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Intending to leave the UK to live in Thailand. Help needed to know a few facts


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Keith, the rules on capital gains tax for Expats changed couple of years ago. If you are a non resident for tax purposes, then you will have to pay capital gains tax on the sale of your house, even if it is your only house / home. However, the value of the house that CGT uses is the value of the property at the time the rules changed, not your original purchase price. If you come here then take some expert advise, which isn't expensive, when you are ready to sell.


Don't be tempted to cheat HMRC. You'll open up a can of worms if they catch you - really not worth it. Banks, property management companies, electoral registers (the tenants will want to vote) etc etc. 


I did read that the rules on tax returns might change, with minor landlords being affected in 2019 ish. I've always completed my own tax returns but if they introduce quarterly returns as well as annual I will out source. HMRC currently send my tax return to Thailand, received the one for 2015/6 couple of weeks ago and I send back. Currently, if you want to do on-line you have to buy propriety soft ware. 


Keith, up to you what you do mate. Only you can decide what you want. Tax isn't really a problem if you play it straight and follow the rules. 


As for pension, check with the office in Newcastle. I've always found them really helpful and they confirm things in writing to you. 


So the main issue is what makes you happy. Don't burn your bridges, and if you are coming to stay for some time think seriously about medical insurance too.

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4 hours ago, possum1931 said:

and how are they going to get it? Suppose it was someone with only a state pension?


If you have UK assets, UK bank accounts, investments, pension, then they could. They would deduct so much and probable stick a finance charge on top!


They could, depend on amount, whose in government, and how nasty minded at the time, threaten to suspend your passport and inform the immigration in the country you are resident in.


All will depend on how things go in the near future. Strong growing economy, reducing debt, and they perhaps are more empathetic. Screwed economy, crap Brexit, rising debt and they'll look to screw every penny they can.


Remember Daft Dave was gonna take Expats personal tax allowances away at one point.

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On 5/2/2017 at 10:00 AM, Kwasaki said:

Irresponsible behaviour and we will have to agree to disagree,  I give a dam.

Don't want my pension stopped and get a criminal convictions against me which could get me kicked out of Thailand.

Not my way at looking at it you should of known your pension would be frozen when you made the decision to live in Thailand, that goes for all your ' likers ' too. :biggrin:

That is not always true, i got my pension paid into my UK bank without telling the DWP i had moved to Thailand, everything went fine for 10 months then after they had three letters returned, my pension was stopped, after i contacted them to ask why my pension was stopped, they mentioned the returned mail, i told them i had moved to Thailand. They said OK no problem just let us know your new address, and that was it, i had received a yearly increase after i moved, none of this increase i had received was asked for, i still have the increase paid in my pension to my UK bank, I was naturally informed there would be no further increases, that was the end of it, and there were no criminal charges etc.

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22 minutes ago, maxcorrigan said:

I was naturally informed there would be no further increases, that was the end of it, and there were no criminal charges etc.

l do not refer to your situation l would consider yours not a deceptive one or intentional.

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1 minute ago, Kwasaki said:

l do not refer to your situation l would consider yours not a deceptive one or intentional.

Not quite sure what you mean, i am simply stating my own experience with regard to it being a criminal offence, which it certainly was not treated as such! maybe laziness on part of the DWP who knows.

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6 hours ago, meatboy said:

well keith just a few rights or wrongs.first i lived in thailand on and off for 4yrs.sampling the local produce.

i took the plunge after a lot of research,that was 27yrs.ago still married and enjoying my life.

studying what you wrote i would say all us oldies would reconize maybe a red flag flying.

1 she writes good english,where did she learn that OR someone translated a letter for her.

2 working in a factory doing a lot of overtime.:shock1:

3 able to have 6weeks off work.so if she is doing a lot of overtime that means they are short staffed.

4 an older son or could be a brother? you must work that out for yourself.

5 a younger son in school in bkk. that is not cheap.

6 last one for now where does she live in bkk.that too is not cheap.

so take your time and do some research and DONT believe all what your told then MAYBE you might become one of us who have been very very LUCKY.

1. I was with her for 6 weeks 24/7, we occasionally wrote messages to each other, sometimes when I wanted the answer in writing. Her written English is very good, speaking slightly less good. She said she learn English during 4 years of college.

2. She works 8 am to 9 pm a lot of weekdays, I have the name of the company, they make plastic tubes.

3. She said she had worked for the same company for 20 years. I was also surprised they let her have 6 weeks away from work, would that be very unusual?

4. She said she has a brother living in Bangkok and also her first son age 28, both have jobs.

5. She said she needs 7,000 Baht to support her son, 5,000 Baht to support herself.  Do you think she was lying to me?

6. She lives about 30 km West of Bangkok centre, further out than the trains take you, about 20 km West of the last train station. She lives in a small one bedroom house with her younger son. The house is owned by her brother. I went to be with her for a few days (before she came to me in Khon Kaen) and we stayed at a hotel close to where she lives but I never went to her small house.


