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In shock move, Trump fires FBI Director Comey


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"Truthfully, I think the media have less influence on Trump than they have had on any other President in my lifetime."
You've got to be kidding!  He goes on tweet storms because of things he sees on television.  He won't fire Sean Spicer because he gets good ratings.  He brings up the ratings of "The Apprentice" during a national prayer breakfast.  He accused the UK of illegally spying on his campaign because of something he heard on Fox.  He's reported to do little reading and constantly watches TV.  The man is obsessed with the media and how it presents him.

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3 hours ago, mogandave said:


You mean like Nixon did?

I think it safe to say the media has much more influence over the President than the other way around.


Yes Nixon got the truth wrung out of him by the US media. It took some time, it even took a few lives and careers.

 But now, right now, 50% of Americans, supported by the current US leader no longer believes in any reporting .US citizens have been dumbed down.

The president says "It is all fake news". 50% of Americans agree, regardless of what is true. Is "fake "news constantly repeated going to influence 50% US citizens?

 Sigh, yes. 50% of Americans have been dumbed down.

The US president got himself elected on false news. Inspired by Russia if you believe the media which chooses to report against all threats. Against the president threatening those who he has sacked to report why. Sorry mate, US is slowly gravitating sown the sink. You really think Fox reports the truth? Sigh 

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Yes Nixon got the truth wrung out of him by the US media. It took some time, it even took a few lives and careers.
 But now, right now, 50% of Americans, supported by the current US leader no longer believes in any reporting .US citizens have been dumbed down.
The president says "It is all fake news". 50% of Americans agree, regardless of what is true. Is "fake "news constantly repeated going to influence 50% US citizens?
 Sigh, yes. 50% of Americans have been dumbed down.
The US president got himself elected on false news. Inspired by Russia if you believe the media which chooses to report against all threats. Against the president threatening those who he has sacked to report why. Sorry mate, US is slowly gravitating sown the sink. You really think Fox reports the truth? Sigh 

Not 50 percent. More like 35 percent. But still a strong majority of Republicans.
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8 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

I missed most of Comey's testimonies before Congress. I watched a few minutes of them until I got nauseous.


I guess he felt obligated somehow to expose such an investigation I wonder why? He refused to answer several questions when I was watching his testimony.


I may have or may not have all the facts, but I was aware that Lynch recused herself. What!  She doesn't have a Deputy Attorney General? Get real. Or did her recusal really mean that she wasn't going to have the DoJ prosecute Hillary under any circumstances?


From what I understand, there are/were other mechanisms within the DoJ in place to handle Hillary's prosecution (not that anyone every thought a presidential candidate would actually be prosecuted), from what I understand. If there aren't then it's a pretty crippled organization, huh?


Yeah, that's the ticket! Tea leaves! Even tea leaves would be better than the MSM, AFAIC.


What's your definition of a "major news media"? One that's operating in lock-step with the Democrat Party? Feel free to list your favorites.

 I agree  with what you said except the lock step thing .The  main stream media controls the narrative through media bites and then the liberals run with that.It's so obvious what their intentions are .To destroy the administration .I think its  great that Comey got fired, Screw the Russian thing.,their is no evidence  of a crime.  Comey made no effort according to sources to find the treasonous party that committed a felony by unmasking American people during a Fisa surveillance and leaking the name .  Now Trump has to close down the Washington Press briefings next. Rudy Giuliani would be a great choice for the FBI boss.

Edited by riclag
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23 minutes ago, riclag said:

 I agree  with what you said except the lock step thing .The  main stream media controls the narrative through media bites and then the liberals run with that.It's so obvious what their intentions are .To destroy the administration .I think its a great that Comey got fired, Screw the Russian thing.,their is no evidence  of a crime.  Comey made no effort according to sources to find the treasonous party that committed a felony by unmasking American people during a Fisa surveillance .  Now Trump has to close down the Washington Press briefings next. Rudy Giuliani would be a great choice for the FBI boss.

Agreed w/r whose calling the narrative. The latest hypothesis by one pundit is that it's the MSM controlling the narrative.


Have you heard the MSM soundbite montages some talk show hosts assemble that have the newsreaders, reporters, et al using exactly the same phrases to describe some particular scenario or political point? Scary stuff. The lock-step is within the MSM, that's for sure.


