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Beg-packing: Brit’s GoFundMe panned for asking netizens to fund Southeast Asia travels


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3 hours ago, soalbundy said:

I did something similar, left for Germany with 14 pounds in my pocket and worked my way all round Europe for a year,that was before the EU and yet it was surprisingly easy to find temporary work all over Europe, i worked in kitchens in Switzerland, assembled cupboards in Germany, cleaning saunas in Finland washed cars in Italy and did some farm work in France, a great way to get to know the countries.

'before the EU'! How old are you!!???

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Would not be surprised in the future to see adds saying "Please Go Fund My Life" get a free news update. No shame left at all anymore. Everybody looking for new schemes, suckers the easy road rather than work. In fact they seem to take pride in this. No wonder the world is in a mess. 

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10 minutes ago, mikiea said:

another white bread liberal being a slacker and drain .....


 What's especially amusing is that the folks ragging on this guy (and Millennials in general) are the very same people their parents ragged on for being liberals and slackers.  Hippies, Yuppies, Hipsters, Millennials.  I don't understand them.  Just like my parents didn't understand my generation's cultural idiosyncrasies.



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2 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Would not be surprised in the future to see adds saying "Please Go Fund My Life" get a free news update. No shame left at all anymore. Everybody looking for new schemes, suckers the easy road rather than work. In fact they seem to take pride in this. No wonder the world is in a mess. 


Yeah, like those guys Zuckerberg and Jobs and Gates, who played on their stupid computers instead of going to class like good little automatons.


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3 minutes ago, claffey said:

'before the EU'! How old are you!!???

The Date the EU was founded November 1, 1993. I retired a few months before that. This lifestyle was popular even before I retired. It was risky but a great method of travel. Risk was not in my blood but then I got married 3 times so maybe that is incorrect. I always admired people that lived that lifestyle just not in my general makeup I was a grinder. 

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4 minutes ago, impulse said:


 What's especially amusing is that the folks ragging on this guy (and Millennials in general) are the very same people their parents ragged on for being liberals and slackers.  Hippies, Yuppies, Hipsters, Millennials.  I don't understand them.  Just like my parents didn't understand my generation's cultural idiosyncrasies.



You have to be thick skinned to post here because they come at you in nice not so nice and rude manners well some lack manners Period. Its the "hey stupid" approach that I hate the worst. Ones respect for their fellow man is fast disappearing. There are some great posters on here and then well there are others. I had a couple long interesting reads today which made my day. Things seem quiet on the brick bat front but then the day is still young. Have a great day fella's keep em coming

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20 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

Help. I have only worked my way through half the bars on Soi 6 and my money has run out.


There are still approximately 287 girls I need to spend a "short time" with.


Please fund me.



Providing I can bring my video camera and have film rights. 

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1 hour ago, lumply said:

Arrogance at its' height if true. Let the guy get a job to fund his fun

Sounds to much like work. Decades and decades and decades of work. In a couple years time you will be lucky to even find a job unless you want to become an oiler to the robot industry. Maybe this is the future. Be the King of Kons. 

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1 hour ago, RocketDog said:

Here's the thing. He figures it won't hurt to ask. Incredibly, some people will give him money. There's a fool born every minute.

Our generation would never think of such a stupid thing because we knew it wouldn't work. This guy is not even embarrassed to ask and he will most probably get some funding. No pride but he doesn't care about that apparently.

How do you spell pride? G.O.T.T.A.

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1 hour ago, mick01827 said:

what is it with people begging all the time,  I see it on you tube, people want you to pay them for doing their videos, it used to be people put videos on you tube to help others now they want money for helping others! 

Producing good quality videos isn't a trivial thing. Most just see it as easy money - and that's what the platform thrives in - people putting shit online, getting a meagre cent per view upon reaching a certain treshold, while Google pockets the money from advertising. Welcome to the real world (PS. have a look at the quantity of ads on this page and hundredthousandfold for Google) 

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6 hours ago, Gracas said:

When you have a choice of going out, getting a job and working for money to support yourself and your holidays, OR just asking for free money and others to pay for you. What do you do ?

Would appear that this young man was also absent when they taught work ethics.

He has a bright future ahead.

Wasn't around when they handed out common sense either.:wai:

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A long time ago in Germany, before the Euro, i saw a young man holding a placard, 'looking for one million people willing to give me one Mark each' I got chatting to him thinking he was homeless but he wasn't,he had a job and a flat. ''So why are you doing this''

''One Mark wouldn't mean anything to them but if a million people gave it would make me so happy''

I couldn't fault his logic and at least he was honest,no sob story, one way to become a millionaire.

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On 24-4-2017 at 10:47 AM, Just1Voice said:

Arrest him for soliciting, and confiscate any money he has received. 


It's a little known fact, but her Majesties Revenue and customs sees this as income, and taxes are therefore due. So some money will definitely be confiscated.

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9 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

You would have to be a real sucker to give this

guy a penny.

Get a job, work hard and stop begging and

scaming people.   Mentality of those from

a Welfare Country.

jealous ????? well its all up to him...if people give him their money its up to them....if it works good for him if not he might as well  forget his travel plans and start working or continiou to do whatever he does mai pen rai...thailand seems to be a magnet for all kinds of "creative" lifestyles blokes....open ur eyes look around dreamers all over the place

Edited by free123
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On 24/04/2017 at 4:15 PM, NCC1701A said:

Help. I have only worked my way through half the bars on Soi 6 and my money has run out.


There are still approximately 287 girls I need to spend a "short time" with.


Please fund me.



Sounds legit, pls kindly share your gofundme site.

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10 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

You would have to be a real sucker to give this

guy a penny.

Get a job, work hard and stop begging and

scaming people.   Mentality of those from

a Welfare Country.

Unbelievabily there are 16 who have paid and he is a third of the way to his goal.Where have i been going wrong all these years.

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4 hours ago, mettech said:

Some millennials are just too lazy to earn a descent living.

Let that kid come back on his on and ith his on money and if he begs again a little vacation in a sweat box of Thailand nice jailhouse.

Why,what's he done wrong.He has realized that there is one born every minute and he has told the truth up front,so not a con man.

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3 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:

Wasn't around when they handed out common sense either.:wai:

I thing he has worked it out.Probably be a banker or in real estate larer on when he wakes up where the real money is.Now he is just honing his skills.

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