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U.S. denies hitting Islamic State poison gas depot with air strike


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9 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

I think the US attack was uncalled for.  But that's not what we're talking about here.  The topic is the US said Syria did not bomb an ISIS gas depot.  The US has proof of that.  And many world leaders are in agreement.  They've got way better info than we do.

One of the problems is that if the US has images of the Syrian plane taking off, flying over the drop area, and dropping the gas bomb, then put it out there for everyone to see.  We all know that the technology exists as we can practically see anything on google earth.  Seems it would not be giving that much away to prove that it did take place.  The US government won't even show their Congress evidence of it.  It's unfortunate but I question almost everything my government tells me anymore.  Further, it is not the place of the US to be the world's policeman.  Should have shown the evidence to it's coalition partners and done something as an international force. In effect, the US has used the fact that ISIS is in Syria as an excuse to supply weapons to a rebellion against Assad. The Russian Foreign Minister stated things pretty well when he outlined the consequences of the US meddling in Sudan, Libya, Iraq, etc. and toppling the leaders. While I am not fan of the Russian moves into Georgia and Ukraine, seems to me the US has made a far bigger mess of the Middle East under Bush and Obama. If Assad goes watch for an all out civil war with 8 - 10 groups fighting over who takes over.  Will make the current crisis of refugees pale in comparison.

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26 minutes ago, Trouble said:

One of the problems is that if the US has images of the Syrian plane taking off, flying over the drop area, and dropping the gas bomb, then put it out there for everyone to see.  We all know that the technology exists as we can practically see anything on google earth.  Seems it would not be giving that much away to prove that it did take place.  The US government won't even show their Congress evidence of it.  It's unfortunate but I question almost everything my government tells me anymore.  Further, it is not the place of the US to be the world's policeman.  Should have shown the evidence to it's coalition partners and done something as an international force. In effect, the US has used the fact that ISIS is in Syria as an excuse to supply weapons to a rebellion against Assad. The Russian Foreign Minister stated things pretty well when he outlined the consequences of the US meddling in Sudan, Libya, Iraq, etc. and toppling the leaders. While I am not fan of the Russian moves into Georgia and Ukraine, seems to me the US has made a far bigger mess of the Middle East under Bush and Obama. If Assad goes watch for an all out civil war with 8 - 10 groups fighting over who takes over.  Will make the current crisis of refugees pale in comparison.

The Us 'proof' is about as good a guaranty as its fiat money. Phoney

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The US airstrike was not effective enough, and they should have put a couple of missles into the runway of that airport.

Assad  going onto TV to say that he and Syria are innocent of the chemical attack, what a liar.  He will next explain away

the barrel bomb attacks.   I was expectig him to say that he is an angel from Heaven who is just leading Syria  for the people.

Assad  and Putin are both lying every day. Shame on both of them.


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CIA/Trump VS.  Putin/Assad both/all are liars, neither side has the moral or ethical high ground.

I have absolutely no idea who is telling the truth on what actually happened. :bah:


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14 hours ago, webfact said:

The U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State on Thursday denied a Syrian army report it had carried out an air strike that had hit poison gas supplies belonging to IS and caused the deaths of hundreds of people.

An impossibility.

Sarin is a binary weapon. It requires the mixing of two chemical components to become active. The components by themselves are not weaponized. What Russia and Syria claim is that the rebels had stored in an ordinary structure a highly airborne and water soluble weaponized sarin.


Charles Lister, a senior fellow at the US-based Middle East Institute: "First of all, nobody in their right mind would ever store both components of a binary nerve agent in the same building. And secondly, even if they were stored together and then targeted, blowing them up would not result in any active nerve agent -- it's chemically impossible,"





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12 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Maybe if Assad said good things about Trump, and burnished Trump's ego, Trump would like him, and not get aggressive with him.  It worked for Putin.  Trump said, during the campaign, when asked why he always says glowing things about Putin and is fine with everything the Russians do; Trump said, "He says nice things about me, so I say nice things about him." 

Boomer asks; are we discussing a grown man who cheated his way to the presidency?  Or are we talking about a bratty little kid who is always picking fights during recess?


             Again, Trump has zero credibility.  How hard would it be to cobble a story together which justifies Trump looking tough?   - and unleashing $100 million worth of bombs which accomplishes nearly nothing.    Then, a few days later, Trump authorizes dropping a $50 million bomb which none of his predecessors used.   It wouldn't be to burnish Trump's image as a tough guy, or (more importantly) TO DIVERT FOCUS AWAY FROM THE TRUMP/RUSSIA INVESTIGATIONS. .....would it?   Perish the thought.

100% agree with you!  Trump aside, there's still too much data to suggest this was anything other than Assad gassing his people, again.  And definitely not a hit on a rebel weapons storage facility.  A deflection by Trump?  100% possible!

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8 hours ago, Trouble said:

 It's unfortunate but I question almost everything my government tells me anymore. 

That's a terribly sad comment to read.  IMHO, one of the reasons we're having the problems we have today.  People look at this like the glass is half empty, rather than half full.  And believe the BS published by click bait websites.


The US government, like all other governments, has many problems.  With that being said, it's still a good government.  The US wouldn't be the powerhouse it is today if it was that bad.  Luckily, our "shadow" government, the press, keeps them in line,..mostly.


Don't lose faith.

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8 hours ago, Trouble said:

One of the problems is that if the US has images of the Syrian plane taking off, flying over the drop area, and dropping the gas bomb, then put it out there for everyone to see.  We all know that the technology exists as we can practically see anything on google earth. 

It's called classified information.  No government in the world releases data like that.  Eventually, hopefully, but 100% of what they've collected will never be released to the public.

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