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New York protesters greet Trump on first visit home


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New York protesters greet Trump on first visit home

By Laila Kearney



Protesters gather ahead of the anticipated arrival of U.S. President Donald Trump in the Manhattan borough of New York, U.S., May 4, 2017. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid


NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump returned to his hometown on Thursday for the first time since taking office, as many New Yorkers took to the streets to protest the politics of the man who built his name and fortune in the city.


The presidential motorcade passed hundreds of demonstrators as it arrived at the decommissioned aircraft carrier Intrepid in the early evening for a meeting with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull hours after it was originally scheduled.


Before leaving Washington, Trump held a hastily arranged White House celebration with fellow Republicans from the U.S. House of Representatives who narrowly passed a healthcare bill that would repeal and replace the 2010 Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare.



Protesters hold a ""Dump Trump" sign from a bridge to the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum as a person with a State of Liberty visor watches, ahead of an expected visit by U.S. President Donald Trump in the Manhattan borough of New York City, U.S. May 4, 2017. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton


If anything, Trump's role in efforts to scrap the signature domestic achievement of his Democratic predecessor, Barack Obama, further incensed the protesters.


Among those on the street were members of the New York State Nurses Association, who chanted: "What do we want? Health care! When do we want it? Now!"


Demonstrators from the Working Families Party spent much of the afternoon rallying and marching near the Intrepid, now a floating museum on Manhattan's West Side, banging pans, chanting: "Not my president" and carrying signs including one that read: "This village doesn't want its idiot back!"


Rob Adkins, 33, a professional musician from Brooklyn who is insured through Obamacare, said he was alarmed by the Trump-backed Republican healthcare plan that passed the House.


"It could cost me my health insurance," he said, echoing the sentiments of several other protesters.


The demonstrations, which included other groups throughout Manhattan, were reminiscent of the weeks after Trump's Nov. 8 election when frequent protests took place outside his home in the Fifth Avenue tower that bears his name.


The first 100 days since the Jan. 20 inauguration of the businessman-turned-politician brought rollbacks of environmental regulations and crackdowns on immigrants, none of which play well in the liberal Northeast city.


Fewer than one in five residents in the United States' most populous city voted for Trump, even though he comes from its Queens borough, built a real estate brand and other ventures associated with New York, and has been fodder for its tabloid newspapers for decades.


Providing security for first lady Melania Trump, who has continued to live in Trump Tower while their 11-year-old son Barron finishes the school year, has been a costly obligation for New York.


After security costs for Trump and his family of about $24 million during the transition and $300,000 a day since then, Congress voted last week to reimburse the city and other local governments for $61 million.


Following the events with Turnbull, which include a black-tie dinner on the Intrepid to mark the 75th anniversary of World War Two's Battle of the Coral Sea, Trump was expected to go to his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, for the weekend.


(Reporting by Laila Kearney; Writing by Peter Szekely; Editing by Jonathan Oatis and Peter Cooney)


-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-05-05


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Yes, the paid "THUGS" by Soros and the DNC will always be at all Trump's appearances. Nothing new since his wonderful election.

In the end though, Trump's supporters will be there ten-fold to greet him. Thank God he was elected.

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27 minutes ago, tomwct said:

Yes, the paid "THUGS" by Soros and the DNC will always be at all Trump's appearances. Nothing new since his wonderful election.

In the end though, Trump's supporters will be there ten-fold to greet him. Thank God he was elected.

Speaking of Soros,  it was recently reported that Kushner is in debt over a billion dollars, and much of that is owed to Soros.   Hmmmmm, the plot thickens.


"In the end though, Trump's supporters will be there ten-fold to greet him.

'in the end' ....you mean when Trump is frog marched to a prison cell, when he can no longer shyster his way out of facing criminal charges.


Thank God he was elected."

What God is that?   Perhaps it's the God who sits on a gold-tinged cloud marked with the Trump logo, who smiles through gold-capped teeth at all the fellow billionaires he's sheltering from paying taxes.  When that God takes a pee, it all trickles down in a golden shower to the thankful minions below.

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Just now, boomerangutang said:

Speaking of Soros,  it was recently reported that Kushner is in debt over a billion dollars, and much of that is owed to Soros.   Hmmmmm, the plot thickens.




'in the end' ....you mean when Trump is frog marched to a prison cell, when he can no longer shyster his way out of facing criminal charges.




What God is that?   Perhaps it's the God who sits on a gold-tinged cloud marked with the Trump logo, who smiles through gold-capped teeth at all the fellow billionaires he's sheltering from paying taxes.  When that God takes a pee, it all trickles down in a golden shower to the thankful minions below.