I just heard a maybe 10-voice media montage where "obstruction of justice" was voiced by people, none of which were elected Democrats according to the source of the montage.

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15 minutes ago, riclag said:

Screw the Russian thing.,their is no evidence  of a crime.

You have access to the investigation?


15 minutes ago, riclag said:

The  main stream media controls the narrative through media bites and then the liberals run with that.

Why do you keep name calling, it's like listening to a child?

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7 hours ago, heybruce said:

"Truthfully, I think the media have less influence on Trump than they have had on any other President in my lifetime."


You've got to be kidding!  He goes on tweet storms because of things he sees on television.  He won't fire Sean Spicer because he gets good ratings.  He brings up the ratings of "The Apprentice" during a national prayer breakfast.  He accused the UK of illegally spying on his campaign because of something he heard on Fox.  He's reported to do little reading and constantly watches TV.  The man is obsessed with the media and how it presents him.


7 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

Yep, we finally agree on something, assuming your claims are the truth. But even if they aren't he should be listening to Mark Levin and some other insightful folks instead of wasting his time with TV and Twitter. Maybe he should discover YouTube and the wider internet some day. 

Assuming my claims are true?  You should spend more time with mainstream media, all of my claims were reported on, the administration went nuts on trying to explain them, and then finally had another communication crisis, usually triggered by a tweet or statement from Trump, to make people forget the last issue.


"He goes on tweet storms because of things he sees on television."  http://www.politico.com/story/2017/04/trump-tweets-hillary-clinton-fox-news-236825 


"He won't fire Sean Spicer because he gets good ratings."  http://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-sean-spicer-588496 


"He brings up the ratings of "The Apprentice" during a national prayer breakfast."http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/02/politics/donald-trump-national-prayer-breakfast/index.html


" He accused the UK of illegally spying on his campaign because of something he heard on Fox." https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2017-03-17/white-house-apologizes-to-uk-after-spicer-cites-claim-gchq-spied-on-trump-for-obama  



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24 minutes ago, riclag said:

 I agree  with what you said except the lock step thing .The  main stream media controls the narrative through media bites and then the liberals run with that.It's so obvious what their intentions are .To destroy the administration .I think its  great that Comey got fired, Screw the Russian thing.,their is no evidence  of a crime.  Comey made no effort according to sources to find the treasonous party that committed a felony by unmasking American people during a Fisa surveillance and leaking the name .  Now Trump has to close down the Washington Press briefings next. Rudy Giuliani would be a great choice for the FBI boss.


11 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

Agreed w/r whose calling the narrative. The latest hypothesis by one pundit is that it's the MSM controlling the narrative.


Have you heard the MSM soundbite montages some talk show hosts assemble that have the newsreaders, reporters, et al using exactly the same phrases to describe some particular scenario or political point? Scary stuff. The lock-step is within the MSM, that's for sure.

That's one un-named pundit between the two of them.

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17 minutes ago, SheungWan said:


That's one un-named pundit between the two of them.

Yes. And mine will remain so (un-named) because this thread is already crazy enough. In any event, I was discussing the lock-step MSM montages and the MSM-controlling-the narrative hypothesis with riclag and he probably knows who the source is.


PS: I just heard at least a 10-voice MSM montage using (the firing of Comey is) "obstruction of justice" as the key phrase in the narrative. The claim from the source of this montage was that they were MSM and occurred yesterday (Sunday) and early this morning and none of the voices were elected Democrat officials (FWIW).

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Occam's razor (or Ockham's razor) is a principle from philosophy. Suppose there exist two explanations for an occurrence. In this case, the simpler one is usually better. Another way of saying it is that the more assumptions you have to make, the more unlikely an explanation is. Occam's razor applies especially in the philosophy of science, but also more generally.



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Yes Nixon got the truth wrung out of him by the US media. It took some time, it even took a few lives and careers.
 But now, right now, 50% of Americans, supported by the current US leader no longer believes in any reporting .US citizens have been dumbed down.
The president says "It is all fake news". 50% of Americans agree, regardless of what is true. Is "fake "news constantly repeated going to influence 50% US citizens?
 Sigh, yes. 50% of Americans have been dumbed down.
The US president got himself elected on false news. Inspired by Russia if you believe the media which chooses to report against all threats. Against the president threatening those who he has sacked to report why. Sorry mate, US is slowly gravitating sown the sink. You really think Fox reports the truth? Sigh 

I thought you said the media was controlling the President, I disagreed, not sure what you're about with all this.

