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Couple puts ‘Pacquiao’ their pit bull up for adoption after severe attack


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51 minutes ago, sandemara said:

Dogs are beautiful animals, all amenable to training.  When a dog bites a person - especially their "master - it's the master's fault.  People need to know how to train and bring up a dog as a family member. Ut's not difficult when you have the right knowledge and attitude.  People who deprive any animal of its normal, natural lifestyle have a moral and ethical responsibility to provide proper care and training to ensure that captive animal's  saety and contentment.They are not toys or fashion statements or extensions of our own deluded egos.I hope the couple in this article take th very sensible step of acknowledging they are not ready to taken on pet ownership and responsibility.  Pacquiao looked like an intelligent dog with potential. It's sad but his owners have probably doomed him to a very brief stay on this planet, unless they can find someone who wants to brutalise the animal and develop the undesirable traits in his character. A harsh, cruel existence no dog deserves.

If his owners wanted security in their home, they probably would have been better off buying a gun, far less demanding in time, money and commitment. And of course they'll miss out on the unconditional love and companionship a creature like Pacquiao could have provided.

Well said

 Your argument brings much of the objectivity that I sometimes lack. As I stated in another post my family has reared, raised and bred APBT's from before I was born. As you state all dogs are beautiful animals regardless of breed but some don't have the reasoning, sense or mental capacity to separate good from bad. Historically and traditionally the APBT's were never human aggressive just a long line of idiots unfortunately gave this breed a bad name as has happened with other dogs in the past.

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53 minutes ago, Jonmarleesco said:

And there are t___ts around who still swear these dogs are trainable, controllable, and great pets. One 'expert' ran a mini golf course in a 'city' not a million miles from here, and had a pit bull lolling around in the reception area. Then it decided to come onto the course and growl threateningly at my son. I can take dogs, or leave them, but one threatens my family, I'll take to its head whatever is to hand; obviously, on a golf course, a golf iron. Its moronic owner got to it before I did.


But at least this recent one bit its owner(s).

So one dog growls at your son and therefore the whole breed is untrainable, uncontrollable and not good pets? Yeah righto mate. Why was he an expert? Or is that just another anecdote to help pad your terrifying story of the day a dog growled at ya?

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9 hours ago, onemorechang said:

Every owner of this type of dog i have met,  are at least one one of the list below

General bad guys,  social misfits,  life's rejects., drug dealers,  dog fighters,  wannabe hard guys criminals.  

One might go further and say that people who generalise on other people's characters based solely on what type of dog they own are clearly people too lazy to have an original thought of their own and take pride in their inability to think for themselves.

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54 minutes ago, sandemara said:

One might go further and say that people who generalise on other people's characters based solely on what type of dog they own are clearly people too lazy to have an original thought of their own and take pride in their inability to think for themselves.

Ok  if you say so :coffee1:

Now can you tell me why anyone would want to own a pit-bull dog ?

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13 minutes ago, onemorechang said:

Now can you tell me why anyone would want to own a pit-bull dog ?

onemorechang, I'm going to do you a favour. I'm giving you the opportunity to tackle this chance to develop your own intellect, and I won't even charge you my normal fee. Yoiur assignment? Answer this challenging question yourself. Feel free to use as much of your knowledge and understanding of humanity as you require. over the next 30 mins and see if you can present three possible, plausible reasons. Some clues: 1. What was the last vehicle you bought and why? 2. What political party do you vote for (and why) and; 3.On which side of your head do you part your hair (and, of course, why)?  Considering these and other important social issues will help you expand your consciousness in unexpected ways. You'll receive great intellectual benefits if you persist with similar exercises at lest twice a week. No word limit. For a higher grading, you can attach a brief review of the movie "Devil Dog"; you might gain some insight intohow this movie might have influenced your deep-seated, illogical bias against a parrticular breed of dog. No garantees this will help but you never know. Good luck.

