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FBI chief aimed to expand Russia probe before Trump fired him - source


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This looks way worse than the Chinese investors story.

Regardless of his involvement, this move at this moment makes it look like there is fire, not just smoke.


But Trump is demonstrating one of his traits - like it or not - he is going to play hardball, and to hell with "how it plays in the press". It comes from years of surviving in the cut throat business arena.


Now, if he could only use that in ways that benefit the country...

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5 hours ago, Thaidream said:

I fully expect he will resign before it gets to that......

Good post Thaidream but I don't think he will resign.  That would be admitting he had failed and I cannot see that from him.  He will blame everyone else from the press to the democrats to the republicans but will never admit that he has screwed up.

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8 hours ago, Redline said:

You said insults. 


I said the insults were harsh.  He certainly can say what he wants.  He is upset, and is taking a page from the Trump playbook.  He is making the point that those that voted for DT, should have evaluated him better.  It was obvious what kind of person he is/was and he did not even address any policy (neither did HC).  So, I think you are giving credit to people that voted, and I do as well.  But, when it all comes out in the wash, the people that voted for him will need to take some responsibility.  There were other people running beside the 2 major candidates.  DT lied over and over, and is still doing it.  I understand your sensitivity

But you apparently refuse to understand what I said as it doesn't fit your format.


I was mainly referring to the one poster's use of "rednecks and knuckle draggers".  


Then in a subsequent post where you quoted me, you wrote "There is your role model. "


That's sort of silly when explained that I despised the man (trump).  Perhaps if I had used cruder language ..???


At this point I suppose you are too invested in what you think you read .. so I'll not waste any more bandwidth on you.

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23 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Whatever the true reason for the sacking, the timing of it is bound to lead to suspicion that Comey was on the right trail in the Russian investigation.

Donald tweeting about it also to me seems questionable. If it was strictly above board, he shouldn't have felt the need to defend his actions.

The truth in this matter needs to come out.

What "Russian investigation"? Trump has stated that there was not an investigation underway as told to him by dear, departed FBI Director Comey.


"We had a very nice dinner and at that time he old me, "you are not under investigation" - The Guardian - Video of NBC Trump Interview [link].


To quote you: "suspicion that Comey was on the right trail".


Which right trail would that be, pray tell (even if there had been an investigation)?

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6 hours ago, timendres said:

This looks way worse than the Chinese investors story.

Regardless of his involvement, this move at this moment makes it look like there is fire, not just smoke.


But Trump is demonstrating one of his traits - like it or not - he is going to play hardball, and to hell with "how it plays in the press". It comes from years of surviving in the cut throat business arena.


Now, if he could only use that in ways that benefit the country...

Only by conspiracy theory freaks.


Why would Trump think that firing Comey would terminate an ongoing investigation where he was involved? Apparently there was not an investigation involving Trump underway. If that is the case where did the news (fake?) that Comey asked for additional funding to finance such an allegedly non-existent investigation.


If there actually were an investigation and Trump is lying about what Comey told him at dinner (there is no investigation), then the truth will out from the FBI sooner or later and Trump should know that.


I do agree that some of Trump's "cut throat business arena" experiences could be used to the US's benefit ... or deficit, now that I think about it. I'm not sure "cut throat" is what the US government needs to exhibit. Hasn't the US Government done enough of that already?

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8 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Trump is the President but if he was elected due to Russian interference in the election process or because any of his staff collaborated with the Russians to elect him- it is akin to treason. There is a constitutional crisis brewing and it's not going away until a Special prosecutor is appointed who has no ties to either party. Let the full truth come out so either Trump is fully cleared or there is evidence of wrongdoing and let the chips fall where they may. Stonewalling an investigation is not going to stop huge speculation of what did he know and when did he know it.

Until all is cleared he will have no real mandate to govern and this puts America in a dangerous position in which enemies can take advantage of the situation and any domestic agenda is stymied.  It's time for both parties to step forward and do what is right for the people and not their parties.


"It's time for both parties to step forward and do what is right for the people and not their parties." - Thaidream (if you get my drift).


What FBI investigation? Do you have proof of one that involves Trump (or one that doesn't for that matter)?

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1 hour ago, MaxYakov said:

"It's time for both parties to step forward and do what is right for the people and not their parties." - Thaidream (if you get my drift).


What FBI investigation? Do you have proof of one that involves Trump (or one that doesn't for that matter)?

Acting F.B.I. Chief Contradicts White House on Russia and Comey

In a striking repudiation of official White House statements, the acting director, Andrew G. McCabe, said the inquiry was “highly significant” and pledged during a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing that the F.B.I. would resist any attempt to influence or hobble the investigation.


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1 hour ago, MaxYakov said:

"It's time for both parties to step forward and do what is right for the people and not their parties." - Thaidream (if you get my drift).


What FBI investigation? Do you have proof of one that involves Trump (or one that doesn't for that matter)?

Will you take the word of this guy?

Trump said he never tried to pressure Comey into dropping the FBI probe of the Trump campaign and insisted, "I want to find out if there was a problem in the election having to do with Russia."

"As far as I'm concerned, I want that thing to be absolutely done properly," Trump said. "Maybe I'll expand that, you know, lengthen the time (of the Russia probe) because it should be over with, in my opinion, should have been over with a long time ago."


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5 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

Only by conspiracy theory freaks.


Why would Trump think that firing Comey would terminate an ongoing investigation where he was involved? Apparently there was not an investigation involving Trump underway. If that is the case where did the news (fake?) that Comey asked for additional funding to finance such an allegedly non-existent investigation.


