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Asked to remove chicken due to noise??

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16 minutes ago, williet98248 said:

Uh.  No.

I was rather slanted in this direction to clarify things

Subsistence agriculture is self-sufficiency farming in which the farmers focus on growing enough food to feed themselves and their families. The output is mostly for local requirements with little or no surplus trade

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2 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

I was rather slanted in this direction to clarify things

Subsistence agriculture is self-sufficiency farming in which the farmers focus on growing enough food to feed themselves and their families. The output is mostly for local requirements with little or no surplus trade


2 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

I was rather slanted in this direction to clarify things

Subsistence agriculture is self-sufficiency farming in which the farmers focus on growing enough food to feed themselves and their families. The output is mostly for local requirements with little or no surplus trade

Nobody cares if a neighbor has a small garden plot to grow a few vegetables for personal consumption.  Vegetables don't make noise or generate smells.  The house across the street from me in my gated community has three lots, two of which are just grass.  If he wanted to grow a few vegetables I wouldn't have a problem.  But if he added a cow for milk,  a cock and some hens for eggs, maybe a pig or two for meat,  I think we neighbors would have a real problem with that.  Just planting both vacant lots in vegetables would be too much.  Not to mention the covenants here regarding 'no livestock'.  I have two banana trees, a lime tree, a lemon tree and several avocado trees.  Am I a farmer?  I don't think so.  I pick the fruit when it ripens and give the surplus to the neighbors.  Wanna be a farmer?  Move to the village and buy a real farm.

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On 4/15/2017 at 8:36 PM, Chuckles78 said:

Two small chickens don't make much noise especially when in a big garden like ours. The kids like them so i see no harm in it. Its a small resort in terms of 25 houses max but with big plots. I think my neighbour has nearly 2 rai. 


I'm staying in a house in Sydney right now, maybe 400 sqm plot, they also have chickens and i don't hear them.


I think we can all agree dogs make more noise. 

You don't live in a 'resort'.  You live in a moo Baan or a housing development.  Most of these have covenants requiring 'no farm animals'.  Definitely you don't have farm animals in a 'resort'.


 Dogs are not farm animals but pets and are a different problem.  I and other neighbors went to war with my Thai neighbor over his barking, whining, howling dogs (three) that appeared two years after I moved here.  After nine months of warfare including involving the police he did something that mostly quieted the dogs and they have been 'acceptable' for about a year now.  I think that after he found a 'poisoned' piece of meat in his yard that he finally got the message that the dogs were a real nuisance to someone.    

Edited by williet98248
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4 hours ago, williet98248 said:


Nobody cares if a neighbor has a small garden plot to grow a few vegetables for personal consumption.  Vegetables don't make noise or generate smells.  The house across the street from me in my gated community has three lots, two of which are just grass.  If he wanted to grow a few vegetables I wouldn't have a problem.  But if he added a cow for milk,  a cock and some hens for eggs, maybe a pig or two for meat,  I think we neighbors would have a real problem with that.  Just planting both vacant lots in vegetables would be too much.  Not to mention the covenants here regarding 'no livestock'.  I have two banana trees, a lime tree, a lemon tree and several avocado trees.  Am I a farmer?  I don't think so.  I pick the fruit when it ripens and give the surplus to the neighbors.  Wanna be a farmer?  Move to the village and buy a real farm.

Hold on Tex your getting way off into left field reel it in a bit. I was describing a substance agriculture not defending your neighbors chickens. 

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On 15/04/2017 at 8:36 PM, Chuckles78 said:

Two small chickens don't make much noise especially when in a big garden like ours. The kids like them so i see no harm in it. Its a small resort in terms of 25 houses max but with big plots. I think my neighbour has nearly 2 rai. 


I'm staying in a house in Sydney right now, maybe 400 sqm plot, they also have chickens and i don't hear them.


I think we can all agree dogs make more noise. 

Yeah, they bark at chickens!