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Just now, sandemara said:

onemorechang, I'm going to do you a favour. I'm giving you the opportunity to tackle this chance to develop your own intellect, and I won't even charge you my normal fee. Yoiur assignment? Answer this challenging question yourself. Feel free to use as much of your knowledge and understanding of humanity as you require. over the next 30 mins and see if you can present three possible, plausible reasons. Some clues: 1. What was the last vehicle you bought and why? 2. What political party do you vote for (and why) and; 3.On which side of your head do you part your hair (and, of course, why)?  Considering these and other important social issues will help you expand your consciousness in unexpected ways. You'll receive great intellectual benefits if you persist with similar exercises at lest twice a week. No word limit. For a higher grading, you can attach a brief review of the movie "Devil Dog"; you might gain some insight intohow this movie might have influenced your deep-seated, illogical bias against a parrticular breed of dog. No garantees this will help but you never know. Good luck.

No I will pass on that,  as i think you just maybe,  taking the piss.

A nice doggy video is way better for you.

Best i not post real people being set upon. enjoy.






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1 hour ago, sandemara said:

One might go further and say that people who generalise on other people's characters based solely on what type of dog they own are clearly people too lazy to have an original thought of their own and take pride in their inability to think for themselves.

You are being quite unfair.  It is clear that some posters here  lift their opinions verbatim from the British gutter press.  I don't see how you can expect such people to be capable of original thought, much less put together a coherent argument.

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3 hours ago, onemorechang said:

If you say so.


Dangerous dog owners,   people taking care of your community !!!!!!!:stoner:

Get them down the f-dentist and get the teeth taken out.

Then they would be fine.


I bet you disprove of muzzles

as well on dangerous dogs ( devil dogs)


no, id have a dangerous dog put down in a second.


However i dont believe in simplistic generalizations against an entire breed, but you seem unable to make a distinction.


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Animals will be animals, dogs r animals. Its just that the bigger the size, when they snap, they will be harder to control. So my opinion is that if u r a potential owner of a large power breed dog, it is best to educate yourself and your family how to handle and train it.


There r bigger and more powerful dogs with more powerful bites than the pitbull.

Its just that people breed pitbulls to fight and unfortunately these dogs have turn n bit people to death on injuries and media has play a part in demonising these dogs as well.


I am not saying go get a pittbull, they r not dangerous. What i am saying is that if an animal is big, like an elephant , a lion, a mastiff, a rottwieller or a pittbull, then take extra care and choose wisely, educate yourself and train yourself before making the decision to interact with or to own 1. 



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5 hours ago, dageurreotype said:

.. and then there's the idiot feeble Thai couple whose dog has bitten so many passers by as they were too idle to walk it themselves and simply let it out on the soi with it's equally nasty corgi mix mate. It's now confined to barracks, well, it'll haul itself at the garden gate anytime someone passes by.


It's not the dog it's the owner.

I agree. Where my parents in law Mooban is, there r many houses that have dogs and i have never seen anyone walking their dogs at all except for 1 person. N this dog is the most friendliest.


The others r mostly thai dogs. Walking past the front gates would trigger the death by a thousand bites growling n snarling reaction.



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52 minutes ago, HooHaa said:

no, id have a dangerous dog put down in a second.


However i dont believe in simplistic generalizations against an entire breed, but you seem unable to make a distinction.

Go against an entire breed as a family pet.

yes i will,    There are much better / safer choices out there.

people should do that.

So why do people have a Pitbull as a family pet ?

the only reason im hearing is from idiots ,  saying because I can,   in a snide way.

bit like the same guys who have an assault riffle in the home, 

just because they can. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why have a lion as a pet ,   when you can have a pussy cat ?
I think it all come back to the list of people, I talked about.

Stereo typing, Generalization , who cares, i dont do Pc.

Pitbull owners,  dear oh dear, good night

back to your game boys


wild dogs.jpg

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2 minutes ago, onemorechang said:

Go against an entire breed as a family pet.

yes i will,    There are much better / safer choices out there.

people should do that.

So why do people have a Pitbull as a family pet ?

the only reason im hearing is from idiots ,  saying because I can,   in a snide way.

bit like the same guys who have an assault riffle in the home, 

just because they can. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why have a lion as a pet ,   when you can have a pussy cat ?
I think it all come back to the list of people, I talked about.

Stereo typing, Generalization , who cares, i dont do Pc.

