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UK Election 2017: Labour promises 10,000 extra police


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Election 2017: Labour promises 10,000 extra police


(BBC) -- Labour is promising to put 10,000 more police on the streets of England and Wales if it wins the election.


The party said it would fund additional "bobbies on the beat" by reversing Tory plans for cuts to capital gains tax.


Labour said cutting the higher rate from 28% to 20% and the basic rate from 18% to 10% would cost public services more than £2.7bn over five years.


Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/election-2017-39775693

-- © Copyright BBC 2017-05-02
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Most forms of crime have been falling in the UK for the past 10 years. This is in line with most developed countries.


The type of crimes that are increasing do not need your average PC plod (cybercrime etc).


This is typical Labour policy. Throw more money and people at the problem to solve it.


Now if they were to have a policy to recruit more Immigration and Customs officers for post Brexit then I would call that a sensible suggestion.


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8 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Labours biggest mistake over this latest desperate attempt at electability is having Diane Abbot fronting it.  Clueless doesn't come close.

All the Labours credible cabinet have jumped ship and he is left with the likes of Abbott and McDonald. But Corbyn is so selfish, he comes before the party.

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The Tories are screwing up over Brexit.  Labour have an unelectable leader and his dead weight chum Abbot.  The LibDems have Tim Farron as their leader.  Now just to add to the chaos Blair has announced that he is entering the fray over Brexit.


Who the hell is there to vote for?

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2 hours ago, dunroaming said:

The Tories are screwing up over Brexit.  Labour have an unelectable leader and his dead weight chum Abbot.  The LibDems have Tim Farron as their leader.  Now just to add to the chaos Blair has announced that he is entering the fray over Brexit.


Who the hell is there to vote for?

Everything you say is correct EXCEPT your first sentence.  Unless you are privy to information not available to the rest of us, you simply cannot say in truth that the "Tories are screwing up over Brexit " as negotitions have not even started yet.    


Perhaps you are being partly misled by the gossipers in the EU who are already trying to belittle the UK's negotiating stance as they apparently believe their own stance, littered with pre-conditions,  is sacrosanct.  They will be disappointed when negotiations start and they not only find that Theresa May is no push-over, but also that the "so united" EU will have up to 27 negotiating positions on their side all fighting for their own corner.  


It is also possible that the percentage of the votes achieved by Marine Le Pen in the French election on May 7th could shake the EU to the core and there could soon be more calls by a few countries for their own referenda on continuing membership of the EU, particularly as many are not too keen on a future United States of Europe.



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Is there a guest worker visa program where some of the BIB in inactive posts could apply for those 10,000 jobs?  


You'd get a good deal on the surface, though they'd make up some of it on the back end...


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10 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Labours biggest mistake over this latest desperate attempt at electability is having Diane Abbot fronting it.  Clueless doesn't come close.

and I thought bimbos were blonds that came from Essex or Brunettes from Luton...

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6 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

Everything you say is correct EXCEPT your first sentence.  Unless you are privy to information not available to the rest of us, you simply cannot say in truth that the "Tories are screwing up over Brexit " as negotitions have not even started yet.    


Perhaps you are being partly misled by the gossipers in the EU who are already trying to belittle the UK's negotiating stance as they apparently believe their own stance, littered with pre-conditions,  is sacrosanct.  They will be disappointed when negotiations start and they not only find that Theresa May is no push-over, but also that the "so united" EU will have up to 27 negotiating positions on their side all fighting for their own corner.  


It is also possible that the percentage of the votes achieved by Marine Le Pen in the French election on May 7th could shake the EU to the core and there could soon be more calls by a few countries for their own referenda on continuing membership of the EU, particularly as many are not too keen on a future United States of Europe.



Fair enough.  I should have said "In my opinion" rather than making it a statement of fact.  And in my opinion May IS screwing it up already even before the negotiations start.  Still sticking to the hard Brexit approach and yet conceding that the UK will have make concessions.  Still threatening to walk away with no deal at all even before getting to the negotiating table.  Clearly she has not got a clue how to approach this....In my opinion

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11 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

Everything you say is correct EXCEPT your first sentence.  Unless you are privy to information not available to the rest of us, you simply cannot say in truth that the "Tories are screwing up over Brexit " as negotitions have not even started yet.    


Perhaps you are being partly misled by the gossipers in the EU who are already trying to belittle the UK's negotiating stance as they apparently believe their own stance, littered with pre-conditions,  is sacrosanct.  They will be disappointed when negotiations start and they not only find that Theresa May is no push-over, but also that the "so united" EU will have up to 27 negotiating positions on their side all fighting for their own corner.  


It is also possible that the percentage of the votes achieved by Marine Le Pen in the French election on May 7th could shake the EU to the core and there could soon be more calls by a few countries for their own referenda on continuing membership of the EU, particularly as many are not too keen on a future United States of Europe.



