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‘Buddha’s footprint’ found on Surat Thani mountain


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1 hour ago, wakeupplease said:

Gullible stupid people in some parts of the world comes from lack of education and being surrounded by liars, scammers and thieves

And a government that will forever keep them that way...!

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6 hours ago, thequietman said:

Siddhartha is said to have spent 29 years as a prince in Kapilavastu, not Thailand. For the remaining 45 years of his life, the Buddha is said to have traveled in the Gangetic Plain, in what is now Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and southern Nepal, not Thailand.


Anyone wanna tell them he was never in Thailand.

..there would be a copy of his TM30 if he was ever here.

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1 hour ago, wakeupplease said:

Gullible stupid people in some parts of the world comes from lack of education and being surrounded by liars, scammers and thieves

Yep your right that pretty well describes life in general anywhere. Pass the popcorn

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How many gods still exist in 2017,

sure have come along way from the early 

pagans , romans , religion still devides and separates humans


Man lands on Mars sets up the first out post, there is no god there now,

can man leave behind these myths, and live together as a human race

devoid of any god, gods

I wish I could see the day.

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7 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

He also told his disciples that he was NOT a god, and NOT to pray to him, as it wouldn't do any good.  Someone forgot to tell the Buddhist, especially the Thai ones, about that.


"He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy".

Life of Brian,( Python)

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2 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

"He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy".

Life of Brian,( Python)

Its just like any other religion,following,all over the world. It end up in blind faith, money making and the use of those who hold the power, terrifying the ignorant. And the ones who are meant to live in poverty, as their leader did, and spread the word, live the most luxuriant lives of all.Consider the fine robes and gold rings worn by the catholic priests, look how they portray the holy Grail, as a magestic cup, when it was the cup of a carpenter used by him and his fishermen friends.

How is it that a celibate man has the control over peoples sex lives (as they did years ago)

Why, if God is love, do they terrify their believers with damnation, fire and brimstone, and eternal damnation.

And why, at the end of the day, is it all about money that is given to the church, in thousands by those trying to buy a place in heaven?

After all, good people, it could all be a fairy tale.

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1 minute ago, Slip said:

Buddhism ia not a religion.  Apparently though it IS a reason for bitter old western guys who despise Thailand and Thai people to  have a moan up on Thai visa.

And who would those bitter, old western guys be then? Lets see if you are brave enough to name names.

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1 minute ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

And who would those bitter, old western guys be then? Lets see if you are brave enough to name names.

Have a quick look back through the thread- you will find many.


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4 minutes ago, Slip said:

Have a quick look back through the thread- you will find many.


Done that, oh brave one, but dont see you naming anybody. got a touch of the "good fellow's (yellow)have you, c'mon man give us names.

the rationale you have used in your first post is ridiculous, and without substance.

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I don't intend to get into this with you for 2 reasons- 1) What I'm referring to is so common in the posts that it is obvious 2) Your gambit that I am in some way scared to name names on an anonymous forum is ridiculous.

If you can't see what I'm referring to so be it. I've been around quite a lot longer than you so perhaps I recognise the comments that I'm talking about more quickly than you. If you are still having trouble why don't you have another read through the posts more slowly. 

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How come all these Buddha footprints are huge... I did not know he was a giant?


Also how come there are only ever one huge footprint... not 2 or more?  Did he like to hop about miles at a time?


And, Buddha never came to Thailand in his life travels... so how come there are his footprints here?


Finally, when people find these footprints, do they quickly destroy the area of its forest, concrete everything, put up huge expensive temples and start begging money and 'gifts' off people.... all of these things being totally opposite to Buddha's teachings?



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8 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

He also told his disciples that he was NOT a god, and NOT to pray to him, as it wouldn't do any good.  Someone forgot to tell the Buddhist, especially the Thai ones, about that.


There's no money or power in that,,which seems to be the basis for most religions,

regards worgeordie.

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My Thai wife finally got so fed up with Thai "Buddhism" that she started going to a Christian Church, later converted, and came home and got rid of any & everything connected to Buddhism, including one large, and very expensive San Ka Poom (prayer house/temple) in our front yard, donating it to the moo bahn. 

So going from one superstition to another is any good? She should have rejected all that BS.
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9 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

Oh, please, give me a break from this bull! 


How bout the shroud or Turin? or the birthplace of Jesus? Can I interest you in a splinter taken from the true cross, how bout some magic water from Lourdes? Or statues of Mary that cry real tears?

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1 hour ago, jak2002003 said:

How come all these Buddha footprints are huge... I did not know he was a giant?


Also how come there are only ever one huge footprint... not 2 or more?  Did he like to hop about miles at a time?


And, Buddha never came to Thailand in his life travels... so how come there are his footprints here?


Finally, when people find these footprints, do they quickly destroy the area of its forest, concrete everything, put up huge expensive temples and start begging money and 'gifts' off people.... all of these things being totally opposite to Buddha's teachings?



He was not a giant, but he met 2 giant cannibals in Chiang Mai who by all accounts wanted to eat him. He was so nice to them that they could not do it and they became Buddhists.

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2 hours ago, Slip said:

Buddhism ia not a religion.  Apparently though it IS a reason for bitter old western guys who despise Thailand and Thai people to  have a moan up on Thai visa.

My feelings are we should not discriminate against Buddhism. They are all the same.

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6 hours ago, tominbkk said:

I saw the Loch Ness monster in my backyard.  Who do I call?  I think Buddha was riding him!