Meatboy, you have also stated she would need at least 50,000 Baht.


She said her basic pay is just 10,000 Baht per month, but she always does the overtime and so increases it to 15,000 Baht. 


I now have doubts, am I so wrong? Has she lied to me?




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2 hours ago, maxcorrigan said:

That is not always true, i got my pension paid into my UK bank without telling the DWP i had moved to Thailand, everything went fine for 10 months then after they had three letters returned, my pension was stopped, after i contacted them to ask why my pension was stopped, they mentioned the returned mail, i told them i had moved to Thailand. They said OK no problem just let us know your new address, and that was it, i had received a yearly increase after i moved, none of this increase i had received was asked for, i still have the increase paid in my pension to my UK bank, I was naturally informed there would be no further increases, that was the end of it, and there were no criminal charges etc.

The reason that you did not incur a penalty is easy to explain. It was only a short period and the cost of taking any proceedings would outweigh the benefit.


The same happened to the lady in Egypt that I mentioned earlier. A short period of transgression gets you a slap on the wrist and  ''don't do it again''.


But they will be watching!

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3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


If you have UK assets, UK bank accounts, investments, pension, then they could. They would deduct so much and probable stick a finance charge on top!


They could, depend on amount, whose in government, and how nasty minded at the time, threaten to suspend your passport and inform the immigration in the country you are resident in.


All will depend on how things go in the near future. Strong growing economy, reducing debt, and they perhaps are more empathetic. Screwed economy, crap Brexit, rising debt and they'll look to screw every penny they can.


Remember Daft Dave was gonna take Expats personal tax allowances away at one point.

I will keep that in mind when the time comes, but your second paragraph, I don't think it would be as drastic as that, but I could be wrong.

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3 hours ago, meatboy said:

sorry keith but you have come a cropper at the first hurdle:sorry: you have broken the golden rule,by promising her MONEY before you start,unless her ex is paying her to look after her son,15,000bht.wont go far.

you need at least 50,000 a month.

That's a lot of sick buffalos and broken down cars. 

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4 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

The reason that you did not incur a penalty is easy to explain. It was only a short period and the cost of taking any proceedings would outweigh the benefit.


The same happened to the lady in Egypt that I mentioned earlier. A short period of transgression gets you a slap on the wrist and  ''don't do it again''.


But they will be watching!

Well OK seems feasible to me, but would like to hear from someone picked up for a longer period!

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1 minute ago, possum1931 said:

I will keep that in mind when the time comes, but your second paragraph, I don't think it would be as drastic as that, but I could be wrong.

The majority of people who vote Tory are the over fifties, the Tories currently won't do anything too affect that.

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12 minutes ago, jamie2009 said:

The majority of people who vote Tory are the over fifties, the Tories currently won't do anything too affect that.

Labour are a bit more hypocritical than the Tories, what is needed is UKIP.

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4. She said she has a brother living in Bangkok and also her first son age 28, both have jobs.

5. She said she needs 7,000 Baht to support her son, 5,000 Baht to support herself.  Do you think she was lying to me?

6. She lives about 30 km West of Bangkok centre, further out than the trains take you, about 20 km West of the last train station. She lives in a small one bedroom house with her younger son. The house is owned by her brother. I went to be with her for a few days (before she came to me in Khon Kaen) and we stayed at a hotel close to where she lives but I never went to her small house.

Hmmm. Could it possible that the brother is actually the husband or boyfriend? They both live in the same house with their son? The reason she didn't let you in the house was because his (the brother/lover/husband) stuff was in there?

Could the son be expected to go along with such deceit?  
Could they as a family be experiencing terrible financial difficulties and are prepared to go to desperate measures to solve them? 
Did you meet via a dating agency? Could another user / a friend help your lady with writing the messages?

I'm not trolling here. I think you have some big red flags to deal with before you start planning a move. Perhaps plan a trip here, secretly, to surprise her. Check out the work and house situation without forewarning or offering time to prepare the set-up. 

Perhaps plan to meet a few more women from dating sites while you are here. Give yourself a few options. Living in S.E . Asia is all about having eggs in different baskets, never throw everything into one relationship, house, business or whatever...Situations have a habit of changing very suddenly....    

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2 hours ago, maxcorrigan said:

Not quite sure what you mean

Well l thought l made it clear what is done by others like if you were to of made sure letters received from DWP were not returned so making them think you are in the UK for the days allowed in the UK residing at the address as your permanent address etc, etc need l go on.

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2 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

Well l thought l made it clear what is done by others like if you were to of made sure letters received from DWP were not returned so making them think you are in the UK for the days allowed in the UK residing at the address as your permanent address etc, etc need l go on.

