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Dermatitis Sufferer


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Hi, I've suffered from dermatitis on my hands for many years, & most of the time I've been able to keep it under control, but for some reason, the last 6 mths have been bad.

 I have been seeing the skin doctor in Buriram & no matter how bad my hands are, he gives me the same ointment each time. At first it cleared up, then came back worse

 We have a furniture factory, & even though I don't do any work, there is always dust from the particle  boards & MDF. which until coming to Thailand, I've never encountered  before.

  Is there anything anyone can recommend? I've tried Betnovate, cream & ointment, I ordered some Aqueous Cream & E 45 cream from the UK, hoping they would help, but my hands got worse. 

  I was in hospital once for it in England, & I used to have to wear gloves at night with some foul smelling cream, & that cleared it for a long time, but I can't remember the name of it.

  Any idea's would be gratefully received. Thank 

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Vinegar (and plain is as good as apple cider, it's the acidity that counts) will  helps only for fungal and, to a much lesser extent, bacterial infections. It will not help with eczema due to allergy/contact dermatitis which is what this sounds like...and it may sting and increase the redness/discomfort.


Contact dermatitis responds only to


1 - avoiding what it is that you are allergic to (either altogether or by wearing gloves)


2- steroids, topical or systemic.  Betnovate is a topical steroid but seemingly isn't doing the trick. Oral steroids likely will work (assuming it is a contact dermatitis or other allergic process, and not something else like a fungal infection) but have significant side effects and must be prescribed by a doctor.


Plus if there is itching, antihistamines and if skin is cracked/broken then emollients - but those do not treat just ease symptoms. The mainstay of actual treatment is to avoid the trigger (ideal) and suppress the immune system



You need to see a good dermatologist. Suggest you go to Srinagarind (Khon Kaen University) Hospital  through their after hours clinic. There is an American nurse currently working there who can help recommend a specific doctor - contact her at  [email protected].


It will greatly help if you can get copies of your records from the UK first.

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Thanks Cheryl,

  I forgot to mention, that it is contact dermatitis. I have been wearing gloves most of the time over the last couple of months & I have been taking  Antihistamines for the itching.

Where can I buy emollients in Thailand? I've asked at the doctors & the Pharmacy, but they both say not have in Thailand.  

  Thanks for the Email address, that may be just what I need, but I don't think I will be able to get my records from

 the UK 

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I think it depends on what works for you as far as moisture, and what will not exacerbate the problem.  Might require trial and error.  When I lived in the U.S., in the winter my hands would get dry and crack/bleed.  The only thing that worked was cocoa butter applied every night (with gloves); no lotion or other oil would work for long.  I've known other people for whom cocoa butter doesn't work.  Some people find some lotions work really well; others use different ones.  Probably easiest to start with the commercial lotions and see if you find something you like.

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On 5/11/2017 at 9:53 PM, Katia said:

I think it depends on what works for you as far as moisture, and what will not exacerbate the problem.  Might require trial and error.  When I lived in the U.S., in the winter my hands would get dry and crack/bleed.  The only thing that worked was cocoa butter applied every night (with gloves); no lotion or other oil would work for long.  I've known other people for whom cocoa butter doesn't work.  Some people find some lotions work really well; others use different ones.  Probably easiest to start with the commercial lotions and see if you find something you like.

Thanks Katia, I will bare that in mind

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On 5/11/2017 at 10:04 PM, Sheryl said:

Have you tried simple vasoline?

Hi Sheryl, I started to use that last week. I'm using the cream the doctor gave me twice a day, & then putting on loads of vasoline. I keep the gloves on nearly all the time now, & it seems to be working, only time will tell

         Thanks again

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