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Husband claims he played fake Russian roulette with wife but didn’t take all the bullets out


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I have heard of fake tan's, fake hair, fake boob's,fake suicides(for insurance purposes, remember Reginald Perrin?),fake news, fake money, fake promises (there are 3 of them, as guys know)even fake fakiers. However,i have never heard of fake Russian Roulette.Or is it called,fake Thai roulette, now.

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10 hours ago, rkidlad said:

I think we can all agree his story is absolute drivel.


Add an extra 5 years to his sentence for coming up with such nonsense and wasting people's time.

Better still, why not go the whole hog and issue the death penalty. It`s obvious he murdered his wife execution style. He must have literally blown her head off. 

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29 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

This guy was a married man, now he is a murderer who won't tell the truth about shooting his wife

while he was drunk. My opinion anyway'


"Married man", more like a lazy, useless drunk that was sponging off his wife and for some reason pissed off with her enough to shoot her in the head. Jail will be to good for this man.

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47 minutes ago, Gracas said:

"Married man", more like a lazy, useless drunk that was sponging off his wife and for some reason pissed off with her enough to shoot her in the head. Jail will be to good for this man.

More than likely the wife refused to have sex with him one to many times when he came home stinking drunk and looking for love and once again trying to rape her.

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On 5/18/2017 at 8:17 AM, ChrisY1 said:

Very difficult to fire a pistol square in the forehead.....then have the projectile exit low in the back of the head......Pornthip could explain better...... maybe?

Were either of the dead woman's arms eight feet long? 

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On 5/18/2017 at 8:31 PM, ThaiWai said:

It ain't unloaded till it's unloaded



Americans and their <deleted> gun fascination. Try getting through British Army weapons training and see if you can retain this level of casual stupidity. Many years ago my pals were with the ROTC in Virginia. American cadets were having negligent discharges and the staff were laughing about it. In the British Army you'd be on a charge and a world of <deleted>. It's all cultural. Casualness with firearms is atavistic - humans just aren't born able to take seriously the power of a gun and the fact that if something happens it won't be reversible. You need a strong socialising culture so that nobody can even bring themselves to touch a gun without taking safety seriously. 

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I'm reminded of Alan Coren's account of Idi Amin's explanation of the death of one of his ministers. 


"I comes inta da room and dare is David at de desk wi' de gun in 'is 'and. I sez, "No, No David, ye crazy fool", but it too late. He dun shot himself six times in de back o' de head wi' de trusty .455 Webberly". 

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3 hours ago, Craig krup said:

I'm reminded of Alan Coren's account of Idi Amin's explanation of the death of one of his ministers. 


"I comes inta da room and dare is David at de desk wi' de gun in 'is 'and. I sez, "No, No David, ye crazy fool", but it too late. He dun shot himself six times in de back o' de head wi' de trusty .455 Webberly". 

Definitely a case of  suicide in the Thai police handbook

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On 5/18/2017 at 8:19 AM, Jonathan Fairfield said:

Come home from work, sit down and have a game of Russian roulette with the Mrs - we've all been there

In a former life I sometimes wish I had, twice, if you catch my drift, but here and happy now :passifier:

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