If there actually were an investigation and Trump is lying about what Comey told him at dinner (there is no investigation), then the truth will out from the FBI sooner or later and Trump should know that.


I do agree that some of Trump's "cut throat business arena" experiences could be used to the US's benefit ... or deficit, now that I think about it. I'm not sure "cut throat" is what the US government needs to exhibit. Hasn't the US Government done enough of that already?

Apparently italics and vocabulary are difficult.

As originally stated: "this move at this moment makes it look like there is fire".

Trump clearly understands the context of his position with regards to the media.

This particular event does not require conspiracy theory freaks to draw unwanted attention that will require time and energy better applied to other matters. Possibly he has weighed this against the alternative and come to the current conclusion.


I am sure that my English was correct when I stated that cut throat applied to the business arena, not government.

I clearly pointed to Trump's trait of playing hardball, which, frankly, the US needs more of in a few areas of governance.

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8 hours ago, klikster said:

But you apparently refuse to understand what I said as it doesn't fit your format.


I was mainly referring to the one poster's use of "rednecks and knuckle draggers".  


Then in a subsequent post where you quoted me, you wrote "There is your role model. "


That's sort of silly when explained that I despised the man (trump).  Perhaps if I had used cruder language ..???


At this point I suppose you are too invested in what you think you read .. so I'll not waste any more bandwidth on you.

It's a universal format:post-4641-1156694572:  There is plenty of bandwidth, but I would be more worried about time if I were you.  Always open to other's views...:welcomeani:

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So, to be clear on the opinion of the Trump-Haters; In YOUR opinion as stated repeatedly, he's "An Idiot", "Incompetent", "A Man-Baby", "Incapable", "A Moron", "Has No Clue About How The World Works", "Flip-Flops Every Other Day On Everything", YET, he single-handedly devised and executed a plan, Without Any Prior Political Experience, that completely duped the 2nd/3rd most powerful man in the world (Putin), the entire executive staff of every Russian intelligence agency, Julian Assange and Wikileaks into covertly undermining Crooked Hilary and associates (who by the way, were already doing this to poor Bernie as they knew no one would EVER find out) AND then proceeded to fool most of America into electing him to be the most powerful man in the world. Does that about cover it? :thumbsup: 

The man must have an IQ of 180, the charisma of Slick Willy, Charles Manson, Jim Jones, Jerry Falwell, Billy Graham, JFK and an acting ability that rivals the best in Hollywood. Way to go Mr. President!

Flame away. :jap:

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I hope that the FBI got tape conversations with Trump and the director during his investication which was on going until he got fired by the big Poom Baa . Nixon 2.0,  yes that would be poetic justice, wouldn't it.


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8 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:

So, to be clear on the opinion of the Trump-Haters; In YOUR opinion as stated repeatedly, he's "An Idiot", "Incompetent", "A Man-Baby", "Incapable", "A Moron", "Has No Clue About How The World Works", "Flip-Flops Every Other Day On Everything", YET, he single-handedly devised and executed a plan, Without Any Prior Political Experience, that completely duped the 2nd/3rd most powerful man in the world (Putin), the entire executive staff of every Russian intelligence agency, Julian Assange and Wikileaks into covertly undermining Crooked Hilary and associates (who by the way, were already doing this to poor Bernie as they knew no one would EVER find out) AND then proceeded to fool most of America into electing him to be the most powerful man in the world. Does that about cover it? :thumbsup: 

The man must have an IQ of 180, the charisma of Slick Willy, Charles Manson, Jim Jones, Jerry Falwell, Billy Graham, JFK and an acting ability that rivals the best in Hollywood. Way to go Mr. President!

Flame away. :jap:

Good point.  Is he an orange flavored moron?  Or a genius who's 3 steps ahead of all these political sharks and journos, many who've been playing at this game for decades?

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So, to be clear on the opinion of the Trump-Haters; In YOUR opinion as stated repeatedly, he's "An Idiot", "Incompetent", "A Man-Baby", "Incapable", "A Moron", "Has No Clue About How The World Works", "Flip-Flops Every Other Day On Everything", YET, he single-handedly devised and executed a plan, Without Any Prior Political Experience, that completely duped the 2nd/3rd most powerful man in the world (Putin), the entire executive staff of every Russian intelligence agency, Julian Assange and Wikileaks into covertly undermining Crooked Hilary and associates (who by the way, were already doing this to poor Bernie as they knew no one would EVER find out) AND then proceeded to fool most of America into electing him to be the most powerful man in the world. Does that about cover it? :thumbsup: 
The man must have an IQ of 180, the charisma of Slick Willy, Charles Manson, Jim Jones, Jerry Falwell, Billy Graham, JFK and an acting ability that rivals the best in Hollywood. Way to go Mr. President!
Flame away. :jap:

No Mr. Webb. The Russians are playing Trump and America.

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I hope that the FBI got tape conversations with Trump and the director during his investication which was on going until he got fired by the big Poom Baa . Nixon 2.0,  yes that would be poetic justice, wouldn't it.
trump is probably trolling as usual. Another distraction from what he is hiding.
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15 hours ago, RobFord said:


No Mr. Webb. The Russians are playing Trump and America.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Ah, you must be right since they've conned President Trump into lifting the sanctions....er....wait....that never happened. Are they "Playing Trump and America" to lose? If so, they're succeeding. :thumbsup:

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