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Mother 'not responsible' for killing eight children in Australia


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Mother 'not responsible' for killing eight children in Australia


An Australian woman who killed eight children in a stabbing attack at her home will not stand trial because she was of "unsound mind" at the time.


Raina Thaiday was experiencing a psychotic episode when she turned on her four sons, three daughters and a niece in Cairns in December 2014.


The legal decision - made last month but only now made public - means she cannot be held criminally responsible.


Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-39777191

-- © Copyright BBC 2017-05-04
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56 minutes ago, oxo1947 said:

Sorry Thechook......I must be missing the report that you read ---re Marijuana being responsible for this horrific episode.......could you link me to it.

Dr Frank Varghese, one of two psychiatrists assisting Justice Dalton, said Thaiday's "apocalyptic delusional state" was one of the worst cases of schizophrenia he had ever seen.

He said it may have been triggered by Thaiday's long-term cannabis usage, which only stopped months before the killings.



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Whatever the cause it is a complete tragedy and if the woman ever returns to her right senses then she will suffer greatly for what she did. I assume that although she cannot be held responsible she will be held accountable and kept under lock and key/supervision etc.

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"He said it  "may" have been triggered by Thaiday's long-term cannabis usage,
Thank you for the link simple1---it seems that the  "May have" was not worth reporting in any other news outlet,  so I had a problem finding it--possibly because of the opinions of all the other psychiatrists --who discounted this out of hand---again thank you for the link



Several psychiatrists have spent the past two years trying to unpack what was going through Thaiday's head when she went on the rampage, early on December 19, 2014.

One thing was abundantly clear, they say. She was not on drugs or affected by alcohol. She just simply had not understood what she was doing.



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1 hour ago, simple1 said:

Dr Frank Varghese, one of two psychiatrists assisting Justice Dalton, said Thaiday's "apocalyptic delusional state" was one of the worst cases of schizophrenia he had ever seen.

He said it may have been triggered by Thaiday's long-term cannabis usage, which only stopped months before the killings.



One might conclude that she was "self medicating" with pot, and that when that stopped, she listened to the voices and killed the kids. If (and a big "if") there is a relationship, then the pot made her less likely to kill, not more likely...

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Guest Jerry787

nothing to do with weed, medical weed also help to make people being more relaxed and cool down.... 

often there is always the bigot little officer or doctor blaming on weed and forgetting alcohol.... 

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5 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

"He said it  "may" have been triggered by Thaiday's long-term cannabis usage,
Thank you for the link simple1---it seems that the  "May have" was not worth reporting in any other news outlet,  so I had a problem finding it--possibly because of the opinions of all the other psychiatrists --who discounted this out of hand---again thank you for the link



Several psychiatrists have spent the past two years trying to unpack what was going through Thaiday's head when she went on the rampage, early on December 19, 2014.

One thing was abundantly clear, they say. She was not on drugs or affected by alcohol. She just simply had not understood what she was doing.



...she picked up a knife..hmm..she wasn't going to peel spuds..and she didn't peel spuds..i would say her intent was clearly expressed..maybe she has a diluted diminished responsibility as a result.

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She was having a few joints with the neighbor in the evening. In the morning she had a few more before going out and looking for mushrooms. Then the neighbor came home and said lets cook some mushroom and weed brownies. Well, it;s history now! RIP to the children.

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                                    I hate reading stories like this.  People who do such heinous things - didn't just pop into existence the day before.  They've been around for decades and have had mental illness issues for many years prior.  Did any people who knew her speak up?    If I have a neighbor or friend who exhibits homicidal tendencies, I'm going to speak up - possibly to authorities.    People who know her are at least partially responsible for her horrible crimes.


                          To take it a stop further:   I've long advocated for laws which forbid dangerous people from procreating. I'm not talking just about edicts, but actual tube-tying.  I'm fully in favor of forced tube-tying for any male/female over the age of 20 who proves (testimony from 2 or more experts) they are dangerous to their own offspring.  

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15 hours ago, Jerry787 said:

nothing to do with weed, medical weed also help to make people being more relaxed and cool down.... 

often there is always the bigot little officer or doctor blaming on weed and forgetting alcohol.... 


She probably also drinks coffee, ingests sugar, and smokes tobacco.   Are we going to also blame those drugs for her murderous behavior?  No.  She has a brain.   If it's a sick brain which compelled her to murder, then acknowledge that.  At the least, she should be locked up in solitary for the rest of her miserable life.  Leave a razor and hangman's noose in her cell so she can take her own life when she wants.

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