No point in you going on, moonlover came up with a much more pertinent point, being that it was only a short period, your way would have come to light sooner or later therefore amounting to (as they see it) fraud!

We're are getting well of topic here, so best leave at that.

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Whatever you do...just make sure you have proper plans for an exit strategy just in case...and not resort to the usual jump over the balcony, or carbon dioxide inhalation methods please. The former method by many old farangs really messes up a lot of people and properties and someone should sue the estates of these inconsiderate old farangs.

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On 5/2/2017 at 10:32 AM, pauleddy said:

After 13 years here I can only echo the advice of sceptics. Thailand is a hot and dirty dump. Most "romantic" partners are after your money. It is virtually an unwritten law that girls (and sometimes boys) must send money to mother in a village (or keep a whole family). A few years back, I was living with somebody who was giving me 40 GBP a month to offset rent, power, wifi, food and everything (about 600 pounds a month back then). I did not find out for 9 months that the person was sending 160 pounds a month to keep a family. The last person with whom I got hooked up for a while asked to move into my large house, and actually dumped me when I asked for a token 4000 baht ALL FOUND, to live in a large house where 4,000 does not even cover the electricity. The person could not fathom that it's a 2-way street---giving money also brings a sense of entitlement and stability.


The romance vs. family culture here is 180 degrees opposite, and you cannot escape it. I have asked several Thais about "who comes first?" and it is always the parents, then the siblings, and even the old pals from junior school (Thais have "clusters" of friends from school who support eachother forever). The lover or white boyfriend is about number 4 down the list.


A friend of mine who is happily hitched to a Thai has given up the fight. He regularly pays for mother to have a new bathroom or car. He calls it "The Tax". It is what you pay for living here. I hate the idea. I have dumped more than one person when they started to ask for money. AND:--be careful because the smart ones REFUSE your money today but play the long game! You may not get asked for a car or holiday for 12 months, while you are being reeled in. All desire for money will be happily denied.


I can already hear the indignation...OK, there exists a minority who are happy with the trade-off or consider themselves in a stable relationship. But they are not in the majority.



I'm not indignant but you are painting with a brush that is far too broad. I've been with my gf and recently wife for 10 1/2 years and never had any negative experiences with money. I have had one or two financial dealings with her family that I wasn't too happy about - they insisted on paying off the outstanding balance of our mortgage last year, which I didn't want them to do - but overall I couldn't be happier.


That's largely irrelevant as far as the OP is concerned of course but my point is this: don't be swayed by what many people here have to say about relationships with Thai females because they cannot accept the fact that actually, they aren't all the same. Tell them yours is different and they will ridicule you, simply because they are bitter and disenchanted.

Edited by Mark123456
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Just now, Mark123456 said:

I'm not indignant but you are painting with a brush that is far too broad. I've been with my gf and recently wife for 10 1/2 years and never had any negative experiences with money. I have had one or two financial dealings with her family that I wasn't too happy about - they insisted on paying off the outstanding balance of our mortgage last year, which I didn't want them to do - but overall I couldn't be happier.

He was dating trash that's all. If he couldnt work out he was 4th in importance for months you have to wonder about his awareness.

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3 hours ago, Keith5588 said:

1. I was with her for 6 weeks 24/7, we occasionally wrote messages to each other, sometimes when I wanted the answer in writing. Her written English is very good, speaking slightly less good. She said she learn English during 4 years of college.

2. She works 8 am to 9 pm a lot of weekdays, I have the name of the company, they make plastic tubes.

3. She said she had worked for the same company for 20 years. I was also surprised they let her have 6 weeks away from work, would that be very unusual?

4. She said she has a brother living in Bangkok and also her first son age 28, both have jobs.

5. She said she needs 7,000 Baht to support her son, 5,000 Baht to support herself.  Do you think she was lying to me?

6. She lives about 30 km West of Bangkok centre, further out than the trains take you, about 20 km West of the last train station. She lives in a small one bedroom house with her younger son. The house is owned by her brother. I went to be with her for a few days (before she came to me in Khon Kaen) and we stayed at a hotel close to where she lives but I never went to her small house.


Meatboy, you have also stated she would need at least 50,000 Baht.


She said her basic pay is just 10,000 Baht per month, but she always does the overtime and so increases it to 15,000 Baht. 


I now have doubts, am I so wrong? Has she lied to me?




Studied in college 4 years, writes English well....

worked in company 20 years, still on  10,000 basic salary.... said company gives her 6 weeks holiday....... 

hands up who can hear sirens 

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4 hours ago, Keith5588 said:

1. I was with her for 6 weeks 24/7, we occasionally wrote messages to each other, sometimes when I wanted the answer in writing. Her written English is very good, speaking slightly less good. She said she learn English during 4 years of college.