I said nothing about Fox or fake news.

You really think 50% of people want no reporting?

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30 minutes ago, riclag said:

 I agree  with what you said except the lock step thing .The  main stream media controls the narrative through media bites and then the liberals run with that.It's so obvious what their intentions are .To destroy the administration .I think its  great that Comey got fired, Screw the Russian thing.,their is no evidence  of a crime.  Comey made no effort according to sources to find the treasonous party that committed a felony by unmasking American people during a Fisa surveillance and leaking the name .  Now Trump has to close down the Washington Press briefings next. Rudy Giuliani would be a great choice for the FBI boss.


17 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

Agreed w/r whose calling the narrative.  The latest hypothesis by one pundit is that it's the MSM controlling the narrative.


Have you heard the MSM soundbite montages some talk show hosts assemble that have the newsreaders, reporters, et al using exactly the same phrases to describe some particular scenario or political point? Scary stuff. The lock-step is within the MSM, that's for sure.

"Screw the Russian thing.,their is no evidence  of a crime." 


To be clear, are you  not concerned that US intelligence agencies are all in agreement that Russia tried to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election, that European governments believe Russia is attempting to interfere in their elections, and that, if nothing is done, Russia will be back and interfere in future US elections?  Do you care about democracy at all?


Or perhaps you are unaware of what is being investigated.  I've checked a few of these fringe media sites, they all describe the investigations as "get Trump" conspiracies.  Here's something useful you would learn if you watched mainstream media:  The FBI and Congress are investigating Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election.  They are not investigating Trump, the Trump administration or the Trump campaign team.  If the investigation of Russian interference leads them to any of these people then the leads must be followed, but there is no "get Trump" investigation.  That is all part of a fringe media conspiracy.


Speaking of conspiracies:


" The latest hypothesis by one pundit is that it's the MSM controlling the narrative."


Right....  The narrative isn't controlled by reckless tweets and an administration that can't stay on message because the President keeps changing the message.  Gee, I wonder how MSM managed to invent this story of Trump firing the FBI director leading an investigation into interference in the election that put him in office?  What was really clever is how MSM gave the appearance that the administration couldn't keep its story straight about why the director was fired.

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16 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

Yes. And mine will remain so (un-named) because this thread is already crazy enough. In any event, I was discussing the lock-step MSM montages and the MSM-controlling-the narrative hypothesis with riclag and he probably knows who the source is.


PS: I just heard at least a 10-voice MSM montage using (the firing of Comey is) "obstruction of justice" as the key phrase in the narrative. The claim from the source of this montage was that they were MSM and occurred yesterday (Sunday) and early this morning and none of the voices were elected Democrat officials (FWIW).

Right.  And here's a link to Chris Wallace, one of the real journalists on Fox News, tutoring the twits on "Fox and Friends" about their carefully assembled montage.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p4-KyXt63s

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22 minutes ago, heybruce said:


Assuming my claims are true?  You should spend more time with mainstream media, all of my claims were reported on, the administration went nuts on trying to explain them, and then finally had another communication crisis, usually triggered by a tweet or statement from Trump, to make people forget the last issue.


"He goes on tweet storms because of things he sees on television."  http://www.politico.com/story/2017/04/trump-tweets-hillary-clinton-fox-news-236825 


"He won't fire Sean Spicer because he gets good ratings."  http://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-sean-spicer-588496 


"He brings up the ratings of "The Apprentice" during a national prayer breakfast."http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/02/politics/donald-trump-national-prayer-breakfast/index.html


" He accused the UK of illegally spying on his campaign because of something he heard on Fox." https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2017-03-17/white-house-apologizes-to-uk-after-spicer-cites-claim-gchq-spied-on-trump-for-obama  



I'm not a Trump supporter and I'm not surprised with what he comes up with after watching the debates and his campaign rallies. I spend as little time as possible on the MSM and it has to be a video of the person at issue, not some second-hand version of what Trump had allegedly said. and I, hopefully, don't have to resort to the MSM for what I want.


