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Got my 30 years lease paper, now what ?

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I got my 30 years lease paper.

Can I get a yellow tabien baan ? Do I need the original owner to do all kind of papers like electricity, water, internet ? The original tabien baan (blue) is with the owner and it's in his name.



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1 hour ago, JohnnyBKK said:

Yes, so I need the landlord for everything? Right ?

Electricity and water bills are delivered monthly. I suggest you simply pay them and keep a receipt. There is no need to go through the hassle of changing names.


If internet is already installed then do the same. However, if you want to suspend it for a month or so when on holiday, you will need the registered person to do it. Otherwise just install it in your name.


But there is other stuff like driving licenses, vehicle registration and immigration that sometimes require a signed copy of the tabian baan and a signed copy of the owner's ID card.


I keep a bunch of signed copies of my landlord's ID card and the tabian baan to do this.


(Actually I only asked him for one signed copy, but had that signed copy copied a few times)

Edited by 12DrinkMore
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"I got my 30 years lease paper. Can I get a yellow tabien baan ?"


As the holder of a 30 year lease, most amphur offices will issue you a yellow tambien baan. Some will do so gladly, some will really put you through the wringer. If you get the yellow book, you should easily be able to get a pink ID card. With those two items, most Land Transport offices will issue you licenses and register vehicles. No paper needed from Immigration nor from the owner.


You might still have a problem getting water, electricity, and Internet services without the land owner's signature. You should not need the land owner's signature for Immigration's TM30 process.


I realize that all the above sounds kinda fuzzy, but that's the way it is.




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Presume you had it, OP, but just in case not – your 30-year lease need to be registered on the back of the land title deed at the Land Office, as any lease longer than 3-year and not registered (and tax paid) is void. If registered, you can stay during the agreed and registered contract period, even if the land is transferred or sold.


A Yellow House Book (as also mentioned above) can normally be used as proof of address at Immigration, and Land Transport Office (works for me).


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1 hour ago, timewilltell said:

Just hope no one cancels it without your knowledge and sells the property on to a money lender - good luck.

Can not be canceled legally without the OP's consent. If its cancel illegally the OP has legal recourse. The owner can sell the property but the lease stay in place.  


Some people read too much TV. 

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I got my 30 years lease paper 2 months ago for my house . I also got my blue book , Tabien baan , with my own name inside ! All farangs living in my development project got a blue book at own names.


Edited by benji57
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This is a good time to remind everybody that every Amphur/Land Office handles things differently. There are no "fixed procedures" that apply to all Amphurs/Land Offices equally throughout Thailand.

Therefore any advice given, may work in one Amphoe but not in an other.

Only remedy: Find out how YOUR Amphoe/Land Office handles things.

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2 hours ago, benji57 said:

I got my 30 years lease paper 2 months ago for my house . I also got my blue book , Tabien baan , with my own name inside ! All farangs living in my development project got a blue book at own names.


Edited by Destiny1990
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The lease was registered at the land department, I had to pay 1% of taxes.


The tabien baan wasn't edited, they just attached another paper to it (the lease paper) and they gave it to the thai owner.


I got a simple paper stating that it's a 30 years lease, but no tabien baan.

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