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Midweek Rant: Pack mentality – why keyboard warriors are no better than the Thais they criticize


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Have another think about the headline, folks:


Midweek Rant: Pack mentality – why keyboard warriors are no better than the Thais they criticize


... "are no better than the Thais they criticize."


The writer is therefore saying Thais are as bad as suggested by the "keyboard warriors". Think about it. That's surely a racist comment, and makes the writer (presuming that he/she wrote the headline as well) as guilty as the people he is attacking. Right?

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7 minutes ago, transam said:

But I don't have any of those..Drat.....But I do like a beer, will that count....:giggle:

Come, come Trans. With your post count, you should be as high as a kite. Do you sing to rebalance your mood?:sorry:

Edited by bazza73
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1 minute ago, bazza73 said:

Come, come Trans. With your post count, you should be as high as a kite. Do you sing to rebalance your mood?

Absolutely......:guitar:......You can't get better than that...Plus that's why l have no neighbours...


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5 hours ago, maewang99 said:

oh boy is this an easy one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


if they rant about the nonsense....


that's what I think.... and I will leave it at this, once and for all:

1. the language is phonetic and shows no signs of evolving as a language of literacy such as English which doesn't spell out it's vowels precisely for a reason (duh) and puts spaces between words so you don't even have to come close to memorizing or copying the exact spelling... just pick it up as thoughts and feelings as expressed... and fast. even more important... in 2017... than in the 1900's etc....

2. reading is something Thai piss on and most of the farlang that are here either can't see the forest... or are.. as this web rant topic suggests... the same as the Thai as to literacy.... but I'll admit no different from Trumpie's TV show base.... and Donald J. Trump... Mr. TV and Twitter watcher.... himself. yeah okay. and if he wasn't such a narcissist and super rich.... he'd just be another dead drunk.

3. "education reform" is misdirection. if it doesn't begin with decentralization.... then.... there is no example in SE Asia where 1. or 2. have ever been changed.


everything else is nonsense on top on nonsense.... whether it is from one group or the other.


huh. I will promise myself to end with a cool post count. #700.


and that is... while "free" websites.... and posts... still... but just barely.... make any sense... or are at all safe....  to spend any time with or at, at all.



I appreciate your complicated feedback. Wow what a response to grammar in the article!

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It amazes me that people move several thousand kms and then spend their time time bleating about their new domicile.

Hate and have no respect  whatsoever for the locals, despite coming from countries eg england which has the highest incidence of cctv coverage in the world or the usa where gun crime and gun ownership is making the place like the wild west .

LIke it or not we are guests in this country and more respect needs to be accorded the hosts.

Thailand hasnt got the infrastructure of the countries we hail from.

Public servants are on a pittance.

That is why it is so cheap to

8 hours ago, Bluespunk said:


live here.

If you cant cope with that then you shouldnt be here.

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1 minute ago, Fulwell53 said:

It amazes me that people move several thousand kms and then spend their time time bleating about their new domicile.

Hate and have no respect  whatsoever for the locals, despite coming from countries eg england which has the highest incidence of cctv coverage in the world or the usa where gun crime and gun ownership is making the place like the wild west .

LIke it or not we are guests in this country and more respect needs to be accorded the hosts.

Thailand hasnt got the infrastructure of the countries we hail from.

Public servants are on a pittance.

That is why it is so cheap to

live here.

If you cant cope with that then you shouldnt be here.

Good grief......:spamsign:

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I think the OP's point of view is rather precious. What sort of politically correct whimps seem to be taking over the media in general - not just social media? Who cares what nonsensical ideas, declarations or accusations a bunch of pseudonyms might endorse on a anonymous forum on any issue? The inherent irrelevance  of anonymous comments allows them a value similar to a discarded losing betting ticket at a racetrack. Totally absurd to render them any more significance.

For someone to decide to commit suicide because of such content is, in my view, an urban myth that f'eeds into the politically correct álternate facts'' many rely on to manipulate peoples' sensibilities. People who choose to neck themselves already suffer from a mish-mash of ideas and beliefs that have set them up for self-harm long beforehand. Social media is entertainment. It's a long way from Hyde Park corner or any other form of genuine sincere debate. Thought-provoking? sometimes. A product of boredom and diversion from loneliness?  Highly likely.

