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Find the dog killer! Reporters called in after dozens of deaths from strychnine poisoning


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Find the dog killer! Reporters called in after dozens of deaths from strychnine poisoning



Picture: Thai Rath


CHANTHABURI: -- An orchard owner in Chanthaburi has demanded police find a person who has been poisoning dozens of dogs in the village.


Thai Rath screamed in its headline that the killer was a "sinner".


Jamlong Phonsombat, 65, called in reporters yesterday after seven of the dogs she looked after at her Makham district orchard were found dead from poisoning in just a few days.


Reporters were shown four Thai breed dogs - three puppies aged about five months and a three year old mature dog - that were all dead from poisoning on Saturday night.


Three others were found dead earlier in the week. Jamlong said that she also heard that 20 other dogs had died in the village in the last two months and she believes that one person is responsible for laying down strychnine for the dogs.


She has reported the matter to police and wants the culprit to be found.


Source: Thai Rath

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-05-01
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Apart from the fact that I find this horrible, I was wondering how they know not only the cause of death, poisoning, but they also claim to know the substance, strychnine? Obviously I'm only speculating here, but I'm beginning to question whether they are only....speculating?

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Let me start by saying I am a dog lover and own a dog here in Thailand.

I would never want anything bad to happen to my dog and whoever is responsible for any harm coming to my dog without reason is in for some bad times.


That said, I can completely understand people stoop this low to get rid of dogs in their neighborhood.

There are simply no other options...


If these dogs bite you, your kid, or your dog, nobody will claim ownership and pay for the damages.

If you call the police to have the dogs removed before they bite anybody they will not take any action.

If you tell the perceived owner to be more responsible they will not do anything.


So what are your options?

Option 1: get bitten, let your kid get bitten, let your own dogs/cats be bitten. When that happens you pay for the VET and nothing will change. They might get bitten again, and again, and again.

Option 2: poison the dogs


My final question would be, where can one buy strychnine?

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7 minutes ago, fasteddie said:

I hope they catch the lowlife and string him/her up, along with all dirtbags who are cruel to animals.

not cruel.  what is cruel is doing nothing so the soi dogs have pups year after year, then bite folks walking along the soi's,  carriers of rabbies, chasing kids on bikes and generally being a pest and dangerous to the public. You try living in a soi with 10 dogs on the street.

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Maybe it was unintentional? Strychnine is used for many purposes and I wonder whether a few dogs picked it up and transmitted somehow to others. Anyway, in a village it should be easy enough to track who is buying it and where it is stored.


As for the never-ending discussions on the soi dogs: you love dogs? Good for you. Then keep them inside your own home and make sure they are not a nuisance to others. No one will poison them.



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I don't like these miserable retards that hurt animals. There's really no need to poison the dogs. The world needs dogs but definitely doesn't need good for nothing idiots so with all due respect he could have just used the poison on himself. 

It reminds me of these wannabe foreign criminals in Chiang mai, at one of the gates communities, the guy had a gun, for a second he thought he was tough and shot one of the stray dogs. A Chinese dude, belonging to a gang. I always wondered why didn't he just leave the dog alone and shoot himself. I mean we all know that the world is in no need of sweethearts like these. 

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1 hour ago, steven100 said:

he deserves a medal and praises ....   the dogs are dangerous, disease carriers and pests.


So why are you living here? This is part of what Thailand is.

If you like western standars stay in the west.

You're like muslims in Europe. Come to foreign country and starts complain how everything is different and should change to the standars of country where you escaped from in the first place.


I never saw thai person having problems with street dogs. I only saw thai people giving them food and providing them with blankets when puppies come.

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22 minutes ago, arithai12 said:

Maybe it was unintentional? Strychnine is used for many purposes and I wonder whether a few dogs picked it up and transmitted somehow to others. Anyway, in a village it should be easy enough to track who is buying it and where it is stored.


As for the never-ending discussions on the soi dogs: you love dogs? Good for you. Then keep them inside your own home and make sure they are not a nuisance to others. No one will poison them.


I was wondering the same.  Back in China, I often see little piles of rat poison pellets scattered where we walk our dogs.   I imagine that would be devastating if there were any loose dogs like we have all over Thailand.


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4 minutes ago, howard ashoul said:

So why are you living here? This is part of what Thailand is.

If you like western standars stay in the west.

You're like muslims in Europe. Come to foreign country and starts complain how everything is different and should change to the standars of country where you escaped from in the first place.


I never saw thai person having problems with street dogs. I only saw thai people giving them food and providing them with blankets when puppies come.

don't know if you can say this is what thailand is ...  so it thailand to be chased by a soi dog and get bitten and get rabbies   ? or being elderly and get attacked  ?

Also, not sure but have many thai friends who agree the dogs are pests ... so maybe just the dumb uneducated feed these pests as they don't know any better.

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8 minutes ago, howard ashoul said:

So why are you living here? This is part of what Thailand is.

