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Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office - officials


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6 minutes ago, iReason said:


I request some substantiated proof of that wildly hyperbolic, specious statement.

washington post…owned by jeff bezos…..the guy who probably profits the most from cheap (and dubious) mexiacan labour toiling in his warehouses.

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2 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

washington post…owned by jeff bezos…..the guy who probably profits the most from cheap (and dubious) mexiacan labour toiling in his warehouses.

I think you forgot someone else who profits from cheap labor from south of the border: Donald Trump via the H-2B visa program.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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1 hour ago, Luckysilk said:

Here is hoping another Supreme Court Justice or two during his tenure.

These choices will ensure America is great again.

For those ashamed to be American, all I can do is laugh.

Would you also laugh when 22 million low-income folks get tossed off ACA because they can't afford Trumpcare - while the richest 0.01% (Trump and his family included) get massive tax breaks.


Would you also laugh seeing VN veterans, now in their 70's and 80's, cut off from Meals on Wheels?


Or Latin American teenagers, who have been in the US for five or so years (learning English and going to school), forced to return to El Salvador (one of the murder and rape centers of the world) or wherever they immigrated from?



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29 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Paranoid schizophrenics like Nixon are usually very intelligent. trump's narcissistic mental disorder is not so associated with high intelligence. trump does have the intelligence of a con man.

                          Trump has long-term and deep associations with hard core con men, based in NYC, Russia and Netherlands.  That's part of what the FBI and Congressional investigative committees would be looking into, if they were doing their jobs.  But they're not, for partisan reasons.   They'd rather keep a corrupt con man in the Oval Office because he's a fellow Republican.   Their motto:  Party over Country.

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Since we are now in the habit of believing every word we read in an article, how's this:


"As president, Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets, making it unlikely that his disclosures broke the law."


Everything else can't be taken as unbiased reporting. There are many hillary supporters who itch to get back at the president any way they can.





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15 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I think you forgot someone else who profits from cheap labor from south of the border: Donald Trump via the H-2B visa program.

the fact that a bezos owned rag rags on the president is the pertinent story here. Rest is for another thread. Stay on topic please.

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6 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

the fact that a bezos owned rag rags on the president is the pertinent story here. Rest is for another thread. Stay on topic please.

Your assertion about Bezos possibly employing Mexicans was relevant to the subject at hand? How would that be pertinent exactly to the truth of the Washington Post article? But if you maintain that it is pertinent because it reflects on the character of Bezon, then the hiring of such people is also pertinent because it reflects on the character of Trump.

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5 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Your assertion about Bezos possibly employing Mexicans was relevant to the subject at hand? How would that be pertinent exactly to the truth of the Washington Post article? But if you maintain that it is pertinent because it reflects on the character of Bezon, then the hiring of such people is also pertinent because it reflects on the character of Trump.

It is pertinent because it points towards bezos letting his business interests get in the way of his paper's editorial integrity. 



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Lol at all of you guys trying to claim this didn't happen. Only to have Trump himself admit to it the following day. Second time in a week he's done this same song and dance, send people out to lie and deny, then admit it himself the next day.


Donald Trump on Twitter:


As President I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled W.H. meeting) which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining to terrorism and airline flight safety. Humanitarian reasons, plus I want Russia to greatly step up their fight against ISIS & terrorism.


Edited by jcsmith
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8 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

the fact that a bezos owned rag rags on the president is the pertinent story here. Rest is for another thread. Stay on topic please.

I see it differently, if the article is correct in context


The POTUS disclosed security intelligence that compromised its source, that means 1 of two things


Either the POTUS did not realise the ramifications of such disclosure , in which case he should not be in possesion of such info, or he was aware of the consequences and wished the source to be revealed 

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9 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

the fact that a bezos owned rag rags on the president is the pertinent story here. Rest is for another thread. Stay on topic please.

It's fascinating how the defense of Trump's behavior has changed. His defenders started out by saying that Trump didn't reveal information that was classified to the Russians. Now they're saying that yes Trump did reveal information that was classified but it's not illegal since as the President he has the right to immediately declassify anything. Therefore he oughtn't to be criticized. Do these people realize what a low bar they have set for the President? So long as he doesn't do anything illegal, he hasn't done anything wrong. So if he decides to release to the world tomorrow all of America's classified information, since that wouldnt' be a crime, it's perfectly okay.  

