in the Western world have embraced liberal double-speak and totalitarian political correctness so readily.

We must be stupid. :D

It really does defy the natural order to adopt "affirmative action" or reverse racism to promote somebody who is inept, or in some cases criminally dangerous, through life based on their skin colour. The capitulation to these humourless drones, especially in the UK, is shameful. :o

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Political Correctness, in my mind, has little to do with racism. You can be as PC as you like and still be a rabid racist.

Calling a black person a n****r in an agressive tone is racist pure and simple. It is also non-PC.

Calling a black person mister/miss/misses/muzz is non-racist and PC. But then not employing them in your company solely because of the colour of their skin is racist but you treated them with the utmost PC at the interview. And there is very little anybody can do about that.

But the Pattaya bar girls still get away with "Hey you, chocolate man!" and the guys just turn and smile. As has been said, it's all in the tone of the voice.

I cannot see how calling it a blackboard offends coloured people even if it is a dark green. The term blackboard has been in use since the year dot and no-one, to my knowledge, made any connection between them and coulered/black people until the advent of PC.

OK, so they are now chalkboards. But those things on the office wall are still called whiteboards. Does this not offend me as a pale skinned caucasian?

So Christmas has now got to be referred to as Winterval for fear of offending other minority faiths.

OK. So Rammadhan should now be renamed Dieterval in the UK for fear of offending Hindus etc (although many muslims actually gain weight during that period).

In my experience a lot of this PC nonsense has been/is raised by white do-gooders with little or no consultation with the people they claim to be protecting.

As I said on the yellow thread this rising tide of PC, fanned by the screaming neo-conservative British gutter press, is actually having a negative effect on the way white British people are seeing coloured people.

Enough, this subject irritates the sh1t out of me. :D

Merry Cristmas to all :D and I hope that for all of you, each year is better than it's predecessor :o

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Nursery school children are now being taught 'Baa, baa, purple sheep, characters in children's literature are having name changes and offices in the UK are afraid to put up Christmas decorations.

Is it 'purple' or 'rainbow'? Asking because it has been claimed in another thread about the PC phenomenon that it was 'rainbow sheep'. Either way it seems excessive - the same as not allowing Christmas decorations.

Some of these examples seem to be too extreme to be true. Do people check their sources or just pass on what they heard in the pub?

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If a group identifies a certain way and generally prefers a certain word to describe that identity, what is the big problem with just being polite and going along with it? Not politically correct. Polite.

Jingthing has been co-opted by the PC Brigade. When did black Americans as a "group" decide unanimously that they prefer being called "African-American"? Did non-American blacks vote?

In fact, I think Jesse Jackson announced one day that it was time to start using that term instead of "black", and the PC Brigade mindlessly went along.

I have heard more than one black person object to the term, saying "I'm not African". Furthermore, calling someone "African-American" or anything-American assumes they are American, which is obviously not always true.

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