You seem to have this weird idea that because a claim is "reported on" that it is not reported in a way that influences the reader (spin) or any number of any characteristics in this list (courtesy wiki "fake news"):


Alternative facts, Big lie, Circular sourcing, Deception, Doublespeak ,Echo chamber, Euphemistic misspeaking, Euromyth, False flag ,Factoid, Fallacy, Fake news by country, online ,Filter bubble, Gaslighting, Half-truth Hoax, Ideological framing, Internet manipulation, Media manipulation, Post-truth ,Propaganda, Quote mining, Scientific fabrication, Social bot, Spin, Yellow journalism


Here's the ridiculous misstatements of Trump's campaign statements by both individuals and the MSM (starting at at around 20:00) by Stefan Molyneux:



Here's more from Stefan Molyneux:



Maybe you should spend less time on the MSM and more with alternative media. I think the MSM has fallen on their sword, especially CNN.

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3 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

Here's the ridiculous misstatements of Trump's campaign statements by both individuals and the MSM (starting at at around 20:00) by Stefan Molyneux:

lol, gonna wait 20 mins for your point .......



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30 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Right.  And here's a link to Chris Wallace, one of the real journalists on Fox News, tutoring the twits on "Fox and Friends" about their carefully assembled montage.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p4-KyXt63s

Thanks. Chris Wallace is taking the stand that there has never been a FBI Director fired where "the Director was investigating him [the President] and his associates". So what? Does anyone think that such an investigation was under way and that firing Comey would actually stop it. Isn't that why there's a Deputy Director of the FBI - to continue ongoing operations?


Suppose Comey had become deceased? Would that have ended the so-called "investigation" the same as his being fired (it is surmised) did?  <<<<----- I WANT AN ANSWER TO THIS, PLEASE


Hint: I've never heard a montage from "Fox and Friends" because I don't watch them or Fox because I don't have cable. I, a good friend from the UK and my eldest son consider cable to be unwatchable so they don't even have cable installed in their homes. I  rarely watch Sean Hannity on YouTube. I might catch Sean's opening radio show monologue but that's about it.

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19 minutes ago, sandrabbit said:

Use YouTube much?  (because you wouldn't have to wait 20 minutes if you knew how to use it)


I have problems with many of Molyneux's quirks but the video I submitted had a lot of believable textual quotes that I don't think that Stefan would risk faking. I've seen enough Trump smears with my own eyes, especially during the campaign.


PS: Thanks for the QuestEon article link but I would need more to digest it and access the Molyneux / Rogan dialog and eval it.

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10 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

Use YouTube much because you wouldn't have to wait 20 minutes if you knew how to use it?


I have problems with many of Molyneux's quirks but the video I submitted had a lot of believable textual quotes that I don't think that Stefan would risk faking. I've seen enough Trump smears with my own eyes, especially during the campaign.

The point I was making was that you have to watch the whole thing not just the bit you have picked.


Anyway sen Issa California getting some heat over his vote for repealing Obama care, big protest at the moment.


p.s. I'd never heard of Stefan Molyneux till you posted but I have done some quick reading and I have to say if you have to quote him you've already lost the argument.



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34 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

I'm not a Trump supporter and I'm not surprised with what he comes up with after watching the debates and his campaign rallies. I spend as little time as possible on the MSM and it has to be a video of the person at issue, not some second-hand version of what Trump had allegedly said. and I, hopefully, don't have to resort to the MSM for what I want.


You seem to have this weird idea that because a claim is "reported on" that it is not reported in a way that influences the reader (spin) or any number of any characteristics in this list (courtesy wiki "fake news"):


Alternative facts, Big lie, Circular sourcing, Deception, Doublespeak ,Echo chamber, Euphemistic misspeaking, Euromyth, False flag ,Factoid, Fallacy, Fake news by country, online ,Filter bubble, Gaslighting, Half-truth Hoax, Ideological framing, Internet manipulation, Media manipulation, Post-truth ,Propaganda, Quote mining, Scientific fabrication, Social bot, Spin, Yellow journalism


Here's the ridiculous misstatements of Trump's campaign statements by both individuals and the MSM (starting at at around 20:00) by Stefan Molyneux:



Here's more from Stefan Molyneux:



Maybe you should spend less time on the MSM and more with alternative media. I think the MSM has fallen on their sword, especially CNN.