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How much longer until the Republicans start distancing themselves from this train wreck of a president running the place (i.e. country) like one of his businesses (doh! Who could have seen this coming, right? Apparently not all those expecting 'campaign trail nuclear Donald' to morph into 'adult & responsible Donald who understands diplomacy come January'. I do hope this will be last time in American history such an obviously unsuited candidate has been given the keys to the castle.


As the Dutch ZEMBLA documentary showed, racketeering charges are prepared to be brought against him.



Trump is going to go down as a result of his own actions. That day cannot come soon enough


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2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


Making flights safe is a global concern and the more co-operation we see in this area, the more prepared everyone can be. I see no harm in Trump bringing the russians up to speed. People of all nationalities fly on all airlines so its in everyones best interests. I find his tweet satisfactory as an explanation, Had he mentioned the sources from where they got wind of the plot, that would be a different story.


All Trump had to say to the Russians was "we believe it important that we all take steps to improve airline security". Simple. The Russians know all about banned laptops so far, BUT Trump did not say that he gave information that the Russians can reverse engineer to find where and potentially who is involved in another allied nations sensitive espionage ops.




15 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Since we are now in the habit of believing every word we read in an article, how's this:


"As president, Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets, making it unlikely that his disclosures broke the law."


Everything else can't be taken as unbiased reporting. There are many hillary supporters who itch to get back at the president any way they can.





But the problem is that this information is NOT a US Governments secret. It is somebody elses secret that was entrusted to the USA and the information could well have been obtained at great cost or with loss of life. Every single intelligence expert will say the same thing - Trump needed to seek the information owners permission first. That way the owner can say yes or no depending upon whether their field agents and undercover operatives are going to be compromised. If a field operative is now suspected by ISIS and executed that could put the intelligence network back 3 years in trying to get someone else embedded into an ISIS unit and 'trusted'.


You clearly do not get it or understand the implications of what Trump has done, so it's probably best you stop bloviating about it.

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5 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

It is pertinent because it points towards bezos letting his business interests get in the way of his paper's editorial integrity. 

It is pertinent because it points towards Trump letting his business interests get in the way of his presidential integrity.


There, I fixed that for you to make it relevant.


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34 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

washington post…owned by jeff bezos…..the guy who probably profits the most from cheap (and dubious) mexiacan labour toiling in his warehouses.

You can't refute the story, since Trump has tweeted that it is essentially correct, so you attack the messenger.  Typical.

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20 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Since we are now in the habit of believing every word we read in an article, how's this:


"As president, Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets, making it unlikely that his disclosures broke the law."


Everything else can't be taken as unbiased reporting. There are many hillary supporters who itch to get back at the president any way they can.

Here's a cut and paste from an earlier post.   Keep in mind that Trump's tweet has confirmed the story:


Some pertinent excerpts from the WP article:


"The information the president relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said."


"The partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia, and officials said Trump’s decision to do so endangers cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State."


" Trump went on to discuss aspects of the threat that the United States learned only through the espionage capabilities of a key partner. ..... Most alarmingly, officials said, Trump revealed the city in the Islamic State’s territory where the U.S. intelligence partner detected the threat."


" At a more fundamental level, the information wasn’t the United States’ to provide to others. Under the rules of espionage, governments — and even individual agencies — are given significant control over whether and how the information they gather is disseminated, even after it has been shared. Violating that practice undercuts trust considered essential to sharing secrets." https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-revealed-highly-classified-information-to-russian-foreign-minister-and-ambassador/2017/05/15/530c172a-3960-11e7-9e48-c4f199710b69_story.html?utm_term=.bd6380b147a8  


I suggest you read the entire article.


If that is too much reading from you, how's this short summary:  Trump did a very foolish, bad thing.

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2 hours ago, TonyClifton said:

You know as well as I, that you will never know if there was a source in the first place.  The news media in America has little trouble making the news.

Your right about that. When OB went on his forgive the US for all of the things America has done to offend the world trip, one of his stops was in Germany.They had major protests.I happen to stumble across this in a  google search ,6 pages through. You wouldn't of heard about that in the MSM.The Liberal news media along with the DNC are  the biggest opposition organizations in the US ,besides OB's  activist group(Organize for Action) with hundred's of offices through out the world that instigate violent protests .

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2 hours ago, dunroaming said:

I think you are way off target there.  Hillary Clinton was carrying an awful lot of baggage and was pretty despicable and definitely not worthy.  Michelle Obama did do Karaoke with James Corden but apart from that her record is pretty unblemished.  Of course you may well know someone else who would do a better job from either camp and if you do please tell!  In the meantime Trump continues to make the USA a laughing stock, except nobody is laughing now!

