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Britain will lose more from Brexit than EU, bloc's foreign policy chief says


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Britain will lose more from Brexit than EU, bloc's foreign policy chief says




Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, delivers a speech at Tsinghua University, in Beijing, China April 20, 2017. REUTERS/Jason Lee


BEIJING (Reuters) - Britain will lose more than the European Union from its decision to leave the bloc, the EU's top diplomat said on Thursday, and talks with London were expected to be difficult.


Prime Minister Theresa May formally began Britain's divorce from the EU last month, declaring there was no turning back, ushering in a tortuous exit process that will test the bloc's cohesion and pitch her country into the unknown.


Britain now has two years to negotiate the terms of the divorce before it comes into effect in late March 2019.


The EU's foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, said during a visit to Beijing the negotiations would be difficult.


"They will have to dismantle their belonging to a community. We will lose an important member state," she told students at the elite Tsinghua University.


"Let me tell you that to me all member states are important, equally, because one can be contributing more on some policies than others. But I think our British friends will lose more than what we lose," she said.


Brexit negotiations will start as planned in June, after Britons vote in a snap general election, the EU said on Wednesday. Britain's parliament has endorsed May's call for a vote on June 8.


"It's clear in our treaties that it is two years, only two years, from when the negotiations start, that was March this year. This cannot be delayed. I do not expect that it will be faster than that," Mogherini said.


China has looked on with some concern at the Brexit process, nervous about instability in the bloc that is China's largest trading partner. It will lose around a sixth of its economic output when Britain leaves the EU.


"The European Union, even after the UK will be out, will continue to be the first market in the world, the second largest economy in the world," Mogherini said.


"I am seeing all our partners in these months telling us that the European Union is needed, and this is the message I also get from here in China that the European Union is an indispensable partner in the world today," she said.


(Reporting by Christian Shepherd; Writing by Ben Blanchard; Editing by Paul Tait)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-04-20
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2 hours ago, colinneil said:

Dream on federica, your talking nonsense.

Just shut up and stop making yourself look stupid.

President Xi Jinping of China wants the UK to remain in the EU, adding his voice to world leaders worried about the country’s proposed referendum on membership of the bloc. Every world leader with whom we are on friendly terms wanted the UK to stay in the EU, yes even China but hell what do they know about anything.

Just to add we have a new world leader who wanted us out of the EU, Donald Trump.

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27 minutes ago, pitrevie said:

President Xi Jinping of China wants the UK to remain in the EU, adding his voice to world leaders worried about the country’s proposed referendum on membership of the bloc. Every world leader with whom we are on friendly terms wanted the UK to stay in the EU, yes even China but hell what do they know about anything.

Just to add we have a new world leader who wanted us out of the EU, Donald Trump.


Maybe so, looking at your user name it looks like you are a fifer, dunfermline area.

A lot of Scots want us to remain, i cannot think of a reason why.

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6 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Maybe so, looking at your user name it looks like you are a fifer, dunfermline area.

A lot of Scots want us to remain, i cannot think of a reason why.

Sorry to disappoint you but I am not Scotish its just the name of a place in Scotland I once had a connection with. 

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43 minutes ago, pitrevie said:

President Xi Jinping of China wants the UK to remain in the EU, adding his voice to world leaders worried about the country’s proposed referendum on membership of the bloc. Every world leader with whom we are on friendly terms wanted the UK to stay in the EU, yes even China but hell what do they know about anything.

Just to add we have a new world leader who wanted us out of the EU, Donald Trump.

Trump, Putin, Erdogan and some other smaller players. That's the club UK is joining.



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I sure EU will be firm yet fair to UK during negotiations. After all UK is not sailing away after brexit, but will stay as our neighbour. 

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Federica ---the more people like that talk---- The more leaving makes you certain its the right thing to do.......:coffee1:

Just done a round of the UK papers---the amount that start their letter off with----I have voted Labour all my life, but.....

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7 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Yes, but will we reciprocate?

I hope so, it's after all in your for your benefit as well.


To be honest, I never paid any attention to UK politics prior brexit became an issue. Now I want the brexit to be over as fast as possible so that I don't have to notice UK anymore. 


I could not believe how nasty the UK 'politics' was. For me that's not politics, where people find best solutions and compromises to develop the society for the future. 


1 year 11 months.

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With formerly Great Britain in rapid downsize and isolation mode and with the US thumbing its nose at TPP etc,  CHINA is now promoting the RCEP which would cover Southeast Asian (ASEAN) countries, plus India, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. China is also signing a slew of trade agreements with Peru and other South American countries as well as African nations.