We are talking about Trump not Democrat Kushner! Secondly, Trump's not going anywhere until 2025! Thank God!

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1 minute ago, tomwct said:

We are talking about Trump not Democrat Kushner! Secondly, Trump's not going anywhere until 2025! Thank God!

                         You're partly right.  Trump didn't go out to the throw the 1st pitch at the opening baseball game, which all presidents have done since Taft in 1890.  He knew he would get roundly booed.  He didn't go to the WH Press Dinner for the same reason.  He falls to pieces like a baby girl at the slightest resistance.


                          Indeed, it's looking like Trump will increasingly hide away from Americans - probably doing it similar to Nixon hiding in a small dark sound-proof room in the bowels of the WH.  The only difference would be:  Nixon had bottles of Bourbon to suck on.   Trump can suck on Trump Vodka - oh wait, he doesn't drink the toxins he peddles.  I almost forgot.   Like paying taxes, his vodka is only for idiot suckers, .....not for him.

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1 hour ago, tomwct said:

Yes, the paid "THUGS" by Soros and the DNC will always be at all Trump's appearances.



You mean Trump's top White House advisor's business partner?

Wouldn't that be awkward... :whistling:


Jared Kushner didn't disclose business ties to George Soros, Peter Thiel, and Goldman Sachs, or that he owes $1 billion in loans


"Jared Kushner didn't disclose his business ties with George Soros, Peter Thiel, and Goldman Sachs, or that he owes $1 billion in loans, The Wall Street Journal reportedon Tuesday."


"The top White House adviser and son-in-law of Trump failed to identify his part ownership of Cadre, a real-estate startup he founded, which links him to the Goldman Sachs Group and the mega-investors George Soros and Peter Thiel, sources told The Journal."



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5 hours ago, iReason said:



You mean Trump's top White House advisor's business partner?

Wouldn't that be awkward... :whistling:


Jared Kushner didn't disclose business ties to George Soros, Peter Thiel, and Goldman Sachs, or that he owes $1 billion in loans


"Jared Kushner didn't disclose his business ties with George Soros, Peter Thiel, and Goldman Sachs, or that he owes $1 billion in loans, The Wall Street Journal reportedon Tuesday."


"The top White House adviser and son-in-law of Trump failed to identify his part ownership of Cadre, a real-estate startup he founded, which links him to the Goldman Sachs Group and the mega-investors George Soros and Peter Thiel, sources told The Journal."



It's no use trying to sway Trump supporters with logic or truth.  They're like Mussolini's Brown Shirts.  They're behind their man no matter what.  The truth be damned!

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15 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

It's no use trying to sway Trump supporters with logic or truth.  They're like Mussolini's Brown Shirts.  They're behind their man no matter what.  The truth be damned!

Kinda fun tho'.


Like shooting fish in a barrel. :laugh:

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8 hours ago, tomwct said:

Yes, the paid "THUGS" by Soros and the DNC will always be at all Trump's appearances. Nothing new since his wonderful election.

In the end though, Trump's supporters will be there ten-fold to greet him. Thank God he was elected.

funny i dont see any in the pics...or the tax march--or the climate march..did briebart tell u

they were getting paid...guess bill O cant tell u as hes.....oh..right......

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7 hours ago, tomwct said:

We are talking about Trump not Democrat Kushner! Secondly, Trump's not going anywhere until 2025! Thank God!

the world wont be here by then as your man baby s fragile ego wont let him take ANY criticism


and almost WORD for word the SAME crap he spewed about obama for 8 years..


but we know how much of a flip flopper he is ,,talks smack them cowers like a child that he is

when called out on it....som many examples the obama wiretap cbs video was laughable..just

like the same laughing the world is doing over him...btw way whats his approval rating again???

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7 hours ago, tomwct said:

We are talking about Trump not Democrat Kushner! Secondly, Trump's not going anywhere until 2025! Thank God!

lastly im also guessing youre a frightened  ignorant old white man who hates dem "coloreds"...


#unpresidented(to quote your supersmart boy)     btw the way its unprecedented...duh

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The con-man couldn't even take his own city (19%), let alone the state. (37.5%)  


No wonder they want to run him out of town.


He got tarred and feathered.


No "THUGS" needed... :laugh:





And these are people who know him. Not those suckers at the rallies.



Edited by iReason
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10 hours ago, tomwct said:

Trump's supporters will be there ten-fold to greet him.


'He's an embarrassment': hostile welcome for Trump on return to New York

President forced to make a quick getaway after his first visit home since winning the White House (sub-title)


"It was a case of so near and yet so far. Donald Trump returned to New York on Thursday night for the first time since his inauguration, yet the closest he could get to his home in Trump Tower was 10 blocks away as the city that made his fortune greeted him with noisy protest.."


