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Pickups allowed to carry passengers until new rules done: police


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Fail to see how seat belts help in the slightest, if the idiot driver is going too fast, drunk, asleep or the pickup suffers from the 'brake-failure' disease.
Personally, i'd allow travel in a pick-up if speeds of people carrying pickups were limited to 30 miles an hour on an inside lane.

So the law would state a speed of 30 mph on the inside. How would this help? People would still drive however and wherever they want, because noone enforces the current laws :rolleyes: Do you think motorbikes and cars drive the wrong way, because it isn't illegal to do so? -_-
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20 minutes ago, hocuspocus said:

Will they still allow an upper tier and lower tier in pick-ups as long as there is seat belts for all and if they eliminate ALL deaths in pick-ups will Thailand stay at number 2 with 82% of all deaths on motor cycles.

I not really understand your question but mine opinion is all pick ups max 80 km with or without folks at the floor bed.Motorbikes need a lower speed limit also.

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34 minutes ago, MaxLee said:

Until, until, until :cheesy::cheesy: :partytime2:

No confusion here at all from the article..... :ohmy:

Maybe the heading has not been translated correctly! 

Until seems to be very Clear. :omfg:

“We won’t take legal action against people who use their pickups for carrying passengers until the New Year,” Assistant National Police Commissioner Pol Lt-General Wittaya Prayongpan said yesterday.

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If we stop to look at the statistics we see 45% of accidents are due to alchohol, and about 30% due to speeding.

This comes down to enforcement of laws that while already in place have pathetic penalties, that need to be dramatically raised.

In addition to every fine or other penalty dished out, the vehicle of ANY offender, car, bike, bus, lorry whatever, should be impounded for say 30 days minimum.

I suspect helmet wearing, use of seat belts and respect for the other laws would improve rather rapidly.


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57 minutes ago, binjalin said:

these people could not organise sex in a Pattaya soapy


When I first came here I was critical of 3/4 riding motor bikes etc. until I learnt, fairly swiftly, many have NO choice and same with pick-ups. Bet they hate riding in those to and from work and bet they have NO choice.


The Hi-So Junta have no empathy for the poor only contempt.

Same same many contributors on  tv: No empathy or understanding of how poor Thais have to get from A to B to shop, work, school runs or hospital. A 2nd hand pick-up truck scraped and saved for for years or a motor bike is their only way. Enforcing the current laws is all that's needed: speed limits, no  drink driving, crash hat wearing in particular. The rest is down to stricter driving tests and no buying driving licences! 

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

“We won’t take legal action against people who use their pickups for carrying passengers until the New Year,”

and which New Year is that? 01/01/2018, or 04/15/2018? See, I'm confused already. Well done, Mr. the BiB UeberCopAssistant.

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2 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

Having special designed seatbelts in the floorbed of the pick up installed and max the pickup its speed to 80 km is a really fair solution and will safe lots of lives.

But then if they put seatbealts there, then would need seats... and maybe also a cover...


Abracadabra, it is now a mini van 555

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3 hours ago, maoro2013 said:

Well they didn't look around my area in Isaan.

No need to tell everyone.


And how is this law going to work? REally and truly. Especially in rural areas, where the pickup is the family car. Used for coffins, parades, including songkran, where cars travel in processions at 5 mph, carrying motorcycles, farm equipment, kids to school, family to the doctor, 15 bags of rice plus 4 people. This is a wrong end of the stick law. 


If it was shopping, I have had 13 in the pickup, just so the folks can go to the doctor and do the shopping. 


The law has to be about the WAY PEOPLE DRIVE. Driver education. Road worthiness of vehicles. People love to cut corners, and I mean literally. 


The penalties for drink driving have worked in the West. Less people do it now. People are a lot more cautious. 


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4 hours ago, maoro2013 said:

Well they didn't look around my area in Isaan.

As far as i understand the law regarding travelling in the back of pick-up does'nt start till after song-kran, which would have to be pretty flexible as sonk-kran lasts different  number of days depending where you are!

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Of these accidents, about 82 per cent were related to motorcycles and just over 8 per cent were related to pickups.

Quite an imbalance I would say. Seat belts for motorcycles 2 to a bike only. Maybe that western contraption where you breath into a tube or the bike will not start. Governors on the engine. They do not call all em rice rockets for nothing. 

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3 hours ago, faraday said:

Thank you so much for bringing this my attention.

I'll try harder in future to post in a correct timeline.



