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Queen's most senior aides 'call ALL royal staff into emergency meeting at Buckingham Palace'


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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Britain has immense problems, not the least of which is it is broke, has huge racial problems, PC is out of control and the leaders still think Britain is great.

Thought that was the USA...........:smile:

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22 minutes ago, transam said:

Thought that was the USA...........:smile:

LOL. I do feel sorry for the queen though, watching as the country went from a real world power to being a poodle for the USA with a rapidly diminishing influence on the world, and being able to do nothing about it. No wonder she looks PO whenever she appears in public.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. I do feel sorry for the queen though, watching as the country went from a real world power to being a poodle for the USA with a rapidly diminishing influence on the world, and being able to do nothing about it. No wonder she looks PO whenever she appears in public.

I would suggest that the UK still has it's status up there..It has many things still in place that many countries envy, the USA certainly envies the UK's national health service for one, plus a small country always available to help out in military stuff if it thinks right....

Even the EU are worried because they will not get mega cash from a small country...


At least UK folk did not murder their monarchy, they respect and want to retain it as part of our culture, heritage that got us where we are today...

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55 minutes ago, transam said:

I would suggest that the UK still has it's status up there..It has many things still in place that many countries envy, the USA certainly envies the UK's national health service for one, plus a small country always available to help out in military stuff if it thinks right....

Even the EU are worried because they will not get mega cash from a small country...


At least UK folk did not murder their monarchy, they respect and want to retain it as part of our culture, heritage that got us where we are today...

ever used the NHS lately ?  As a British citizen i would kick and struggle to get away before anybody could send me there,anywhere in Western Europe is better than that.

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4 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

ever used the NHS lately ?  As a British citizen i would kick and struggle to get away before anybody could send me there,anywhere in Western Europe is better than that.

Sorry you talk out your rectume.Western Europe better than the British health Service, dream on ,

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5 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

ever used the NHS lately ?  As a British citizen i would kick and struggle to get away before anybody could send me there,anywhere in Western Europe is better than that.

Thought you were in Germany anyhooooo..?

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Just now, Thongkorn said:

Sorry you talk out your rectume.Western Europe better than the British health Service, dream on ,

I have used the Swiss and the German health services, far superior to anything the NHS offer, no need to go to a GP if you think you need a specialist you go to one, no long waiting,if you need to go to hospital you get sent to one, same day that the specialist says. My father had knee problems while on holiday in Germany visiting me,he was so impressed that when the problems came again back in England he flew to Germany to get treated rather than rely on the NHS.

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2 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

I have used the Swiss and the German health services, far superior to anything the NHS offer, no need to go to a GP if you think you need a specialist you go to one, no long waiting,if you need to go to hospital you get sent to one, same day that the specialist says. My father had knee problems while on holiday in Germany visiting me,he was so impressed that when the problems came again back in England he flew to Germany to get treated rather than rely on the NHS.

Well there we have it, was it free.........?

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6 minutes ago, transam said:

Thought you were in Germany anyhooooo..?

I was but am now in the sticks in Isaan, i think that the medical service here beats the NHS hands down. NHS used to be excellent but it has had the blood sucked out of it by a succession of governments. Needn't look to the EU a gravy train, the UK has a fine one of its own

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1 minute ago, soalbundy said:

I have used the Swiss and the German health services, far superior to anything the NHS offer, no need to go to a GP if you think you need a specialist you go to one, no long waiting,if you need to go to hospital you get sent to one, same day that the specialist says. My father had knee problems while on holiday in Germany visiting me,he was so impressed that when the problems came again back in England he flew to Germany to get treated rather than rely on the NHS.

Ok your dog is blacker than mine,       If your health service is so good why do most work in the NHS. i was in Thailand last april, felt unwell got taken to a Thai Government Hospital. by the wife,in four hours they had done test and diagnosed me with leukemia. which was correct, and people knock Thai hospitals.