If you like western standars stay in the west.

You're like muslims in Europe. Come to foreign country and starts complain how everything is different and should change to the standars of country where you escaped from in the first place.


I never saw thai person having problems with street dogs. I only saw thai people giving them food and providing them with blankets when puppies come.

After they are not puppies anymore they let they roam the streets and starve

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54 minutes ago, steven100 said:

you just react without proper thought ...

In my 51yrs of visiting/living in Thailand I have never had a problem with soi dogs, just talk to them nicely and give them titbits and they'll be your friends for life.

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20 minutes ago, fasteddie said:

In my 51yrs of visiting/living in Thailand I have never had a problem with soi dogs, just talk to them nicely and give them titbits and they'll be your friends for life.

How often have you walked your own dogs in Thailand?

Its like saying racism is not a problem because I am white and nobody calls me the n-word...

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That woman, and people like her, are causing the problem.. and the suffering of thousands of dogs in Thailand.  


She says she is caring for them... how?  She gives them food which encourages more to come, she lets them breed and have litter after litter with no thought of finding the puppies homes.  I doubt she take any sick or ill ones to the vet.  Yes, just throw some old rice out for them to scavenge.... let them run loose and cause problems in the village... killing chickens, ripping open bin bags and spreading the mess everywhere (which boots the rat population too), crapping on the road, scaring people, biting people, chasing cars and bikes, fighting with peoples pet dogs, killing pet cats and livestock... barking and howling all hours of the day and night.  Does that equal a good person?


If anyone was 'caring' for dogs like that in Europe the animal protection societies would rescue the dogs and prosecute the owner for cruelty.


I like animals, I like dogs, but I think the person who allegedly poisoned the dogs did the animals a kindness and, if the Thai people really believe in reincarnation, helped them to a better life.. as well as cleaning up the village .. hardly a sinner.



Edited by jak2002003
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26 minutes ago, fasteddie said:

In my 51yrs of visiting/living in Thailand I have never had a problem with soi dogs, just talk to them nicely and give them titbits and they'll be your friends for life.


C'mon down to my street.  I'll introduce you to some soi dogs that don't fall for that old trick.  Several of which are currently wearing muzzles (they weren't 6 months ago).  Which is a pretty good indication that they've been singled out for special treatment for some reason.


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28 minutes ago, fasteddie said:

In my 51yrs of visiting/living in Thailand I have never had a problem with soi dogs, just talk to them nicely and give them titbits and they'll be your friends for life.

So you carry dog treats in your pockets 24 / 7 do you?  You must smell nice.


I don't have the time to stop, give a few treats, and have a nice conversation with the 100s of dogs in my area every day.... I am jealous of you if you have nothing else to do apart from having you doggy chats and tea parties every single day you are here.

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1 hour ago, fasteddie said:

I hope they catch the lowlife and string him/her up, along with all dirtbags who are cruel to animals.

Nobody should kill any dogs unless they are dangerous, they have a right to live on this earth the same as we do.

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14 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

That woman, and people like her, are causing the problem.. and the suffering of thousands of dogs in Thailand.  


She says she is caring for them... how?  She gives them food which encourages more to come, she lets them breed and have litter after litter with no thought of finding the puppies homes.  I doubt she take any sick or ill ones to the vet.  Yes, just throw some old rice out for them to scavenge.... let them run loose and cause problems in the village... killing chickens, ripping open bin bags and spreading the mess everywhere (which boots the rat population too), crapping on the road, scaring people, biting people, chasing cars and bikes, fighting with peoples pet dogs, killing pet cats and livestock... barking and howling all hours of the day and night.  Does that equal a good person?


If anyone was 'caring' for dogs like that in Europe the animal protection societies would rescue the dogs and prosecute the owner for cruelty.


I like animals, I like dogs, but I think the person who allegedly poisoned the dogs did the animals a kindness and, if the Thai people really believe in reincarnation, helped them to a better life.. as well as cleaning up the village .. hardly a sinner.



Well said When you go walking how many dogs do you see starving I see lots They are dying a slow death Some of those dogs are just bloody dangerous Time to round them up

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whoopee , from a person who thinks dogs are vermin but children are wonderfull . Pity we dont see this reaction for the children and babies who are gassed , bombed and shot .Snowflake culture . Love the lovely little puppy dogs they look so cute . Stuff the children who cares about them . What a world we live in .
 I have witnessed thais throwing live fish on a bbq , killing pigs ,buffaloes and chickens in the most inhumane way possible . Dogs never fed and starving and chained up for their whole life but somebody kills one they are upset ? must be genetic as i cannot fathom the logic in this one

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2 hours ago, impulse said:


I was wondering the same.  Back in China, I often see little piles of rat poison pellets scattered where we walk our dogs.   I imagine that would be devastating if there were any loose dogs like we have all over Thailand.


No problem in China they eat dogs.

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