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Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office - officials


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24 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Trump apologists will say something like, "You see!  Trump didn't describe his crime in detail."  .....as if a criminal is only guilty when he articulates exactly how he broke the law.




Tell us the Statute in the US Code President Donald Trump allegedly broke.  Where's the BEEF?


Then tell us how he broke this law.  Where's the BEEF?



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2 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

NY Times Just Revealed Which Ally Trump Compromised By Sharing Intel With Russia


The sensitive security information about a mole in the inner circle of Daesh (ISIS/ISIL) that President Trump inappropriately shared with the Russian foreign minister and the ambassador has the potential to severely damage one of the U.S.’s most important intelligence-gathering relationships.




Occupydemocrats.com?  Really?  I went to the NYT article.  Again, no source. Where's the BEEF?

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24 minutes ago, iReason said:


Suit yourself.


You choose to believe a well documented compulsive LIAR.


MAGA  Morons Are Governing America


I don't need links to make a short list of Obama Lies.


You can keep your doctor if you want to keep your doctor.

Your healthcare costs will go down by 2000 Dollars ..

Fast and Furious gun running sanctioned by Barry himself.


I could go on, but I'm cooking some lovely grass-fed beef from Australia.


Where's the beef?

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43 minutes ago, heybruce said:

I don't think intelligence sharing with allies will end, but this is the sort of thing that puts a strain on it.  One can only speculate on how our allies will respond, but I'm sure there will be a response.


Speculate away - what does a response that doesn't end or severely curtail cooperation amounts to? The bottom line is that even if there is one, it would not be made publicly, so nothing stopping unfounded speculation as to unspecified "response".


The point is that in order to criticize Trump's action and decision making, there doesn't need to be any overt response from whichever ally who supplied the information. Whether or not this happens does not change the fact that trust was breached. 

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1 hour ago, rice555 said:

Can the prez not, declassify anything he wants since he is head of



We are nearly 72 hours in to this particular circus act and we are STILL getting this. How many times does it need explaining ?



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1 hour ago, rice555 said:

Can the prez not, declassify anything he wants since he is head of



Yes, but that is not what is at issue here.  The information is still highly classified to this day - Trump never declassified it, which he had the authority to do.  Instead he simply relayed some of the information to Russian government officials, and that is where he may well have stepped over the line into illegal behavior.

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1 hour ago, TonyClifton said:

Tell us the Statute in the US Code President Donald Trump allegedly broke.  Where's the BEEF?


Then tell us how he broke this law.  Where's the BEEF?



18 U.S.C.§793

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You may ask. No, I am not a mental health professional but I am a person who doesn't swallow the drivel of a politician who lurches from one disaster to another, who actually talks about locking up journalists, who insults America's allies and at the same time seems in awe of Russian and other authoritarian dictators, who stacks his cabinet with billionaires (some of them the very people who caused the melt-down of 2080) after promising to "drain the swamp."


A man who fires his CIA director who was investigating his and his allies' links to direct Russian interference in US affairs and then ingratiates himself with those very Russians and denies links with them, links which stand out like dogs'  balls.  A self-absorbed man who is obsessed with his image and is hyper-sensitive to any criticism. In my opinion, a very disturbed individual.


No, I'm not a mental health professional, but, to paraphrase Bob Dylan, "You don't need a weatherman to tell which way the winds blows."


And a question to you, if you don't mind: Is there nothing about Trump that worries or concerns you?


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58 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

Yes, but that is not what is at issue here.  The information is still highly classified to this day - Trump never declassified it, which he had the authority to do.  Instead he simply relayed some of the information to Russian government officials, and that is where he may well have stepped over the line into illegal behavior.


No problem!  He not only can declassify documents, leap tall buildings within a single bound, run faster than a locomotive, but he can also do something none of you can do.


Wait for it.


He can pardon himself!  


Where's the BEEF?

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The rush to judgement is the chickens coming home to roost though.  The Tweets.  The off the cuff remarks and lack of finesse.  Trump has laid the ground work for this climate, no use whining about the unfair coverage, gossip and leaks, and lack of cooperation.  It's one thing to be a maverick and punch the establishment and system in the face, but this cat has shot himself in the foot over and over again and the MSM is doing a dog pile.


