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Violence flares at Australian refugee facility in PNG


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7 hours ago, simple1 said:

Blah, blah. The PNG Supreme Court ruled the refugees had to be removed as their detention was contrary to the PNG Constitution, a valid legal process in a democracy.





Then why did they alow it in the first place?  Let me guess..... MONEY!!  So you made your bed, lie in it!!

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9 hours ago, RigPig said:

Do you think the PNG govt. did this for nothing?  Of course not, they didn't have to take the deal, but they did!  So now it isn't convenient?  Well I guess someone thought the "assylum" seekers would take the pay off offered them and go home or elsewhere.  Unfortunately the rewards of living in Aus are higher than those offered in Saudi Arabia, maybe not all but most of them are Muslim, and are on a mission to convert the rest of the world haha!

Why believe  that  people  who are  trying  to escape   the doom  inflicted  on them   by  foreign  militancy on the  excuse  that  their  need  to escape is  not  annihilation  but twist that into a  mission of religious conversion? 

Is  there  any  validity  in taking that stance from a paranoid "non " muslim  viewpoint of  any and  various  but  usually   Christian  influenced?

The  PNG  government is  "allowed"  to  express  desire  for   all  and  many aspects  of  autonomy  but  restricted  in effect   by the  imposition  of   Australian   censure  as  prescribed   by the  almighty  selective  sanctions of  the  UN ! And  that will  not  cease  until  the   multi  national  corporates  have  finished  raping  the   lands  and  indigenous people of  anything  worth   taking via  Australia in  PNG !

Get  the head  around  the  fact that "rape  and pillage"  for  profit  is  the overall  continuous  philisophical process  of imposed   Western influence politics! 



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7 hours ago, RigPig said:

Then why did they alow it in the first place?  Let me guess..... MONEY!!  So you made your bed, lie in it!!

Try understanding the rule of law and the democratic process

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