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The week that was in Thailand news: Taking coconuts to sell in the orchard

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The week that was in Thailand news: Taking coconuts to sell in the orchard




Near a year after the tourism minister’s pronouncement that the days of sex in Thailand were coming to an end, we are now witnessing the rise of a new phenomenon.

In fact it could be the biggest emerging trend in sex tourism to hit these shores since the GI’s started collaborating with the Thais and Mr Cowboy set up knocking shop in competition with Mr Patpong.

It’s what the antipodeans refer to as BYO – bring your own no less. But while the Australians I believe were referring to a bottle of plonk in their restaurants the new tourists, not content with just “beg –packing”, are now bringing their own partners.

And putting on the show for the Thai public who are falling all over themselves getting their phones out to record the latest PC incident – public copulation that is.

First on a tuk-tuk in Phuket then in Samui – I expected to see some more at it like rabbits in the Bangkok streets when out for a trip to Tops with my four year old.

I was certainly fore-arming myself with a birds and the bees spiel just in case and wondering if the new craze was going to put the Bonkers well and truly back in Bankers. If it ever left….

It all reminded me of the Thai proverb of taking coconuts to sell in the orchard.

And it took me back to the 1980s when tourism was really taking hold and westerners were testing the nation’s tolerant waters unveiling topless treats and peaches on the beaches.

Those were the days – the indignation from the Thais you were with! Such shock horror that they would stand there for half an hour and shamelessly gawk and tattle with their neighbor. Oh, where were mobile phones then – if only we could have shared it in real time with our pals on Facebook live.

Then our outrage would have been complete!

On Tuesday in an eventful week of news on Thaivisa I really thought tourism minister Khun Kobkarn had got a bit frisky in straddling the sex bandwagon.

Next to the latest public sex story – about a Spaniard - a headline screamed: “TAT eyes attracting Chinese couples”.

Always with an eye out to make a tourist buck so long as it isn’t a zero-buck, was she really suggesting that the Chinese come here for a bit of “lumpty-tumpty” or a spot of “logering”?

Alas not. The elegant minister has not done a U-turn on her sex trade tirade but was promoting Thailand as a great place for couplings of an altogether more sober kind – weddings.

It was not mentioned if the authorities, after taking their money, would then allow the nuptials to be consummated…..even if it was done in the privacy of the five star hotels where I am sure these newlyweds will be encouraged to bed down.

Anyway…enough of sex. It is making me “Google” eyed – not good when I fear we might have another interruption in internet service. This week 3BB were quick to say the outage of said ‘Googern’ and YouTube was none of their doing, even the juntas, but was all the fault of those silly foreigners doing something very few Thais have even heard of……namely maintenance.

“Karn raksaa saphaap” exists in Thai language, I just think it might have been left out of the school textbooks. Perhaps it happened when they were putting in all those pronouns to remind the population of their exact place in society in case they ever forgot.

Setting a better example in the last seven days was the new head of Chula students, freshman Netiwit. Though his name is vaguely reminiscent of the idiots one sees online there is nothing foolish about this young man unless standing up to the junta represents that.

Here we have a rare beast – a man elected over the heads of his peers who is prepared to be both strong and sensible in his views. “The old and the young people must talk and stop dominating” he said while two men on a motorbike came looking for him.

This scared him as well it might.

One “I was in ‘nam” forum poster suggested he should “grow a pair” clearly not appreciating that men on bikes often bring death with them. Netiwit was the man responsible for bringing in the Hong Kong political activist earlier in the year to speak at Chula, a man who was turned away at Swampy.

Netiwit’s gonads were of a sufficient diameter to subsequently have the activist deliver his speech via Skype.

Also sporting some excellent two veg to go with his meat was a Pit bull dog in Nonthaburi that turned his dog loving owner into a pussy after attacking both him and his son while seemingly defending his daughter who had clearly raised the mutt.

The father said no more dogs for him while the posters of Thaivisa, who fell into two camps, either advocated following the lead of some Asian cultures in putting all dogs on the dinner table or advised that all you have to do with dogs is tickle them under the chin and they will roll over and cuddle you.

Rooster – who finds gerbils a bit scary – is not the canine crew’s number one supporter.

Top Thai soap of the week was an absolute doozy – the story of the bank staff who came to repossess a car two years behind on the payments only to be threatened with a gun brandishing policeman who drove off in the unpaid for Honda Jazz.

The wife went on national TV with the most ludicrous – ‘jing jing ler kha’ – sob story about how it had all by some circuitous route somehow led to her mother’s untimely demise.

One or two hardened forum posters were even taken in but Rooster felt like smashing the TV especially when she had the gall to claim the bank employees actually threatened her.

They counter sued but what was it that the cops in Kannayao said that made everyone not “wai” but shake hands?

OK, so the gun toting rozzer could still get his knuckles wrapped and do some inactive posting for a while but I really think the bank should have insisted on going after both the wife and her husband.

Compromise is one thing but letting people get away virtually scot-free with threats against your employees is quite another matter. It was an own goal for Krung Thai – I shall think twice before opening an account with you because if that is how you treat your employees I am not sure I care to be a customer.

Also vying for soap opera status was the story of the marital and child bearing shenanigans of David the US missionary who has left a trail of wives and offspring in his wake across Asia.