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1 hour ago, WaywardWind said:

Yes, but that is not what is at issue here.  The information is still highly classified to this day - Trump never declassified it, which he had the authority to do.  Instead he simply relayed some of the information to Russian government officials, and that is where he may well have stepped over the line into illegal behavior.

Actually, it's not. If the President chooses to divulge it to someone who doesn't have sufficient clearance, it's his choice.  He could divulge any classified info he chooses to and it automatically becomes declassified. That doesn't mean it's not massively stupid and not impeachment worthy.

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33 minutes ago, Lotin said:

The rush to judgement is the chickens coming home to roost though.  The Tweets.  The off the cuff remarks and lack of finesse.  Trump has laid the ground work for this climate, no use whining about the unfair coverage, gossip and leaks, and lack of cooperation.  It's one thing to be a maverick and punch the establishment and system in the face, but this cat has shot himself in the foot over and over again and the MSM is doing a dog pile.



I have a strange feeling of deja vu...

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28 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

I hate to disappoint you but I made Momma proud.  Sister, brother, father and mother are all Jewish lawyers except for my cousin who is an MD.  He's the odd one.


Where's the BEEF?

Let's just hope neither she nor your siblings never asks you to explain Executive Privilege. In fact, if I were you, I would cite Executive Privilege as a reason for not answering. It's not exactly correct but maybe you'll get away with it.

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10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I didn't have an opinion as I didn't know about him till the movie came out.

4 hours ago,  heybruce said: 

Do you believe Watergate was fake news because the source Deep Throat was not revealed until decades after the fact?



Nice deflection and dodge of the question. NOT.


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Vladimir Putin today said he was "ready to provide the recording" of the conversation between Sergei Lavrov and US President Donald Trump : "If the US administration allows it, we are ready to provide the recording of the conversation between Lavrov and Trump to the US Congress and Senate," Vladimir Putin told a press conference in Sochi with the first Italian Minister Paolo Gentiloni.
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" Putin, however, called U.S. politicians "stupid" and "dangerous and unscrupulous" and accused them of wanting to hurt the U.S. He did not name them. "




Make Russia great again !

"Complaining about what he said were signs of “political schizophrenia” in the United States, Putin said Trump was not being allowed to do his job properly."




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2 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

It appears that we are getting into impeachment territory, the first world wide party, one gigantic celebration for mankind, the Trump gives stupidity a bad name. 

trump should be impeached for being unfit and a mental case, but they have to prove INTENT on an obstruction of justice case and that's not easy to prove. 

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2 hours ago, TonyClifton said:

No problem at all.  I am a member of the bar in several of the Several States.  I want you to tell me which subsection(s) he has violated.


You do this, can't you?


Where's the Beef?

Article III, Section 3, Clause 1 of the US Constitution.

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2 hours ago, TonyClifton said:

No problem at all.  I am a member of the bar in several of the Several States.  I want you to tell me which subsection(s) he has violated.


You do this, can't you?


Where's the Beef?

You really should just cut your losses.  You're embarrassing yourself.

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3 hours ago, TonyClifton said:

No problem at all.  I am a member of the bar in several of the Several States.  I want you to tell me which subsection(s) he has violated.


You do this, can't you?


Where's the Beef?

This brings to mind that Jerry Seinfeld joke about people always boasting that their doctor was first in his class. No one ever boasts about having a doctor who was last in his class.

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In the daily Yedioth Ahronoth, an anonymous source warned :  "We're going to have to reassess what kind of information we're giving to the Americans," . They are our closest allies and we share with them a lot of super-classified information. As long as this channel is not fully secured, we do not have to pass our nuggets there. "

According to specialist journalist Ronen Bergman, some US intelligence officials have recently warned their Israeli counterparts about the supposed links of the new president with Russia. They would even have asked them to protect themselves against possible dissemination of sensitive information. A perspective deemed even more troubling by the Israelis that Moscow recently strengthened its cooperation with Iran in the context of the war in Syria.






Danny Yatom : Maybe Flynn was sacrificed to protect Trump


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