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Trump pledges to move quickly to nominate new FBI chief


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2 hours ago, iReason said:

From your link.

Let's just start with the first one.


"Conway's use of the phrase "alternative facts" to describe demonstrable falsehoods was widely mocked on social media and sharply criticized by journalists and media organizations, including Dan RatherJill Abramson, and the Public Relations Society of America."


"The phrase was extensively described as Orwellian."


Typical Trumpism.

Did you actually read any of your post?

Check any of the foot notes?

(You might be surprised at to what is in them)


I highly doubt it.

Trumpeteers are big on headlines and sound bites.


You must be aching to post something from InfoWars.


Your boy is going down. Big.

With his traitor cronies.


And thankfully, the albatross that is Trump will drag the GOP down with him.  :thumbsup:


Your messiah is from an upper strata of world class conniving shady dealers that the Trumpeteers cannot even comprehend.

And due to their ignorance, they can't bring themselves to research this huckster.

You have been conned. Along with a small minority of the populace.


Amb. Sergey Kislyak. The known Russian spy ( discraced, lying Michael Flynn's contact ) who shows up at the White House the day after Dir. Comey is fired while investigating Trump and his crew.


With smiles all around:



Screen Shot 2017-05-15 at 9.00.47 PM.png


You weren't supposed to see these photos because the clown in chief barred all American Press from the meeting.

But the Russians published their own on TASS, the state controlled press.

The guy in the first of your two pic's was at the WH 22 times over the

last prez's 8 years in office, visitors log.


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8 hours ago, rice555 said:

The guy in the first of your two pic's was at the WH 22 times over the last prez's 8 years in office, visitors log.

We'll never know who visits the current occupant of the White House will we?


White House to Keep Its Visitor Logs Secret


"WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — The White House announced Friday that it would cut off public access to visitor logs revealing who is entering the White House complex and which officials they are meeting, breaking with the Obama administration’s practice and returning a cloak of secrecy over the basic day-to-day workings of the government."


"The decision — which White House officials said was necessary for reasons of national security — was the latest attempt by President Trump, who has promised to “drain the swamp” in Washington, to shield his activities from scrutiny."


"It effectively bars the public from knowing which activists, lobbyists, political donors and others are gaining access to the president and his aides on a daily basis."



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16 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

Oh, yeah? I guess the "Independent UK" is not of "prominence on the left"


Newsflash: Conspiracy Theories do not have to be explicitly labeled as such.


It is our job as critical thinkers to identify them. While trying to identIfy who started this Trump / Russia investigation shutdown story, (aka conspiracy theory) I ran across this in the "trump conspiracy" Google search (from four days ago):

Donald Trump fired James Comey 'because he refused to end Russia Investigation' - say multiple FBI insiders - independent.co.uk - May 11, 2017 [link]


The fact that the "Independent" sources unnamed "multiple FBI Insiders" is enough to make this a "fake news" story candidate, IMHO.


Those of us who despise Trump are not without cause: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-revealed-highly-classified-information-to-russian-foreign-minister-and-ambassador/ar-BBBaWuJ

Fortunately for Trump, his revealing of highly classified, highly sensitive information to his Russian comrades is not illegal being as the President has full latitude to "declassify" anything he chooses. However, his pathetic impulse control has now led him to divulge extremely sensitive information to the Russians, which information was not morally or ethically his to reveal as it has the very real potential to expose an intelligence partner/ally who did not want the information revealed, a partner who has been a source of excellent intelligence in the past and now has the possibility/probability of damaging that relationship. As the article notes, one source stated that he felt that Trump did not reveal the information with criminal intent, but because he is stupid, clueless as to how the intelligence community operates, the value of intelligence assets, the value of the information he revealed, or the damage his schoolyard attempt to impress the Russians might cause our national security interests. The intelligence community is terrified of Trump for the very real reason that he is clueless. H. R. McMaster was quick to label the Washington Post story "fake", but then it's not like he'll come running out of the White House claiming that Trump has, yet again, done something mind-numbingly stupid. And as another article noted, his words were carefully constructed so as not to actually demonstrate that what the Post said was false, only claiming that things that were never actually reported on were "false" (http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/analysis-the-white-house-isn’t-denying-that-trump-gave-russia-classified-information-—-not-really/ar-BBBb2RF).


Sorry for the lengthy preamble. Now, how does this pertain to "conspiracy theories"? The only legitimate conspiracies are the ones emanating from the White House to mask the never-ending stream of <deleted> ups by this pathetic excuse for a "President". Daily the White House staff has to gather to cobble together yet one more sorry attempt at "legitimizing" some idiotic thing this buffoon has done and try to make it palatable to the vast majority of Americans who have long ago wearied of Trump's inexcusable ineptitude and incompetence (https://www.aol.com/article/news/2017/05/10/poll-trump-idiot-buffoon-bigot-narcissist-unqualified-stupid-crazy-disaster/22080411/). In other words, the White House staff are "conspiring" to present an unhinged, inept, childish, narcissistic, barely rational individual tasked with overseeing the world's largest economy and biggest nuclear arsenal as intelligent, coherent, reasonable, thoughtful, wise, and benevolent...when that is exactly the opposite of reality. There's your conspiracy. A man-child who can flippantly reveal sensitive national secrets to representatives of one of our nation's most determined enemies is not someone who can be trusted.

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On 5/15/2017 at 6:11 AM, stevenl said:

Ah, so you quote but the info is not applicable.

Applicable in it's mirror image of the investigation...so far.

Will it change? Who knows? Politics makes strange bedfellows. 

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