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May says EU seeking to affect result of British election


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May says EU seeking to affect result of British election

By Kylie MacLellan and William James




Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May speaks outside 10 Downing Street after traveling to Buckingham Palace to visit Queen Elizabeth after Parliament was dissolved ahead of the general election, in London May 3, 2017. REUTERS/Neil Hall


LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May accused European politicians and officials on Wednesday of seeking to affect the outcome of the June 8 national election by issuing threats over Brexit.


May, whose Conservative Party has a double-digit lead over the main opposition Labour Party in the polls, has framed the early election as an opportunity to strengthen her hand in upcoming negotiations on Britain's exit from the European Union.


Speaking in front of her Downing Street office after visiting Queen Elizabeth to mark the dissolution of parliament, the formal start of the election campaign, May said there were some in Brussels who did not want to see Brexit talks succeed.


Over the weekend a German newspaper gave a damning account of a dinner last week between May and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, reporting that he had told May that Brexit could not be a success.


"Britain's negotiating position in Europe has been misrepresented in the continental press, the European Commission's negotiating stance has hardened, threats against Britain have been issued by European politicians and officials," May said. "All of these acts have been deliberately timed to affect the result of the general election."


There was no immediate EU comment on her accusations.


May has dismissed the German newspaper report as Brussels gossip and on Tuesday repeated her promise to be a "bloody difficult woman" in talks with Juncker, as brinkmanship between the two sides increased ahead of the negotiations.




A senior politician from the opposition Labour Party warned May was increasing the chance of not getting a deal by accusing EU politicians of trying to meddle in a British election.


"By picking a needless fight with our European partners in this way, the prime minister is making a good deal with Brussels less likely, and a chaotic Brexit with no agreement at all more likely," Chuka Umunna said in a statement.


But Rupert Harrison, an adviser to former finance minister George Osborne until last year's Brexit referendum, said the German report had played into May's hands as her team wanted to make the election all about giving her a strong mandate for the Brexit talks.


"When Juncker gives Theresa May a pre-election PR gift, does anyone really expect her not to play it for all she can?" he said on Twitter. "They'll hope this story runs and runs."


Earlier on Wednesday Brexit minister David Davis and finance minister Philip Hammond kicked off the formal election campaign with a poster predicting a tax "bombshell" if Labour won and a warning Britain could not risk "unleashing economic chaos" at such an important time for the economy.


A poll by research firm Kantar on Wednesday put the Conservatives on 48 percent, up two percentage points on a week earlier, while support for Labour was unchanged at 24 percent.


May said reaching the best Brexit deal with Brussels would be the overriding task for whoever wins the June 8 election and urged voters to give her their backing to "fight for Britain".


She said that while Britain wanted to reach a deal with the EU, that view was not shared by everyone in Brussels.


"The events of the last few days have shown that, whatever our wishes, and however reasonable the positions of Europe's other leaders - there are some in Brussels who do not want these talks to succeed. Who do not want Britain to prosper."


(Editing by Estelle Shirbon and Guy Faulconbridge/Mark Heinrich)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-05-04
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TM and the UK out of respect refrained from commenting or getting involved on the German and French elections and rightly so, EU politicians and Brussels officials have very obviously been involving themselves and interfering with the UK, there should be a mutual respect and media silence from the EU until UK elections have completed, but no they are doing the absolute opposite, TM needs to realise the type of people she is dealing with 

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Last year I was a reluctant Brexiteer but everyday the behaviour of the EU confirms to me that Brexit is the right option.


Today's article in the Daily Telegraph is one of the best analysis of our relationship with the EU that I have read.




Clearly there are people in the EU behaving like today is the 1930's when Nazis and Fascists were trying to bully Europe. Now they think they can bully the UK into agreeing to everything they want.

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Of course they are. The Spanish veto in regards to Gibraltar, Northern Ireland

being welcomed back into the EU if they vote to join Ireland, 100 billion divorce

bill. Of course May could stir the pot by announcing the UK will immediately

recognize Catalan statehood if they were to vote for independence.  :tongue:


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1 hour ago, terryw said:

Last year I was a reluctant Brexiteer but everyday the behaviour of the EU confirms to me that Brexit is the right option.


