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Le Pen says euro a deadweight, capital controls an option if she wins power


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I am saying that the Word Fascist it self is still allowed to be used,  unlike a bunch of other words that are considered to

be  unspeakable. And if Le Pen is being called Fascist,  and that is allowed,  Oh  Well,  I guess she is not the only Fascist that

is in Politics.


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19 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I am saying that the Word Fascist it self is still allowed to be used,  unlike a bunch of other words that are considered to

be  unspeakable. And if Le Pen is being called Fascist,  and that is allowed,  Oh  Well,  I guess she is not the only Fascist that

is in Politics.


A bit of a weird response, almost like you are sidestepping the counter question to your original (rhetorical) question. Yes, of course the word is allowed to be used, why wouldn't it? Whether it's accurate in a particular case is another matter, of course.


To answer your question, first the definition of fascism: "A political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."


So, yes, fascists are on the wrong side of ethics by definition all the time in our enlightened times because putting race first is always wrong (and rather ignorant really), as is suppressing the opposition.

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On 2017-5-3 at 1:38 AM, tomwct said:

That's what the left-wing media said of Trump! Europe needs change, so maybe she'll be a conduit for change.

If the election was held in the USA today 96% who voted for Trump would vote again for him. Only 15% would

vote for Hillary a send time. So maybe change will be good for France and a wake-up call for the Unelected European

Union in Brussels. Only time will tell!

The Russians may have tried with hacking and publishing some of Emmanuel Macrons emails mixed with a few fake ones but does seem he has a clear win. 

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Great day for France and EU. The sad part is for.. well I'll let Swedish ex-PM to burn that :)


"With only 35% Marine Le Pen is significantly weaker than expected. Somber mood in the Kremlin, I guess. And White House?"




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Like I have said, this is a wake up call to Europe: A far right candidate getting to the run-off and getting about 11 million votes is just plain wrong. But it's happened for a reason, the reason being that the centre ground has hoisted it's petard to the uncaring globalist mast which treats the masses of the world as 'product', with no local sensitivities. The centre ground and their globalist financiers will almost certainly ignore this wake up call, as is their wont, and Le Pen will be elected the next time around. It will be as big a disaster for France (and a lesser extent for Europe) as Trump is for the world. But the globalists will have got what they deserved.

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On 04/05/2017 at 6:33 PM, Stargrazer9889 said:

So are Fascists bad people like some of the Dictators, like fat boy in NK?



On 05/05/2017 at 5:54 AM, ilostmypassword said:

Are you saying that fascists are good people so long as they're not as bad as people like Kim Jong Un?

Or as Father Ted says.....


Fascists dress in black and go around telling people what to do, whereas priests.................

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Well, I'm very much relieved.


That last minute disinformation campaign was just laughable. Funny, how that tends to happen to those who don't schmooze up to Putin and agree with him on Crimea and demand that sanctions be removed.


Next stop isn't Britain, it's the German elections in September but the right wing AFD is a lightweight compared toLle Pen's FN.

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Good for my country, France, good for Europe , many changes in France for future, I  hope 

fachists lose everything now in Europe, after Netherlands, Austria, France, next one is Germany, our big friend 

vive l'Europe ! 

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Just now, mrdome said:

Well, I'm very much relieved.


That last minute disinformation campaign was just laughable. Funny, how that tends to happen to those who don't schmooze up to Putin and agree with him on Crimea and demand that sanctions be removed.


Next stop isn't Britain, it's the German elections in September but the right wing AFD is a lightweight compared toLle Pen's FN.

The funny part of the leak was that Macron's team was few steps ahead of Kreml / Wikileaks. They planted their own false news to the leak :)



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10 minutes ago, Aforek said:

Good for my country, France, good for Europe , many changes in France for future, I  hope 

fachists lose everything now in Europe, after Netherlands, Austria, France, next one is Germany, our big friend 

vive l'Europe ! 

Why do you wish the left to loose everything? Without the left, Europe is finished.


We can then return to the France I loved so much, Liberté, égalité, fraternité . Under the jack boot of Brussels, Europe is doomed to be governed by a dictatorship of socialist principles.





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39 minutes ago, Khun Han said:

Like I have said, this is a wake up call to Europe: A far right candidate getting to the run-off and getting about 11 million votes is just plain wrong. But it's happened for a reason, the reason being that the centre ground has hoisted it's petard to the uncaring globalist mast which treats the masses of the world as 'product', with no local sensitivities. The centre ground and their globalist financiers will almost certainly ignore this wake up call, as is their wont, and Le Pen will be elected the next time around. It will be as big a disaster for France (and a lesser extent for Europe) as Trump is for the world. But the globalists will have got what they deserved.

The FN has been going strong for a long time now, so your explanation is just not sufficient.


That whole "Globalism" discussion is extremely hypocritical because especially those with a lower income have profited from Globalism bringing them cheap and decent stuff for decades now. It's technology that is eating jobs (and creating too) and not per se the fact that companies now operate globally and that there are trade agreements. That some of these companies then pay peanuts in taxes is very wrong, of course.


Is it perhaps neo-liberalism that you mean? That, of course, is an entirely different matter and I would agree.

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9 minutes ago, Flustered said:

Why do you wish the left to loose everything? Without the left, Europe is finished.


We can then return to the France I loved so much, Liberté, égalité, fraternité . Under the jack boot of Brussels, Europe is doomed to be governed by a dictatorship of socialist principles.





Bla bla bla ...


Time will show that you suck at predicting.

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1 hour ago, mrdome said:

The FN has been going strong for a long time now, so your explanation is just not sufficient.


That whole "Globalism" discussion is extremely hypocritical because especially those with a lower income have profited from Globalism bringing them cheap and decent stuff for decades now. It's technology that is eating jobs (and creating too) and not per se the fact that companies now operate globally and that there are trade agreements. That some of these companies then pay peanuts in taxes is very wrong, of course.


Is it perhaps neo-liberalism that you mean? That, of course, is an entirely different matter and I would agree.


Marine Le Pen has doubled the vote that her father got when he was in a run-off. Doesn't that shock you? We're not talking about a local election anomaly here, we're talking about over five million votes.


Globalism works to keep working class-to-lower-middle-class wages down by facilitating the flow of migrants from the poorest nations to the richest ones. How didn't you notice this?


The neo liberalists are hand-in-glove with the globalists because it has been their route to power, having previously been marginalised.

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Macron wins French presidency, to sighs of relief in Europe

By Sudip Kar-Gupta



French President-elect Emmanuel Macron delivers a speech at his campaign headquarters after early results in the second round in the 2017 French presidential election in Paris, France, May 7, 2017. REUTERS/Lionel Bonaventure/Pool


PARIS (Reuters) - Emmanuel Macron was elected president of France on Sunday with a business-friendly vision of European integration, defeating Marine Le Pen, a far-right nationalist who threatened to take France out of the European Union.


Full story: https://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/982031-macron-wins-french-presidency-to-sighs-of-relief-in-europe/




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