Not at all dear chap.


They don't call me the "Pollyanna of the blogosphere" for nothing you know.



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5 hours ago, faraday said:

But at least he is attempting to address the whole road safety issue, rather than just implementing a poorly thought out law.


Instead of just heaping criticism on this whole debacle, why don't people suggest some workable solutions?


Or is this just yet another opportunity for tv members to denigrate Thailand again?





How about NO PEOPLE in the back tray of trucks !!

Thailand get use to it, live with it and stop crying about it !!

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26 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

How about NO PEOPLE in the back tray of trucks !!

Thailand get use to it, live with it and stop crying about it !!


However as this is Thailand and it is about Thai people why don't YOU live with it and stop bleating about it?

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Wonder what they will do about the pickups converted to a Thai version of a school buss. Kids packed and hanging off the back onto the re-bar cage ? Or the song tells (pickups that pick up passengers) that stop frequently in the cities to pick up/drop off their cheap fares ?


The people in the sticks will ignore the laws anyway just as they do for the most part the helmet laws..


Today I drove into Udon and counted one construction crew of 6  in the back of a pickup.. Several other pickups had 3 to 4 in the back as the cab was full. Like others have said people in the back of a pickup, is out of necessity, and not to enjoy the sun and the wind.


Until people learn the paint on the roads is to declare what lane you are supposed to stay in instead of in the middle of two lanes doing 20% the posted speed limit all the laws will do nothing but enhance collections.


There are very few times I drive where the word Idiot does not spring forth from my clenched teeth as I watch people almost killed on their motor bikes and cars that pull out into on coming traffic hoping they can block the whole lane or two so they can squeeze in. Manners and education for some of this stuff would be so simple and IMO effective. 


Start with short 15 second videos during the news hours.. Maybe to simple ?

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7 hours ago, maoro2013 said:

Well they didn't look around my area in Isaan.

My local BIBs were all drinking with us on the 12th !!!  Of course as usual and many bottles of chang they left to go on their merry way.  During this drinking period both the "big boss" and his 2nd in command confirmed that they have no intention of implementing the PMs instruction issued under Section 44.


Irrespective of the rights or wrongs of that instruction ,the BIB appear to be able to totally disregard government orders with impunity as they clearly operate outside the law as it stands.  If that principal is common across the country then no one will ever be prosecuted for riding in a pick-up illegally or even more concerning, law and order has totally broken down under the Junta's watch.

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Ox cart for the people. Give them back what they are conditioned for. 3mph. Whole family in back. Safety first. Sanook! Thai arent ready for turbodiesel automobiles. Even with seatbelts, their way of driving is the source of all accidents. Ps. Note to hiso and army cronies: invest in factories who manufacture seatbelts.

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'SENIOR police are pressing the Land Transport Department (LTD) for new regulations that would allow pickups to carry passengers, not just cargo, in cabs or beds – as long as they have safety belts installed.' Safety belts? In the load carrying bay of a truck? Who thinks up these weird and wonderful proposals?


'“We won’t take legal action against people who use their pickups for carrying passengers until the New Year,” Assistant National Police Commissioner Pol Lt-General Wittaya Prayongpan said yesterday.' Which New Year would that be? Songkran? We're already past it. That leaves us the Julian or Chinese versions - and the best part of a year for the RTP to enforce safety. By which time it will all have been forgotten.

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Probably would take them another 50 years to realize that commercial vehicles are usually restricted to the extreme left lane and a speed limit imposed at around 80km/h. 

Edited by wvavin
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This no-passengers in the back of pick-ups is absurd. Millions of Thais -- especially farmers and business owners -- have no other way to carry family members and/or workers than my their one and only vehicle (i.e., pick-up). This new law makes it impossible for them to run their businesses and lives. 


However, I do see the wisdom of a law requiring a slower speed when passengers are in the back of the pick-up -- although most drivers won't heed that law.

Edited by HerbalEd
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Just now, HerbalEd said:

This no-passengers in the back of pick-ups is absurd. Millions of Thais -- especially farmers and business owners -- have no other way to carry family members and/or workers than my their one and only vehicle (i.e., pick-up). This new law makes it impossible for them to run their businesses and lives. 


However, I do see the wisdom in requiring a slower speed when passengers are in the back of the pick-up.

One similar absurdity is in the USA where there are very strict seat-belt laws, but millions of school children go back and forth to school in buses and there are no seat-belt requirements what so ever. 

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