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Thai father in copycat "Facebook live" murder/suicide apologizes to society

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6 hours ago, JaiLai said:


I'm merely pointing out the truth, sorry if you don't like it..

Open your eyes to Thai 'families', i'd hazard a guess at about 60-70% ( I'm being generous ) are dysfunctional.

The norm is mum does a shoot from butt <deleted> nowhere to party somewhere and try to land farang, father normally not in the picture ( if known to mother ) and child goes from Yai to auntie to family friend and then normally back to Yai. Mum comes home at songkran but sends 1000 baht every other month.

Or something like that.

I've been here 20 years, lived all over the country and this is what I've seen, it's not a new phenomenon.



Dysfunctional is increasingly the norm ... in the USA 46% of children under 18 live in a traditional household that have both hetersexual parents living at home. Indeed the number in Thailand is likely higher.  Hard to say what percent live with no mother or father at home but the number would not be small.  Certainly being poor has a insidious way of amplifying problems.  That said, the dysfunctional family is growing everywhere.

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13 hours ago, bander said:

Thai woman running away with lover/kik seems to be happening all the time now, what is the reason for this trend?

Many women are like cats. Fail to provide them with what they want, then they`ll go and seek greener pastures elsewhere. I know I had it done to me long ago in England. Ran off with an acquaintance I knew, dumped me and our 2 kids. 


Although not justifying what this guy did, I can understand his emotional turmoil and desperation. 

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Been here 20 years and still have a closed mind, you must hang in the wrong circles if that is all you have seen in that time. Sure there are many families in those circumstances but you figure of 60-70% would be overly exaggerated, but your opinion is respected even without facts :)

It does n't matter what circles one moves in, it's everywhere to be seen.

Why would one assume I have a closed mind?
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It occurs to me this strategy seemed pretty good idea to the guy. 

Lets remember the fish does not know he is in the fish bowl. Similarly when I traveled abroad and saw other ways of thinking other kinds of relationships and so on I realized there were other ways of doing things. 

As I sit in a hospital the other day for my doc visit, I see most Thais are accompanied by someone. I am not geriatric or disabled and have never asked my wife to come with but she would. We do for her parents. Her grandma lived at home till 95 senile and invalid for 15 years. 

People do things differently for reasons other than just being crazy or malicious. As I read the article he did not intend to harm the daughter, but did intend to harm the cheating spouse. 

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Feel so bad for the little girl , having parents that are human waste. A mother out screwing around, and a sick demented father who fantasizes about .hanging his child..I hope the aunt is a kind person.

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On 5/2/2017 at 1:16 PM, realenglish1 said:

That is the face of Desperate Poverty  I feel very sad for this guy and his family



no... it is not , it is a case of self centered twit's  who care not about the well being of their spawn , you need to get out more and meet some Thai people .....

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1 minute ago, mikiea said:

no... it is not , it is a case of self centered twit's  who care not about the well being of their spawn , you need to get out more and meet some Thai people .....

Sounds like you are heartless  Desperate men do desperate things Think about it 

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On 5/2/2017 at 10:07 PM, timendres said:

Amazing the quick judgements by those blessed or gifted.


Not everyone is born with intelligence or talent that makes their life easier. Not everyone is born into a family who can provide well for them and give them a head start in life. Many (the vast majority) have no advantage and must make the best of what they have. To think that there will not be a number of these folks who fail is optimistic at best. It is hubris to sit in judgement.


Many Thai families struggle in poverty. The parents are not well equipped for life. We see this a lot. However, many manage to get by without the mom resorting to chasing after a Farang sugar daddy, or the father losing his wits and doing something crazy, such as in this case. So many. You just don't read about them or hear about them. I have met many Thai women, who have been left to care for their children on their own, who work endless hours for a small wage, and sacrifice their entire life for their children. Thank God for these people, or the world would be a much more terrible place than it already is. Let's hope the man in this case was truly just misguided and had no real bad intentions, and that someone in the family can step in to ensure this for the sake of his daughter.

Of course, for all we know, she thought a guy with more money might better be able to provide for her child; you'll no doubt do many things when it comes to putting food in your kid's mouth.  She may have had no idea what he was doing while away working-- we are never told if he called, how many he may have had on the side, etc.  Maybe she was working many jobs, on top of being the sole caregiver of the child, which is no small task in itself.  It can't be easy being the one left behind tasked with childcare, either, with your husband away.  It sounds like the whole family had it rough.



On 5/2/2017 at 10:24 PM, wakeupplease said:

This has happens a few times here. I remember another case just as FB was being launched so it did not make FB. So sad people say and do this. To this day I cannot think why someone would do this to a child, even now it sends shivers down my spine when I think of the first case I can remember

I hope this poor child never finds out that her father threatened her life (publicly, no less)... whether because he truly wanted to kill her, or just did so for a grudge and a bit of drama.  Either is terrible and something that would be awful to learn about your parent and their feelings for you.

Edited by Katia
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the fragile male thai ego,combined with the inflated thai drama and need for attention...and we have another script for an upcoming thai soap...I would venture to say thai soaps have a bigger influence on this culture than most think...he is just acting out,, like the children they are...

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On 5/2/2017 at 2:27 PM, bander said:

Thai woman running away with lover/kik seems to be happening all the time now, what is the reason for this trend?

She hopes that the gik has more money.
Does not explain leaving one's very young child all alone, in my cosmos.

Edited by Bill Miller
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On 02/05/2017 at 4:44 PM, realenglish1 said:

The current regime is partly at fault here  not the poor people  I had no idea how gullible Thai people are  The cloke of totalitarianism is starting to surround them and they do nothing but accept it  It truly is sad for Thailand

Please explain what part of the blame you assign to the current (or past) government for a far from unusual domestic situation followed by a rather stupid reaction.

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Many young people here leave their kids not for a better salary, but to escape being parents.


I have witnessed this in my extended family. They get pregnant young. Not mature enough, even in early 20s.


They flee responsibility with the excuse of finding work. Nobody judges them (well, except me).


They get a minimun wage job on the other side of the country (which they could have got closer to home). 


They don't come back to take responsibility. They enjoy their freedom.

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I don't know about Thai society, but I know a lot of Western societies put too much weight on parenting as Something You Must Do... which means some people never consider that they have the option to not have children or to wait to have them (or they don't feel they can exercise that option, for whatever reason).  I'm sure this leads to more regret than we even hear about... and unfortunately some tragedies.

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