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Change of tack here then.

I use my phone for e mail ( not that often ) line, sometimes photos and voice calls now and then, that's about it.

It means I don't need all the wonderfull bells and whistles and don't need to play music etc etc.

Anyone suggest a phone that covers my needs?

Please don't suggest anything like the att'



2 hours ago, sarahjo said:

i have one, and it is with me for 2 n half years now. Problem is in fact the battery. Just being lazy to get it replaced.

I'm guessing here like mine the battery seems to be ok then suddenly goes from 30% to please recharge to 0% in about one minute??


Go to a True shop, they currently have a range of nice phones for small money. More than enough for what you need at a great prices.


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1 hour ago, CharlieH said:

Go to a True shop, they currently have a range of nice phones for small money. More than enough for what you need at a great prices.

Thanks. Want to go out on a limb and suggest one?

Posted in the best possible humour.


12 minutes ago, overherebc said:

Thanks. Want to go out on a limb and suggest one?

Posted in the best possible humour.


Phones are truly personal thing, depends what you like. If you like the traditional 'old style" 3 inch screen with keypad under or the single screen smartphone. They really do have a range from the basic at around 600baht upto 4k for a smart phone style with 5 inch screen.


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