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Qatar announce flights to Utapao


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Title says it all really. Announced yesterday (April 24), though it is strangely reminiscent of 10 years ago.




Personally I've never really seen the point of Utapao as getting to/from BKK is very easy from Jomtien and Utapao has little or no public transport. Of interest to those who live further along the coast or who have someone who can drop them off and collect them, I suppose.

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To be launched in 2018.

Let's wait whether it materializes.




I bet that they would take care about transportation.

Becoming the Mid-east / Pattaya shuttle :biggrin:

Also you might have noticed that expansion of U-Tapao is going on. Where there is demand there will be service.


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3 minutes ago, nisakiman said:

Presumably U-Tapao will be in addition to, rather than instead of Suvarnabhumi?

Of course!


That would be a mess if Qatar tried to substitute Suvarnabhumi.

Growth/expansion is the motto of the Arab airlines.


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