"The president bypassed his Fifth Avenue penthouse, where First Lady Melania and youngest son Barron still live, bound for the USS Intrepid, a decommissioned aircraft carrier on the Hudson river, where he attended a gala to mark the 75th anniversary of a major second world war naval battle."


"To heighten the bitter-sweetness of his homecoming, hundreds of protesters gathered blocks away from the vessel clattering pots and pans, chanting “Shame, shame, shame” and bearing posters proclaiming: “Impeach the Freak.”




No sign of the "ten-fold"... :whistling:

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2 hours ago, ChakaKhan said:

funny i dont see any in the pics...or the tax march--or the climate march..did briebart tell u

they were getting paid...guess bill O cant tell u as hes.....oh..right......

                              Speaking of protesters getting paid.  That's become an on-going joke on TYT (The Young Turks).  Every so often, a co-host will ask another co-host, "did you get paid for attending the latest rally?"   .....and the response is something like, "No. But I'd sure like to know which protest marches are paying people to attend.  I'll be there in a heartbeat."


                              As with so many other lies which emanate from Trump's forked tongue, no protesters are getting paid.   It's actually indicative of something Trumpsters do.   You'll notice; everything Trump accuses HRC/Obama/Soros/the NY times/judges with immigrant parents/protersters or whomever of doing, that's bad, .......is something Trump privately does 50 times worse.  


                  There must be a psychiatric name for his mental fixation, but I don't know what it's called.   It's like preachers (or right wing politicians) chastizing their flock for being sexually deviant, ......and then it's found out later that the preacher has privately been 100 times more deviant the whole while.   It's beyond hypocritical.  Maybe Trump will inspire Psychiatry to create a new name for the combination of mental problems Trump suffers from.  How about 'Trump Syndrome.'   Simple, and to the point.

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33 minutes ago, rgraham said:

Shameful behavior by an immature group of neer do wells. 

Protesting against an odious autocratic demagogue that is obviously mentally unfit for office is not immature. It's patriotic and NECESSARY. 

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20 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Protesting against an odious autocratic demagogue that is obviously mentally unfit for office is not immature. It's patriotic and NECESSARY. 


Still better than Obama or Hillary.

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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                              Speaking of protesters getting paid.  That's become an on-going joke on TYT (The Young Turks).  Every so often, a co-host will ask another co-host, "did you get paid for attending the latest rally?"   .....and the response is something like, "No. But I'd sure like to know which protest marches are paying people to attend.  I'll be there in a heartbeat."


                              As with so many other lies which emanate from Trump's forked tongue, no protesters are getting paid.   It's actually indicative of something Trumpsters do.   You'll notice; everything Trump accuses HRC/Obama/Soros/the NY times/judges with immigrant parents/protersters or whomever of doing, that's bad, .......is something Trump privately does 50 times worse.  


                  There must be a psychiatric name for his mental fixation, but I don't know what it's called.   It's like preachers (or right wing politicians) chastizing their flock for being sexually deviant, ......and then it's found out later that the preacher has privately been 100 times more deviant the whole while.   It's beyond hypocritical.  Maybe Trump will inspire Psychiatry to create a new name for the combination of mental problems Trump suffers from.  How about 'Trump Syndrome.'   Simple, and to the point.


It's called "projection". http://www.lifescript.com/well-being/articles/p/psychological_projection_dealing_with_undesirable_emotions.aspx

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13 hours ago, tomwct said:

Yes, the paid "THUGS" by Soros and the DNC will always be at all Trump's appearances. Nothing new since his wonderful election.

In the end though, Trump's supporters will be there ten-fold to greet him. Thank God he was elected.


BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  I guess his supporters in Harrisburg didn't get the message (the picture below was taken from RSB Network [Right Side Broadcasting], a conservative, very pro-Trump outlet, so,  no, it wasn't skewed by the left). Then there's his plummeting approval rating, the worst of any President in history at this point in his first term (https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/). Even FOX has him well below 50%. Your orange messiah is nothing more than a lying, conniving con man, out to milk the American taxpayer for all he can get. He has yet to fulfil a single campaign promise, and about the only thing he excels at is getting his butt handed to him by both the courts and his own party.


But thanks for playing! Come back when you've grown a few functioning brain cells.


Image result for trump harrisburg pa

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14 hours ago, tomwct said:

Yes, the paid "THUGS" by Soros and the DNC will always be at all Trump's appearances. Nothing new since his wonderful election.

In the end though, Trump's supporters will be there ten-fold to greet him. Thank God he was elected.

more fake news nonsense.

