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Police told to obtain arrested warrant for Red Bull heir ‘Boss’


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14 minutes ago, rosst said:

As he becomes a fugitive, cancel his passport and demand information from the lawyers and family.


With the family's money,  he's probably got half a dozen passports from different countries who offer citizenship in exchange for cash $$$ or investment.  If not, he needs better lawyers.

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14 hours ago, klikster said:

Bounty hunters might be a better approach. High $ bounty and this precious child will be rounded up or  .. 


Better yet, put it out there that he leaked sensitive CIA documents.  There will be no place he can hide.  


Edit: Except maybe a 3rd world embassy or Siberia.


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14 hours ago, janclaes47 said:

No he won't.


The OP says the following

" If police couldn't locate him, the office instructed them to apply at the Southern Bangkok Criminal Court for an arrest warrant so he can face the prosecutors' indictment decision. "


And i have such a feeling that police will look indefinitely to locate him, so there will never be an apply for an arrest warrant.

indictment = a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime


Agree, the police have  not been given a deadline for locating him. Its up to discretion of the police as to whether they apply for the arrest warrant stating a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime. Its up to the police as to whether they want to allocate resources in finding him, they may have other priorities (smile). As of now he has not been formally charged or accused of any serious crime. 

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The police will probably start looking at the family home on Sukhumvit 53, where they will find a particularly large brown envelope waiting. Following this exhaustive investigation they probably won't be able to find him, because if they did the brown envelopes would cease coming. 

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1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

Did you read the post immediately before yours? ID 10, From a Moderator, confirming that the warrant had already been issued?

I agree that serving it is going to be the tough part though.

Yes I did, and it say an arrest warrant has been approved.


I assume you know the difference between approved and issued?

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On a lighter note and with due respect to the murdered policeman, anyone who wears a baseball cap like that deserves to be hunted down.


In these situations, don't they freeze assets? How about calling daddy to tell him to turn off the cash?

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2 minutes ago, darksidedog said:


You see what you want to see. What I see in the article is exactly the same as in the OP, but brought in other words.


A court has approved the issue of an arrest warrant.


The article was written 13 hours ago, obviously with facts known before that time, so why every Thai news source not be aware of this yet.


No need to answer, I'm not interested in a stubborn discussion.

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2 hours ago, PatOngo said:

Police would still hunt for him if he moved to another country, and if he returned to Thailand he would be arrested, he said.


..........Again........if this is of any help!


April 30 - Russia (Sochi)
May 14 - Spain (Barcelona)
May 28 - Monaco (Monte Carlo)
June 11 - Canada (Montreal)
June 25 - Azerbaijan (Baku)
July 9 - Austria (Spielberg)
July 16 - Great Britain (Silverstone)
July 30 - Hungary (Budapest)
August 27 - Belgium (Spa-Francorchamps)
September 3 - Italy (Monza)
September 17 - Singapore (Singapore)
October 1 - Malaysia (Sepang)
October 8 - Japan (Suzuka)
October 22 - USA (Austin)
October 29 - Mexico (Mexico City)
November 12 - Brazil (Sao Paulo)
November 26 - Abu Dhabi (Abu

Some holiday. But now the arrest warrant has been issued, it will be a bit less easy to sleep at night.

The holiday is over.

Its also not as if he is used to a quiet sort of life where no one knows he has been either.


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1 minute ago, Maggusoil said:

The holiday is over.

Its also not as if he is used to a quiet sort of life where no one knows he has been either.


I recall there are actually at least a dozen arrest warrants issues, not approved to issue, for as many Thais of which the whereabouts are well known and who don't even try to play hide and seek.


Have you seen any of them been brought in lately?

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18 hours ago, PatOngo said:

Here's a heads up for the RTP.....F1 calender for 2017


April 30 - Russia (Sochi)
May 14 - Spain (Barcelona)
May 28 - Monaco (Monte Carlo)
June 11 - Canada (Montreal)
June 25 - Azerbaijan (Baku)
July 9 - Austria (Spielberg)
July 16 - Great Britain (Silverstone)
July 30 - Hungary (Budapest)
August 27 - Belgium (Spa-Francorchamps)
September 3 - Italy (Monza)
September 17 - Singapore (Singapore)
October 1 - Malaysia (Sepang)
October 8 - Japan (Suzuka)
October 22 - USA (Austin)
October 29 - Mexico (Mexico City)
November 12 - Brazil (Sao Paulo)
November 26 - Abu Dhabi (Abu Dhabi)


Wasn't it the late and great heavyweight champ Joe Louis who said of a cowardly opponent who sought to escape the justice of his mighty fists by skipping madly round the ring, "He can run, but they can't hide"?