Pitbull owners,  nice people.


if someone decides to get a big animal for a pet then they have be responsible and make sure nothing goes wrong.

why r pitbull ban in some countries? its not becos of the dog being a dog. its becos of irresponsible people.

its like the thai government wanting to ban people in the back of pickups. if the Thais drive responsibly and safely with low accident rates, the government would not have to resort to the ban.


i agree with u why have a lion when u can have a cat?

they just want to show off but do not realise they r endangering themselves n others around them.

i am not against big animals and big dogs. I am just against people and humans making uninformed, egoistic, fashion choices about them.

would i get 1? no I know I am not equip to get a powerful big breed dog. I would suggest to anyone and everyone who wants to get a big powerful dog to get experience with a medium size 1 1st and learn from the real experts before deciding on 1. 

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14 hours ago, onemorechang said:



Dangerous dog owners are the responsible dog owners of the world.  they make me so proud, 

Bet this little boys mum and dad would have a few words of wisdom to you dangerous   dog owners .   :bah:








big dog small dog, they can all kill. accidents due to negligence or human error or just plain accidents happen everyday. Dont just blame the 1 breed. 




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2 hours ago, Moonmoon said:






big dog small dog, they can all kill. accidents due to negligence or human error or just plain accidents happen everyday. Dont just blame the 1 breed. 




No no only "pitbulls" and devil dogs attack people haven't you got it yet?:saai:

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16 hours ago, onemorechang said:

Ok  if you say so :coffee1:

Now can you tell me why anyone would want to own a pit-bull dog ?

I can not really tell you why people want to own a pitbull but to me it is just a dog.

Like i said before he does not know he is a pitbull.

But if he would ever show true aggression towards us he will have to go,there is always a chance this could happen.

This would not result in me condemming the whole breed,just like you might still be watching fox news.

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3 hours ago, Keesters said:

Can't understand why people want Pit Bulls as a pet. Don't they do some research beforehand and realize they are often very dangerous.

We're all different - which is why some love one thing, and others something entirely different.


e.g. I can't see or understand the appeal of snakes/spiders etc. as pets - but others feel differently.  A less extreme example would be that for some, very small dogs are appealing - whereas others prefer Great Danes.


Having grown up with a staffie (who was one of the gentlest and most intelligent dogs imaginable) I can easily understand why some love bull terriers.


BUT, like any dog, they do need the right owner - and this becomes even more important with powerful breeds.


In this case, the owners probably had little/zero knowledge about how to look after dogs- especially a powerful breed.  They belatedly realised this and, kudos to them, are trying to find the dog a better home.

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Why don't you mention the fact that more people are killed by pitbulls than German shephards though? Doesn't suit the cuddly pitbull narrative? :unsure:

Most people who keep German Shepherds are regular dog lovers who treat them properly. Most people (in the US) who keep pit-bulls are the scum of all races. Criminal records, covered in tattoes, thowing cigarette butts around. Basically kept as weapons they encourage the aggression in the dogs.
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  • 8 months later...
On 4/21/2017 at 8:20 AM, Keesters said:

Can't understand why people want Pit Bulls as a pet. Don't they do some research beforehand and realize they are often very dangerous.


This is why I want one.


For how much do they sell in Thailand ?



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On 4/19/2017 at 7:59 PM, overherebc said:

Every dog I have owned and the two I have now have no objection to being stroked or interupted while they are eating. We can both, SWMBO and self,  pick up the bowls at any time and/or add something at any time. If we pick up the bowls halfway through eating the dogs will just sit and wait until the bowls are given back to them.

It's a strange thing called 'training'. Something I rarely see with dog owners all over, not just here.

The dog in question here does not need adoption, it needs a lead weight in its' left ear put in using a Colt 45.



Your dogs must be gay :-)



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4 hours ago, dpdp said:


This is why I want one.


For how much do they sell in Thailand ?



Life imprisonment for you as its owner, death penalty for the dog when it manages to kill some one. Is that the price you want to pay?


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3 hours ago, Keesters said:

Life imprisonment for you as its owner, death penalty for the dog when it manages to kill some one. Is that the price you want to pay?



Do not worry for me, I have more cash than enough to be sure to be safe <3



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