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PM Prayut calls for nightclub age restrictions enforcement


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7 hours ago, PatOngo said:

He added the Prime Minister had ordered the authorities to ensure no officials are involved with any benefits some operators might offer, and to strictly enforce the law without tolerance of any violation of the law, and asking parents to keep their eyes on their children and advise them not to behave in improper ways.


Yeah, that'll work!

Yes.  It was all quite sensible up til the last paragraph-sentence.  You just have to ask youself sometimes...................   Well quite a few things actually, but I am sure you can think of some.

Edited by The Deerhunter
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8 minutes ago, Deli said:

Can go to the Army and kill at the age of 18...  but can't go to a Club ? Hmmmm....

Not really the same thing is it.  In fact quite an  inapropriate comparison.  One is under very strict adult supervision (or should be, bearing in mind certain recent news items).  The other is the complete antithesis of that.   Who would you rather trust, 6, sober 22 year old sentries with rifles or a group of pilled up 17 year olds from a local Tech institute  with knives?

Edited by The Deerhunter
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About time for the PM to start taking serious disciplinary action against Police Chiefs for failing to carry out their duties. He shouldn't have to keep asking/expecting, the law is the law (like it or not) and start firing District police chiefs (NOT transferring to in active post) until the laws are enforced! Sooner or later the message will get through that corruption will not be tolerated.


How can he expect the ordinary Thai citizen (and some farangs) to respect the laws when his Police do not? :whistling:


Leadership starts from the top!!

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2 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

It seems odd that the Prime Minister of a country is concerning himself with such minor, mundane issues?


The need to issue orders seemingly hourly, and involve himself in the minutiae of daily life is astounding.

What about staging a coup age restriction, should make a law too, as we all know that the law is highly enforced those days...

Should we also expect a U Turn on that one within a few days...


Oh, sorry, forgot there wont be no coup anymore... Until the next...


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2 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

It seems odd that the Prime Minister of a country is concerning himself with such minor, mundane issues?


The need to issue orders seemingly hourly, and involve himself in the minutiae of daily life is astounding.

Unfortunately it seems he has to, because those who he is in charge of are incapable of carrying out their duties. And he does't have the balls to punish those who are derelict in their duties? :whistling:

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It's better to have effective regulation of service within the clubs/bars rather than a blanket age-based entry policy. EG, if the kids can't get into the bars they are just as likely...almost certain...to find alternative , even less safe, venues to enjoy booze.

18 is about right; but that shouldn't mean unlimited access to alcohol. The bar owners must be held accountable via a responsible service policy/regulation.

16 is too young, adolescent brains are  still developing.

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3 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

When I was growing up in the stone age the drinking age was 21 in the US and 18 in Canada.  Most f us that were 17 knew the risks and took the chances that our fake ID would get us in.


Clubs should be checking for age appropriate ID all all people.  Letting a 16 yearold or younger go into a club and party and drink is never a good thing.


Also looking at the maturity leve of most young Thais I would suggest that it should be raised to 30 in clubs if you are Thai so that you have the maturity to take responsibility for your actions.


I would love to know how many in Onyx and these other big clubs are UA.


If I was the general I would do a sweep of RCA on a Friday or Saturday night. 




Shut down that night for first ofense


Closed for 2 weeks and 1 milion baht for second


Closed of a month and 1 milion baht for 3d


Closed permanenetly for a 4th


OH yeah and closed means closed padlocks on doors no renavating or anything allowed to happen


For the kds  


1.000 baht fine and barred from all clubs  easy to do just set up a computer program for all clubs to check id


second offence 10,000 o 2 days in jail


3rd offense 100,000 or one week


4th  1 month in jail and permanent ban from all drinking establishments


Drugs over DUI ;eve;  Jail and then rehab


not properly licensed  CLOSED



Easy to do just set up a computer program for all clubs to check ID? haha you must be joking if you think that is easily accomplished in Thailand. Also if they are under legal drinking age shouldn't the birthday on their ID card sort of be the red flag? 


Your idea makes no sense at all.

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2 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

The legal age to drink and buy alcohol in Thailand is 18. There is a separate law that restricts entry to nightclubs to people aged 20+.

Absolutely wrong.

20 years for buying alcohol.

Penalty for shops up to 20000 Baht.

(no need to tell about the "reality", thanks)


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7 hours ago, Thechook said:

Might upset a lot of tourists.  18 yr old can drink and party at clubs in Australia and many travel to Thailand and not being allowed into clubs is going to hurt.

Legal drinking age in the US is 21...But you can join the military at 18 and legally go kill people....Go figure......

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1 hour ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

if you want to run a bar you need police protection and the cheapest way is to get a cop in as a silent partner.  no point fighting the system, even you mr general. like butting your head against the wall.


No you don't, need police protection running a bar here. Urban myth.

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4 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

When I was growing up in the stone age the drinking age was 21 in the US and 18 in Canada.  Most f us that were 17 knew the risks and took the chances that our fake ID would get us in.


Clubs should be checking for age appropriate ID all all people.  Letting a 16 yearold or younger go into a club and party and drink is never a good thing.


Also looking at the maturity leve of most young Thais I would suggest that it should be raised to 30 in clubs if you are Thai so that you have the maturity to take responsibility for your actions.


I would love to know how many in Onyx and these other big clubs are UA.


If I was the general I would do a sweep of RCA on a Friday or Saturday night. 