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 I live in farm country and I wouldn't even try to count the scores of chickens that have free run, some mine some the neighbors, who knows.  There are also many dogs, I have 8,  some that bark at anything anytime, wild cats that live in the pig pens and an occasional snake, not noisy, that ventures in the house   If It was ever totally quiet I would be concerned that something evil was in the works.  I subscribe to true visions and when the TV is not on the Music channel, 701 is, 24/7,

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6 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Hold on Tex your getting way off into left field reel it in a bit. I was describing a substance agriculture not defending your neighbors chickens. 

I understand subsistence agriculture.  SA can include farm animals which have no place in a Moo Baan. Indeed any urban setting.  My neighbor doesn't' have chickens but he does have dogs.  Different problem, different solution.  But, yah, I did get off in the weeds a bit.  sorry.

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tell them to go forth and mulitply . I have chickens constantly in my house dirtying everywhere . One of my neighbours has about 10 roosters for fighting and 20 chickens and no land . I have 4 rai and they live on my land . All my neighbours and neary every house in my village has chickens . Absolutely little noise and the chicken do not bother me  and most of them are scared of me as i killed a few i find in my house so not problems .Roosters ta 5am do not bother me as i live in thailand on thai time and am up by then They eat the insects and even gheckos and sometimes leave eggs on my land :)
 You try telling a thai to get rid of their chickens because  they come on my land . No chance . Its their way of life.They would just think i was nasty or crazy .
 Do not get me started on dogs however whom i class as vermin . their barking is something else

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Anything that makes noise and disturbs neighbours should be got rid of. That includes chickens, roosters, dogs, loud music, noisy motorbikes etc. If you want noise go listen all day and night to it though headphones. Don't make other people put up with your noise.


You are living on a residential estate not a farm.



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4 hours ago, williet98248 said:

I understand subsistence agriculture.  SA can include farm animals which have no place in a Moo Baan. Indeed any urban setting.  My neighbor doesn't' have chickens but he does have dogs.  Different problem, different solution.  But, yah, I did get off in the weeds a bit.  sorry.

I lived in a rural area in Phitsanulok for a year your not telling me anything new. 

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6 hours ago, Keesters said:

Anything that makes noise and disturbs neighbours should be got rid of. That includes chickens, roosters, dogs, loud music, noisy motorbikes etc. If you want noise go listen all day and night to it though headphones. Don't make other people put up with your noise.


You are living on a residential estate not a farm.



I basically agree.  It's very important to think of others with regard to the amount of noise you make sadly most people do not.  I live on a dead end soi with only 2 other homes near me which are actually almost always vacant.  I have 2 dogs and yes they do occasionally bark.  Usually when an unfamiliar motorbike or person comes for a look-see and at the end of the soi which always results in a quick about face on behalf of the curious parties.  If I lived in one of my neighbors homes I would actually be grateful for the neighbor (me) having "someone" keeping an eye on things for all three homes and offer an occasional bone to say thank you and let them know I am one of the friendlies.  One of my dogs also has a very distinctive "snake alert bark" that never fails.   As a pet owner you must accept that everything that animal does is your problem not someone else's and it's important to recognize the issue before it irritate's someone else. 

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22 hours ago, Keesters said:

Anything that makes noise and disturbs neighbours should be got rid of. That includes chickens, roosters, dogs, loud music, noisy motorbikes etc. If you want noise go listen all day and night to it though headphones. Don't make other people put up with your noise.


You are living on a residential estate not a farm.



does that include tv`s,children playing , playing football in the street , laughing out loud, crying , rowing with the wife all which make as much noise except loud music. Nowhere in the world like that mate . You need to lighten up . a loud motorbike ?what is that . I live by a main road and i get a few loud motorbikes , each usually lasting about 5 seconds hardly a nuisance .There have been about 20 neighbours chickens near my house this morning , i have seen them but never heard them . Chickens do NOT make a noise . are you a snowflake? better to be a hermit than be upset about everything

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On 17/04/2017 at 7:59 PM, Moti24 said:

If you were one of my neighbours, you will have already had a visit!  If you want to keep chickens, go and live in the Nackon Nowheres!

