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Macron wins French presidency, to sighs of relief in Europe


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I have given endless examples, that when consumers are offered the choice between a German product and a Portuguese one, they will never pick up the Portuguese unless it s cheaper to certain extent, and to become cheaper it needs to devaulate just like how China manipulate its currency for export, that is how the french Carrefour supermarkets chain lost its battle of market share to German chain LIDL, German labor laws are 180 degrees opposite of french laws, you will never ever compete with Germany ! the EU was built to suffocate small, mid-size and startups, its purpose is to eliminate all competition and keeps the monopoly for large multinationals that loves this bureaucratic union.

Edited by heroKK
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8 minutes ago, heroKK said:

During the last 30 years, not a single French start-up company managed to get into the CAC 40, just compare this to the US, Singapore etc.., hey people !!, these euro policies does not work, there were an experiment in Portugal where the local government gave zero tax incentive to corporations and could not create a single job, the reason given ,Portugal could never ever compete with Germany as long as they have the same currency, those countries(Greece, etc..) needs massive devaluation in order to attract investments again. Argentina recovered successfully from the financial crash but not Greece guess why ? because it does not have its own currency.


France needs a genius politician who mix and match between liberal and protectionist policies according to the situation just like Switzerland does, otherwise how do u explain the low unemployment rate, more submission to Brussels wont solve any problems, the EU is doomed to failure Italy, Greece and Portugal are time-bomb that will explode sooner or later. imagine if Thailand had Japanese yen as its currency ?? think of the horrible consequences of that ?

555: I just wonder : what means your avatar ? EUCCP : You are Russian, friend of Putin? ; I understand your bitterness  

of course we don't know what will happen now in June for the legislatives but what is important just now is that Le Pen (maybe you don't know because maybe you don't understand French , but as everybody says, she is stupid ) and FN have lost

I just hope that FN and equivalent in Europe will disapear for ever 

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2 hours ago, heroKK said:

During the last 30 years, not a single French start-up company managed to get into the CAC 40, just compare this to the US, Singapore etc.., hey people !!, these euro policies does not work, there were an experiment in Portugal where the local government gave zero tax incentive to corporations and could not create a single job, the reason given ,Portugal could never ever compete with Germany as long as they have the same currency, those countries(Greece, etc..) needs massive devaluation in order to attract investments again. Argentina recovered successfully from the financial crash but not Greece guess why ? because it does not have its own currency.


France needs a genius politician who mix and match between liberal and protectionist policies according to the situation just like Switzerland does, otherwise how do u explain the low unemployment rate, more submission to Brussels wont solve any problems, the EU is doomed to failure Italy, Greece and Portugal are time-bomb that will explode sooner or later. imagine if Thailand had Japanese yen as its currency ?? think of the horrible consequences of that ?

If you want to live under Singaporean or American systems, be my guest. I'll visit, but I would not raise a family there. I suppose you don't understand liberte, elalite, fraternite?


Remind me, which European country or bank!) is going to cause the EU to implode? I don't think so. I do think there will be some adjustments and changes but the European project will continue to the benefit of the vast majority.

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5 hours ago, SheungWan said:

However well or badly Macron does in the future is besides the point. What is the point is that in the French Presidential election Macron defeated the candidate standing in the fascist tradition, namely Le Pen. And no attempted humourous posturings by some on this thread will divert from which side of the fence they have been seen to stand.

how can the future be besides the point - the FN has garnered more votes than just the fascist ones. The increasing support for the FN is just due to French mainstream politicians' inability to acknowledge some issues a lot of voters are worried about and due to politicians' inability to initiate real change.

Again, I hope Macron is the answer.

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7 minutes ago, heroKK said:

the intelligent blogger Aldo sterone has successfully resumed the situation in France today, they succeeded to divide the people "divide et impera", just because you do not have terrorist attack in your neighborhood or your house is not in the no-go zone, that firefighters have to wear bullet-proof vests to enter, just because you are not suffering you do not care at all for the other population who suffers immensely.