Edited by sujoop
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4 hours ago, englishinsiam said:

The anti UK stuff here lol.

We will be just fine out of the EU. France will be next then the Eu will crumble and the nation's will all get their sovereignty back.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Da, da, da!

We Europeans actually like to be part of bigger and more influential entity, the EU.  We know it gives us a lot of benefits and more freedoms.


Something the folks from Putinistan should think hard about, if only they are old enough to remember the history and the food queues.


Western tourists in St Petersburg during Great Soviet era:

1 plastic bag = Evening out in Leningrad

Jeans = Week of bliss, fully served  



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I have refrained from commenting on Brexit for many months, and probably should still do so, but I would like to say that I thought it was possibly more logical to stay in but am proud that the people of Britain did what they thought was right for the country that they live in.

I do not think that any country needs to be part of something bigger or more influential, nor does it need to add layers of bureaucracy over and above what it already suffers.  Countries do not suffer from loss of influence; it is the people in charge of countries or organisations like the EU who rue their own loss of influence.  A country must do its best for the people who live and work legally within its borders, and maintain sufficiently close ties with its neighbours, to ensure all can grow and develop in safety.  

The number of people of influence, whose livelihoods appear to be dependent on the EU, making what appear to be thinly veiled threats strike me as being vindictive and petty.  The threats to make it a hard Brexit are tantamount to intimidation and are not the actions needed or worthy of people who hold positions of power.  The people of Britain have decided and that decision should be respected with all parties doing their utmost to make it happen without causing unnecessary suffering to anyone.  

The comparison to divorce is strikingly apt, this is one area in which I may speak from extensive experience, and the EU Bloc's threats are similar to those of a partner who knows the divorce was necessary but is unwilling to accept it and move on.

The EU and its layers of bureaucracy and interference have grown unchecked for many years without full consideration of where they are going; apart from simply getting bigger.  The only other thing I know of in nature that grows continually without thought of the ramifications is cancer!  

Please note I do not use this comparison lightly nor do I intend to belittle or insult anyone suffering from this terrible disease; I too have lost loved ones to cancer.

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8 hours ago, oilinki said:

We Europeans actually like to be part of bigger and more influential entity, the EU.  We know it gives us a lot of benefits and more freedoms.


Something the folks from Putinistan should think hard about,

They dont have to think to hard about it animalmagic ---you either do not live in the UK or are out of touch with what's going on there---re the immigration.....the Russians flood in , as many newspapers have pointed out--(& had their reporters do) its so easy to buy a passport from their friends in












Czech Republic


& God help us when other EU members like







that are due very soon for Schengen area membership



Yes do enjoy  your freedoms..............most of the above countries who were part of the USSR will be there to share them with you.....hopefully we wont.....:coffee1:


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UK currently pays around £12 Billion / year to EU.One of the net contributors.

While we get some of that back in subsidies and grants etc, that is still a big chunk of money. I'm sure the other EU countries, whether contributors such as Holland and Germany, or those poorer ones on the receiving ends of large EU investment, are not looking forward to either having to increase contributions, or suffer a reduction in what they get.


Pretty sure Germany is not looking forward to having to help cover any shortfall. That's why they are pushing for a "divorce bill."


 Federica is Italian. There will soon be one  less country to help bail out the Italian Banks. 


Will Brexit hurt UK? Certainly in the short term,  But the EU is on a downward spiral, and sooner or later it will all end in tears.

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As a non-European, non-EU citizen from a non-EURO country let me share this little piece of information with Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs - whose existence I - for one - was not even aware of.

Brabbling uncalled comments in Beijing is something which scores Mogherini points in Brussels, or her home country (wherever that is). Fact is, that the British voters spoke, without asking High Representatives of the European Union for Foreign Affairs or any other clown of that organization called EU and hence she should shut up and respect the democratic outcome of what the citizen of the United Kingdom wanted. 

Next will be France; maybe Mogherini stays in China to comment on the French outcome. Or naaahhhh, better go back to Brussels for the weekend and slam another business class (or does "High Rep" qualify for first class) round trip to another non-democratic country to voice her uncalled and unqualified comments. 

Pathetic - such idiots should be moved off the stage - for good, after having paid for the damage their work has resulted in. 

Edited by Sydebolle
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Why is the EU making it difficult for the UK to leave is because they are losing a key contributor for supporting the non productive  country members and are fearful that they alone will not be able afford  resulting in [ fingers crossed ]  the Downfall of this ludicrous idea that Germany wants to Rule Europe . The UK  Will " Ride the Storm " with all the Non European Countries that are willing to do Trade with them . EU just get over it ,  the Club did not Work , we want out !!!!!! as I think many more will follow .