Lol. And i would have promptly told you where to go. Perhaps to a retirement Village

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12 minutes ago, Chuckles78 said:

Lol. And i would have promptly told you where to go. Perhaps to a retirement Village

Took you long enough to answer!  You must be experiencing the onset of dementia; forget where you put the keyboard?

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On 18/04/2017 at 0:34 AM, williet98248 said:

You don't live in a 'resort'.  You live in a moo Baan or a housing development.  Most of these have covenants requiring 'no farm animals'.  Definitely you don't have farm animals in a 'resort'.


 Dogs are not farm animals but pets and are a different problem.  I and other neighbors went to war with my Thai neighbor over his barking, whining, howling dogs (three) that appeared two years after I moved here.  After nine months of warfare including involving the police he did something that mostly quieted the dogs and they have been 'acceptable' for about a year now.  I think that after he found a 'poisoned' piece of meat in his yard that he finally got the message that the dogs were a real nuisance to someone.    


The name of our 'housing development' actually contains the word 'Resort' so I know that is where I live. 


I can understand there are  'moo baans' with rules in place and i would accept that however none were presented to us at the time of purchase. If we had known of any rules my wife would never have bought any chooks although I would still argue chooks don't make much noise. I still doubt our resort has any such rules. 


I don't think you need a farm to have some chickens, thats just silly. I'm staying in a house in a upmarket suburb in Sydney, Australia right now and have a few chickens 3 meters from my bedroom window. So quiet. I can actually hear a fan or aircon running from the neighbours house. I hope the chickens can sleep.


Our neighbour of our house in europe (in a town center) has two big dogs, a bird house and some cats bordering our yard. They make more noise than chooks but no issue from us. 


Some people just have nothing better to do than winge. Perhaps my neighbours should move to the city. 

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On 4/17/2017 at 3:34 PM, SpeakeasyThai said:

Mr Angry has spoken. 

What Moo Baan are you in Mr Angry as im in Korat as well & the Thais just shove their head in the sand further ( upto them what they do on their property attitude )

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If you are in walled moo baan housing development, then they have more rules about stuff, so you might have to re home you chickens.


If you are in a Thai village, with your own plot of land, then there are no rules.. and you can have whatever ou like.


Out in my village is noise noise noise almost 24 / 7.  I actually go into Chiang Mai city sometimes to get some quiet!


My neighbours have a collection of about 14 dogs, which constantly howl, bark, scream.  There are chickens and roosters all over the place... crowing throughout the night.  There are people playing loud base music for parties or just for fun almost every day and night.  Then there is the temple and village loud speakers blasting out ear splitting stupid music several times a week.. sometimes at 5 am!


So in the end I joined the fun.  I have about 20 chickens, roosters and guinea fowl.  I have 2 dogs.  I used to worry about the little one barking a lot.. but since no one else cares about their neighbours here I just let it bark now. 


It does seem very petty and out of character for a Thai person to complain to a neighbor about anything.. they usually are not bothered with anything, and don't like confrontation.  Perhaps there are other issues going on and the chickens are just an excuse to cause bother? 


And, 2 bantam hens are not going to make any noise.. except sometimes when they are laying an egg.. but that is not even every day. 


Tell them you will get rid of the chickens and replace them with a couple of rescue dogs that have howling problems, or some screaming parrots!  Then they might decided the chickens are better.



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We have chickens  no noise at all. Next door breeds chicken  he did kill of all that arent cocks ( hence we have a lot of chickens) he uses then for fighting. We discused the bloody noise they make and he now covers them over last thing at night very heavy duty cover. Now nothing from them in the darknrss hours in fact nothing till he uncovers them at 7am. 

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