The tribe are powerful and  united, how they preach divisions to the others, as I said to the Koreans in some other forum, do not let play thier game on you now with the DPRK, travel en masse to china and donate to your brethren Koreans, do not let the imperialists wins the game ! they do wants to play this game on the Russians, but alas the Russia is not Iraq or Syria, people are united under the Orthodox church. as for France embrace for civil war this is what you have chosen.

This must be a machine generated response

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4 hours ago, heroKK said:

I have given endless examples, that when consumers are offered the choice between a German product and a Portuguese one, they will never pick up the Portuguese unless it s cheaper to certain extent, and to become cheaper it needs to devaulate just like how China manipulate its currency for export, that is how the french Carrefour supermarkets chain lost its battle of market share to German chain LIDL, German labor laws are 180 degrees opposite of french laws, you will never ever compete with Germany ! the EU was built to suffocate small, mid-size and startups, its purpose is to eliminate all competition and keeps the monopoly for large multinationals that loves this bureaucratic union.

It seems to me that if the production scale is similar, raw material prices will be the same in P or D? Wages will be higher in D. So won't the manufacturing costs in P be less?


Now I like Leica cameras, not because they're German but because of the quality ( I wouldn't buy a Zenith even at one tenth the price)


So, some items can be best produced in locations with lower costs (assuming certain protections). Other items can still command a premium price and can be produced with very high labour costs. It's not a conspiracy. High price and crap quality is not a good solution though ?

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[I was reacting to some highly inflammatory posts by heroKK that have since been removed by the mods. So, if you are thinking "his posts aren't THAT bad" you are seeing this thread post-clean up :)]


Well, heroKK, you are just an agit-prop guy and not even a good one, except good at trolling. You are so way out in right field, so over the top, it's comical. It's working against you too.


Hope your blood pressure is OK. If you see/meet a Muslim, I wonder how you react? Ever speak to any knowing they were Muslims? I do recommend it.


Just one thing: This, let's not forget it, Thai-centered forum (do you even care about Asia at all?),  is a special sub-group (older & mostly male), there are no undecided folks here that you could sway. Your propaganda does not fall on fertile soil here, esp. since it's so crudely overdone.

Edited by mrdome
edit necessary after deletion of some posts
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PARIS (The Borowitz Report)—On Sunday, the people of France annoyingly retained their traditional right to claim intellectual superiority over Americans, as millions of French citizens paused to enjoy just how much smarter they were than their allies across the Atlantic.

In bars and cafés across France, voters breathed a sigh of relief in the knowledge that arrogantly comparing themselves to the U.S. population, a longtime favorite pastime of the French people, would remain viable for the foreseeable future.

Pierre Grimange, a Parisian café-goer, sipped on a glass of Bordeaux and toasted his nation “for not being so dumb as the United States after all.”


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On 5/10/2017 at 9:35 AM, heroKK said:

I have given endless examples, that when consumers are offered the choice between a German product and a Portuguese one, they will never pick up the Portuguese unless it s cheaper to certain extent, and to become cheaper it needs to devaulate just like how China manipulate its currency for export, that is how the french Carrefour supermarkets chain lost its battle of market share to German chain LIDL, German labor laws are 180 degrees opposite of french laws, you will never ever compete with Germany ! the EU was built to suffocate small, mid-size and startups, its purpose is to eliminate all competition and keeps the monopoly for large multinationals that loves this bureaucratic union.

While it's true that the Euro has been very bad for some countries in the Eurozone, I'm not sure what relevance that has to the French election. Whether rightly or wrongly ( I think wrongly) the overwhelming majority of the French electorate supporsts the Euro and the FN's opposition to it was one of the reasons for its crushing defeat. And your point about German labor laws as opposed to French or other nations' labor laws actually undermines the argument that the EU is some kind of dictatorship that has imposed one-size-fits-all regulations on its member nations. So thank you for pointing out that this is not the case at all.

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