Sorry, I'm not going to listen to over two and a half hours of some Trump apologist giving his explanations of what Trump meant when he said idiotic things and why the media taking these things at face value is wrong (I spot checked the videos, that's what I got out of them).


BTW, from my spot-checking:  Trump claiming that first generation immigrants, legal or illegal, are disproportionately criminals has been disproven using criminal records history.  I can provide a link to an Economist news article about that, but since you don't like to read news and probably consider the Economist mainstream media, I won't bother.

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23 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

Thanks. Chris Wallace is taking the stand that there has never been a FBI Director fired where "the Director was investigating him [the President] and his associates". So what? Does anyone think that such an investigation was under way and that firing Comey would actually stop it. Isn't that why there's a Deputy Director of the FBI - to continue ongoing operations?


Suppose Comey had become deceased? Would that have ended the so-called "investigation" the same as his being fired (it is surmised) did?  <<<<----- I WANT AN ANSWER TO THIS, PLEASE


Hint: I've never heard a montage from "Fox and Friends" because I don't watch them or Fox because I don't have cable. I, a good friend from the UK and my eldest son consider cable to be unwatchable so they don't even have cable installed in their homes. I  rarely watch Sean Hannity on YouTube. I might catch Sean's opening radio show monologue but that's about it.

You focused on one of the points made by Wallace and took it completely out of context.   Chris Wallace's point is that the firing with no consistent explanation of why is a legitimate news story, not an example of media hysteria. 


However, to answer your question, firing Comey and replacing him with a more compliant FBI director would probably offer Trump some protection from the investigation, assuming he feels the need for protection.  Fortunately, because the media is doing its job and asking questions, replacing Comey with a lapdog director will be difficult.

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30 minutes ago, heybruce said:

You focused on the one of the points made by Wallace and took it completely out of context.   Chris Wallace's point is that the firing with not consistent explanation of why is a legitimate news story, not an example of media hysteria. 


However, to answer your question, firing Comey and replacing him with a more compliant FBI director would probably offer Trump some protection from the investigation, assuming he feels the need for protection.  Fortunately, because the media is doing its job and asking questions, replacing Comey with a lapdog director will be difficult.

This is why I don't watch the MSM. There was plenty of justification from Deputy AG Rosenstein and AG Sessions even if Wallace's own eyes and good sense couldn't figure it out from Comey's press conference. The fact that Trump fired Comey is a news story. Speculation about whether or not it was to stop an ongoing investigation is speculation and not news as far as I can tell because it was "un-named" FBI insiders who reported it.


I don't know about whether or not Trump would want a "lapdog". Possibly so. But all of this is speculation. I'm sure he or anyone else in their right mind would want a disloyal FBI Director to participate in a Roman Senate assassination reenactment as Brutus.


My best speculation (I didn't come up with it in any real depth) is that Comey was actually a "lap dog" for dear, departed President Obama given the Obama administration scandals that were not pursued (including the non-prosecution of Hillary for her email nonsense).


I don't have the link to an article that points this out, but can get it later. The question is where was your MSM while Obama, Comey, Lynch and Hillary were pulling their stunts? It's a wonder the Lynch / BJ Clinton airport meeting was reported. I guess suppression of that would have been difficult if they had desired to do so.



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1 hour ago, MaxYakov said:

This is why I don't watch the MSM. There was plenty of justification from Deputy AG Rosenstein and AG Sessions even if Wallace's own eyes and good sense couldn't figure it out from Comey's press conference. The fact that Trump fired Comey is a news story. Speculation about whether or not it was to stop an ongoing investigation is speculation and not news as far as I can tell because it was "un-named" FBI insiders who reported it.


I don't know about whether or not Trump would want a "lapdog". Possibly so. But all of this is speculation. I'm sure he or anyone else in their right mind would want a disloyal FBI Director to participate in a Roman Senate assassination reenactment as Brutus.


My best speculation (I didn't come up with it in any real depth) is that Comey was actually a "lap dog" for dear, departed President Obama given the Obama administration scandals that were not pursued (including the non-prosecution of Hillary for her email nonsense).


I don't have the link to an article that points this out, but can get it later. The question is where was your MSM while Obama, Comey, Lynch and Hillary were pulling their stunts? It's a wonder the Lynch / BJ Clinton airport meeting was reported. I guess suppression of that would have been difficult if they had desired to do so.

