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Find the dog killer! Reporters called in after dozens of deaths from strychnine poisoning


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..this is extremely disturbing.... at a certain university, above the lower three, the gardeners poisoned the dogs and cats about the dorms and classrooms...A directive by the Administration, we were told.   It is not a pleasant sight seeing these dogs and cats dying before you and falling on the grounds... Very disturbing...

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12 hours ago, TheBrain said:

Yes it works everywhere and in Thailand it will work too.

No it doesnt. Culling is only effective on islandsand is usually very costly as you only target the one species.

Culling on large land masses results in the replacement of culled animals from neighbouring populations.

The most effect way to reduce unwanted populations of animals such as dogs is to control and restrict their food supply.

I dont know where you got your ideas from, but  little research will show uou fhat culling is a pretty much discredited method of control.

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15 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Nearly 6 months old this thread, makes me wonder why it was resurrected

Cause many people cannot stand soi dogs. They are everywhere and are growing, you know how many idiots here are feeding stray dogs. they come by motorbikes from other locations just to give them food. I wish any dog feeder would be prosecuted.

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On 5/1/2017 at 3:17 PM, fasteddie said:

I hope they catch the lowlife and string him/her up, along with all dirtbags who are cruel to animals.

Says a person who almost certainly eats them! where can you buy strychnine from? we have dozens of noisy, scabby, dangerous dogs around us.

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Cause many people cannot stand soi dogs. They are everywhere and are growing, you know how many idiots here are feeding stray dogs. they come by motorbikes from other locations just to give them food. I wish any dog feeder would be prosecuted.
Also the guys probably don't look at the date of the original post. Personally I don't mind soi dogs except the ones that chase me on my bicycle
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Culling won't solve the dog problem.

first the locals have to decide they are a problem.

then you need them to go.


If there is no food, they leave - simple.


Except you need to identify the food sources........quite of those  sadly misinformed people who think they are doing a good deed by feeding te animals, the main food source is  garbage. Thailand has an extremely primitive waste disposal regime and open bins, dumping ec make it paradise for dogs who are by nature inveterate scroungers.

If the food supply is restricted so is the number of dogs it can support and by "natural wastage" the population will dwindle. Once the numbers of dogs become smaller then other methods to control the can be introduced, such as sterilisation or eve a dog pound - neither of these methods are feasible with big dog populations..


again culling doesn't work, any reprieve is temporary and in the long run counter productive as you end up with loads of dead dogs to get rid off....This has proved to be a problem before in BKK.


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You know i use to go walking I was so afraid of these bloody dogs i use to take a stick with me to hit them so they would not bite me. In the end i just gave up and went walking in the park. But today i was walking in the park and some bloody dog shit on the walkway where people walk and i stood in the bloody thing Stuff the bloody dogs Is there no place safe from these dogs?

I gave up outside walking in Thailand for the same reasons. It was simply too unsafe.

This was my solution. Couldn’t be any happier with it.

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On 01/05/2017 at 10:27 AM, Bob12345 said:

Let me start by saying I am a dog lover and own a dog here in Thailand.

I would never want anything bad to happen to my dog and whoever is responsible for any harm coming to my dog without reason is in for some bad times.


That said, I can completely understand people stoop this low to get rid of dogs in their neighborhood.

There are simply no other options...


If these dogs bite you, your kid, or your dog, nobody will claim ownership and pay for the damages.

If you call the police to have the dogs removed before they bite anybody they will not take any action.

If you tell the perceived owner to be more responsible they will not do anything.


So what are your options?

Option 1: get bitten, let your kid get bitten, let your own dogs/cats be bitten. When that happens you pay for the VET and nothing will change. They might get bitten again, and again, and again.

Option 2: poison the dogs


My final question would be, where can one buy strychnine?

I believe heroin works.

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12 minutes ago, Gregster said:


I gave up outside walking in Thailand for the same reasons. It was simply too unsafe.

This was my solution. Couldn’t be any happier with it.



Does it have a yapping barking dog sound to encourage more effort and speed when you are tiring :smile:

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8 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

Culling won't solve the dog problem.

first the locals have to decide they are a problem.

then you need them to go.


If there is no food, they leave - simple.


Except you need to identify the food sources........quite of those  sadly misinformed people who think they are doing a good deed by feeding te animals, the main food source is  garbage. Thailand has an extremely primitive waste disposal regime and open bins, dumping ec make it paradise for dogs who are by nature inveterate scroungers.

If the food supply is restricted so is the number of dogs it can support and by "natural wastage" the population will dwindle. Once the numbers of dogs become smaller then other methods to control the can be introduced, such as sterilisation or eve a dog pound - neither of these methods are feasible with big dog populations..


again culling doesn't work, any reprieve is temporary and in the long run counter productive as you end up with loads of dead dogs to get rid off....This has proved to be a problem before in BKK.


this is BS. They just need to let people shoot stray dogs and give bounty for every dead stray dog. The problem will be solved in just one month. When i was a teenager i have many dogs roam near my house. I go shop, bought pneumatic gun and start shooting them with my friends. After one week not even one single dog near my home. simple, efficient and  very fun!

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