2. She works 8 am to 9 pm a lot of weekdays, I have the name of the company, they make plastic tubes.

3. She said she had worked for the same company for 20 years. I was also surprised they let her have 6 weeks away from work, would that be very unusual?

4. She said she has a brother living in Bangkok and also her first son age 28, both have jobs.

5. She said she needs 7,000 Baht to support her son, 5,000 Baht to support herself.  Do you think she was lying to me?

6. She lives about 30 km West of Bangkok centre, further out than the trains take you, about 20 km West of the last train station. She lives in a small one bedroom house with her younger son. The house is owned by her brother. I went to be with her for a few days (before she came to me in Khon Kaen) and we stayed at a hotel close to where she lives but I never went to her small house.


Meatboy, you have also stated she would need at least 50,000 Baht.


She said her basic pay is just 10,000 Baht per month, but she always does the overtime and so increases it to 15,000 Baht. 


I now have doubts, am I so wrong? Has she lied to me?




Of course she doesn't need 50k a month, that's a ridiculous statement to make without knowing a lot more about her situation and lifestyle. My major worry, if I were you, would be why you feel the need to seek reassurance from strangers regarding your future partner's honesty. I don't mean that in a rude or flippant way; I would be genuinely concerned if I were you. After all, you know her and we don't.

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20 minutes ago, Mark123456 said:

Of course she doesn't need 50k a month, that's a ridiculous statement to make without knowing a lot more about her situation and lifestyle. My major worry, if I were you, would be why you feel the need to seek reassurance from strangers regarding your future partner's honesty. I don't mean that in a rude or flippant way; I would be genuinely concerned if I were you. After all, you know her and we don't.

Spend 2 days in a row with somebody and by the end of day 2 if you can't work out whether the person is genuine or a liar then go see a doctor and get some scans done. 

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21 minutes ago, BigKahuna said:

Spend 2 days in a row with somebody and by the end of day 2 if you can't work out whether the person is genuine or a liar then go see a doctor and get some scans done. 

That's a rather naive comment.

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11 hours ago, Mark123456 said:

Of course she doesn't need 50k a month, that's a ridiculous statement to make without knowing a lot more about her situation and lifestyle. My major worry, if I were you, would be why you feel the need to seek reassurance from strangers regarding your future partner's honesty. I don't mean that in a rude or flippant way; I would be genuinely concerned if I were you. After all, you know her and we don't.

the 50k. mark is what he needs to finance her,and his living exs.for a start,the rest might come later.

and he needs to think about medical care and immigration status,because he is not married to her yet.


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i got to say you have kept a cool head dispite the negative posts.

we have all been there,and anyone who hasnt is telling porkies.

as lemonjelly posts its all true,myself and i am going back to the early 80's

when one of my gfs.got caught with her pants down,i used to pick her up at the local mom and pop store,she lived at the bottom of the soi,well this morning i was early and the store wasnt open,i new her address from me posting the odd envelope to her,well keith i found her one room appartment,and there was the deceipt,out side was her slippers and a pair of size tens.

when i confronted her she changed from that loving,polite, girl into a rearly nasty peice of work.

so after awhile you harden up to the lies,deceipt and tears.

so take it all on board keith and just DONT give her what you cant afford.you will soon find out if there any ifs and buts.

it might take time so BE AWARE.


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20 minutes ago, meatboy said:

i got to say you have kept a cool head dispite the negative posts.

we have all been there,and anyone who hasnt is telling porkies.

as lemonjelly posts its all true,myself and i am going back to the early 80's

when one of my gfs.got caught with her pants down,i used to pick her up at the local mom and pop store,she lived at the bottom of the soi,well this morning i was early and the store wasnt open,i new her address from me posting the odd envelope to her,well keith i found her one room appartment,and there was the deceipt,out side was her slippers and a pair of size tens.

when i confronted her she changed from that loving,polite, girl into a rearly nasty peice of work.

so after awhile you harden up to the lies,deceipt and tears.

so take it all on board keith and just DONT give her what you cant afford.you will soon find out if there any ifs and buts.

it might take time so BE AWARE.


All been there? Since when do all people hire a part time pretend gf?


Try building a real one. Then there's a chance of success.

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1 hour ago, meatboy said:

the 50k. mark is what he needs to finance her,and his living exs.for a start,the rest might come later.

and he needs to think about medical care and immigration status,because he is not married to her yet.


Why finance anyone? Build a real relationship or hire hookers. Hiring a part time hooker and pretending it is real is only going to hurt and cost a lot.

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Why finance anyone? Build a real relationship or hire hookers. Hiring a part time hooker and pretending it is real is only going to hurt and cost a lot.

Also expectations only grow, they don't (usually) get less so start as you mean to go on.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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