Not surprisingly went off to work in Vietnam for a spell leaving his third wife and three children subject to that greatest constabulary oxymoron – a Pattaya police hunt.

Thaivisa posters had the proverbial field day wringing every drop of innuendo from “missionary position” while Rooster was left to pontificate on those who would come to Thailand to proselytize.

Those clean cut “Mormon” types who are seen from time to time in Bangkok always give me a wide berth. Perhaps they are trained in spotting militant atheists who are surreptitiously rolling a ball of phlegm in their mouths in case it should be needed.

I once had the Jehovah’s Witnesses move in next door but fair play to them; without any bidding from me they insulated the adjoining townhouse so that only their god could hear their Sunday wailings and not the neighbors.

Still, Friday put a lie to the oxymoron as the Pattaya cops found the three “luuk khreung” in Hua Hin and banged up the missionary’s latest ‘mama mia’.

Decidedly inconsiderate of others, though perhaps not wholly in the wrong, were the perpetrators of two of Thailand grisliest murders this week.

The first involved the pensioner father who took an axe to his good-for-nothing drunkard of a son who had threatened his gran with a carving knife for not giving him booze money. It did appear that the “thorapee” son was left to bleed to death at the foot of the stairs, just in case.

Thorapee – always used in such Thai stories - refers to an ungrateful buffalo of Ramakien (Ramayana) legend who turned on his father – a folk story so engrained in the Thai psyche that dad may well be released without ever going to court.

The other case seemed less cut and dried, if you’ll pardon the pun. In Phitsanulok a man came home to find his wife about to be raped by a man she had met on Facebook who she had invited round to look at her husband’s cocks, fighting cocks that is, while he just so happened to be out.

She had asked him round not once but three times.

Cock and bull came to mind but the husband – who shot the man dead in his living room without apparently asking any questions – is another who may escape jail due to what the Thais might see as fair play not foul.

Just two Rooster awards this week and both are related closely to the bombing outrage at Big C in Pattani. The “Are you from the Planet Junta?” award goes to the dear general for asking that the press and public not share the blast footage “for fear they would affect people’s feelings”.

What a kind soul he is to think about others – not least the fifty victims - and not even mention the economy and tourism at this sad time

The explosion also led to my favorite forum comment of the week from “Dobredin Ghusputin” who suggested on Big Too’s behalf that “henceforth everybody please refer to bombings only as ‘sudden and loud dissipations of energy’”.

Excellent! That should also help with people’s delicate feelings when it comes to ‘the problems in the South’.

Finally, my favorite story of the week had to be the mistake in the online poster advertising the movie “Dunkirk”.

The translator managed to turn one of my country’s “finest hours” into just another disaster when “700 civilian boats came for them” somehow came out as “only 700 of the 400,000 stranded soldiers returned”.

Many Thais spotted the error though I guess those who didn’t must have been excited by the prospect of seeing a movie with all that gore and violence as 399,300 “Tommies” were cut down in a hail of Luftwaffe bullets.

This could lead to a whole new rewriting of history.

So long as no one suggests Geoff Hurst’s World Cup final goal didn’t really cross the line.

That would be too much to bear.




-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-05-14
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one small critisisim i believe on the part of growing a pair is not appropriate as the said pair will not take much of a pounding where as the female equilivent has a much more tried and true history of taking a much heavier pounding than any pair that i know of

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2 hours ago, swissbie said:

Peaches on the beaches, that a nice one. In the 1980s at some places like Koh Phanghan there had been a serious shortage of bathing dresses as many beach lovers didn't wear any at all.


2 hours ago, swissbie said:

Peaches on the beaches, that a nice one. In the 1980s at some places like Koh Phanghan there had been a serious shortage of bathing dresses as many beach lovers didn't wear any at all.

Line from a Stranglers punk song  I believe  "Walking on the beaches looking at the peaches." 


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Whoever wrote this dribble must have been high or drunk because it make absolutely No Sense! <deleted> is he trying to say?Maybe he is an Englishman who think they are All So Intelligent but man it didn't make any sense to me!

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anther good  report Rooster, I wish I had your flair of words and maybe I would not get in the bad books of this forum  by trying to tell

another commenter my opinion, that was not understood by him or her.  Anyway life is good and Thailand is not all flooded out yet during this

years rainy season.  When I was at Hua Hin beaches in February and March, there were prunes than peaches at the city beaches.  I had a hard

time getting a few pictures to send to my snow bound friends back in Canada.

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16 hours ago, sam101glt said:

Whoever wrote this dribble must have been high or drunk because it make absolutely No Sense! <deleted> is he trying to say?Maybe he is an Englishman who think they are All So Intelligent but man it didn't make any sense to me!

"Maybe he is an Englishman who think they are All So Intelligent"


Actually, that doesn't make much sense either! Maybe it should read " an Englishman  who thinks he is so intelligent"

i.e. EnglishMAN is singular, and no need for the capital letters, man, or indeed "man"!  (Grammar Police at work!)

Edited by sambum
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On 5/14/2017 at 11:52 PM, sam101glt said:

Whoever wrote this dribble must have been high or drunk because it make absolutely No Sense! <deleted> is he trying to say?Maybe he is an Englishman who think they are All So Intelligent but man it didn't make any sense to me!

I'm sure you meant drivel, which also explains why you may have misunderstood the piece.

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