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Sukhothai immigration marriage exteension.


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Went today here's what you need for marriage 1 year extension.


      Sukhothai immigration check list for renewal of

    1 year extension for temporary stay for marriage as of 2017.


 Immigration prefers you to go about 1 month before or under to re-apply.


In my case :-


1. I fill out 2 TM7 application forms by hand & put contact phone  

number & and sign both sides of TM7 forms.


2. Affix late Colour Photos 4 x 6 cm to each TM7 form.


3. I take my original passport with at least 6 months validation with    

   the original TM6 arrival/departure card and 90 day notification  

   slip kept with passport.  


4. Take 2 colour photocopy’s of passport page showing your photo   

   in Colour and the passport number on A4 paper.   


5. Take 2 photocopy’s of passport pages with last entry date into    

 Thailand along with the adjoining page in passport on A4 paper.


6. Take 2 photocopy’s of all other passport stamped pages on A4 paper.           


7. Take 2 photocopy’s TM6 arrival/departure card with number on A4 paper.


8. Take 2 photocopy’s of the Bank passbook account details in applicants  

   sole name also Bank passbook page showing not less than 

   400,000 baht deposited for no less than a three month period prior to  

   renewal of 1 year application date on A4 paper.


9. Arrange to have a Letter from the Bank before going, confirming the  

   amount of 400,000bht has been deposited in the account of applicant     

   for the three month required  period, make sure they sign in blue pen  

   and update the Bank book on the day. take an A4 copy of letter.   


10. Take original Thai wife I.D. card and 2 photocopy’s of Thai

    wife I.D. card with  both sides of card shown on A4 paper.     


11. Take original Thai wife blue House registration book and 2 photocopy’s   

    of Thai wife blue House registration book on A4 paper.


12. Take original Khor Ror 3 Official Thai marriage Certificate and 2  

    Photocopy’s of each side front & back on A4 paper.  


13. Take original part of Khor Ror 2 Official Thai marriage Certificate   

    and 2 Photocopy’s of each side front & back on A4 paper. 


14. Take 16 printed photos shown on top half of A4 photocopy paper:-

        8 late colour photos of couple inside rooms of the house.   

        8 late colour photos of couple outside by house.


15. Take 1 photocopy’s of diagram area map showing location of your home    

    address on A4 paper & write Google map coordinates on map.    


  Present TM7 forms and all Photocopies to immigration officer

  for checking.

  They will then rubber stamp a box section in blue on the papers to 

  where you sign with your signature and also write your full

  name in capital letters.


16.  Fill out and sign & write full name on 2 forms applying for extension    

     permit acknowledgement given by officer in Immigration office.  


17.  Also another 2 forms to fill out & sign & write full name   

     on acknowledgement form of overstay.


18.  Sign & write full name on 2 house map location forms.


19.  While sitting in front of Immigration officer they will take a  

     computer picture of you.


20.  Pay cash fee as of now 1,900bht on request and keep receipt for

     when returning to have 1 year extension stamped in passport.   


21.  Wait until passport is returned to you and stamped with the date

     you are to return to the office.


Just in case lol :- l take Yellow house + Birth certificate + The Khor Ror 3 translation.


Sieg heil


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15 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

It's just incredible, people overseas wouldn't believe it, sorry you have to go through that.

Well you may say that but when trying get my Mrs into the UK many moons back l wouldn't want to put her through that again, it's a disgrace the way they are treated.


Marriage extension was no sweat really if they require the 50 pages or more from the rain forest for me to stay with my wife in Thailand then no worries..


I have to say the Sukhothai immigration staff are very friendly and helpful the head lady use to be at the Maesot office.  

All the palaver they sort with you is the directive from the Thailand immigration head office and she said if we get something wrong it reflects on us badly.

They would like to cut down the work on long time stayers like me but  "no can".  :biggrin:


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/5/2017 at 11:34 AM, Kwasaki said:

Well you may say that but when trying get my Mrs into the UK many moons back l wouldn't want to put her through that again, it's a disgrace the way they are treated.


Marriage extension was no sweat really if they require the 50 pages or more from the rain forest for me to stay with my wife in Thailand then no worries..


I have to say the Sukhothai immigration staff are very friendly and helpful the head lady use to be at the Maesot office.  

All the palaver they sort with you is the directive from the Thailand immigration head office and she said if we get something wrong it reflects on us badly.

They would like to cut down the work on long time stayers like me but  "no can".  :biggrin:


Just a small but important point K from a couple of years ago any extension will only run to the date of expiry of your 

Passport, so need to be aware of that. They used to give the full year no matter how long left on pp then when you got

new pp. you transferred the extension, not now you only get whats left on your pp.

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45 minutes ago, phuketjock said:

Just a small but important point K from a couple of years ago any extension will only run to the date of expiry of your 

Passport, so need to be aware of that. They used to give the full year no matter how long left on pp then when you got

new pp. you transferred the extension, not now you only get whats left on your pp.

Yeah understand.

When with Maesot immigration before l had my passport running out the year after they told me to renew it before l apply the following year probably to avoid what you state.


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2 hours ago, Rhys said:


Seems the same down south.... but it was finally processed and stamped on the last day... next time they want the lat and long coordinates on the house photos.

Yeah that was done in Maesot last year the powers that be keep pilling extra stuff on immigration staff because there's l guess so many violators for staying Thailand illegally.

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