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A fine old mess to end with.


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I note that my topic got closed. I wanted to say thanks to Sheryl and many others who contributed. I wanted to add that I had to go to the police station today to clear things up and met the driver of the truck. He was a really nice guy and so scared of the whole thing. They gave me the cctv footage of the incident, which I linked here. It's come as a hell of a shock and any comments are quite welcome. I can now see just how serious things really were. Thanks for all input.


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Not really, a taxi used his horn behind me and made me move into another lane but because it was so late and songkran, I didn't check to see if it was clear like I always do. My mistake. It was the taxi at fault, pushing me out of the lane and startling me. Then I didn't check quickly enough, that was my fault.

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To the OP, that CCTV seems to show you riding your bicycle on a busy BKK road after dark.


IMHO, this is suicidal!  I understand that you have been riding for many years.  But you almost lost your life in that accident.  


However much you enjoy riding a bicycle, a busy BKK road after dark is not the place to do this :)


Is there no other way for you to travel to/from work?  The public bus system is very cheap, or even try jogging on the pavement.


Good luck and I hope you have made a full recovery.


PS - Take Sheryl's advice...



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OP, even though the driver was not in fact at fault, it may be that under Thai law he is considered so, in which case his insurance should help pay the hospital bill. Even if all he has is the compulsory 3rd party cover, it should help.

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I beg for forgivness. Possibly a harsh comment, but I must insist:

- A farang confronted with a financial liability amounting to the Royal Sum of US$ 1600, this bringing him near a financial abyss, should not be residing in a third world country, far away from the much quoted "Nanny-State".
My view, sorry.

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Anyway, it's about moving you forward in a way that hopefully helps you not make repetitive errors.  If you can get some insight in to what is driving you to do risky things, and get a hold on the thoughts and feelings then that would be a very good thing.  For me, it's knowing that I must stick around for my daughter's sake that acts as a powerful motivator.

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