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Chaos at Mor Chit as many blame pick-up seating ban


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13 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

One thing most Thai governments, and more specifically, the junta, can do well, is to completely screw things up for the people.

Bringing in new rules for vans and pick-ups on the eve on the nations largest movement of Thais, shows a complete lack of common sense.

3-6 months prior and it may have been a lot different and allowing people to make alternate travel plans.


I would not say a lack of commen sense , I would say these idiots are totally brain dead, maybe why they want to buy some cheap submarines.

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4 hours ago, the guest said:

Thailand must change with the times, Songran should be only 1 day then people don't need to waste time traveling to and fro. The country can't afford all the so-called celebrations, too damaging to the economy.

Brilliant idea-we don't want the peons wasting time traveling back to their villages to see their families- their babies,  who they have been forced to leave in order to eek out a meager existence in the big cities. They should remain in the factories every day and keep making the filthy rich more filthy rich.

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Transition periods are always tough. There was never a good time to save countless lives by banning the tray rides.

The problem rests squarely on the shoulders of thais. They never ever listen to warnings because especially the country red necks can not plan past today's "what to eat for dinner"

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Song Kran s a yearly event, and these crowds hppen every year.  Yes  lets blame the pickup seating new rules,as that is

the easiest excuse!  How about, lets remember that this sort of stuff happens every year, and just blame the hoards of

people who got to Mo CHit station at the same time, and caused this incident themselves.


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I've been to mo chit several times.  It looked like almost all full size buses.      Enforcement and education on not riding in truck beds will cause more scooter taxis, buses and other means of transportation.   Maybe wages will have to rise above 300/ day to compensate.    Some of these costs will be born by everyone but it's the right thing to do.     I think the announcement before songkran was brilliant.   You bet the word spread like wildfire and got people thinking about how stupid it is to surf a pickup bed at 60-100 kph.   Then they postpone enforcement into the future.   But the word got out this rule is coming. 

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13 hours ago, CGW said:

It wasn't very well publicised though was it, certainly I had never heard of the law, nor had any of the locals where I live, though, as you say maybe they had heard but were hoping? though that wasn't my impression.

Publicized well enough for me to hear of it, a foreigner.



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16 hours ago, robblok said:

I am talking here about the vans not about the pickups and did the PM not say that this songkrang they would not enforce it for the pickups ?

Yes but apparently  many of the stranded masses in the OP are blaming the pick up laws not a mention of vans. Also clearly states there was overbookings so its all BS anyway ;)

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It wasn't very well publicised though was it, certainly I had never heard of the law, nor had any of the locals where I live, though, as you say maybe they had heard but were hoping? though that wasn't my impression.

Plus all these traffic laws that the police flout day in day out.
Monkey see .....

Sent from my iris 505 using Tapatalk

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On ‎4‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 0:19 PM, hanuman2543 said:

Link? Not about the vans but riding in the back of a pick up.

These are old, very old rules, made at about the '70s.

Never got enforced because nobody knew and still don't know where and how to get alternative transport for so many people, as seen at Morchit.

It looks good in the foreign papers and I think (I do this sometimes:smile:) it will quitly sizzle out. TIT.

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