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'Boss' faces arrest warrant after another no-show in hit-and-run case from 2012


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 If the High Society norm and tradition is followed Mr. Boss may in this very moment be anywhere  abroad together with "uncle" Thaksin busy filling an application for 2nd citizenship somewhere and  create plans with the purpose of getting one of his RedBull relatives elected as Thailands next Prime Minister which again may lead to a future Pardon...;)

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1 hour ago, ttrd said:


 If the High Society norm and tradition is followed Mr. Boss may in this very moment be anywhere  abroad together with "uncle" Thaksin busy filling an application for 2nd citizenship somewhere and  create plans with the purpose of getting one of his RedBull relatives elected as Thailands next Prime Minister which again may lead to a future Pardon...;)



I wish him ! He didn't kill anyone intentionally. It's an accident, This case should be closed and forgotten already, but UNFORTUNATELY he is rich and the world if full of poor and jealous people !





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This red bull murderer should rub elbows with Thaksin, Oh mybe he does and that is why he

has not came back to Thailand to face justice.  Both of thes guys deserve jail time and

loss of face, but it will no happen. Tragic!


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 If the High Society norm and tradition is followed Mr. Boss may in this very moment be anywhere  abroad together with "uncle" Thaksin busy filling an application for 2nd citizenship somewhere and  create plans with the purpose of getting one of his RedBull relatives elected as Thailands next Prime Minister which again may lead to a future Pardon...;)

This red bull murderer should rub elbows with Thaksin, Oh mybe he does and that is why he
has not came back to Thailand to face justice.  Both of thes guys deserve jail time and
loss of face, but it will no happen. Tragic!

Come on chaps, keep suggesting links between this creature and the Dubai bogeyman! No matter there is no evidence whatsoever ( outside of certain fevered imaginations)!

Perhaps an imagined assignation with Yingluck? Now there would be a story - the police bursting in and catching them "in flagrante", re-enactions, lots of very senior policemen pointing - this story could run and run...
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4 hours ago, abab said:



I wish him ! He didn't kill anyone intentionally. It's an accident, This case should be closed and forgotten already, but UNFORTUNATELY he is rich and the world if full of poor and jealous people !





Yep, definitely not guilty of getting drunk, high on drugs, crashing into the poor police guy, dragging him down  the road and then running home to mummy. 

And the world is full of stupid people who are allowed to post nonsense about how idiots are allowed to walk free of their criminal actions. 

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10 hours ago, Basil B said:

I wounder if they have worked out they will need an International Arrest Warrant???

And cancelled his passport with immediate notification to all immigration authorities world wide. 

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13 minutes ago, JAG said:



Come on chaps, keep suggesting links between this creature and the Dubai bogeyman! No matter there is no evidence whatsoever ( outside of certain fevered imaginations)!

Perhaps an imagined assignation with Yingluck? Now there would be a story - the police bursting in and catching them "in flagrante", re-enactions, lots of very senior policemen pointing - this story could run and run...



Doubt if he could get it up for anything other than self-gratification. 

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"Faces" arrest?

If they (Ministry of Justice) are serious about, then the cancel his passport (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and once he is repatriated the immigration (Ministry of Interior) will "welcome" him back in the Land of Smiles.

Good luck with that one! I just assume that some brownies are dished around - meanwhile if everybody would stop using Red Bull products and use alternatives it could have an effect on the share prices ........ go figure! 

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There is another currently running topic on Thai Visa called


"Thai Govt lauded for it's efforts to fight graft"


Sadly .... they must be talking about a different Thailand, as it's difficult to comprehend how any judicial system could allow this "Boss" farce to continue for so long.


Globally, protecting wealthy people from prosecution is not unique to Thailand, but the population of Thailand deserve better in this case. It involves the death of a human being, and a very high profile "person of interest".


It's an important opportunity for the Thai Govt to make a profound statement to their citizens, and the international community, that sometimes your social status will not elevate you above the common law in LOS.


But .... they've gotta get him back here first. Good luck with that.

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On ‎28‎/‎4‎/‎2560 at 6:02 AM, colinneil said:

The little s..t is just laughing at this pathetic load of nonsense.

He faces arrest warrant for another no-show !!! 

the arrest warrant should have been issued 5 years ago, but money talks.

His whole family dont give a rats ar.e about justice, only  care about themselves.


As do all Hi So not only Thai.

Most very wealthy could not give a dam about the average jo blow.


The B2 case and this case make a mockery out of justice, quite shameful.

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6 hours ago, Artisi said:

And cancelled his passport with immediate notification to all immigration authorities world wide. 

All that means is any country with a moral backbone (something I feel the UK is lacking) would deport him, where if an International Arrest warrant was issued he could be extradited back to Thailand.


Where as if he was deported for not having a valid passport (and it may be he has more than one nationality) he could travel to any country that does not have an extradition treaty with Thailand and would accept him (and his money).

Edited by Basil B
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