Stop spouting rubbish. Buried just outside my house are the bones of the infant Jesus. Now while they look like the remains of a smalI dog, I can arrange pilgrimages for just a small fee to mange my costs...

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9 hours ago, Chip Allen said:

My Thai GF, who has studied Buddhism extensively, tells me that Thai Buddhism is not really Buddhism. I am just beginning to

understand what she means. :smile:

I have the same issue with my Thai wife. I have visited Sri Lanka which was stated as being a last bastion for true Buddhism. I did not find it there, not that I was really looking. Thai Buddhism is a mixture of culture, belief in spirits, not only of the human dead and animism. I am constantly warned to watch out for ghosts, spirits of the rice and bananas. To always leave lights on in the bedroom and around the house (apparently spirits don't like lights)

So I have learned to sleep with a small light on. However as a total agnostic, I find the Buddhist culture to be ok. My wife has a Lao background a long time ago. I went to a full Buddhist funeral today to say goodbye to a good Thai man and a friend. It was most moving. If there is Nirvana, I hope he finds it.

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3 hours ago, Slip said:

Buddhism ia not a religion.  Apparently though it IS a reason for bitter old western guys who despise Thailand and Thai people to  have a moan up on Thai visa.

I am willing to accept the possibility that YOUR particular brand of European buddhism  is not a religion but a philosophy.

But this thread is about Thai buddhism, and that is a religion and includes a god.

And which posts despise Thailand? I only see posts that despise the ridiculous claims made by all religions.

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3 hours ago, Slip said:

Buddhism ia not a religion.  Apparently though it IS a reason for bitter old western guys who despise Thailand and Thai people to  have a moan up on Thai visa.

I love Thailand so much that I have moved here. I also love my Thai wife and that helped me move here. I also love the Thai culture and customs. If you had been to a Thai cremation at the local Wat today, as I did, you would be a bit sceptical about saying Buddhism in Thailand is not a religion. It is almost a forebear of any Catholic funeral. Chanting, bowing down to statues, formalised chant and reply, incense wafting, offerings to monks, praying for the dead "spirit" and a wish for the deceased to go to nirvana. What side of Thai Buddhism do you not understand?

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43 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

I have the same issue with my Thai wife. I have visited Sri Lanka which was stated as being a last bastion for true Buddhism. I did not find it there, not that I was really looking. Thai Buddhism is a mixture of culture, belief in spirits, not only of the human dead and animism. I am constantly warned to watch out for ghosts, spirits of the rice and bananas. To always leave lights on in the bedroom and around the house (apparently spirits don't like lights)

So I have learned to sleep with a small light on. However as a total agnostic, I find the Buddhist culture to be ok. My wife has a Lao background a long time ago. I went to a full Buddhist funeral today to say goodbye to a good Thai man and a friend. It was most moving. If there is Nirvana, I hope he finds it.

Last December wife and I went to Nepal - and had the same experience as you.

Monks that walk around with their smartphone in hand and eat "biff" (kwai beef, in a majority hindu country......

As for Sri Lanka, the buddhists there recently  won a bloody civil war against the hindus.


As long as the believers do not bother the non believers, there is no harm done. But taking them seriously? No Way!

PS. Currently travelling in  Portugal. Visited a church where you can insert coins in an automat to make electric candles burn.

Modern times!






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17 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

Last December wife and I went to Nepal - and had the same experience as you.

Monks that walk around with their smartphone in hand and eat "biff" (kwai beef, in a majority hindu country......

As for Sri Lanka, the buddhists there recently  won a bloody civil war against the hindus.


As long as the believers do not bother the non believers, there is no harm done. But taking them seriously? No Way!

PS. Currently travelling in  Portugal. Visited a church where you can insert coins in an automat to make electric candles burn.

Modern times!






I hope you can visit Thailand soon. Your posts are humorous mostly and enlightening always. Hope you are enjoying your trip to Portugal. (do some fishing for me) I do not believe in anything high and mighty, I do respect all cultures and religions that not only preach peace but practise it too. (becoming so hard to find now) Thailand is mostly ok now, no more political killings, mostly Thai life continues as normal and the people are safe and fed. If the Tourist Police have found another 

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11 hours ago, Chip Allen said:

My Thai GF, who has studied Buddhism extensively, tells me that Thai Buddhism is not really Buddhism. I am just beginning to

understand what she means.


11 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

My Thai wife finally got so fed up with Thai "Buddhism" that she started going to a Christian Church, later converted, and came home and got rid of any & everything connected to Buddhism, including one large, and very expensive San Ka Poom (prayer house/temple) in our front yard, donating it to the moo bahn. 


Rest assured that if you think that Thai Buddhism is not really Buddhism then trust me, most Thai Christians are even further from what most mainstream Christians consider to be the teachings of their man in heaven.  But then Trump's largest group of supporters in the US are evangelicals. So who are we to judge?



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23 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

I hope you can visit Thailand soon. Your posts are humorous mostly and enlightening always. Hope you are enjoying your trip to Portugal. (do some fishing for me) I do not believe in anything high and mighty, I do respect all cultures and religions that not only preach peace but practise it too. (becoming so hard to find now) Thailand is mostly ok now, no more political killings, mostly Thai life continues as normal and the people are safe and fed. If the Tourist Police have found another 

Thanks for your answer - but small misunderstanding.... I do live in Thailand 7 months of the year, with my wife - in rural Chanthaburi.

We are always happy to return to Thailand, and we are equally happy to visit Europe.

Both have their +++ and ---.

I try to enjoy the good sides of both, and when the negatives become too much, it is time to change places again.



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