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Collectively, she may have a point. But individual nations..?

Ireland are dreading losing their largest export market and their government is shouting about it.


And I doubt that Mercedes, BMW etc are delighted to hear that a lucrative market for them will be hindered by the needs of non elected bureaucrats from Luxembourg etc? 

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There appears to be major infighting in the EU about Brexit. Most unelected EU Commissioners want to punish the UK whilst many national politicians want an amicable divorce. 


Maybe the latter are aware that they will one day have to answer to their voters for their actions.

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GB has the following tools to negotiate with :


Its own Fishing waters, currently governed by EU,

Huge inward payments to the EU,

Major importer of EU goods and services,

Paid up Nato contributor,

Trade deals with 85% of worldwide trade (outside the EU) for negotiation,

Experts on policing/monitoring terrorists,

Can revert to WTO rules if no agreement is reached,

Natural borders,

Evidence of free trade agreements from non EU states already existing.


Etc, etc.


I'd say elected politicians across Europe are already aware of this negotiating hand.



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12 hours ago, englishinsiam said:

The anti UK stuff here lol.

We will be just fine out of the EU. France will be next then the Eu will crumble and the nation's will all get their sovereignty back.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

How stupid, you are an English ( I suppose ) dreamer ; no, France will not be the next,  because a big majority of French want to stay in EU, you'll see it in two weeks


 yes, Britain will lose more than EU. Your hate of the non british world makes you blind , you have a very short sight ; because  you want to be out of EU, you think every body wants the same than you ?


Britain choosed to be alone, big mistake in 2017 ; EU choosed to be together even if there are things to change 

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4 minutes ago, Aforek said:

How stupid, you are an English ( I suppose ) dreamer ; no, France will not be the next,  because a big majority of French want to stay in EU, you'll see it in two weeks


 yes, Britain will lose more than EU. Your hate of the non british world makes you blind , you have a very short sight ; because  you want to be out of EU, you think every body wants the same than you ?


Britain choosed to be alone, big mistake in 2017 ; EU choosed to be together even if there are things to change 

Tell us where you are from and I sure we can think of something to slate you with?

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5 minutes ago, Aforek said:

How stupid, you are an English ( I suppose ) dreamer ; no, France will not be the next,  because a big majority of French want to stay in EU, you'll see it in two weeks


 yes, Britain will lose more than EU. Your hate of the non british world makes you blind , you have a very short sight ; because  you want to be out of EU, you think every body wants the same than you ?


Britain choosed to be alone, big mistake in 2017 ; EU choosed to be together even if there are things to change 

You are entitled to your opinion, as UK nationals are to theirs.


Another terrorist attack in Paris over the last 24 hours! 


But most of all, democracy no longer exists. 

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4 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

They dont have to think to hard about it animalmagic ---you either do not live in the UK or are out of touch with what's going on there---re the immigration.....the Russians flood in , as many newspapers have pointed out--(& had their reporters do) its so easy to buy a passport from their friends in






Czech Republic


& God help us when other EU members like






that are due very soon for Schengen area membership



Yes do enjoy  your freedoms..............most of the above countries who were part of the USSR will be there to share them with you.....hopefully we wont.....:coffee1:


Is this a joke? FYI, there is very little love towards Russia from Russia's bordering countries. Very, very little. We have been next to Russia for long enough to know not to trust the country when it's run by someone like power hungry Tzar Putin.


Btw Finland is celebrating it's 100 years independence this year.


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How stupid, you are an English ( I suppose ) dreamer ; no, France will not be the next,  because a big majority of French want to stay in EU, you'll see it in two weeks
 yes, Britain will lose more than EU. Your hate of the non british world makes you blind , you have a very short sight ; because  you want to be out of EU, you think every body wants the same than you ?
Britain choosed to be alone, big mistake in 2017 ; EU choosed to be together even if there are things to change 

Where on earth do you get the idea i and others like me hate the non British?

We just don't want to be ruled by left wing socialists from a non country like Belgium.

We want to make our own laws spend our own money the way we see fit.

Get rid of the red tape that surrounds everything EU. (I won't use the word European ) As i believe most Europeans want to be free from the shackles of theEU.

Greece is ruined Italy is ruined spain is ruined. All because of fudging the figures to join this socialist super state.

If you can't see that then you are very short sighted and happy to live in a socialist bubble. I for one am not and want freedom.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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Always find it amusing listening to the self-aggrandising eurocrats and their meek sheeple.
This type of talk is designed to dissuade others from leaving this dying, undemocratic club. And if it were true, who cares about the monetary value, at least the 'Equal' (to whom? lol) member had the guts to call it a day.

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