Everything you say is conjecture and speculations EXCEPT the bit about TM being no pushover. As her incredible disappearing woman act has shown clearly to the UK and beyond, she is scared of confrontation and she is devoid of the ability to think on her feet, instead referring to her own version of the Northern Powerhouse, her vision of a Strong & Stable Britain. Repeating that phrase ad nauseum does not guarantee its delivery - but she has offered nothing in the way of a tangible vision for a post-Brexit UK or even a Tory win next month. 

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15 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

... Brexit " as negotitions have not even started yet.    


Isn't that enough of a screwup? One year later and we're in an election that could overturn the referendum . If private companies were run like the British government they'd all be bankrupt and out of business for slow decision making and slow action on any decisions they did make.


Brexit is a go. Just get on with it.



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56 minutes ago, Keesters said:

Isn't that enough of a screwup? One year later and we're in an election that could overturn the referendum . If private companies were run like the British government they'd all be bankrupt and out of business for slow decision making and slow action on any decisions they did make.


Brexit is a go. Just get on with it.



'If private companies were run like the British government ...' Many of them are, and worse. And like government, they think that the more balls-ups they make up, the more they should charge.   

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21 hours ago, terryw said:

Most forms of crime have been falling in the UK for the past 10 years. This is in line with most developed countries.


The type of crimes that are increasing do not need your average PC plod (cybercrime etc).


This is typical Labour policy. Throw more money and people at the problem to solve it.


Now if they were to have a policy to recruit more Immigration and Customs officers for post Brexit then I would call that a sensible suggestion.



Really. I read something from my city of birth yesterday. Young lady seriously assaulted by some prick in a night club. Completely random, he kept pushing her for no reason when she was dancing. She told him to stop so he smacked her several times, possibly with heavy ring or knuckle duster then legged it quick. His mates denied all knowledge. 8 stitches inside and 8 outside of cheek, permanent scar, danger of infection. Police were going to check the CCTV. That was Sunday night/Monday morning.

People commented that at the same venue there was a stabbing on Saturday night, and a girl was glassed, and a mass brawl Friday with innocent bystanders injured. The comments about police performance in such cases was hardly complimentary.


I read of serious assaults, fights, stabbings and shooting regularly in the British media. A friend was mugged in broad daylight near a train station in London last year. She's still nervous about it. My eldest had her purse pick-pocketed on the London underground - she thought the police were a joke and she's a criminology graduate!


The crimes that are increasing, the violent ones, are exactly the ones that require more police on patrol, faster response to CCTV sightings, and better follow ups and arrests which require trained competent officers out and about.


Agree about Labor. Diane Abbot the shadow Home Secretary said these officers would cost 300,000 pounds p.a. - so she's going to pay them 30 pounds a year. She then changed it to 80 million, which was pointed out to her was still only 8k a year. She also at one point said they'd be recruiting 250,000 more officers!

They have no idea - they have promised to spend the Capital Gains Tax money several times over. Simply spouting populist ideas with no real idea what they're doing or how to do it.


But, Britain does need more police officers, out and about, not sat in front of TV screens or computers.

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On 2017-5-3 at 1:02 PM, Baerboxer said:


Really. I read something from my city of birth yesterday. Young lady seriously assaulted by some prick in a night club. Completely random, he kept pushing her for no reason when she was dancing. She told him to stop so he smacked her several times, possibly with heavy ring or knuckle duster then legged it quick. His mates denied all knowledge. 8 stitches inside and 8 outside of cheek, permanent scar, danger of infection. Police were going to check the CCTV. That was Sunday night/Monday morning.

People commented that at the same venue there was a stabbing on Saturday night, and a girl was glassed, and a mass brawl Friday with innocent bystanders injured. The comments about police performance in such cases was hardly complimentary.


I read of serious assaults, fights, stabbings and shooting regularly in the British media. A friend was mugged in broad daylight near a train station in London last year. She's still nervous about it. My eldest had her purse pick-pocketed on the London underground - she thought the police were a joke and she's a criminology graduate!


The crimes that are increasing, the violent ones, are exactly the ones that require more police on patrol, faster response to CCTV sightings, and better follow ups and arrests which require trained competent officers out and about.


Agree about Labor. Diane Abbot the shadow Home Secretary said these officers would cost 300,000 pounds p.a. - so she's going to pay them 30 pounds a year. She then changed it to 80 million, which was pointed out to her was still only 8k a year. She also at one point said they'd be recruiting 250,000 more officers!

They have no idea - they have promised to spend the Capital Gains Tax money several times over. Simply spouting populist ideas with no real idea what they're doing or how to do it.


But, Britain does need more police officers, out and about, not sat in front of TV screens or computers.

I agree, serious assaults  from ice, meth and other white or whitish powders are on the increase. Bobbies on the street is no answer.

How about using some of that so called cyber crime fighting units to stop meth imports and home brewed meth labs already in Britain

Sorry, the bobbies and politicians stop that sort of investigation. Oops.

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