Let's hope the Brown Bomber's words prove prophetic in this case.

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12 minutes ago, darksidedog said:


They're already laying the foundation to explain non-performance against any warrant:


"He will be processed like any other suspect who is evading an arrest warrant," said Krisana. "There are tens of thousands of these suspects." (underlining mine)

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Just because a country has no extradition treaty with Thailand dos not mean that a fugitive is safe there. The government of that country can still decide to treat him as an undesirable alien, revoke any visa or visa exemption he has, and deport him back to Thailand.


As long as the Thai authorities can convince that government that he is not sought for political ends, and will receive a fair  trial, then this may work. However, many government officials around the world would be more interested in seeing what bribes they can make from him rather than deporting him. 


Better to approach a fairly incorruptible government like the UK and work with them and the existing treaty to ensure he faces justice.

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He should phone Thaksin for a list of countries that issue passports for cash; IF Thailand ever got bold enough to cancel his Thai passport.


I still reckon a boycott of all Red Bull products/events would get the family to reel him in.

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As far as I understand, an arrest warrant has been issued. He killed this police officer on September 3rd 2012. Police have said that the arrest warrant has a 15 year life, and they've retroactively started it from September 2012. (Makes perfect sense). So now, the arrest warrant only really has a 10 year life (you couldn't make this up)


Next step would be for this law to be changed. Instead of arrest warrants having a 15 year life, let them be only 5 years. This way Boss only has to wait 'til September of this year and he will continue to be a completely free man. Also, the police get to save face :crazy:. 1 spoilt brat and inept police force (1-0) 60 million plus people. Isn't life wonderful?

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18 hours ago, darksidedog said:

At long last the scumbag is finally going to have an arrest warrant issued. Shame it took 5 bloody years. Now the next phase of the farce will commence, when they try to actually serve it on him. A man is dead because of him, so cancel his passport, issue the summons to Interpol, whatever is needed. Get this low life back here to face justice without ANY further delays.

They have issued an arrest warrant before but it was only local. They need an International Warrant then they can get the police in the country he is in to make the arrest.

It is just for show as everyone knows he wont come back to Thailand on his own. Looks good though

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18 hours ago, darksidedog said:

At long last the scumbag is finally going to have an arrest warrant issued. Shame it took 5 bloody years. Now the next phase of the farce will commence, when they try to actually serve it on him. A man is dead because of him, so cancel his passport, issue the summons to Interpol, whatever is needed. Get this low life back here to face justice without ANY further delays.

I've had an 'arrest warrant' with a term limit of 15 years issued against the farang POS who robbed me five years ago. Still unenforced, and he's a lot less money than this guy. Don't make me laugh. Yet another sop to quell the latest outrage from the proles. Be forgotten by next week.

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1 hour ago, little mary sunshine said:

So The Hunt has been going on for 5 years...

in another 5 years The Hunt will still go on.

There was no hunt before this because there was no arrest warrant. To you and all the other cynics who said this would never happen, I suggest we wait and see. 

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3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

“Don’t worry. Thai police have been constantly trying to catch those with arrest warrants on them all along,” he added.

Glad he added the all important "Don't worry" at the beginning is the sentence.  Otherwise, he would be mistaken for being frivolous. 


"Don't worry", "trust me" and "no problem" are all red flags. 

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7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Did you read the post immediately before yours? ID 10, From a Moderator, confirming that the warrant had already been issued?

I agree that serving it is going to be the tough part though.

Issuing a warrant with the view to issue extradition proceedings with the UK is not going to work with this fugitive as all he has to do is move country and wait for the extradition application to run out of time.


Only if an international warrant is issued via Interpol red notice where he can be arrested in any signatory country will anyone take the pursuit of this fugitive seriously.

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if you have the cash, you can get a real passport issued in any name you want from various different countries.


he can party in Belize, or Central or South America.


if his handlers are smart, they won't let him be photographed at public events.

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Smoke, mirrors and bullshit.


Thailand issue an international arrest warrant immediately or shut up.


If the warrant is issued, also cancel his passport, then he maybe in trouble.


Will this be done, not a chance. The deal has been done with this murdering bastard and the RTP.


A officer of the RTP was basically murdered and in response the RTP have done nothing.


The RTP is a disgusting, vile organisation which has brought shame on the Thai nation and don't get me started on General Corruption Pryatt.

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