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1 minute ago, soalbundy said:

I was but am now in the sticks in Isaan, i think that the medical service here beats the NHS hands down. NHS used to be excellent but it has had the blood sucked out of it by a succession of governments. Needn't look to the EU a gravy train, the UK has a fine one of its own

You are talking complete and utter nonsense.....facepalm.gif.d894e27635771e40611eaea7d1e8ea48.gif

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1 minute ago, transam said:

Well there we have it, was it free.........?

If you have insurance,yes. Since i was working i was insured. My father wasn't but the costs weren't exhorbitent about 350 Euro's if i remember rightly,the plane ticket cost more.

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2 minutes ago, Thongkorn said:

Ok your dog is blacker than mine,       If your health service is so good why do most work in the NHS. i was in Thailand last april, felt unwell got taken to a Thai Government Hospital. by the wife,in four hours they had done test and diagnosed me with leukemia. which was correct, and people knock Thai hospitals.

I don't knock them, i have always found them to be very good. Sorry about your diagnosis, hope you can be treated.

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4 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

If you have insurance,yes. Since i was working i was insured. My father wasn't but the costs weren't exhorbitent about 350 Euro's if i remember rightly,the plane ticket cost more.

In the UK you CAN pay for stuff.......NHS is free for all.......I can tell you 16 years back when I was going blind the stops were pulled and they did the job....FREE....Yet you say Isaan stuff is better than the UK......Good grief man....Do YOU not know that LOS goes to the UK for medical tech help, for FREE....

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5 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

I don't knock them, i have always found them to be very good. Sorry about your diagnosis, hope you can be treated.

Thanks fortunately after spending  two weeks in A NHS hospital, I am on medication . Not life threatening yet. I was treat by many Doctors, German,Chinese, Indian , Hongkong, Canadian, and a few more, all there becasue the NHS is  one of the finest teaching places in the world.

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3 minutes ago, Thongkorn said:

Thanks fortunately after spending  two weeks in A NHS hospital, I am on medication . Not life threatening yet. I was treat by many Doctors, German,Chinese, Indian , Hongkong, Canadian, and a few more, all there becasue the NHS is  one of the finest teaching places in the world.

:clap2:................Way back then the guy that operated on my eyes was I think Chinese....I still remember his name...

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Just now, Thongkorn said:

Thanks fortunately after spending  two weeks in A NHS hospital, I am on medication . Not life threatening yet. I was treat by many Doctors, German,Chinese, Indian , Hongkong, Canadian, and a few more, all there becasue the NHS is  one of the finest teaching places in the world.

I wouldn't knock their professionalism, a lot of brilliant doctors work there but the organization needs sorting out, they close hospitals by the dozen and then people wonder why they wait months for an OP appointment. Got to save money for the aircraft carriers probably. How did you get an appointment? i thought expats had to wait a year before being treated,unless you pay yourself of course then all of a sudden there is a bed free.

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1 minute ago, transam said:

:clap2:................Way back then the guy that operated on my eyes was I think Chinese....I still remember his name...

The NHS is a teaching vessel too , not just a Hospital.

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3 minutes ago, Thongkorn said:

The NHS is a teaching vessel too , not just a Hospital.

My chum is a medical professor , works for the NHS and other stuff, l have been questioned by his students regarding my problem in an NHS hospital, was good fun...:smile:

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1 minute ago, soalbundy said:

I wouldn't knock their professionalism, a lot of brilliant doctors work there but the organization needs sorting out, they close hospitals by the dozen and then people wonder why they wait months for an OP appointment. Got to save money for the aircraft carriers probably. How did you get an appointment? i thought expats had to wait a year before being treated,unless you pay yourself of course then all of a sudden there is a bed free.