By contrast, physical contact (even a casual kick to the head while you're defenceless) carries much more sincerity and clarity of personal feeling in its message. I'm sure the origins of debating societies in western liberal democracies a century or two ago comprised, in part, a desire to mitigate violence as the only avenue to promote different ideas and social values.  Anonymous forums seem to more closely resemble a convergence of aficionadoes of  onaniism. The recent unrelenting  preponderance of graphic endorsements of the Hammer of Thor on every trembling web page of TVF suggests some consensus with my view. The quivering ferrets and lavish adoration of individuals'penises adorning every page hints at the views of management about their readers' real interests.

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29 minutes ago, Fulwell53 said:

It amazes me that people move several thousand kms and then spend their time time bleating about their new domicile.

Hate and have no respect  whatsoever for the locals, despite coming from countries eg england which has the highest incidence of cctv coverage in the world or the usa where gun crime and gun ownership is making the place like the wild west .

LIke it or not we are guests in this country and more respect needs to be accorded the hosts.

Thailand hasnt got the infrastructure of the countries we hail from.

Public servants are on a pittance.

That is why it is so cheap to

live here.

If you cant cope with that then you shouldnt be here.

Why have you quoted me?

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10 minutes ago, anotheruser said:

Pretty funny they are complaining about what is written on the site they have 100% control of. If TV really hated the vitriol on it's site they could remove it with no problem.


The problem is they let all of the nasty stuff the OP complains about based upon financial gain. So you have to wonder how proud they must be to be the ones that actually facilitate all of these vile comments coming into the wild.

Oh do go away.


Under as rock preferably.

Edited by Minnie the Minx
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Just now, Minnie the Minx said:

Oh do go away.

Tell me what I am saying isn't true. They leave threads running which we all know from the first post will turn nasty for 30 pages. They say that there were so many homophobic comments on the gay marriage thread but they let it run anyway. 


It is a bit like renting out your back yard for a KKK rally and then being shocked about what is said. I really don't care what people say online and it doesn't bother me. If TV really wants to claim the moral high ground they would have to be willing to have a much more toned down site which would lead to loss in revenue.

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I did just as you asked...I left.  Not to return.  It appears that the "LOS", Land of Smiles, to me, should be re-stated to Liars of Siam.  Yep, got tired of it.  Bye. PS: Thailand w#18 for best places to retire in 2016.  By 2018 it should be around #25.

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Although there's some truth in the opening column, it falls into the same trap as those it seeks to criticise, that of substantially overstating its case.

In the appalling story concerning a mob attack on a disabled man, it may well be appropriate for people to comment on the immaturity of Thai men generally, whether it's concerning a lack of education and sense of responsibility, a pack mentality, or a heightened desire to impress others and avoid losing face. The fact that the majority of Thai men would never stoop to actions this low doesn't invalidate the comments, these characteristics are well known to anyone who's spent any time here. Aside from attacking the cowardly act itself though, much of the vitriol was quite rightly reserved for the authorities who all too often fail to act or dispense any kind of justice in cases like these.

An opinion about ladyboys would obviously be misplaced in such a story, though it'd certainly be fair game in a different thread, such as one that concerned the umpteenth mugging on Beach Road. Even so, in discussions concerning the latter, comments are often made that it's actually only a small minority that would act in this way.

Regarding the gay marriage piece (as someone mentioned earlier) the thread was for the most part well wishing and involved light hearted banter, nothing vitriolic. I see very little homophobia on the forum, and I'm sure anything inappropriate would be properly moderated quickly. 

The less upstanding variety of Thai women on the other hand is an entirely different story - they absolutely wouldn't be spared on here in a "My woman done me wrong" type of discussion.


For the most part, I think things should be treated with humour, given the absurd contradictions this country spews out on a daily basis. My pet peeve though lies in the way highly sensitive cases (often involving suspicious unsolved deaths) can totally run amok on here, with all sorts of personal details sprinkled about liberally before any kind of conclusions are properly drawn. Do those in charge realise that as an English language forum with very high search engine optimization, this may well be the first port of call for someone who winds up googling devastating news concerning a friend or family member, in which the circumstances are far from clear? 

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