I don't like politicians ,especially what they have done to divide and manipulate us.I like to see Ted Nugent,a true patriot replace Mr. Trump after his 8 years are up.    

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4 minutes ago, riclag said:

I don't like politicians ,especially what they have done to divide and manipulate us.I like to see Ted Nugent,a true patriot replace Mr. Trump after his 8 years are up.    

You mean Ted Nugent, the draft dodger? Or is there some other Ted Nugent you have in mind?

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21 minutes ago, riclag said:

Your right about that. When OB went on his forgive the US for all of the things America has done to offend the world trip, one of his stops was in Germany.They had major protests.I happen to stumble across this in a  google search ,6 pages through. You wouldn't of heard about that in the MSM.The Liberal news media along with the DNC are  the biggest opposition organizations in the US ,besides OB's  activist group(Organize for Action) with hundred's of offices through out the world that instigate violent protests .

Wow, you had to dig deep to find something not covered by legitimate news organizations.  Then you didn't even provide a link.

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10 minutes ago, riclag said:

Tony I understand now why you  wear those sunglasses you have a bright future.Spoken like a true patriot.Way to go deplorable.

I didn't know that a mark of a true patriot was ignorance. It turns out that TonyClifton didn't have a clue what Executive Privilege meant.

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22 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

You mean Ted Nugent, the draft dodger? Or is there some other Ted Nugent you have in mind?

Yup ,a true patriot and libertarian , from the era of "And its one two three what are we fighting for, don't ask me I don't give a damm next stop is Vietnam ". He is somebody besides Michelle 

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                              My challenge is still unanswered.  On the prior page, I challenged anyone (particularly those who keep bleating about 'fake news') to:


Cite one article, ONE ARTICLE, from either the Wash.Post or the NY Times which has proven to be factually in error.  


                           Come on Trump shielders, see if you can. . . . . . . . . . 


                          In contrast, there are dozens of instances where Trump (and his sheeple spokespeople) have been shown to have lied.  


                            Incidentally, MacMaster's credence quotient just went through the floor.  He recently was the one Trump insider who had a modicum of respect by outsiders.  Now that he did his 'cuckoo clock' 1 minute statement (and then quickly scurried back into the WH), he too is proven to be a lying SOB.  Is there one person in Trump's inner group who can say anything truthful?   Doubtful.  


                   While Trump gets two scoops of ice cream at formal dinners, (and all others in attendance get one scoop), Americans get the shitty end of a stick to suck on.

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12 minutes ago, riclag said:

Yup ,a true patriot and libertarian , from the era of "And its one two three what are we fighting for, don't ask me I don't give a damm next stop is Vietnam ". He is somebody besides Michelle 

Yes, it's easy to wrap yourself in the flag when there's no one out there trying to put a bullet hole in it.

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4 minutes ago, riclag said:

Sorry Tony, most of us American's who believe in change were called deplorable's by the Clinton Campaign.In fact there are many shirt's worn at the rallies that say I'm A deplorable and proud of it. No disrespect intended

                          You want change?!    If someone pumps carbon monoxide into your bedroom while you're sleeping - that's change.   If someone rapes your daughter, that's change.  Oh, silly me, Trump did actually articulate a bit during the campaign about what sort of changes he would enact.   Unfortunately, for Americans  (not just the dummies who voted for him), the changes he's gotten through thus far are debilitating to the USA.   Some examples:  aiming to knock people off health care,  despoiling the natural environment,  bringing the US closer to nuclear war, leaking sensitive secrets to Russian officials, alienating once-friendly governments, ....shall I go on?


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57 minutes ago, riclag said:

I don't like politicians ,especially what they have done to divide and manipulate us.I like to see Ted Nugent,a true patriot replace Mr. Trump after his 8 years are up.    

That's the craziest idea I've heard this week so far.


Some folks will differ with you on the meaning of "true patriot" - I know I do - or how being just that would by itself qualify one for the office of POTUS.


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1 hour ago, riclag said:

I don't like politicians ,especially what they have done to divide and manipulate us.I like to see Ted Nugent,a true patriot replace Mr. Trump after his 8 years are up.    

So you want 16 years of loud, unqualified, self-absorbed egomaniacs as Commander in Chief.  You must really hate the USA.

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18 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

McConnell called it what it is.....drama...nothing else.....move on folks...sorry to disappoint the impeachment hopefuls. 

Damaging (destroying?) an intelligence sharing understanding with a nation able to get information about ISIS plans from deep inside ISIS is only drama? 

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