Today's article in the Daily Telegraph is one of the best analysis of our relationship with the EU that I have read.




Clearly there are people in the EU behaving like today is the 1930's when Nazis and Fascists were trying to bully Europe. Now they think they can bully the UK into agreeing to everything they want.

great read and my thoughts exactly even though I only got access the unsubscribed version they have hit the nail on the head, they are severely underestimating the resolve of the British people which includes Scotland.


I hope the Scotish people now realise who some of them want to get into bed with and be governed by, no matter which way they go there is no such a thing as an independent Scotland. I hope they waken up to that fact and soon 


As for N. Ireland UK and the Irish republic, the reality is that most of the republics trade is with the UK - it would make more sense for Rep to leave the EU and freely trade with the UK, this has been suggested by many people I know that live in the Irish republic and also over the years the Irish have become more and more disenfranchised with EU membership, although the above might be a hard sell for some the advantages are obvious and would certainly put Ireland and the Irish people  on much better economic and financial footing 

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EU should be grateful that UK has committed to contribute them over 40 years. Instead today EU shows their disgrace so it is encouraging  to prove UK's decision to leave as the best choice. 

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7 minutes ago, nabbie said:

EU should be grateful that UK has committed to contribute them over 40 years. Instead today EU shows their disgrace so it is encouraging  to prove UK's decision to leave as the best choice. 

The EU primary funding (which was divided as handouts to the other 25 nations) was the UK Germany and France, with the UK leaving that will leave the bag holders Germany and France which effectively ends the EU as it is today, it is exactly why there is now talk of a 2 speed Europe - in other words dividing it up into the rich economies and the rest, the other 25 nations don't see it yet, it effectively means a divided EU no longer a 27 country united equal alliance, it is an admittance that without the UK contribution the EU can no longer survive and even with the UK was on its last legs, it went from being a successful trading bloc to a central power grabbing failed political entity of monstrous proportions, the central elite are now glutching at straws trying to keep it together  - they will fail


The writing is on the wall and they know it    - they just find it hard to swallow  

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3 minutes ago, rockingrobin said:

"Britain's negotiating position in Europe has been misrepresented in the continental press ... '


Why does  T.May not give her account of the meeting, thereby allowing us all to make a judgement

No need, Juncker's account makes it clear that his gripes were:-


1- May had no time for the EU's ridiculous list as to how negotiations would proceed - particularly when it came to the UK agreeing to the EU's divorce bill before talking about trade.


2 - May wanted talks to proceed swiftly.


3 - May wanted EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens in the EU rights agreed quickly.  Juncker thought these talks should take many months.


Easy to come to a "judgement" based on his 'leaked' gripes :laugh:.

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Of course the EU are trying to influence the UK election.  Like any hostile divorce each side would like to see the other at a dis-advantage.  If Le Pen were to win the French election then that would see the death of the EU whereas a Macron win would give them a much needed boost.  No doubt they will trying to influence that result as well.


This could work in May's favour as the Brits don't like to feel they are being manipulated

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11 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Of course the EU are trying to influence the UK election.  Like any hostile divorce each side would like to see the other at a dis-advantage.  If Le Pen were to win the French election then that would see the death of the EU whereas a Macron win would give them a much needed boost.  No doubt they will trying to influence that result as well.


This could work in May's favour as the Brits don't like to feel they are being manipulated

Its irrational, the general election is not close, T.May was in control of the timing of Art50 notification, calling a GE, and dinner invite to juncker.

Its typical how T.May operates , the need to focus  on an enemy

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For the EU negotiators it is better if May has less seats in the house rather than more.  With more seats it strengthens her hand in getting things pushed through.  With less she needs to try harder and make more compromises.  There is no question that May will win the election it is matter of how many seats are gained or lost.

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9 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

They want to screw the UK despite what they said earlier. And if Corbyn is in charge he'll bend over nicely. 