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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                              Speaking of protesters getting paid.  That's become an on-going joke on TYT (The Young Turks).  Every so often, a co-host will ask another co-host, "did you get paid for attending the latest rally?"   .....and the response is something like, "No. But I'd sure like to know which protest marches are paying people to attend.  I'll be there in a heartbeat."


                              As with so many other lies which emanate from Trump's forked tongue, no protesters are getting paid.   It's actually indicative of something Trumpsters do.   You'll notice; everything Trump accuses HRC/Obama/Soros/the NY times/judges with immigrant parents/protersters or whomever of doing, that's bad, .......is something Trump privately does 50 times worse.  


                  There must be a psychiatric name for his mental fixation, but I don't know what it's called.   It's like preachers (or right wing politicians) chastizing their flock for being sexually deviant, ......and then it's found out later that the preacher has privately been 100 times more deviant the whole while.   It's beyond hypocritical.  Maybe Trump will inspire Psychiatry to create a new name for the combination of mental problems Trump suffers from.  How about 'Trump Syndrome.'   Simple, and to the point.

the term is as#holism brought on by a lifelong term of coddling -greed and money....

Im headed back in a week-if someone wants to pay me to protest i need a job...:wai:

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2 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Anti-Trump folks are just angry because they now realize he is a formidable deal maker and they are going to be thrown off the dole and have to go get jobs. 



Ummm sorry im confused what DEALS has he done????? or are u referring to multiple

attempts at stripping healthcare from everyone OTHER than rich--white--men..clarify pls...


reminder as well the GOP runs it all and YET he still cant do a damn thing--GOP...NOT Dems...

Might want to do your homework as to WHO denied his FIRST attempt friend......hint (GOP)


Is the GOP ANTI-Trump????   also add in the judges that repeal his EX orders....DEMS?...nah

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Just now, funandsuninbangkok said:

Anti-Trump folks are just angry because they now realize he is a formidable deal maker and they are going to be thrown off the dole and have to go get jobs. 



Oh, so that's the explanation! :crazy:

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President Carter after being elected returned  home to Plains Georgia where he walked down Main Street  for two hours,  snaking hands and being  congratulated. 

I like to see Trump walk down Broadway and meet some of his home town folks .I don't think it will turn out too well for him. 

But I still would like him to do it, :wink:

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12 hours ago, rgraham said:

Shameful behavior by an immature group of neer do wells. 

                 You'd probably say the same of the Boston Tea Party if you were an established citizen of Boston at that time.


                                 What Trumpsters don't get, is they've been massively duped.  More so than the people who got duped by Bernie Madoff.   At least the people who got cheated by Madoff got part of their money refunded. Trumpsters are like Bush Jr. voters times 10.  They won't realize, until months/years later, how thoroughly shystered they were (remember Iraq II?  It's still a quagmire, btw).   By then, the damage to America and its natural environment will take decades to fix.  

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11 hours ago, Crowes said:

Still better than Obama or Hillary.

Perhaps so, if you want to see America go downhill on a spinning saucer toward bramble bushes.


On 5/5/2017 at 8:07 AM, tomwct said:

Yes, the paid "THUGS" by Soros and the DNC will always be at all Trump's appearances. Nothing new since his wonderful election.

In the end though, Trump's supporters will be there ten-fold to greet him. Thank God he was elected.

                      Please name one popular demonstration which supported Trump.  I don't think you can, because Trump supporters don't go out and organize and demonstrate. They don't need to. They've got billionaires to buy elections, and Russian agents to assist.


                     The only time we see Trump supporters en masse, is in orchestrated settings, like a large hall with security staff everywhere.  If anyone speaks out, who is not goose-stepping with the larger mob, that person is shouted at by Trump "get him outta here!  Yea, beat him up!  Yea, go ahead and beat him up, he deserves it!"   Indeed, Trump is being personally sued for one (of many) such anti-1st-amendment antics.  Oh, and Trump's redneck supporters dutifully throw sucker punches at the person (usually dark-skinned) who is being tightly held by very large white men.    I don't think even Mussolini stooped that low.  Correct me if I'm wrong about that.

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4 hours ago, sirineou said:

President Carter after being elected returned  home to Plains Georgia where he walked down Main Street  for two hours,  snaking hands and being  congratulated.  I like to see Trump walk down Broadway and meet some of his home town folks .I don't think it will turn out too well for him.  But I still would like him to do it, :wink:

                               Trump, when he retires, will likely get a Godzilla-sized gold-leafed statue of himself erected in Manhattan.  It will be like giving a big finger to New Yorkers for not voting for him.  It will be taxpayer-paid, of course, even though Trump doesn't pay any more taxes than the janitor plunging his gold toilet (he actually has at least one gold toilet, btw).

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