I am Not an Expat, I live in the Uk , and Holiday in Thailand,  Lucky enough to have a house in both Countries,   Thai stepson is in the Thai Army, He is in the close protection unit for the future king. The wife is ex police, So if need be can get strings pulled. Yes Britain has done well, paying for Europe's security since 1947, and  even today meeting the 2% of gdp for defence as required by nato, Something that most European Countries have never done, Germany France, Spain, Italy, Denmark Sweden, Norway, Belgium. Holland. the list goes on , thats why Britain is broke. British people make  the biggest contributions to charity than any other Country in the world, You are right We should look after our own first,

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9 minutes ago, transam said:

In the UK you CAN pay for stuff.......NHS is free for all.......I can tell you 16 years back when I was going blind the stops were pulled and they did the job....FREE....Yet you say Isaan stuff is better than the UK......Good grief man....Do YOU not know that LOS goes to the UK for medical tech help, for FREE....

When i say better i was referring to the fact that you can get treated within a reasonable time frame. People having to wait 6 months for a cancer OP in the UK is just not on. People in LOS cant get treatment for free on the NHS. I have known several British people who have despaired with the waiting times for an OP and have flown to Spain or Poland and paid (cheaper than the NHS ) I have used the NHS many many years ago excellent service then but one only reads horror stories about them now.

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2 hours ago, transam said:

Thought that was the USA...........:smile:

Can't speak for the USA really but i think that the main difference is that in the USA you get shot, in the UK you get stabbed. Must be an Anglo Saxon thing, I never experienced the amount of violence on the continent after many many years of working there that one reads about in the UK or USA. 

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1 hour ago, soalbundy said:

ever used the NHS lately ?  As a British citizen i would kick and struggle to get away before anybody could send me there,anywhere in Western Europe is better than that.

A year ago I returned for an op due to diabetic foot ulcer. Spent one night in emergency and checked myself out because of disgusting hygiene. Got sorted in Denmark no problem. Embarrassing.

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36 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

When i say better i was referring to the fact that you can get treated within a reasonable time frame. People having to wait 6 months for a cancer OP in the UK is just not on. People in LOS cant get treatment for free on the NHS. I have known several British people who have despaired with the waiting times for an OP and have flown to Spain or Poland and paid (cheaper than the NHS ) I have used the NHS many many years ago excellent service then but one only reads horror stories about them now.

Think you have just dug your own hole......In the UK you can have anything done quick if you want to PAY....Same as any country.....You said Isaan stuff was better, total crap, and if you think Thai folk don't pay you are mistaken...

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4 minutes ago, Grouse said:

A year ago I returned for an op due to diabetic foot ulcer. Spent one night in emergency and checked myself out because of disgusting hygiene. Got sorted in Denmark no problem. Embarrassing.

Perhaps your hygiene, who knows.....:stoner:

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Just now, Grouse said:

A year ago I returned for an op due to diabetic foot ulcer. Spent one night in emergency and checked myself out because of disgusting hygiene. Got sorted in Denmark no problem. Embarrassing.

I met an Englishman in a Thai hospital who had his leg removed below the knee. He told me that in the UK he had a motorbike accident and had his foot cut open, he was left in a ward all day with his wound exposed waiting for an OP. Later he found out that the ward he had been in had flesh eating bacteria floating around and he should never have been left there in that condition,sure enough later as he was in Thailand his leg became dangerously swollen and he was wheeled in for an emergency OP

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5 minutes ago, transam said:

Think you have just dug your own hole......In the UK you can have anything done quick if you want to PAY....Same as any country.....You said Isaan stuff was better, total crap, and if you think Thai folk don't pay you are mistaken...

Depends what you want to pay, a UK doc private aint cheap, but you can go elsewhere in Europe and pay and get it done cheaper. Regarding Isaan i wasn't talking about the quality of service but the quickness that you can get treated at a reasonable price (not talking about BKK hospital or Bumrungrad obviously). It is pointless arguing due to patriotic reasons, apparently the quality of service in the UK depends on your postcode,you can be lucky or unlucky

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