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Kodi Video Library Clean Up - Slowww?


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Can anyone help please? I have set up a Kodi (both 16.1 and now 17.1) video library where the source of files is a single connected hard drive of folders containing movies for example. When I add a movie to the hard drive the library updates reasonably fast, but if I delete a movie from the hard drive (using a third party file explorer for example) then the movie remains in the Kodi library even after an update - update just seems to add new movies and not delete removed movies?? 


The only way I can remove it is by selecting the movie, Kodi says is cannot be found and do I wish to remove? This would take ages for many movies that may have been deleted. The other option is to go to settings (expert mode) and use Library Clean Up, but this clean up even tho it works can take up to 20 minutes or more even if just a single movie has been deleted. What am I doing wrong to make library clean ups so slow please??

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I dont think there is a quicker method than clean library, and it can take sometime. I suppose the rational is that most people are adding to their library and not often deleting.

It makes sense that update library doesnt remove movies, you may have unplugged an external drive full of movies, then update would remove all those movies because it cant find them.

Check under videos/files etc to make sure there are not old sources, an old usb drive or network location, clean library may be spending time trying to find those old sources.

Edited by Peterw42
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That sounds incredibly slow.


I've just checked my system that has about 750 movies and 100's of TV series and a library cleanup takes at most 3 seconds.


Maybe you've got an fragmented system disk or database - have you tried exporting and importing your library? best approach would be to export your library, de-fragment your system disk and then import the library.

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Thanks for replies guys. I have tried the library clean up with movies on an attached HDD on a clean install of Kodi with no addons installed. The library clean up is fast.


My issue comes perhaps from also having numerous video addons included in the Kodi build that seem to get involved in the library cleanup process, for example if I look in the kodi log I have numerous Warning messages related to video addons and not just my video movie files e.g 12:30:39.682 T:12244 WARNING: XFILE::CFileFactory::CreateLoader - unsupported protocol(plugin) in plugin://plugin.video.bbciplayer/?url..... is related to the BBCiPlayer addon and the process is currently cleaning the library. There are hundreds of other warnings as well related to numerous video addons installed.


A quick Google suggests my problem is same as found on link below, but when I try to download a video database cleanup addon mentioned on that thread, the zip file download is corrupted on my system.


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