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Enraged wife crashes car into Mercedes carrying husband and his mistress


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1 hour ago, AGareth2 said:

seems like she needs a course in anger management

She needs a course in Thainess. If your husband can afford a Mia Noi , then he is successful and brings much face to the family. 3 or 4 Mia Nois bring even more admiration. 



Edited by jaltsc
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1 hour ago, z42 said:

So no mention what happened to this deranged nutter of a woman then.. Brilliant, well done. I hope she gets absolutely hammered in court for damaging property, public disturbance, and dare I say recklessly endangering the lives of many people with her stupid jealousy.......

I guess there goes the insurance claim

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2 hours ago, idman said:

Good on her, teach the adulterer a lesson he wont soon forget. If they stay together he had better sleep in a separate bedroom or risk the old snip snip in the middle of the night. A scorned Thai woman is a frightful thing.

Sent from my SM-T805 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

The husband's behaviour is very clearly in the wrong but crashing a car in to his as well as colliding with three other cars and causing injuries to innocent people is something you condone?  Given that Thais are slack with seat belt and that kids could have been in any of these other vehicles, I find it a little disturbing that you're in favour of this action.


A wife has every right to scream and yell at her cheating husband, but putting the general public in danger isn't a laughing matter.

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Off-topic, but many years ago my 'mad' wife #2 got it into her head that I was seeing another Thai woman at the nearby Nai Yang beach in Phuket, (I was not).


Enraged,, she jumped into the hotel car (she can't drive), managed to drive to the beach and then drove the car onto the pavement towards me, scattering foreign tourists and Thais alike.


She also drove into some parked motorcycles, causing extensive damage.


Happily (for me), I managed to get rid of the loony some months later (no I didn't 'off' her, but I was tempted....!)



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54 minutes ago, mikebell said:

A bit concerned about her tracking the car with GPS. How does that work?  Is it only on Mercs or, say, for example, a silver grey Honda Jazz?


You can put a gps tracker in any car they are real small. Real handy for jealous wives.. or they just put some spyware on your phone. So your silver grey Honda Jazz is not safe.

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2 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

Note to self: do not piss off the wife. :thumbsup:

Sounds like that here in Thailand some women are tired of the (mi-a-noi) crap that every well to do Thai man thinks that it his right. You go girl. The better idea would have been to sell all his possessions in the house after draining their bank account.In The US I have seen where the wife sells boats and cars for penny s on the dollar.I bought a high dollar golf set for $50 in this kind of deal

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Just a shame she never considered the possible consequences, there could have been a couple with two small kids on a motorcycle mown down in the fracas.


Selfish behaviour by both parties, when it could have been discussed/argued about later.


The wife can't exactly say the husband's behaviour is untypical in this country as I know many Thai men who behave in exactly this way and the whole foundation of the entertainment industry here is based on illicit relationships.


It appears from events in Mae Hong Son that even taxpayers' money is used to fund such behaviour by government and police officials. 

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.... saw this once also car takes off with a man and woman, another woman on a motorcycle crashes the motorcycle into the driver side, the other woman gets out of the car and.....strolls away and the two make a public spectacle... holding up traffic.... 

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Another 12 year old Thai 'loses it' and will have to go to the Temple to ask for forgiveness and pay the bill while husband protests that girl in car was his secretary and he's 'innocent' and society must please 'understand him'

Edited by LannaGuy
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3 hours ago, AGareth2 said:

seems like she needs a course in anger management

Indeed. A car should never, under any circumstances, be used as a weapon. She damaged several other cars, caused several injuries and delayed many hundreds of people. Jail her, after she has paid compensation for the damage and injuries she caused.

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55 minutes ago, Foozool said:

It's not about him. He is not important. 

Important is what he can provide and no wife wants to lose that good provider.

555 land of smile. And now, he will pay for all damages. 

Yes, Amazing how many adults are unable to provide for themselves and still need a man to do it for them.

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2 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

type of car is not important. fact is she was driving something fairly expensive and will be able to buy her way out of it.

Hubby will pay and will be paying in one way or another forever. Cant say I blame her but lots more innocents could have been taken out so not the smartest move.

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3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

She must have been really pissed off to take out four cars, to make sure she got the hubbys one. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned though.

Lucky for the Guy she should not find the 0.38 in the glove compartment in a hurry .

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4 hours ago, idman said:

Good on her, teach the adulterer a lesson he wont soon forget. If they stay together he had better sleep in a separate bedroom or risk the old snip snip in the middle of the night. A scorned Thai woman is a frightful thing.

Sent from my SM-T805 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Not very good when you put everyone's lives at risk.


The wife is not very smart or perhaps mentally ill in my opinion.


 Worldwide, monogamy is a thing of the past. 

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While I might commend the wife's idea of confronting the husband and his mistress her method was, shall we say, was not logical. Why not simply follow them (as the article says she used GPS to locate him) and chose another, less hazardous venue. The couple would have to stop at some point, perhaps to eat, which would have provided less danger to other road users. Oh well, such is a woman's fury.

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