Jucncke and Merkel lie when it suits. 



If the IRAs bagman Corbyn ends up in charge our relationship with the EU will be reduced to one word.




Bend over, here it comes again....

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12 hours ago, smedly said:

TM and the UK out of respect refrained from commenting or getting involved on the German and French elections and rightly so, EU politicians and Brussels officials have very obviously been involving themselves and interfering with the UK, there should be a mutual respect and media silence from the EU until UK elections have completed, but no they are doing the absolute opposite, TM needs to realise the type of people she is dealing with 

Nah, this sums up the position nicely



I can't find a word strong enough to convey the ambivalence the EU obviously feels towards the U.K. now...


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11 hours ago, terryw said:

Last year I was a reluctant Brexiteer but everyday the behaviour of the EU confirms to me that Brexit is the right option.


Today's article in the Daily Telegraph is one of the best analysis of our relationship with the EU that I have read.




Clearly there are people in the EU behaving like today is the 1930's when Nazis and Fascists were trying to bully Europe. Now they think they can bully the UK into agreeing to everything they want.

Nah, the article is referring to WW1 and the errors of the Verseilles Treaty. Please read European history before issuing fatuous inflammatory comments ?

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11 hours ago, Ulic said:

Of course they are. The Spanish veto in regards to Gibraltar, Northern Ireland

being welcomed back into the EU if they vote to join Ireland, 100 billion divorce

bill. Of course May could stir the pot by announcing the UK will immediately

recognize Catalan statehood if they were to vote for independence.  :tongue:


Oh really? The Catalans want independence AND remain in the EU; just like Scotland. Explain how this would be a lever for the Con Party

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5 hours ago, dunroaming said:

For the EU negotiators it is better if May has less seats in the house rather than more.  With more seats it strengthens her hand in getting things pushed through.  With less she needs to try harder and make more compromises.  There is no question that May will win the election it is matter of how many seats are gained or lost.



There is one positive emanating from a greater majority for May; she could stand up to the nasty slavering right wing and negotiate something equitable for all. Something more in line with her own inner stance I feel

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After watching the childish Junker giving a speech in French & stating the Europe's use of the English language will lessen post Brexit when we're still current 'paying' members sort tells you all you need to know about the pathetic schoolyard tactics the EU are using.


The level of EU arrogance of do what we tell you, you'll abide by Mr Barnier's Brexit negotiations and only the EU will lead the talks is quite frankly one of the main reasons' why the UK no longer wishes to be part of the dictatorship.

Reality bites..

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2 minutes ago, citybiker said:

After watching the childish Junker giving a speech in French & stating the Europe's use of the English language will lessen post Brexit when we're still current 'paying' members sort tells you all you need to know about the pathetic schoolyard tactics the EU are using.


The level of EU arrogance of do what we tell you, you'll abide by Mr Barnier's Brexit negotiations and only the EU will lead the talks is quite frankly one of the main reasons' why the UK no longer wishes to be part of the dictatorship.

Reality bites..

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Juncker's a p1sshead and a clown. But he does what his boss Merkel tells him to do. A classic hired goon.

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This rather interesting Guardian article gives a reasonable and balanced argument for how the EU's tactics and more importantly how the pound is buffering the current Brexit-EU strife.


The EU will, I suspect continue on its current course unless the pending negotiations climate improves.

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Bully-boy tactics from the EU's current leadership will not help their cause, one should think that it was clear by now, Britons don't like being threatened by jumped-up European dictators !


Although whether Whitehall-burocrats are any better than Brussels ones, well that remains to be seen, and I'm not optimistic. :whistling:

Edited by Ricardo
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Bully-boy tactics from the EU's current leadership will not help their cause, one should think that it was clear by now, Britons don't like being threatened by jumped-up European dictators !
Although whether Whitehall-burocrats are any better than Brussels ones, well that remains to be seen, and I'm not optimistic. :whistling:

Whitehall have one key mission, get the best for the UK in whatever way possible.

EU officials have 27 other members to satisfy & please, I'm far less optimistic.

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