Shut down that night for first ofense


Closed for 2 weeks and 1 milion baht for second


Closed of a month and 1 milion baht for 3d


Closed permanenetly for a 4th


OH yeah and closed means closed padlocks on doors no renavating or anything allowed to happen


For the kds  


1.000 baht fine and barred from all clubs  easy to do just set up a computer program for all clubs to check id


second offence 10,000 o 2 days in jail


3rd offense 100,000 or one week


4th  1 month in jail and permanent ban from all drinking establishments


Drugs over DUI ;eve;  Jail and then rehab


not properly licensed  CLOSED




Boy, you sound like a barrel of laughs. Bet you're the life and soul of the party.


You should lighten up a bit. There's more to life than punish, punish, punish for things you don't agree with.

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2 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

The legal age to drink and buy alcohol in Thailand is 18. There is a separate law that restricts entry to nightclubs to people aged 20+.


Looks like I got that wrong for 12 years then. Could employ staff at 18, but couldn't have customers under 20 for that time. And that was just a bar. Maybe things have changed.

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

He added the Prime Minister had ordered the authorities to ensure no officials are involved with any benefits some operators might offer, and to strictly enforce the law without tolerance of any violation of the law, and asking parents to keep their eyes on their children and advise them not to behave in improper ways.

And he came up with this all by himself truly amazing. Alcohol consumption can lead to fighting and violence I am stunned. I have to get out more. 

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I wonder what it is that makes the military become all moralistic and Quaker like when they take power anywhere?  Normally squaddies are right hiss artists who love a laugh and a knees up. Maybe it's just the hierarchy with a God complex.


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31 minutes ago, chrisinth said:


No you don't, need police protection running a bar here. Urban myth.

every bar owner i know pay the cops. the pattaya rompo markets have the payment built into their rent. any bar owners here. my watersports business pays the cops 1000thb/month.

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2 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Apologies. The information I was looking at was pre-2008.

No problem.

I was so sure because I often see the signs at the local Tesco or others.


And for the discos etc. it's even more clear if you wander around Pattaya occasionally.

I remember strict ID checks at the "old" Lucifers and repeated rejects of the too young freelancers.


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23 hours ago, Thechook said:

Might upset a lot of tourists.  18 yr old can drink and party at clubs in Australia and many travel to Thailand and not being allowed into clubs is going to hurt.

18 yr old Ozzies are better off in the brothels than the bar or club because it will not damage their liver and not being drunk they stay away from trouble.

In the brotherls the girls will say to you, "you farang talk, talk, talk " Oh, girls in Thailand don't do bondage or oral.

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2 hours ago, lvr181 said:

Too bad, how sad, never mind. When in Rome do as the Romans do (or stay at home). Not rocket science.

Agree but what do 18 yr old come to Thailand to spend thier tourist dollars on?  30+ million tourists per year and probably a million or so teenagers with wallets ready to party.  Who will be the biggest loser, some kid that can't spend $500 on booze over 2 weeks or the Thai economy that misses out on $500 million.

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16 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

every bar owner i know pay the cops. the pattaya rompo markets have the payment built into their rent. any bar owners here. my watersports business pays the cops 1000thb/month.

Granted, not in Pattaya but we were open for 12 years, 8 months & 4 days and not one satang went to the police. And was never even asked for.


My experiences in Pattaya ended in 1999 and at that time the police were playing second fiddle to those offering proper protection, but that would also depend on what area you were in. So any comment from me regarding Pattaya would only be 'recent history'....................:smile:

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3 hours ago, The Deerhunter said:

Not really the same thing is it.  In fact quite an  inapropriate comparison.  One is under very strict adult supervision (or should be, bearing in mind certain recent news items).  The other is the complete antithesis of that.   Who would you rather trust, 6, sober 22 year old sentries with rifles or a group of pilled up 17 year olds from a local Tech institute  with knives?

neither...nor, don't trust anyone but myself, specially in this place.

Age discussion is useless as long as there isn't an adequate education available for everybody.

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9 hours ago, Thechook said:

Might upset a lot of tourists.  18 yr old can drink and party at clubs in Australia and many travel to Thailand and not being allowed into clubs is going to hurt.


My then 20 year old daughter, who likes a drink like most undergraduates, went on a University trip to Texas. Could not drink - they were the guest of a Sheriff's department so she really couldn't!


That's the way the cooky crumbles - you have to obey the law of the country you're in.

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1 hour ago, madusa said:

18 yr old Ozzies are better off in the brothels than the bar or club because it will not damage their liver and not being drunk they stay away from trouble.

In the brotherls the girls will say to you, "you farang talk, talk, talk " Oh, girls in Thailand don't do bondage or oral.


No, that's right sport. Sexually transmitted diseases are much more easy to treat than a hangover or black eye. 


Immorality - no problem for those too young to drink then?

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3 hours ago, Deli said:

Can go to the Army and kill at the age of 18...  but can't go to a Club ? Hmmmm....


Isn't that the same in the US?


My previous step-son was serving in the British Army in NI and the Balkans at 17, having joined up at 16. 

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These comments seem to focus on age but the real content is, "not having appropriate licenses, selling alcohol to children, opening beyond the allowed time, and being a hiding place for drugs,”

But why only Pathum Thani, the whole country could use some of this tough love?

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


Isn't that the same in the US?


My previous step-son was serving in the British Army in NI and the Balkans at 17, having joined up at 16. 

Joined at 16? Bit slow in getting in was he? An ex-military friend of mine (nice guy now, sadly, deceased) joined the British army at age 15, legitimately!

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