Yes, there was justification given in the letter from AG Sessions and Deputy AG Rosenstein.  However Trump couldn't stick with one story and started contradicting his own team on why he fired Comey.  That, and the fact that this is only the second time a President fired a FBI director and the first time a President fired a FBI director investigating the circumstances of his election, made it certain and proper for the press to ask questions, and continue asking questions until satisfactory answers are given. 


Wallace's job, and the job of all real journalists involved, is not to justify the President's actions but to ask the President to justify his actions, and to report inconsistencies in the response they get.  You don't have to be a journalist to know that's how journalism works.  Obviously that isn't how the fringe media sites you and others prefer work.


FBI director's are supposed to be non-partisan, not loyal or disloyal to the President, and not participants in Senate assassinations. 


Considering Comey probably cost Hillary Clinton the election, your idea that Comey was an Obama lapdog is ludicrous.  Hillary Clinton's non-prosecution is no more curious than Gen Petraeus' lenient plea bargain for far more serious offenses.  When it comes to classified there's what the letter of the law says, and what is practical.  The letter of the law says that everyone who had a copy of "The Pentagon Papers" could be prosecuted, but that wouldn't have been practical, would it?


Mainstream media has reported on every 'stunt' by Obama, Comey, Lynch and Clinton that you know of, that's why you know of them.  Mainstream media has also asked plenty of questions about these actions, and from three of the four (not Comey) generally received far more coherent and reasonable answers than those offered by the Trump team.   Why do you think it is appropriate for these people to be reported on but not Trump?  

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10 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

I spend as little time as possible on the MSM and it has to be a video of the person at issue, not some second-hand version of what Trump had allegedly said. and I, hopefully, don't have to resort to the MSM for what I want.


You seem to have this weird idea that because a claim is "reported on" that it is not reported in a way that influences the reader (spin) or any number of any characteristics in this list (courtesy wiki "fake news"):


Alternative facts, Big lie, Circular sourcing, Deception, Doublespeak ,Echo chamber, Euphemistic misspeaking, Euromyth, False flag ,Factoid, Fallacy, Fake news by country, online ,Filter bubble, Gaslighting, Half-truth Hoax, Ideological framing, Internet manipulation, Media manipulation, Post-truth ,Propaganda, Quote mining, Scientific fabrication, Social bot, Spin, Yellow journalism


You completely contradict yourself by supplying links or data that have footnotes entirely comprised of, (wait for it)

The Main Stream Media.






It appears you spend a lot of time on the MSM. Ain't no videos in there either.  Assuming that you actually read the source of your rants...

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7 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

This is why I don't watch the MSM. There was plenty of justification from Deputy AG Rosenstein and AG Sessions even if Wallace's own eyes and good sense couldn't figure it out from Comey's press conference. The fact that Trump fired Comey is a news story. Speculation about whether or not it was to stop an ongoing investigation is speculation and not news as far as I can tell because it was "un-named" FBI insiders who reported it.


I don't know about whether or not Trump would want a "lapdog". Possibly so. But all of this is speculation. I'm sure he or anyone else in their right mind would want a disloyal FBI Director to participate in a Roman Senate assassination reenactment as Brutus.


My best speculation (I didn't come up with it in any real depth) is that Comey was actually a "lap dog" for dear, departed President Obama given the Obama administration scandals that were not pursued (including the non-prosecution of Hillary for her email nonsense).


I don't have the link to an article that points this out, but can get it later. The question is where was your MSM while Obama, Comey, Lynch and Hillary were pulling their stunts? It's a wonder the Lynch / BJ Clinton airport meeting was reported. I guess suppression of that would have been difficult if they had desired to do so.



Maybe if you bothered to access MSM you would have know that Trump told Lester Hold that he fired Comey because of the Russian investigation.

And it's bizarre that on the one hand you accuse MSM of not covering certain events, but on the other, claim you don't follow MSM. And given your ignorance of widely known facts, I believe your claim.

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7 hours ago, MaxYakov said:


My best speculation (I didn't come up with it in any real depth) is that Comey was actually a "lap dog" for dear, departed President Obama given the Obama administration scandals that were not pursued (including the non-prosecution of Hillary for her email nonsense).


The non prosecution of HRC for her email nonsense was an Obama scandel? lol.  

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